This has so not been my week. Come. Listen to my story:
Thursday: Raging migraine. Turned into terrible chills, puking and a fever with body aches that would kill a large elephant. My skin hurt.
Friday: Missed school. My hair hurt and I was still sleeping with the heating pad.
Weekend: Did NOTHING. Felt like crap with a terrible sore throat.
Monday: Missed school again because my throat hurt bad enough to make me worry.
Today: Was determined to go to school, though my eyes were suspiciously red this morning. Went to school and I even felt FINE! I was a little congested and tired, but I was doing ok. I left the high school and during the 30 minute drive home two things happened: My ear canal filled with fluid and began to hurt like crazy and my eyes began seeping this disgusting crap.
So. Pink eye and an ear infection. I can't go to school again and I am SO PISSED OFF ABOUT THAT! I had to drive into school to write out more lesson plans for tomorrow because I can't give everyone pink eye.
I'm mad and sick and in pain and seeping. It's terrible.
What do you have to whine about?
Posted by Princess Leah (Member # 6026) on :
Ah, that was some fine whine. *sends hot soothing tea*
*patheticface* I can't sleep...
[which is why I'm listening to 'selected shorts' and bumming around on hatrack at 2 in the morning...]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
*pat pat* I hope you get to sleep soon. I took some Benedryl a while ago and it doesn't seem to be kicking in yet....anything to relieve this pressure in my ear!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
When can you go back to school? Isn't it usually 24 hours after you start antibiotics?
Feel better! *does not hug the germy person*
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Awww. Ear infections are no good, and pinkeye sucks! But I thought it wasn't infectious after a little while. Did you get it in both eyes? And did they give you drops for ear pain?
My whining: I've been feeling extremely crappy lately. Sleeping way too much. Today, I became convinced that my throat was swollen. I still think this. It hurts. I'm wondering if it's mono, but I don't want to make an appointment to be tested. Besides, they can't give me anything for it. It would only be useful to know so I didn't spread it to anyone else, but knowing me, I'd forget I had it and spread it anyway.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Losing my job despite the fact that I am a good worker. It's the best job I've had too. And I have not heard from my friend in 5 days. Plus my mother needs to NOT call me at 5:50. That's just wrong. My nerves are fried!
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Why are you losing your job, Syn?
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
*pat pats Cecily*
Feel better soon, sweetie. This is the seasoning period for folks working with kids. Take your Airborne, and wash your hands every five minutes, or everytime you touch something a child has touched.
*Sending Cecily homemade soup via modem connection* Wish it could be for real's . . .
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Thanks Shan.
Syn, you have lots to whine about too. I'm sorry about your job.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Narnia, this blows. I'm so sorry. Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
*shudders* I remember my husband getting pinkeye when Emma was about 2 months old. I was terrified he was going to give it to her. And we had no money and no health insurance. His employer was sweet enough to notice he was horribly sick, pay for him to go see a doctor, and pay for his prescription. Even though he had no obligation to at all. He did things like that.
I first noticed that he had pinkeye when he had "sleep" that wouldn't go away, his eyes were red, and he kept rubbing them in Sacrament meeting. >_< I made him use hand cleanser before he took the Sacrament because I had a sneaking suspicion he had pinkeye and I didn't want him spreading it to the rest of the congregation.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Poor dear
<clucks sympathetically>
You just rest and take your medicine and have some chicken soup.
I am not afraid of hugging the germy person. Viruses can't get into computers, can they?