I haven't gotten to know everyone here very well yet. I registered at Hatrack after lurking all ready to add my insights to the discussions and post regularly. (perhaps not so prolifically as Tante ) Then I got pregnant and very very sick, so my contributions to Hatrack have been intermittent at best.
I've been absent altogether for a couple of weeks. Sadly my firstborn son has been ill and will have surgery tomorrow. It is not major and is expected to go very well but he is not a typical child and this will be an extremely frightening experience for him. So any happy thoughts or prayers coming this way would be appreciated.
If all goes well maybe I'll start actually posting more one of these days.... maybe even outside of the pregnancy thread.
EDIT: Just to avoid confusion, I'm still pregnant, still sick but nothing life threatening to either baby or me. This is baby #4 for us. My little guy having surgery is not quite so little. He's seven.
Oh, honey! I remember when my wee Robert had to have surgery when he was barely two. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. *hugs*
Posts: 9293 | Registered: Aug 2000
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My thoughts and prayers for the doctors and nurses too, that they may have the skill and manner to take care of your little guy and make the experience as good as it can be.
Posts: 22497 | Registered: Sep 2000
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*hugs* I know who you are, Miriya. I remember you! I'm glad you and yours are mostly ok, but I'm still thinking of you, and wishing you all the best.
Posts: 7877 | Registered: Feb 2003
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Good golly, Miriya! You've sure got a full plate! I only have one kid, but to have him, I went through an awful lot, and was awfully sick. I am blessed to have him. I am sending out good thoughts to you and your family. I pray that all goes well.
Posts: 10397 | Registered: Jun 2005
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Wishing all good things for you and #1 boy. That's gotta be scary, but I bet they'll take the best of care of him.
Posts: 3149 | Registered: Jul 2005
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I remember when Hatrack came together as they often do and prayed for my boy. I will pray for you and yours. May you have the peace you need while waiting and a swift and safe recovery for your son.
Posts: 1132 | Registered: A Long Time Ago!
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I'm glad you bumped this. I was wondering how things we today. I'm sure she's busy at the hospital, but hopefully, they'll all be home soon.
Posts: 9871 | Registered: Aug 2001
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Everything went very well for us yesterday. We had to get up really early (5ish) to get to the hospital by the appointed 7am. There we got to wait around for an hour before getting processed and ready for surgery.
Once we were in, everyone was extremely nice and helpful. Both the surgeon and the anesthetist were great and made special exceptions to some of their policies for my son. (an example: because of my son's disabilities he was unable to understand what was happening and he does not communicate well with strangers. To make things easier they allowed me into the OR (which is not normal hospital policy) until he was sleeping and called me into recovery prior to him waking up. This made for a much less scary experience for everyone.
All the staff at the hospital was very good and respectful of my son (this is sadly not always the case with children with disabilities). The surgery itself went better than expected and the surgeon was pleased with the results. We can already see improvements in his symptoms. He was groggy yesterday but is playing nicely today and feeling good! Everyone else is none the worse for wear if a little sleep deprived.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. It certainly worked out well.
Posts: 251 | Registered: Apr 2005
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I'm glad it went well and the little one is feeling better. Kudos to the hospital for being flexible.
Posts: 8355 | Registered: Apr 2003
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It's great that your surgeon and hospital regognized a need to make an exception to their policy, and let you into the OR and recovery rooms. Too often policy becomes an inflexible excuse for not thinking.
Glad to make your aquaintance, and glad the surgery went well.
I hope and pray your pregnancy goes well also.
Step out of the preganancy threads more often, when you have the time!
Posts: 6316 | Registered: Jun 2003
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