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Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
Just was thinking about how wrist watches have lost a good bit of their functionailty to everyone having cell phones and wondered, what cant cell phones do? people can get their email, check sports, stocks, IM's, a plethora of games to download, have organizers, and calenders, alarm clocks, take pictures and video, oh... and make phone calls! the smaller and more efficient technology becomes, the more cell phones can do and replace other items.

So, what im wondering is, what other options do people think cell phones should have, and which ones just make them more of a hassel?

In response to my own question, i want to have a link from my cell to my computer so i can choose from a list of features i want to include, and swap them out whenever i want. i also would want to change around how i access everything, making my cell phone a more customizable and personal tool.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
As far as I can see, the only real limitation to cell phone functionality is size. There ae some tasks that are just plain easier to do with a larger screen and a larger set of keys. Of course, the larger we make them, the less conveniant they are.

As far as new things I'd like to see. First off, I agree about the computer link. They need to be a lot better than they are now. It is very frustrating to have a camera phone and be forced to pay to get the pictures of the camera, yet I have a perfectly good computer sitting nearby that should be able to do this.

I'd also like to better phone/mp3 player options. The biggest thing holding this back, as far as I can tell, is the cost and size of memory. In a few years, I expect these to be very common.

Finally,I'd like to see bluetooth use become more common and cheap. I can't wait for the day that a set of blutooth headphones is almost the same cost as a noral pair. Similarly, the link between pc and computer would be much easier with blutooth. Not really a phone feature, pre se, but it would help a lot of other things.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
Originally posted by ricree101:
As far as I can see, the only real limitation to cell phone functionality is size. There ae some tasks that are just plain easier to do with a larger screen and a larger set of keys. Of course, the larger we make them, the less conveniant they are.

As far as new things I'd like to see. First off, I agree about the computer link. They need to be a lot better than they are now. It is very frustrating to have a camera phone and be forced to pay to get the pictures of the camera, yet I have a perfectly good computer sitting nearby that should be able to do this.

I'd also like to better phone/mp3 player options. The biggest thing holding this back, as far as I can tell, is the cost and size of memory. In a few years, I expect these to be very common.

Finally,I'd like to see bluetooth use become more common and cheap. I can't wait for the day that a set of blutooth headphones is almost the same cost as a noral pair. Similarly, the link between pc and computer would be much easier with blutooth. Not really a phone feature, pre se, but it would help a lot of other things.

Everything you said, I also think/agree with.

Good work Ricree.
Posted by andi330 (Member # 8572) on :
Originally posted by krynn:
Just was thinking about how wrist watches have lost a good bit of their functionailty to everyone having cell phones and wondered, what cant cell phones do? people can get their email, check sports, stocks, IM's, a plethora of games to download, have organizers, and calenders, alarm clocks, take pictures and video, oh... and make phone calls! the smaller and more efficient technology becomes, the more cell phones can do and replace other items.

So, what im wondering is, what other options do people think cell phones should have, and which ones just make them more of a hassel?

In response to my own question, i want to have a link from my cell to my computer so i can choose from a list of features i want to include, and swap them out whenever i want. i also would want to change around how i access everything, making my cell phone a more customizable and personal tool.

You forgot that they are also mp3 players, though that's relatively new. [Wink]
Posted by Shanna (Member # 7900) on :
I know this has been an interesting debate with the new iTunes phone. It hasn't been selling well for the simple fact that it does neither job, cell phone or mp3 player, well.

Its nice to see calculators, alarms, and phonebooks as features in nearly all devices. But when it comes to more complex processes, its not about having it "all in one," its about getting what does each job best. People want quality and right now that means having a portable dvd player and a palm pilot. With the small sizes, it really isn't a hassle to carry and cell phone and an mp3 player. When it comes to memory and functionality, I have a hard-time imaging any device which will let me make phone calls, listen to mp3s, watch videos, and type lengthy emails.

Right now, I'd rather have a cell phone that actually WORKED and let me make calls. At $100 plus service fees, I should be able to get reception without having to climb up on tall objects. Forget watching sports clips, I wanna make a call.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I like my phone as a phone and an alarm clock. I have no desire for a camera phone.

