Whenever there is something better i know i should be doing, i tend to distract myself so easily by checking my favorite online forums. like today, i have 2 tests today that i really need to study for and even woke up at 6 this morning to get on campus and do just that. yet here i am in the lab, checking the threads that i have posted in previously. i know delaying studying or anything else i really need to do is my own fault, but its always just so convenient to tell myself i should maybe do this or do that right when the thought comes to my mind to try and get something done. today my examples are the 2 tests i should be studying for, but im sure there has been countless things ive done this for. homework and writing papers tend to get the same result out of me.
Posted by firebird (Member # 1971) on :
I have a very similar problem. When it gets too bad I usually have to ban myself ....
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
krynn -- you're looking at this all wrong.....
WE are a learning environment. You are expanding your mind and your sense of your place in society and how the world all fits together.
You gain much more knowledge here than in those piddly little courses you take. And we're free!
You have your priorities just right, if you ask me! Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Ahrm... I missed class today because I was reading about the new Pluto moons. I guess I am a case in point.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
gee, you know i never thought it that way farmgirl. tho i doubt someone will hire me when i tell them i dropped out of college because reading forums on the internet was more educational for me.