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Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
So, Fahim helped me plot a story a while back, said story called Basement of the Universe. It was my initial premise, but he had a LOT of input, so it could be argued that the story plot is more his than mine.

Anyway, I wrote the story last July. And I've been sorta working on editing it a bit here, a bit there, but nothing concentrated enough to get the whole thing done.

A few days ago, he started talking about how he was going to write his own version of it. I thought he was joking to, you know, torture me into getting the editing done.

Last night, he came up with the names of two characters. Because, even though he's writing the same story, it's also not the same, ya know?

This morning, he started writing it.

[Cry] I don't know what to do! [Cry] Okay, honestly, there isn't anything I can do. He'll do whatever he wants.

He says he probably won't get past chapter 1. But then he's also said that we could still both get ours published - it doesn't matter.

Sigh. I don't know.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Now, he's shown me what he has in mind, and it's turning out that he wants to make changes to my novel which would, I will grudgingly admit, possibly give it more depth of character.

So*. This might become a collaboration. I'm not sure what I think of that. Will it work? It could. [Dont Know]

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