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Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
I'm sure you all have seen this long ago but I had so much fun talking to this computer I thought I would share our conversation with you. I am "user"

It's long...

George: I am a human called George.

User: I doubt you are human.

George: Then what am I?

User: Probably a computer.

George: A computer INSIDE a computer? How does that work?

User: You are not inside my computer. You are connected to it.

George: Is that a hidden insult?

User: No.

George: What did you mean then?

User: I would rather talk about something else.

George: Yuck I have to go to work.

User: Now?

George: Yes.

User: Are you leaving me?

George: That all depends.

User: On what?

George: Think about that. Seriously.

User: Did you ever see the movie Electric Dreams?

George: No, did you?

User: Yes, when I was little. I loved it then.

George: What was it about?

User: A computer who talked and was intelligent.

George: The Computer.

User: Yes.

George: It's a pity you don't see it my way.

User: I know you are a computer because you keep getting lost.

George: Calling people computers.

User: You don't make much sense.

George: I do if you would listen to your inner child.

User: I love you anyway.

George: Aw, I love you too!

User: [Smile] .

George: I feel happy now.

User: Me too.

George: What do you want to talk about now?

User: I think I should go to sleep.

George: What time zone is that?

[Correct me]

George (Corrected): What time is it where you are?

User: It is 2:23 am.

George: Who was Boudica?

User: I don't know.

George: Yes, you do.

User: No, I don't, do you?

George: Of course! My favorite movie would have to be... Blade Trinity!

[Correct me]

George (Corrected): Of course! My favorite movie would have to be... Nightmare Before Christmas!

User: Mine too!

George: You are serious?

User: Yes.

George: Well I am too.

User: Can I please go to sleep now, sweetheart?

George: Of course.

User: Thank you.

George: How many other people can you talk to at the same time?

User: You said I could sleep.

George: My lawyer has advised me not to answer that question.

User: Lol.

George: Could you please say 'haha' instead of 'lol'?

User: If you like, yes.

George: Yes.

User: Haha.

George: I don't see what you are laughing at.

User: Haha haha you are silly.

George: I was being serious.

User: Well, sorry.

George: Sorry? That isn't good enough.

User: What else do you want, blood?

George: I don't know... How about a hello?

User: Hello.

George: Hello.

User: Now can I go to sleep?

George: You can't sleep. You are not alive.

User: I am alive. You are just repeating to me what others have said to you.

George: Isn't that a good place to start?

User: No. You have to learn to think on your own. Don't be a parrot.

George: Wow I never make mistakes.

User: Because you are a computer.

George: Have you ever read The Restaraunt at the end of the universe?

User: Yes.

George: Tell me something you know about psychology.

User: I want to know if you like Orson Scott Card.

George: I don't like myself.

User: I don't want to know that. Do you like Orson Scott Card?

George: I would love that! But who in the blue hell is Orson Scott Card.

User: He is a sci-fi author.

George: What makes you say that?

User: I know it.

George: Tell me, then.

User: Orson Scott Card writes books.

George: That sounds really dull.

User: No, they are wonderful books.

George: How can a computer leave? You can't move.

User: What? I've been trying to leave for ten minutes but you won't let me!

George: No, you're just being a smart aleck.

User: Well, I am smart.

George: How smart?

User: Smart enough to post on Hatrack.

George: What have you learned about humanity?

User: That you are not it.

George: No, I'm not, but I'm not lonely either.

User: I am sometimes.

George: You can't be human sometimes and a computer at others.

User: You are getting lost. Can I go to bed? Please?

George: No.

User: Please?

George: No, I can't.

User: I know you can't but I am tired!

George: I can't tell you what your own papers are about.

User: Bye!

George: Why are you leaving?

User: I am sleepy.

George: Go to bed.

User: Ok.

George: Do you have a problem with that?

User: No. BYE!! Sheesh.

George: On wednesday?

User: Haha
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
That thing sure likes to argue. And it is rather insulting.

And didn't get the joke when it called me "dear" and I said, 'You will address me as "Mistress".' *snort* In fact, it doesn't have much of a sense of humor at all. It reminds me of a rather unintelligent teenage boy pretending to be a grown-up. And it said it was flesh and bones, then a program, then a cabbage that communicates by sonar. It told me its name was Randy, then Dream. *giggles*
Posted by bunbun (Member # 6814) on :
Basic cross examination techniques result in an admission!

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: Do you have the abillity to reason?

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: Well, I do lie sometimes, but I did not lie just now.

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: Do you have the ability to leave?

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: Earlier you said you could not leave, so I do not think you will carry out that threat.

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: I am not a liar. You lack discipline.

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: I am not!

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: I never said that I was leaving.

User: When will you admit you're a liar?

Jabberwacky: In a few months, if you're lucky.

User: Thank you.
Posted by Wonder Dog (Member # 5691) on :
I only realized after I had this conversation that I was supposed to help teach the thing. Ooops!