I'd like an mp3 player phone, in addition to my mp3 player, but the only one offered only works with iTunes, and I consider iTunes to be inferior to Napster. [Razz]

Posted by andi330 (Member # 8572) on :
Not true!!!!!! There are other phones available that aren't iPod phones (just not with Cingular).
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
I want the battery to last as long as possible. That, plus the ability to actually connect, pretty much covers it.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
pH, have you considered a Treo?

I actually prefer my phone NOT to do everything. My dad loves his Treo, and so does one of the other teachers where I work, but I prefer to keep my phone and Palm separate.

I do like that my Palm E can play mp3s, something my previous PDA could not do. Didn't convince me to buy it -- I chose the model for other reasons -- but a nice bonus. Nice enough that I've bought a couple 1G SD cards . . .
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I'm not a fan of cell phones having lots of "special features." I think they're distracting enough without the ability to play games or listen to music or IM people. No, a simple phone that makes calls is all I want. And have, for that matter.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
How about if your cell phone had leads that you could place on someone's chest to diagnose a life-threatening arrhythmia, and if a shockable arrhythmia is detected, could deliver a defibrillating shock?

And cell phones would make really swell time machines, too. No need to step into a big Tardis-like phone booth. Just dial up where you want to be. Just make sure that you travel to somewhere with good cell phone towers, or you might have trouble getting back.

::thinking outside the box::
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
hehe, nice imagination tante. of course everyone wants to be able to make calls better from everywhere, but the further we go into the future, the better coverage people will have. another thing that would be nice would be a cell phone with changeable memory sticks, so u can swap out games and music. the way people pay for the internet on their phone for ANYTHING should be one flat rate, like how people pay their regular internet bill. ok besides, i think i can come up with a few other things to add later after i get back from work, i hope more people come up with some more great posts before then.

BTW, i dont actually have a cell phone, but i have been through 3 in the past 5 years.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Cell Phones can not, as of yet, bare or sire, children.

However, I think Sprint has something in development.....
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Originally posted by Dan_raven:
Cell Phones can not, as of yet, bare or sire, children.

However, I think Sprint has something in development.....


To produce bare children?!

[Big Grin]'s the bear/bare thing. It's a nitpick. I can't help it.

Bear with me. [Wink]
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
hey, how bout an instant start-up? or is my phone the only one that takes like, a full minute before i'm able to do anything with it. It really annoys me.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I want a phone that does everything, and does it well, and does it WITHOUT ridiculous extraneous charges for kb of email and characters of text messages and MB of data transfer. I should be able to hook my phone up to a laptop via Bluetooth and use it as a high-speed modem without a $40/mo. data plan. I should be able to transfer images and MP3s -- and use both as ringtones without extra charges. It should have expandable memory, an address book that can easily synchronize with common vcard, Mail, and Outlook standards, etc. It should fully accept all forms of Bluetooth connectivity, including headsets and keyboards.

Until then, I get used to disappointment.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
1) The consortium led by Microsoft et al is designing a new cell-phone industry standard in which chips are hardwired to prevent an individual from transfering anything -- eg stored phone numbers, music collection, etc -- to another device without specific permission from his/her cell phone provider and content providers.
2) Which is too bad cuz the already-designed next-generation cell-phone chip will be powerful enough to accept programs to do darn near anything your heart desires, including linking directly to your computer via wifi.

[ October 12, 2005, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
We already have all in one devices, palm pilot, mp3s, and cell phones of course. You can even read ebooks on them.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I want a way to store my numbers the way AIM stores my buddies. So that if I get a new phone and a new SIM card, I don't lose everything.

