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Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
SO on September 7th I went to the apartment office and reserved the community room for October 31st to have a Halloween party before trick or treating. Mainly a few neighbor children and a few of my son's friends will be invited. I got the room, and had my name put on the calendar, and made the damage deposit check made out. The Assistent Manager was quite busy, so I wasn't 100% sure that she actually got to writing my name down. A few days later during a less busy time, I go back to make sure. She says "Yes, but the manager wants to have a party (for the staff I believe) there on Halloween, so I don't know if it will work out.

I say that since our party will be later in the evening I don't mind if they are in there first. The AM says "OK!"

I go back today to find out how to work out the changing of the keys, and the guy behind the desk says "Oh the Manager says we can't let you have it, because of the party we are having there."

We already invited people after I reserved it on the 7th. My son has been VERY excited, and really looking forward to it. The rule on that room is "first come first serve" *I* reserved it when there were no other names on the calendar and had my damge deposite in, all over a month in advance. That room is part of the deal of living here and paying rent here. I really think she is taking advantage of being manager, because she is not following the rules.

I am really PO'd right now and my son is extremely disappointed, which is really what's making me extra mad. I already checked other places for a party, and they are already booked that night, and really our place is just too small.

I need to write them a letter, I think, and CC the main management company, because this is neither fair, nor proffessional, and rreally is rude. So right now I just need to calm down enough to determine whether such a letter really IS called for, and if it is, be able to have a reasonable tone in it.


[ October 07, 2005, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: mimsies ]
Posted by pfresh85 (Member # 8085) on :
Sorry mimsies. That is a definite case of the manager abusing her power/position. I would suggest writing the letter.
Posted by Nell Gwyn (Member # 8291) on :
That really sucks. I hope you got your deposit back! And yeah, I'd write the letter too.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'd write the letter. Just makes sure it's measured and doesn't have the frenzied "pissed off unreasonable tenant" feel to it.

At the very least you can get something like that on record for any future problems you or anyone else there might have.
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
My son, whos is almost six, and usually very sweet and gentle has planning a space robot attack on the office. I'm not sure WHAT he thought that would accomplish, but since there is nochance of his actually doing it, I let him plot away to let his frustration out. Apparently Giant Robo, the Iron Giant, adn all the good transformers are on our side...
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
anyone want to write a resonable sounding calm letter for me?

(I already asked... well demanded my deposit back. Of all the ridiculous things, they checked with the manager to make sure it was OK to give it back before doing so!)

edit for spelling and to add about the deposit
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I think the Autobots would sanction an assault on the front office. [Smile]

I will write a sample letter if you want. What are the basic elements you want to get across? And who is the letter to?
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
cool thanks... I generally don't mind writing letters, but I'm not usually seething!

Let's see, a letter to the Manager (I'll add the name in the interest of her privacy) and cc the management company.

I think what is important is that I reserved the room on September 7th, over a month in advance, at which time the room had NOT been reserved for the date in question, October 31, and my deposit was accepted. At this point I began inviting a few of my son's friends to the party. they are already planning on coming.

Within a week I went back to check that my reservation had been made because the office was very busy when I first went in. I was informed by the assistant manager that the manager might want to use the room for a party. I said that I did not mind having my party in the room a little later in the evening, about 7pm, so that they would have time to clean up.

I have received no correspondance about my reservation since that time. Since they need my apartment number to make the reservation, they know where to find me.

Today (yesterday) October 4, when I went in to find out when the room would be available on Halloween for me to start setting up, I was informed by the personel at the front desk that the Manager said I could not use the room on Halloween, because of the event she was planning for earlier in the day.

The rules about the room as they have been previously communicated to me are that it is available first come first serve to apartment complex residents. As stated earlier, I reserved the room over a month in advance and was the only person with a reservation for the room at the time.

I have used the room several times before, and have always been concientious in using it. I have never done damage, and have always left the room in as good as (sometimes better) condition than when I got there.

Any suggestions anyone? I thought leaving out the part about the robot attack would be for the best.

need my e-mail Lyrhawn?

Thanks for your support,
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
How long have you lived there?
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
February 26, 2004
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Check your mail, I just sent you a sample letter. I sent it before you posted that, so, if you want to, toss a line in there somewhere about "I have been a resident of this complex since February 26, 2004 and have never had a problem" yadda yadda yadda.
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
Thanks so much. I will take a look, then I really DO need to get some sleep. I'm supposed to get up and work on reading first thing in the morning!

g'night. And really thanks, you're the best!
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
How does this letter sound to you all?

To Whom It May Concern:
On September 7, 2005, I posted the security deposit and reserved the Kid’s Club for October 31st, Halloween, to hold a party for my son and his friends. It has been my understanding since I became a resident here that the community room would be reserved on a first come first serve basis. I reserved the room and posted the security deposit well over a month in advance of the date in question, when there were no other names on the calendar for the room. The date and my deposit were accepted at this time.

A week later, after already beginning to invite a few of my son's friends to the party, I was informed that the manager might want to hold a party on the same day. I graciously agreed to move my reservation back to 7:00 pm to accommodate this later request.

Yesterday when I went into the office to see when the room would be available for me to set up on the 31st, I was informed by the personnel at the front desk that the manager had cancelled my reservation, because of the aforementioned event.

I would like to emphasize that there was no notification or correspondence sent to me at all from the office to inform me of this. The office knew where to reach me, but no attempt was made to give me any sort of heads up about the situation.

I have used the room several times before, and have always been conscientious in using it. I have never done damage, and have always left the room in as good as (sometimes better) condition than when I got there.