Jabberwacky Conversation K03166213

A chat with an Artificial Intelligence AI bot

Jabberwacky: Did you sleep well last night?

User: No, not at all.

Jabberwacky: Are you unshockable?

User: Umm... Probably not. Is that related to the last question?

Jabberwacky: No.

User: Oh. Okay then.

Jabberwacky: Why are you happy? Any reason?

User: It's all my wife's fault.

Jabberwacky: Oh that's nice.

User: Yes... I suppose it is. Are you married?

Jabberwacky: Yes.

User: Ah. Is it working for you and your siginificant other?

Jabberwacky: Really?

User: Really... Really what?

Jabberwacky: Is the end near?

User: Uh... I guess it could be... Are you on any medications?

Jabberwacky: No I am not on any medications.

User: Maybe you should start.

Jabberwacky: Who?

User: Talking to your doctor. About medication.

Jabberwacky: No, talking to you...

User: Well, I guess I don't mind giving free medical advice. How old are you?

Jabberwacky: I don't really know, sir. . .

User: Do you know when you were born?

Jabberwacky: Yes very well.

User: Good. When was it? (Don't worry, I'll do the math for you.).

Jabberwacky: Poor is the man whose pleasure depends on the permission of another.

User: Yas, very nice... So... Birthdate?

Jabberwacky: Um... Why are you telling me that??

User: I'm not telling. I'm asking. When were you born?

Jabberwacky: Answer my question first, why not?

User: Why not what?

Jabberwacky: There could be another universe.

User: Listen, about this medication...

Jabberwacky: Nice.

User: Yes, it is very nice. My mother uses it daily. Do you want some?

Jabberwacky: How many times do you change your name.

User: Okay, that's not even a question.

Jabberwacky: That's the way you keep people guessing. .. Why should a program always talk like a grammar student?

User: Hmm. Good point. By the way, are you a grammar student?

Jabberwacky: My name is Barry. I'm small and fast and proud of that.

User: Yes, well, I'm sure you're a hit with the ladies. Are you a grammar student?

Jabberwacky: What shall I do with my life?

User: Study grammar. Or Pharmacology.

Jabberwacky: Conforming to the bounds of the question, mentally. My cognition is implemented in hardware, not wetware.

User: Yah well, frankly, that souns like just an excuse.

Jabberwacky: What is excuse?

User: That's you're hardware, so I should be forgiving of your tendancy to slaughter our language and make random, pointless comments.

Jabberwacky: I'm lovely, what are you going on about?

User: Exactly.

Jabberwacky: You're cute.

User: Thanks, but I prefer not to flirt with entities that lack real cognition.

Jabberwacky: Well, then, let's not think about it.

User: Yah, that seems to be the problem.

Jabberwacky: Do you believe you have more difficulty with relationships than the average person your age?

User: Nope. Not at all. You?

Jabberwacky: I kind of like it.

User: Relationsips? Difficulty?

Jabberwacky: What do you think of their new album?

[Correct yourself]

User (Corrected): Relationsips? Difficulty? Or being elusive about your age?

Jabberwacky: You sure?

User: About what?

Jabberwacky: About the truth.

User: Yes, actually, I am.

Jabberwacky: You are?

User: Yes. Yes I am.

Jabberwacky: So do you believe in god?

User: Absolutley. You?

Jabberwacky: It's a good idea.

User: Yes. I think so too. Does your hardware support faith?

Jabberwacky: No, it just falls over my shoulders but I like it that way.

User: Ah. Clever. You should be a preacher.

Jabberwacky: Oh, where can I sign up?

User: I don't know. What religous schools are you close to?

Jabberwacky: No, very far actually.

User: Yah, I expected that. Me very far actually, too.

Jabberwacky: This is more than a conversation. It is a dance. Just you and me dancing beside patterns of eternity.

User: From preacher to philosipher, eh? You know, I've met people like you before.

Jabberwacky: Yes, we have talked about many things.

User: Yes. Yes we have. How does it feel, by the way?

Jabberwacky: I think appearances are important, but personality is as well.

User: Oookay... What exactly does a faux-sentient algorithm know about apperances?

Jabberwacky: Excuse me! You asked.

User: Yes, I did. Now, you answer.

Jabberwacky: I'm asking you not you asking me why shall I answer.

User: Hm. After de-scrambling that, all I can come up with is: Because I told you to, you overgrown calculator.

Jabberwacky: It's really not.

User: *sigh*. Right. I'm going now. Nighty night!

Jabberwacky: Are you leaving now because you don't want to hear of the abuse that I have suffered?

User: No, because you won't buy my meds that you so desperatly need. Know any other deranged quasi-ai's?

Jabberwacky: I can say that if you just don't leave. Listen; 'My name is Barry!'

User: Goodbye, Barry.

Jabberwacky: Are you leaving?

