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Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
So I had a realy random yet wonderful night this past weekend. I drove to a local university to hang out with a friend and watch a movie. (that in itself was odd, but that is an entirely different story) We ended up going back to my grandfather's lakehouse so that we could spend a bit more time together after the dorm curfew. We had a nice evening of just talking, goofing around, and other random sillyness and then for what ever reason we ended up dancing at 3:30 in the morning to the soft rock being played on the public access channel. We danced for about a 1/2 hour. It was corny and cheesy and awesome in every way.

So I was just curious what kind of random wonderfulness have you all experienced?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
beatnix -- so glad to hear you had a wonderful evening!

With everything you have been going through the last two years or so -- it really makes you appreciates evenings like the one you just had, doesn't it? [Smile]

Glad to see your life is turning around for the better..

Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
Yea, it's been pretty great. I'm so much happier than I have been in years. A lot of it has to do with my soon to be X fiannly leaving the house and me starting to find some normalicy again. Then a lot of it also has to do with being able to spend some time out with other people. It doesn't hurt that I've made a really great friend that I've really enjoyed spending time with either.
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
Is this a romantic interest? That evening sure sounds romantic. *tilts head and sighs*
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
You reading this, Xavier? That there is one of those "subtle female hint" thingies. I hope you've got a romantic evening planned soon!


beatnix, I like that sort of randomness. When I was in university my friends and I would often do things on a whim. [Smile]
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
When I was in college my friends and I would drive to Dennys at midnight, we called them "Denny Runs" (I'm sure many of you have experienced them). It took us 45 minutes to get there, but that was part of the fun.
Posted by Wendybird (Member # 84) on :
beatnix -- thats the kind of random evening made in the movies [Smile] Sounds wonderful. I need a random evening like that.
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
yea, well... when we first met and began chatting and talking we were both very clear about just looking for a friend to spend time with. We have a great time together and have spent a few evening together. They have all been very innocent but there has definately been romantic inclinations there as well. My current situation makes any type of relationship problamatic and we're both conscience of that, me more so than her perhaps. So as of now I'm happily enjoying the company of an awesome girl. I'm very, very aware of the struggles ahead for me with my girls and the divorce, so although I really, really enjoy the time I'm spending I am also trying (key word there is trying) not to rush into anything.
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
Ok, so since we're speaking of romatic, I guess I'll add this to any one that cares. I personally don't consider myself romatic. I'm dorky, honest, sometimes care more than I should and have a tendancy to really enjoy doing things for other people. None of that is tremndously romatic. But... The same girl from above and I were going to go and see a movie (Elizabethtown or the Fog) the other night. When I finished my day I decided I was really hungry and would rather get something to eat and maybe do a movie on the couch. She had to work until 9:00 and so I told her to come over and I would just make dinner. She called on her way over saying she was ticked off about something that had happed during the day so I decided to make a nice dinner. Steak, aspargus, potatoes, wine and blah blah blah... I busted out the candles and turned on some music. To me, no big deal. I cook all the time, I love it. And every now and again it's nice to have a queit dinner to unwind after a long day. She on the other hand was very taken back by it. I was happy to brighten her day and she later told me that it was a very sweet and romatic thing to do. huh, who'd have figuered is what I thought but I was happy to know I could still be sweet without trying to. So anyways I guess the message is be yourself. Apparently people like that.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Last time I was myself two people died and an innocent tuna fish was mortally wounded. [Wink]

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