This is topic "Enders Game" was the most popular sci-fi book in America finishing fourth in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.
-- Firefly - TV -- Serenity - movie -- Farscape - TV -- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - book -- Babylon 5 - TV -- Battlestar Galactica - TV -- Dune - book -- Enders Game - book -- Empire Strikes Back - movie -- Dr. Who - TV
US Top Ten
-- Firefly - TV -- Serenity - movie -- Farscape - TV -- Enders Game - book -- Battlestar Galactica - TV -- Dune - book -- Empire Strikes Back - movie -- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - book -- Babylon 5 - TV -- A New Hope - movie
Posted by Eldrad (Member # 8578) on :
Seriously, it's this kind of madness that boggles my mind. How can Serenity and Firefly be so popular, moreso than shows that are still running, and yet be cancelled or do relatively poorly at the box office?
Posted by Swampjedi (Member # 7374) on :
Take off the trendy TV/movies, and it's number one overall! Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
quote: How can Serenity and Firefly be so popular, moreso than shows that are still running, and yet be cancelled or do relatively poorly at the box office?
Because their fans know that they're in need of support, but don't want to pay for it? It's easier and cheaper to vote three thousand times on an online quiz than go and see the movie more than once. Great news about Ender's Game, though. I love Hitchhicker and Dune too.
Posted by Aerto (Member # 8810) on :
quote:Originally posted by Eldrad: Seriously, it's this kind of madness that boggles my mind. How can Serenity and Firefly be so popular, moreso than shows that are still running, and yet be cancelled or do relatively poorly at the box office?
Because it is really devoted fans who vote in these polls and the Serenity/Firefly fans are REALLY devoted. If this poll were somehow given to every person in America, various Star Wars and Star Trek projects would probably make up the top ten.
And Serenity/Firefly fans did go to the movie many multiple times. I know of fans who bought tickets for shows online that they never had any intention of going to. However, a devoted fanbase of that size cannot, by itself, make a movie successful at the box office.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
How come any time anyone links a MSNBC or NBC or ABC or something similar link, it loads ungodly slow, or never loads at all? It doesn't do this with CNN though...
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I think the last paragraph of the article puts the rest into perspective:
quote:The poll was conducted by visitors to from Oct. 8 through Oct. 22, 2005. The website launched in May 2005 and has a user base of 300,000 worldwide.