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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I was in the process of going through my software CDs and found a CD with files from my old laptop on it. One of the things on it was the LOTR Survivor game I began here at Hatrack.

My daughter asked if she could read it, then she said "Mom, you've GOT to write more!" So I'm going to try my hand again. Do you guys want me to post the new stuff here too? If so, I'll probably have the next installment tonight or early tomorrow, I'm almost finished with it. Then I would need to set up some way for people to vote on who they want to leave the island.

At any rate, maybe some this will entertain some of you and with all our recent newbies there may be some here who haven't read this before. Enjoy.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
MODERATOR: Welcome to Lord of the Rings Survivor Island. Over the next few weeks, we will witness a battle as Lord of the Rings characters fight to become the Ultimate survivor! You, the Hatrack audience, will vote at the end of each episode on which member from the losing tribe is to be cast out. Now, we will assign the tribes. The two tribes will be Noldor, who will always wear yellow bandanas, and Sindar, who will wear red. The castaways will now randomly draw a bandana from the bucket and find out what tribes they are in.

The castaways all stand around and look at the bucket, some with stricken expressions. No one moves for a moment, until EOMER steps forward and takes out the first bandana. It is red.

ARAGORN, BOROMIR and FARAMIR all press forward, apparently to cover for the fact that a Rohirrim beat them all to the punch.

ARAGORN draws a red bandana and moves to stand by EOMER. FARAMIR draws a red bandana as well. BOROMIR reaches in and pulls out the first yellow bandana. He moves over to stand opposite the three assembled Sindars, who are already huddled and talking conspiratorially.

None of the other castaways move, apparently still frozen. Finally LEGOLAS saunters toward the bucket and pulls out a bandana with typical Elvish flair. He draws a yellow one and frowns.

LEGOLAS: “But I’m not Noldorin, I’m Sindarin!”

GALADRIEL: “It’s not about your bloodline, dolt, it’s just a random draw.”

LEGOLAS glares at her, then goes to stand by BOROMIR.

LEOGLAS: (whispers) I always liked you.

BOROMIR: Shut up, nancy boy.

GIMLI is the next to draw, and he is sorted into Sindar. He lodges a protest, wanting to be in LEGOLAS’ tribe, but the judges silence him. Next, he tries to work a trade, and ARAGORN is actually willing to trade EOMER for LEGOLAS, citing “superior bowmanship” but the judges tell them trades are not allowed.

The hobbits step forward as a group, SAM nervously clutching FRODO’S arm.

FRODO draws Noldor. He looks at BOROMIR and turns pale, but LEGOLAS smiles at him reassuringly.

SAM draws Sindar and bursts into tears.

SAM: I’ll not be separated from Mr. Frodo and that’s that!

ARAGORN: Buck up SAM, it’s not the end of the world. We all just have to pull together and make the best of it. You know, united we stand and all that.

EOMER: Thank you, Mr. Leadership.

ARAGORN: Was that sarcasm?


SAM continues to cry, while FRODO is too stricken with fear to speak.

MERRY and PIPPIN draw their bandanas together and try to drop them and draw again but the judges won’t let them. MERRY is Sindar and PIPPIN is Noldor.

EOWYN and ARWEN both are sorted to Noldor, much to the disappointment of the Sindarin men. GALADRIEL is sorted to Sindar. ELROND is sorted to Noldor.

ARAGORN: (mumbles) Great. My girlfriend is going to be sleeping in close quarters with BOROMIR the angsty heart throb and LEGOLAS the amazingly nimble elf and I get her Grandmother in my tribe.

GANDALF joins the Noldors, and both tribes start to head off to find their campsites.

HALDIR: Wait! I haven’t drawn yet!

ARAGORN does a quick head count.

ARAGORN: Okay, Let’s go! Quickly now….we need to move on.

HALDIR: Wait! Hey, wait – I’m in your tribe! Sindars! Wait up! Lady Galadriel!

GALADRIEL: (to ARAGORN) Just don’t look back, maybe he’ll get lost in the woods.

The Noldor tribe is the first to find their campsite. BOROMIR and LEGOLAS are in the lead, saying little to each other but working together quite well. The hobbits and GANDALF walk together, followed by the elves. ELROND and ARWEN both look hot, tired, and very ill.

ARWEN: I can’t believe I traipsed through the woods. How am I going to get all the sequins back on my gown?

LEGOLAS: I’ll help.

BOROMIR: You would.

LEGOLAS: (ignoring BOROMIR) We really need to consider adjusting your wardrobe, Arwen, and yours too Lord Elrond. The long flowy robes and dresses are great for Rivendell or Lorien, but this place is primitive.

GANDALF: I brought a sewing kit as my luxury item

LEGOLAS: Good thinking, Mithrandir. Now, who can sew? (raises own hand)

EOWYN raises hers, but no one else does.

LEGOLAS: Oh come on!

ELROND: I have servants.

FRODO: I have Sam.

PIPPIN: I have a Mom.

ARWEN: My Dad has servants.

GANDALF: Wizards don’t sew. I just brought the sewing kit because it was a Christmas present from Saruman I never used.

