This was just sent by Fr. David - the rector of the church Nathan and I attend. I quite liked it.
quote: When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. Dom Helder Camara, Archbishop of Recife, Brazil
What thought-inspiring, or humorous, or touching quotes have YOU stumbled upon lately?
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
quote:"Wrong is still wrong even if everybody's doing it. And right is still right even if nobody's doing it."
From a Texas Ranger at a trial, as quoted by James Moore in the Huffington Post
Posted by gnixing (Member # 768) on :
How does that one go... "What does it do"... "doesn't do anything"... something like that...
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
*clutches head and runs away screaming*
Posted by gnixing (Member # 768) on :
The "magic of it!" I definitely remember that being a part of that quote too. Now, if only someone could tell me who said it. I can't seem to find it on wikipedia's sister site Posted by rCX (Member # 8503) on :
A historic quote:
"You can trust the Americans to do the right thing, after they have tried every other alternative."
-Winston Churchill
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
"You know? Life's funny - you can sleep off a hangover but you can't sleep off ugly."
-- Walker, Texas Ranger
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is." -Derek Zoolander
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
A classic: "Speak truth to power." (original reference lost in time, I think)
For the medically-minded: "I never in my life worked for anyone but a patient." (Paul B. Magnuson, Ring the Night Bell)
A soon-to-be-classic: "And you did it because it was the right thing to do. Nobody asks us to go out and fight, put our lives on the line. We do it because we can, 'cause we know how. We do it whether people remember us or not, in spite of the fact that there's no shiny reward at the end of the day, other than the work itself." (Angel, season five)
Posted by Zeugma (Member # 6636) on :
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
"Chance favors the prepared mind." - Louis Pasteur
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
"What does it do?" "Do? It doesn't DO anything - that's the beauty of it!"
And no one seems to know the origin, although everyone seems to have heard it.
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
"Be excellent to each other!" -Bill and Ted
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end. --Leon Trotsky
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
“Recall the face of the poorest and most helpless person you have seen and ask yourself if the next step you contemplate is going to be of any use to that person. ” ∼M.K.Gandhi
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
There is an indefinable mysterious Power that pervades everything.
I feel It, though I do not see It.
It is this unseen Power which makes Itself felt and yet defies all proof, because It is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses.
It transcends the senses....
That informing Power or Spirit is God....
For I can see that in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.
Hence I gather that God is Life, Truth, Light. He is love.
He is supreme good.
But he is no God who merely satisfies the intellect If He ever does.
God to be God must rule the heart and transform it.
– M. K. Gandhi (Young India, October 11, 1928)
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
quote: Both science and art ultimately rest on the same foundation: the ability to draw patterns out of chaos. It's just that when you do science, you observe the chaos; when you do art, you get to define it.
(Bold font mine)
Diana Gabaldon, The Outlandish Companion Posted by johnsonweed (Member # 8114) on :
"I would rather be lucky than good" Ozzie Guillen on whether AJ Pierzynski was out in game 2 of the ALCS.
Posted by johnsonweed (Member # 8114) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Rabbit: "What does it do?" "Do? It doesn't DO anything - that's the beauty of it!"
And no one seems to know the origin, although everyone seems to have heard it.
Here is a thread from SNOPES.COM about this quote.
SNOPES.COM Posted by whiskysunrise (Member # 6819) on :
Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards, and in high heels. -Faith Whittlesey
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
"The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking ." JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
"The bigger the information media, the less courage and freedom they allow. Bigness means weakness." ERIC SEVAREID
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
quote: Originally posted by The Rabbit: "What does it do?" "Do? It doesn't DO anything - that's the beauty of it!"
And no one seems to know the origin, although everyone seems to have heard it.
It's from Willy Wonka. I don't remember exactly what Gene Wilder was referring to, but I know it's from Willy Wonka. Maybe I'll rent the movie and find out.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
"This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put."
Thank you, Mr. Churchill, for giving me my motto.
Posted by HollowEarth (Member # 2586) on :
quote: You can't rule out the impossible, because you never know which of your assumptions about what was possible might turn out, in the real universe, to be false
quote: Look with hope to your allies, rather than with hatred to your enemies.
quote: "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
John Adams
quote: "Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm -- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves."
T.S. Elliot
quote: "As God Calculates, so the world is made." - Leibniz
quote: "Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you."
Ben Franklin
quote: "I think the Union army had something to do with it." -- Gen. George Pickett, years afterward, on why his charge at Gettysburg failed.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
"A wise man speaks because he has something to say. A fool, because he has to say something." -Plato, attributed to Socrates
"Pray for the dead, fight like hell for the living." -Mother Jones
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
"If the doctor told me I had 6 minutes left to live, I'd type a little faster." -Asimov
"Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss." -Heinlein
This one especially for Hatrackers: "I never learned from a man who agreed with me." -Heinlein
"Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards." -Heinlein
I have a thing for Heinlein quotes, can you tell?
Posted by Atlantis (Member # 8788) on :
"Let justice be served though the heavans fall"
I can't remember from where it originated but it's used in Oliver Stones JFK.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
"Later is the best time to do everything." - Garfield.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Carrie, I always heard it as "arrant pedantry." But your version is certainly more colorful. Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
quote:Originally posted by Evie3217:
quote: Originally posted by The Rabbit: "What does it do?" "Do? It doesn't DO anything - that's the beauty of it!"
And no one seems to know the origin, although everyone seems to have heard it.
It's from Willy Wonka. I don't remember exactly what Gene Wilder was referring to, but I know it's from Willy Wonka. Maybe I'll rent the movie and find out.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
CT, stop encouraging them! Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
quote:Originally posted by Carrie: "This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put."
Thank you, Mr. Churchill, for giving me my motto.
You wanna know MY motto? I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables.
Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
quote:Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.
I love Harvey.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Here's one I just found:
"If it seems to anyone that he has understood the divine scriptures or any part of them, in such a way that by that understanding he does not build up that double love of God and of neighbor, he has not yet understood them." St. Augustine
Posted by camus (Member # 8052) on :
"Too many people enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - JFK
"The better part of one's life consists of its friendships." - Abe Lincoln
"we don't have alot of time on this earth, we weren't meant to spend it this way, human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about mission statements." - Peter man
Posted by JemmyGrove (Member # 6707) on :
MR. FURIOUS: Why am I doing this again?
THE SPHINX: When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off you foes with a balanced attack.
MR. FURIOUS: And why am I wearing the watermelons on my feet?
THE SPHINX: I don't remember telling you to do that.