"it's time to erect the internment camps worldwide. Or deport them.
Put Muslims into those camps. Or deport them. There is no safety for the planet unless we lock up or send off every potential killer. Every Muslim is just that,"
Oh my lord. I cant wrap my head around this. Am I just really sheltered, or is this guy TOTALLY out there? Are there other people who share his views? I did a google search, and his stuff is EVERYWHERE. On both extreme right wing sites and relatively "moderate" sites.
"It can only stop when all Muslims are put inside gates and behind fences, when hell-sponsored public relations efforts such as CAIR are closed down completely, and when Congress sees to it that this World War III is won by the non-Muslims. If we don't put them behind fences, then send them out of the country."
Ok, so now my question is this. When you strip this down to its' basics, getting rid of all the hyperbolic rhetoric, is he makings points that other people agree with? Is there a desire in this country to protect the homeland from "War on Terror" by imprisoning all muslims on american soil?
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Everyone knows that interning the Japanese was a vital step in winning World War II. Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
He is looney.
Look at the headlines to the right of the article: Homos Syphilis Up. Liberal Churches Don't Help, US Nixes Evolution for God, and my personal favorite, Tame Wal-Mart Sells Witchcraft.
In his Witches & Satanists article, he defends the right of 'witches and Satanists' to practice their religions in prison despite being "of the religion of hell". Yet he states:
quote:Islam is not so much a world religion among religions as it is a killing cult out to extinguish the planet of all mortals but Islamics. Therefore, freedom of religion to Islam is not reasonable. It is permitting a cult to murder humans. ... When my son was incarcerated in a federal facility for six years, he was constantly being "missioned to" by Islamics who wanted him to convert to Muslim. For awhile he was most intent on doing just that. I, his Protestant evangelical father minister, tried to convince him that Muslims were out to murder us all. He would not believe me. Eventually, he saw the truth.
Therefore, I know first hand of how Muslims use prison quarters by which to convert other inmates to Islamic killing lifestyles.
Just ignore him.
Posted by foundling (Member # 6348) on :
I like the subtle sarcasm, shigosei .
But, in actuality, internment camps were considered absolutely vital to national security during WW2. The government managed to convince a very large portion of the population of that. Even doing a tiny little bit of research shows that it wasnt until about 40 years later that people started to question the morality and validity of what we did. Thats what scares me so much when I read crap like this. Americans are not known for learning from past mistakes. In an atmosphere of hysteria and terror, it's easy to convince people to do whatever you want as long as you make them feel safe. Thats what freaks me out about this guy. He's putting the option out there, and getting people used to seeing it. He makes it sound so matter of fact, like it could never be wrong to protect yourself. Brrr.... It really gives me the shivers.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Um, yeah, whatever.
Bunch of loonies. Lock THEM up in internment camps, I tell ya. Sheesh.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
All 800 million of them, or however many it is? Even Hitler might have felt a bit daunted at that trick. I suppose it might be just about possible to destroy Islam as a major world religion with a sufficiently liberal use of nukes, and then you could round up the remnants, but detention camps? Where? Oh, I know! We can just put a wall around the Middle East!
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
So the son was in jail due to the disrespect for ethical behaviour taught by "his Protestant evangelical father minister"?
[ November 11, 2005, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
quote:When my son was incarcerated in a federal facility for six years
K, now I'm curious.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
That wall thing isn't a bad idea. But they are spread far beyond the Middle East. We'd have to ring in north Africa and northern India too. Russia and China would have to be on board, along with a lot of formet soviet republics. And it will only be made harder if Turkey is admitted into the EU, though most Europeans don't seem to like that idea.
Certainly the French government right now would think it's a good idea.
Maybe if we built a large wooden badger...
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Actually, that sounds like a lot of bother; I have a better idea. We'll give the Moslems all the nukes, guns, and other good stuff that we are right now hoarding for ourselves; doesn't Jesus say that you have to be poor to get into Heaven? Then, when they blow us up, why, we've all died as martyrs for the one true faith, so we'll get to watch chuckling from Heaven as Satan rises and burns them with his righteous pitchfork.
Posted by Nato (Member # 1448) on :
My uncle had a conversation with me the other day where he said that all Muslems want to invade societies and take them over to institute a brutal version of Sharia law and that anybody who was liberal ended up as a failure. He then proceeded to say why he thought torturing enemy combatants was okay.