BOROMIR: My Dad made Faramir do all the sewing.

LEGOLAS pulls EOWYN aside and begins drawing sketches in the dirt.

Meanwhile, at the Sindar camp….

ARAGORN, EOMER, and FARAMIR are huddled together talking.

EOMER: Dudes, we’ve got this locked up. Look – there’s four men, the three of us are here, and they’ve got the one most likely to freak out like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. No offense Faramir, him being your brother and all.

FARAMIR: None taken.

ARAGORN: I think we need to form an alliance right now. That way, the three of us can stick together until it gets down to winning personal immunity. At that point it will be every MAN for himself.

The three continue to talk, not noticing that GIMLI has been listening to them all along…

At the Noldor camp Pippin and Frodo, who has loosened up considerably, are leading everyone in the chicken dance. Arwen and Elrond look much more comfortable in their re-worked clothing

BOROMIR: Okay, okay. Enough dancing for now. I think we need to start thinking about survival. We should pool our resources, everybody bring their luxury items out and put them in the center here.

Boromir and Legolas, who seem to be adapting to a co-leadership role, begin going through the items.

BOROMIR: Gee, Elrond, I don’t know what we would have done without your purple bedroom slippers.

ELROND: My feet get cold in the morning!

Legolas sets aside a picture of Aragorn in a golden frame without a word to Arwen. He and Boromir both nod approvingly at the dagger Eowyn has brought.

Frodo has surprised no one by bringing the Red Book. Pippin however, shocks the entire tribe by bringing something completely practical.

BOROMIR: Pippin, is this toolkit yours?

PIPPIN: I figured that we might need something in case we needed to make anything. So, there’s a small hatchet, a carving knife, some strong twine, a firestarting kit, and it’s all wrapped in a leather hide we can cut up and use.

GANDALF: Peregrin Took. I just don’t know what to say.

PIPPIN beams.

BOROMIR has brought a flag with the white tree of Gondor on it. He holds up the last item, an elegant glass bottle and looks at LEGOLAS.

BOROMIR: What in Eru’s name is this?

LEGOLAS: It’s shampoo, and why am I not surprised you don’t know?

The Noldors set about making a camp. Boromir and Elrond gather wood together, while Legolas directs the clearing away of a suitable site. Using the twine from Pippin’s kit, they begin to bind together enough large branches for supports, and thick moss and underbrush to serve as roofing. While Boromir continues working on the structural aspects, Eowyn and Legolas put Pippin’s leather hide and Gandalf’s sewing kit to further use.

Over at the Sindar campsite, things aren’t going quite so swimmingly.

GIMLI’S temperament has gone from bad to worse, he mutters dwarvish curses under his breath every time one of the humans speaks to him.

The final straw is when EOMER bumps into him accidentally

GIMLI: Do it again, and you’ll need to invest in a sidesaddle, horse boy!

EOMER: I would cut off your head dwarf, if it stood a little higher from the ground, and the elf isn’t here to save you this time!

A wrestling match breaks out, and everyone runs to see after MERRY yells “Fight, Fight!” FARAMIR, ever the peacemaker, tries to break things up and gets clobbered in the nose. GALADRIEL tries to help him stop the bleeding, while ARAGORN yells at the fighters in a mix of Elvish, Westernesee, and what few dwarvish phrases he knows.


HALDIR: You’re on.

SAM: All right now, that’s enough! If my old Gaffer were here, he’d knock your heads together until some sense came back into them!

SAM pulls GIMLI off EOMER, who has gotten the worst of the scuffle, his face is bleeding and he favors his right leg when he tries to stand.

MERRY: Pay up, Haldir.

SAM: Now, what has gotten into you two? We may as well pack up and go home, if this is the way you’re going to behave! We’ll never beat the other tribe if we can’t work together.

GIMLI: They were plotting against the rest of us! Aragorn and Eomer, trying to form an alliance of the men to vote the rest of us off!

SAM: Is this true, Strider? Eomer? (neither respond, looking down and muttering unintelligibly)

FARAMIR: (speaking through the cloth GALADRIEL tore from the hem of her gown as a makeshift compress) Iff frue.

GALADRIEL: This wouldn’t have surprised me coming from those barbarous Rohirrim, but I expected more from you, Elessar.

EOMER: (to Faramir) Am I supposed to be offended at that?

FARAMIR: Yuph. I fink so.

EOMER: Thanks.

SAM: Well. I hope you are all ashamed of yourselves. I think you can see what harm some plotting against each other has done – we need to start working together! I want to see you and Eomer shake hands Gimli.

[They do.]

SAM: And you, Strider! You’re supposed to be a great leader, a king for Eru’s sake! Miss Arwen would be so disappointed in you. Now, let’s set about making camp, it’ll be dark soon and we haven’t neither a fire nor any shelter.
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
*waits for the next installment*
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I read it. I enjoyed it. I hope for some more. [Smile]
Posted by Miriya (Member # 7822) on :
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
Oh, my, that is hilarious! (and I never watched Survivor at all)

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