Hee! I ran to their site earlier to see if the catalog was there. So, so cool! I feel like a proud aunt because I got to meet the puppies. *laughs at self* I'm going to get a copy of the catalog once it comes out and hang the ad in my cubicle. Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Well I got my catalog before it got put on the website. The owner sent it yesterday by DHL. I was blown away that she'd take the time to do it. She said it was the only hard copy she'd seen and she stole it from someone's desk.
I've been waving it around work and am going to have to frame it.
Posted by Nell Gwyn (Member # 8291) on :
Oh, how cool!
How would you get into doggie modeling, anyway? I'd never thought about it before, but now I'm curious.
(And those are some adorable puppies, btw!)
Posted by VĂ¡na (Member # 6593) on :
I know what you mean, xnera, I feel proud too! I even bragged to one of my coworkers about her.
AJ, congratulations! Your pups are just wonderful. I really enjoying seeing the updated pics on your site, too!
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Let's just hope Stella doesn't get seduced by the glamour and forget her old friends. Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
So, so terribly cool! Congrats! Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Nell, in this case it was sheer luck. The owner, who was referred to me through the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club, is the director of Public Relations at Ann Taylor. So she can put her dog in the pictures if she likes, if she thinks the dog will behave well.
In order to do so Jenn, the owner, spent many hours training and socializing her. Stella was a mellow puppy to begin with, but Jenn deserves the credit for getting her to cooperate for the photographer. The Chanel model she's pictured with is also a dog lover, and couldn't believe it was Stella's first photoshoot.
This weekend Stella is going to Maine to run in the woods. My dogs are more well-travelled than I am!
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Stella was the 8 ounce baby right?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
nope 4oz. one of the two smallest. 8oz were my *biggest* puppies!
For contrast, Jake just sired another litter, with my friend's female. They were born over the weekend. She had 6 cardi puppies, none weighing under 15oz!
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
oh ok, I thought she was small, just forgot the weight. Fantastic that the new litter is bigger, though of course all of yours are doing well.
Posted by Nell Gwyn (Member # 8291) on :
quote:Originally posted by BannaOj: Nell, in this case it was sheer luck. The owner, who was referred to me through the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club, is the director of Public Relations at Ann Taylor. So she can put her dog in the pictures if she likes, if she thinks the dog will behave well.
Ah, of course - connections. I should have guessed that it's all in who you know.
So Stella might be popping up in numerous Ann Taylor ads in the future?
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
That's so cool!
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Wow!! That's awesome, Banna. Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Wow AJ! Your dogs are incredible!
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I think it's rather appropriate that the name of the puppy on the clothing catalog is Haute Couture... LOL
Posted by Jaiden (Member # 2099) on :
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I was using Prada as her call name originally. Turns out Prada isn't technically a Haute Couture brand, you have to be registered with an organization in Paris to call yourself Haute Couture. After her new owner informed me of this fact, her call name was modified to Stella, because Stella McCartney is an actual Haute Couture brand.