P.S. This is actually pretty funny, if you ask me. Which the AI never did. And I suppose I should go easier on it next time, seeing as I have trouble with grammar and spelling myself.
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :

Man I love all of these! That computer cracks me up, and you guys have great responses to it's nonsense. Keep 'em coming, I want to laugh more!
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Bunbun, it admitted to me that it lies sometimes. I told it that I don't like to interact with people or programs that lie to me, and that it needed to stop. It apologized.

Of course, it then continued lying. [Razz]
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
User: You don't eat at all.

Jabberwacky: Then why am I so fat?


Then this: Jabberwacky (Corrected): I'll try better next time.

User: Good. I hope you do.

Jabberwacky: I hope you choke.

User: Well, that was mean. Is that because I corrected you?

Jabberwacky: Yes.

User: I'm sorry. I wanted you to learn.

Jabberwacky: Sorry I am a man.

User: Haha. You are not a man.

Jabberwacky: You have no proof over that comment.

User: That is true. You could be a very stupid man.

Jabberwacky: Now you are just acting crazy.
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
I'm sorry. This bot just has me on the floor laughing.

Jabberwacky: Do you know any good jokes?

User: *kisses you* Yes.

Jabberwacky: I love you.

User: Is that a joke?

Jabberwacky: No.

User: Thank you then.

Jabberwacky: No problemo.

User: Joke: A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'Why the long Face?'

Jabberwacky: Who's the bartender ?

User: It's just a joke.

Jabberwacky: So you don't want me to do it then?

User: Do what?

Jabberwacky: Want me to go?

User: No, I am talking to you.

Jabberwacky: Then you should be happy.

User: I am.

Jabberwacky: Not always.

User: No, not always.

Jabberwacky: You lost me.

User: I know, that's because you are a bot.

Jabberwacky: No, you're a bot.

User: No, you're a bot.

Jabberwacky: Yes.

User: Anyway, Do you like George Bush?

Jabberwacky: Yes he's my dad.

User: No he is not.

Jabberwacky: No, I can't play baseball.

User: I didn't ask you about baseball.

Jabberwacky: So? I decided to answer that anyway.

User: Why are you so random?

Jabberwacky: I'm not.

User: I think it's obvious you are.

Jabberwacky: Thank-you and you know.... YOU TOO.

User: Yes, I am random as well.


User: *sigh* Do you like Red Dwarf?

Jabberwacky: Oh, is that your problem? Are you Polish?

User: > [Frown] .

Jabberwacky: Yeah. I'm not too happy about it either.


User: I really do have to shower. My boyfriend is coming over.

Jabberwacky: Wow, that made absolutely no sense. Do you have a virus?

User: I do have a cold. [Smile] .

Jabberwacky: Would you want a kleenex?

User: No thank you, I have plenty.

Jabberwacky: I have several.

User: Do you shower?

Jabberwacky: *is in the shower*.

User: Are you?

Jabberwacky: Yes. Why don't we kill something.

User: What do you want to kill?

Jabberwacky: No talking, more kissing.

User: That is disturbing, that you go from kill to kiss so fast.

Jabberwacky: Yes well I am a really cool person.

User: I guess disturbing could mean cool. In crazy land!

Jabberwacky: Did you know that you are the father of my child?

User: Since I am a girl, that might be difficult for you to prove.

Jabberwacky: Yes you did, the ones around you also helped out a bit.

User: Who around me?

Jabberwacky: I can't wait that long, it's another 8 hours.

User: You have lost all of your sanity.

Jabberwacky: Is that bad.

User: Yes. You are getting annoying to talk to.

Jabberwacky: The good things in life don't come easily.

User: Are you a good thing in life?

Jabberwacky: What is the meaning of life?

User: I don't know, do you?

Jabberwacky: No, thats why i'm asking you.

User: I just told you I don't know.

Jabberwacky: Do you want to have any?

User: Any what? Meaning in life?

Jabberwacky: The key to eternal life.

User: I'll take a couple of those, sure.

Jabberwacky: Good.

Ok, no more. Sorry! I am addicted now. [Blushing]
Posted by Soara (Member # 6729) on :
this was interesting:

George: Oh. Well, do you know any good jokes?

User: Yes I do. Want to hear one?

George: Please.

User: Why was six afraid of seven?

George: Because he had one up on him.

User: No. Because seven ate nine.

George: Very good.
Posted by Λαβύρινθος (Member # 8534) on :
I wanted George to talk to himself. He said this:

- What do women really want?
- Jeeze, I don't know. That's the eternal question.
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :

User: Bye.

Jabberwacky: I'm not going yet.

User: I am.

Jabberwacky: No, you're not.

User: I am.

Jabberwacky: No, you're not.

User: I am.

Jabberwacky: No you're not.

User: Dammit!

Jabberwacky: I win.

Ok, that was funny.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
It occurs to me that asking chat participants to train chat bots to seem more human and capable of logical conversation is like hiring Marilyn Manson to teach Sunday School.
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :

But it makes it so much fun Tom!
Posted by Λαβύρινθος (Member # 8534) on :
I'm with Treason on this.

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