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Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
So throughout most of high school, I had some stomach problems. I couldn't eat most foods in the morning because it would make me sick (there were a few exceptions, but not many). So that meant I never ate breakfast. Even without food though, many days I would get sharp pains in my stomach (or it could be my intestines, hard to tell). These were really sharp pains, I mean they made me want to double over and fall to my knees. This went on for most of high school. I saw a doctor about it, but he couldn't find a medical reason for it. He said he thought maybe it was a stress thing (stress triggering a physical pain).

When I started college, the pain went away. I thought maybe it was the fact that I wasn't awake in the early morning anymore or maybe I was less stressed. I don't know. I was fine though until just a few days ago. A few days ago, the stomach pains came back. They started in the morning and last all day. In fact, in the middle of typing this post, I had to get up and walk around to try and ease the pain. It's not fun, and I'm not sure what's causing it.

Anyone have any ideas and any thoughts of how to remedy it?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Does eating ease the pain? Is it always accompanied by nausea? Does it seem to move along your intestines?
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
My advice for all stomach problems is, "Maybe you have an ulcer." But since the doctor already checked you out and didn't find anything, maybe it really IS just stress. I don't really know what you'd do about that, though. Maybe try to avoid spicy foods? Isn't milk supposed to be soothing for the stomach?

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
The doctors didn't actually check me for an ulcer for something close to five years. Have you had barium upper and lower GI studies done?
Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
Eating usually doesn't help the pain; in fact many times it makes it worse. It's not accompanied by nausea, and it seems to stay in about one spot. I don't eat tons of spicy foods. I haven't had barium upper and lower GI studies done.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I vote goes to stress/panic, but I've said this before and faced a very strong reaction from medicos. Keep in mind that my opinion isn't at all meaningful- it's only from my single personal experience.

I've had what I strongly assumed were panic-related reactions. There was no pain for me, though; I only felt somewhat sick. Like you it was in the mornings and also when facing stressful or highly tense situations. My way of getting over it was just relaxing, telling myself it was all in my mind and forging ahead (I would eat outside because the morning air was fresher, for example).

If it is indeed stress-related, you can beat it. Just takes a little guts and willpower [Smile] .

Again, please remember I am no authority. Just another person with issues [Wink] .
Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
My thoughts were it was caused by one of two things: elevated stress (since I have a lot of school stuff to worry about on top of other things) or the new medication I'm on now for my depression/anxiety. Not sure though.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
Celexa or any SSRI antidepressant can cause nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea for a few days. It is temporary and goes away usually. Make sure you are taking it with food for right now.

Otherwise, if your previous doctor examined you and did blood tests but no endoscopy or xrays, it may be time for a new evaluation, possibly with a gastroenterologist.
Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
Well when I was on half a pill for the first 8 days, I had a slight case of nausea. I've been on a full pill since Thursday, and it was about Thursday night when this started. I've been taking it with food. I'm hoping very much this is only a temporary thing.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
As long as it doesn't cause insomnia, celexa can be taken any time of day. You could try taking it with supper, or with a good sized snack in the evening. You might notice less trouble if you sleep during the hours following the dose. I can't say your problem is from the celexa, however, but you can try this and see if it helps.
Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
Well my concern there is that I take another medication with a snack at night before I go to sleep. Now the medications aren't supposed to have any interaction or anything (no problems taking the two), but the other medication does say on it to avoid taking it with anything else.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I've had, I think, all the freaking GI tests. Turned out to be abdominal migraines. I take a tiny dose of 10mg of celexa a day and have no issues. If I miss it two days in a row, the pain comes back. And it was some serious pain at its height. That they it was appendicitis at one point, ulcer, etc. I was on Vicodin daily.

What changed in your diet between home and school?
Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
In high school, my diet was bad, mostly junk food, at least until senior year or so (where I started moving to more healthy). My first year of college, my diet went to super healthy because my cholesterol had been high and they wanted me on a low calorie/low fat diet (when it didn't work, despite weight loss, they put me on medicine for my cholesterol). At home, my diet is still somewhat bad, too much junk food and such. Back at school now, I'm back to more of my diet from last year. Lunch is usually a sandwich of some kind and dinner is usually a Lean Cuisine meal or something of that nature. I don't think there has been too much of a change between last year and this year, so I don't know if that explains (although when the pain first hit me on Thursday, I wanted to blame the Chinese food I ate Thursday for dinner).

As for the pain, it comes and goes. It's really bad in the morning and at night. I wrote the first post this morning when it was still bothering me. Shortly after (after eating lunch and taking my next Celexa pill), I felt better and was fine. In the last hour or so though, the pain has returned. Not quite as bad as it was this morning, but still unpleasant.
Posted by Shanna (Member # 7900) on :
Sounds like stress to me. You're on medication for anxiety so that seems to make sense. The stomach is ultra sensitive to adrenaline and other chemicals released in times of stress. I have anxiety problems too and would wake up in the middle of the night crying from stomach pains. A simple blood test can check for ulcers and they usually follow a pattern regarding how soon they come after meals, etc. I'd get it checked out, but good chances are that you have a sensitive stomach which may be inflamed by not really damaged. My doctor had me on Nexium to help heal any small intestinal damage before it got worse.

And I haven't taken Celexa, but my anxiety/depression meds made me really sick too. Its a crazy chemical being absorbed through your stomach, so reactions aren't bizarre. I'd let your doctor know because this could be a side-effect and he/she will know how long to expect it to continue and when long is too long.

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