how do I determine what my latest drivers are? I updated a while back but with my friends guidance and I forget the name of the drivers, so how do I determine what version they are?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
If you have Windows, can't you check that in the system information part of the control panel?
Or if you go to add/remove program you can check the automatic windows updates, which should include automatic driver update downloads.
Though, you'll probably want to wait for someone who actually knows what they are talking about, I'm just guessing Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
My Catalyst Control Center isn't appearing either.
Posted by tern (Member # 7429) on :
If you're running Winders, use dxdiag.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
I'm assuming that you're using windows, if not let us know which OS you are using.
First off, your main driver is listed under the display tab in the dxdiag utility. It lists the date, so that should be enough for you to tell whether it needs to be updated.
If you are having graphics problems, you should also make sure that you have the latest directX version.
If you need more complete information regarding your driver files, use the following steps:
Open up the device manager (in XP, it's under the hardware tab of system properties, which can be reached from the control panel).
In the device manager, look up your video card in the device list. It will probably be listed under something like display adaptors. Right click on your card and select properties.
Under the driver tab, there is a driver details button. This will bring up a list of every driver file for the device, and information about them (such as version number).
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I did and it doesnt tell me the version of my drivers.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
say like 6.14 but the latest according to ati is 5.11
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
So, what exact video card do you have?
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
ATI sapphire radeon
Posted by tern (Member # 7429) on :
ATI Sapphire Radeon what?
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
ok, to answer your question. Your looking t the Catalyst version number (5.11). The Catalyst is a software package that cantains radeon drivers (version 8.191) and the control center. So as you can see your drivers are way out of date. Just download the Catalyst package and your problem should be fixed.