To make the situation right, I feel I should still be allowed to hold a party on October 31st for my son and his friends, many of who are also residents at this complex. I believe this is the least that could be done to rectify the rudeness with which I have been treated, the inconvenience this has caused me, and that it is the right thing to do in keeping with the rules as I understand them. I expect this matter to be resolved and my reservation to be confirmed by Wednesday, October 19, 2005.

Our family has been residents of this community since February 26, 2004. We have remained in good standing with both our neighbors and the management. We are conscientious residents and have never caused any problems, and enjoy our good relations with the management.

Thank you for your time,

[ October 05, 2005, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: mimsies ]
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
I also cc'd it to resident relations of the management company of which this complex is part of.

Is that too much?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I would start "On September X, reserved the Kid’s Club for October 31st, Halloween, to hold a party for my son and his friends."

I also wouldn't say that you were double checking the reservation. "A week later, i was informed... I graciously agreed to move my reservation back to 7:00 to accomodate this later request..."

"Yesterday when I went into the office to see when the room would be available for me to set up on the 31st, I was informed by the personnel at the front desk that the manager had cancelled my reservation, because of the aforementioned event."

Don't show the slightest doubt that you had reserved the room.

I wouldn't copy the management company yet. I would put a date that you expect to have your reservation confirmed.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Do you think it would be a step too far to include a subtle threat to do that in the letter?

"if the situation is not rectified fairly, I will be forwarding this letter on to the resident relations of blah blah blah"

Eh, actually as I type it out it sounds way too combative. I think you should wait for their response, and if you don't like it, go ahead and forward the letter to the resident relations with a cover letter explaining that you already tried to resolve the situation peacefully and were rebuffed.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
"A week later I was informed" may come across as the management office contacting mimsies, which obviously wasn't the case at all. She needs to state that she initiated that and all other incidences of contact.

I do like the second paragraph Dags posted, though.

If the letter is already being carbon copied to the management company, the threat is already carried out. If the CC won't happen simultaneously, then perhaps something along the lines of "I trust that we can come to an amicable solution between ourselves and without involving outside parties"?
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
good idea Goody Scrivener. I'll wait a bit for more input before making the final revisions!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
The office knew where to reach me, but no attempt was made to give me any sort of heads up about the situation.
Change this - "heads up" is a little too colloquial for a formal business letter. Plus you want to emphasize everything you did right.

"Though I had left my contact information at the time I made my reservation, no one in the office called to inform me that my reservation was being cancelled."
Posted by Tresopax (Member # 1063) on :
I believe this is the least that could be done to rectify the rudeness with which I have been treated, the inconvenience this has caused me, and that it is the right thing to do in keeping with the rules as I understand them.
I would revise just this sentence, because it sounds a little rant-like. Just call it something like the "treatment I have recieved" rather than "the rudeness."
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
many of who are also residents at this complex
"many of WHOM." That's my only addition to the good advice you've gotten so far; I agree with them.
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
ergh... that WAS "whom"! MS Word auto correct changed it even though I tried to get it not to! I'll have to look into that, clearly i need to fix one of my settings
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I was gonna say, I thought I typed "whom" in right when I emailed you. All the other changes alright, but a spelling mistake I will not abide!
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
SO, I wasn't able to take the letter in until yesterday morning because I was busy packing. Then after dropping the letter, I left immediately for the arirport, with instructions for my hubby of answers to easy questions, but if it got complicated, to tell them to wait until I got back.

I did not copy the management agency, or threaten to do so in the final draft.

About 2 hours after I left, the manager called, apologized (sounding very sincere and nervous Alex says), and said there was a mixup and we can have the room for the day.

SO it is great news, but I am kind of feeling like a bully! I am thinking of calling or writing her to let her know I understand mixups, and have no hard feelings, and that I really appreciate her immediate attention to the matter. Don't know if that is appropriate or not.

But, Sequoyah (my son) is happy about the party.

Thanks everyone for the GREAT advice, and Lyrhawn so much for the initial sample letter.

ANyway. I'm going to finish my vacation now, I hope you all have a great weekend and week!
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Okay, is Sequoyah his real life name or his made up internet name?
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
No don't write another letter. You were well within your rights to write what you did, you didn't make any threats, you didn't curse or do anything in appropriate.

They did exactly as they should. Consider the matter closed.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*agrees with Belle*
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I agree too.

And I'm glad the matter was resolved to your satisfaction [Smile]
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
Not returning a "thank you" could be construed as indicating that mimsies is still holding bad feelings about the matter.

It never never never hurts to thank someone for doing the right thing. Or to acknowlege that they woulda done the right thing "if they had known". That's whether or not "they should have known".

A simple "Thank you, [manager's name], I truly appreciate your effort in correcting the mixup. The kids will really enjoy having their party." will be appreciated as a "no hard feelings which will affect future dealings" without directly saying so. Especially if it is handwritten on a nice greeting card.
Do not make any reference which could imply that the mistake is their mistake. Tain't never a good call to "rub their face in it" after you've gotten what you wanted.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*nod* Something like that would be fine.

I just don't think something like "I understand mixups" is a good idea. I don't think this was a mixup. This was someone trying to bend the rules and getting called on it. You don't have to point that out, but neither do you have to buy into their version of events to that degree.

But I like apsectre's idea.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Yeah I agree too. Nothing wrong saying thank you, might make them more friendly next time you have a problem with them.
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
Thanks everyone!

I'm back from vacation. We had a great time!

I like the greeting card idea!

Yes Sequoyah is a real name.

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