quote:Investigators say 93-year-old Ralph Parker hit a pedestrian on 34th Street and 46th Avenue South on Wednesday night. He then he drove three miles with the victim's body lodged in the windshield...
Parker told officers he thought a body fell from the sky. Police say he will probably not face criminal charges, because he was unaware he was in an accident.
I do hope he at least loses his license. I'm still trying to figure what the worst part of this story is...
the fact that he still had his license even though he apparently can't see?
the fact that he continued to drive for three miles with a body in his windshield?
Posted by JannieJ (Member # 8683) on :
What bothers me is that he is operating a car when he is apparently a danger to the public while behind the wheel. How do they determine if someone of that age is fit to drive?
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
I guess I'm okay with him not facing criminal charges for the hit-and-run aspect, but somebody please tell me he's still going to lose his license for this. If he can hit somebody and not even be aware of it he does not need to be driving any longer.
Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
It's things like these that makes me wish that there was legislation in place that forces mandatory driving tests for the purpose of renewing licenses, or something along those lines. Poeple nowadays are wary of teen drivers (as shown by laws such as the 6 months rule (scroll down)), and for a good reason, too, but they forget that there are other age groups that can potentially cause a danger on the roads.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
How could you not be aware of an accident when there's a body in your windshield?! I'm sorry, but bodies don't fall from the sky. It's as believable to me as saying "I thought the aliens were trying to teleport him into my car and missed".
Posted by Miriya (Member # 7822) on :
This is scary. I can't imagine how anyone remotely competent to drive could overlook a body lodged in his windshield or the *impact* necessary to lodge the person there.
I really hope he never drives again.
Posted by foundling (Member # 6348) on :
"The toll booth operator thought it was a prank, until he saw the blood."
I am both horrified and horribly amused at the mental image this conjures. I mean, just think about being that Toll Booth operator, and seeing a realy old man driving through your booth with a bloody body lodged in his widshield, acting like absolutely nothing was wrong. I cant stop laughing at the mental picture of his face, but then I feal really guilty...
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
OK, here's the thing. What bothers me THE MOST about this story is that, even though someone was hurt, I could not stop giggling. The image just got stuck in my head, Mr. Magoo was a part of the image, and there you have it. Me. Evil incarnate.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Oh, heck. He died, I did not read that. I cannot retract my initial reaction, though.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Oh, foundling, thank you! I am not alone in my evil inner thinking!
Posted by JannieJ (Member # 8683) on :
quote:Originally posted by ludosti: How could you not be aware of an accident when there's a body in your windshield?! I'm sorry, but bodies don't fall from the sky. It's as believable to me as saying "I thought the aliens were trying to teleport him into my car and missed".
Exactly. It's not just his eyesight, his thinking seems pretty befuddled as well. And why on earth keep driving, however the body supposedly got there?
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
1. How sadistic is it that I want to see a picture of the windshield with the body still in it...
2. If a body fell from the sky, I think i'd be bailing out of my car before something bigger fell on my car...