My SIM card is on its last legs. [Frown]

And I also want Cingular to give me a new SIM card even though I'm outside my "home area." It's not practical for me to fly to Tampa to get a new cell phone.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
pH, I am going to recommend a Treo again. Like all Palms, it can be easily synced with your computer(s). When my latest Palm dies (or gets lost like the last one [Grumble] ), I won't need to worry about transferring all the info to a new one -- just sync!
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
yeah, apparently treos are a pretty hot phone right now. i always had sprint has my cell provider and i have to say, they really sucked something awful. i never went beyond my minute limits and got all kinds of extra fees.
Posted by andi330 (Member # 8572) on :
Not to mention that you got to speak to "Claire, the automated customer service representative."

That was my favorite part of being a Sprint customer, until I wasn't anymore and I got to speak to real people.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

Like all Palms, it can be easily synced with your computer(s).

As I understand it, however, you cannot get a Treo with a voice plan without also getting a data plan, which means your Treo will run you an extra $30/mo. at least.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Treos are $399.99 WITH the discount you get for signing a new service contract, which I wouldn't be doing.

It'd be one thing if I hadn't bought a new phone over the summer, after my last one was attacked by a tropical storm. [Frown]

They look so cool, though! I want one!

Posted by andi330 (Member # 8572) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:

Like all Palms, it can be easily synced with your computer(s).

As I understand it, however, you cannot get a Treo with a voice plan without also getting a data plan, which means your Treo will run you an extra $30/mo. at least.
Not true!!!!!!!!!!

Really it's not, well, it is but it isn't. Here's the reason. The Treo has a design flaw. Once it has connected to the internet it stays connected. You have to disconnect it manually. If you don't have a data plan (which generally do run about $45 actually) then you run the risk of paying huge overages if you forget to cut the connection. You're not required to take the data plan, you can (at least with some companies) take a pay as you go option which is minimal if you're not going to be online much. You just need to be careful to shut down the connection once you're through using it.
Posted by andi330 (Member # 8572) on :
As for the price issue. I recently bought both a new phone and a new palm. My phone cost $170, the palm $199. Total cost not including tax? $369 and I went for a relatively basic palm and a mid-level phone. So, for the quality of the Treo (which really is an excellent phone) It's not a bad price.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
My phone comes pretty close.

It's a Siemens SX-66 pocket PC phone.

It's actually quite a good phone. (The SX-56 was a mediocre phone, but the newer model is much better.)

It has Wi-Fi and bluetooth. I personally have not been impressed with them, but they're there.

It doesn't take pictures. I despise camera phones and wish they were never marketed--the potential for abuse is just so great. But I can and do store photos on my pocket PC and show them to people.

I can synch with my PC. Schedule and e-mail with Outlook. I can and do go online (and have posted here from the phone).

It's a good enough mp3 player for me. I have a 1G SDD card in it; I'm going to upgrade to a 2G one when I can afford it (I found one on Froogle that was not too much). Right now I have about 8 or 10 albums on it. I realize some of you have 1000000000000 albums on your iPods, but the ones I have are good enough for me. I can switch them out if I get bored, and I can listen for hours without a repeated song.

I can and do use any WAV file I want as a ringtone. I've never tried using an mp3, so I don't know if it would work.

Being less encumbered is much more important to me than having a half-dozen great appliances. I needed a PDA for everyday use, but I waited years for one to come out that was a phone, because I knew I would just end up leaving it at home if I had to carry more crap. All the other stuff it does is just a bonus.

It was not particularly cheap, no. And yeah, I pay for a data plan. It was not too bad when I had AT&T. Their rates were reasonable, IMO. Since Cingular bought them my rate has increased substantially, and customer service has gone down to nil. I will likely switch when my contract is up.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Oh, just saw the preceding post.

My data plan doesn't run no $45. More like $15. For 10 megs, which has been adequate for my needs.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Treos start at $299, not $399. With coupons, discounts, etc., I've seen them as low as $249.

As far as voice without data . . . I'm pretty sure my dad has that. And I can't imagine that the other teacher at school has any use for anything beyond a voice plan, or would pay the extra. I'll ask her when we get back from vacation on the 31st.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
I hear the Swiss are developing one with three extra blades, a cork screw, two screw driver attachments, and a small plastic toothpick guaranteed to get lost in the first 5 days.

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