Do you guys remember that series? I'm sure you do. It was by Chris Carter, and it had that guy who played Bishop in Aliens and Alien3 and Mr. Weylan in AvP.
I don't remember much about it, but I think I liked it. And I've been looking for another series to get into. My roommates are all absorbed in One Tree Hill, and it kind of drives me crazy. I'd like something slightly more interesting to watch in my spare time, when I'm not feeding my Law and Order addiction.
What did you think of it? Would it be worth me picking up season one?
On another note, in which season did Earth: Final Conflict start to suck terribly? I liked the episodes with Boone (season one), and I also liked the ones with Liam Kincaid, but then they moved a show to a time when I couldn't watch it, and the next thing I saw, it had turned into "CHICKS WITH BOOBS AND GUNS!"
Edit: Because I ken speel.
Posted by Aerto (Member # 8810) on :
The name of the actor is Lance Henrikensen. I, personally, was disappointed by Millenium, though it was better than Carter series #3, Harsh Realm. I think Carter hit lightning in a bottle with seasons 1-5 of the X-Files, but hasn't been able to do anything since.
If you want a good series to pick up on DVD and watch and have not seen Veronica Mars, that is the direction I would go.
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
Veronica Mars is a great show. There are some cheesy episodes, but overall the dialogue is fairly fresh (almost Whedonesque) and most of the characters are complex and played by great actors.
I also recommend Freaks and Geeks and Wonderfalls if you're looking to pick up some DVDs. Posted by starLisa (Member # 8384) on :
And Firefly. That and Freeks and Geeks and Wonderfalls are the first series I ever bought on DVD.
Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
Speaking of Whedonesque dialogue on Veronica Mars, Joss Whedon himself will be making his on-screen debut guest starring on tomorrow night's episode of VM. He has stated that it's his current favorite show.
Charisma Carpenter and Alyson Hannigan also play recurring guest character on the show.
Posted by Aerto (Member # 8810) on :
Not to be too picky, but Joss Whedon actually made his on-screen debut in an episode of Angel. I believe it was called Welcome to Plrtz Grb (the epsiode that they went to Lorne's home). He played Numfar and some kind of silly looking dance a few different times.
The soapy parts of Veronica Mars can get a little ridiculous at times, but the show is very good at balancing episodic/self-contained stories with a season-long story arc. Unlike Lost, it doesn't hide the ball to fool people into thinking the larger plot is a good story.
Wonderfalls and Firefly are great. Now if 20th Century would just release the Inside on DVD so we could have the Minear trilogy.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Hmmph. I think I'm going to have to buy Wonderfalls.
I just read the reviews (well, some of them) at amazon and it looks fantastic.
And this make me chuckle (from a review):
quote: It was one of those rare shows where very nearly everything was perfect, except that it appeared on a network run by the mentally challenged
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
The first two seasons of Millennium were great, but then they lost their minds.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I agree with Kayla. It just went . . . weird. I liked the first two episodes, despite it being very dark, and then . . . I just couldn't watch it anymore. It was too awful.