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Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
You know, the ubiquitous ribbon magnet so many people have on their cars. They have pink ones for breast cancer, yellow (and camo, and red/white/blue) for "support our troops" - some even with the phrase printed on. A red one is in support of people with AIDS (though I haven't seen that one as a magnet on any cars). I've thought for a long time that they have become so ubiquitous that although they still have definite meaning, they now make very little impact.

However, last week I saw one that, from a distance, looked like it was polka-dotted. As I got closer, I saw that the polka-dots were actually little basketballs, and the word "Basketball" was printed on one tail of the ribbon. OK, so is this person saying "Support Basketball"? And if so, is this really the same "support" we mean when we say "support our troops"?

Then today at lunch I actually saw this one. I have no idea what the significance of printing "I love Florida" on a red/white/blue ribbon is. Can anyone enlighten me? Has the ribbon become just another bumpersticker shape now?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I think it became "whatever sells"

As long as people buy them, for whatever reason, the marketers are going to crank them out with whatever they can think to put on them.

So sad.

Mine is blue. It says "support law enforcement"

Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
I think it has, but confess to having two. I have a pink one b/c I lost a very good friend to breast cancer, and a pink and blue (infant loss). I wouldn't expect someone who'd not suffered those losses to have one, but I thin k with the breast cancer thing, well, most women worry about it.

The yellow ones...I think they have gotten so ubiquitous that the manufacturers are trying to outdo each other. Let's add...some stars and stripes. Oh, and then we'll add an eagle!
I saw one last month that was in the shape of a fish,(think Christian fish) with one half yellow and the other starts and stripes, the the logo "God Bless our troops". I have to say I rolled my eyes at that one.
Posted by Kasie H (Member # 2120) on :
Same thing with the "Livestrong" wristbands...
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Sure, they still mean "target for selling more ribbons".
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Yes, I know people with collections of them.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
They wasted no time at all with the "Livestrong" wristbands. By the time I had even heard of the "Livestrong" bands I had already seen those same type bands with words totally unrelated to any cause at all printed on them.

romanylass, I'm not trying to trash anyone who has the ribbons, especially those supporting a cause. Personally, I choose not to display my patriotism that way, but I have no problem, really, with people who do. I just wonder what would possess someone to put one of the basketball or Florida ribbons on their car. Do they even stop to think about what they are buying/displaying?

Of course, in a world where someone will pay $90+ for a piece of toast with a bad drawing of Dumbledore scratched into it, I guess there's a market for any kind of crap you can think to produce. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Pelegius (Member # 7868) on :
I think the Livestrong bands were just a stunt by Nike. Personaly, I would like a "suport U.N. peacekeepers" ribbon.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I think I'll make one that says "Support the Ribbon Industry"
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Does no one remember Tony Orlando and Dawn? Bob?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Livestrong bands were not a stunt by Nike, Pelegius. I certainly don't know where you got that notion.

They support the funding for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which supports cancer research, etc.

Full Story Here

And the public response to them at first was so overwhelming that they had no idea what they were starting.

Now many non-profits use it (bracelets) as a way to raise funds.

Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
They're already facing a severe color shortage.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Elizabeth --

sure we remember Tony Orlando and Dawn and the original "tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree" song.

We are just commenting on how it has dominoed into things well beyond that....

Posted by Pelegius (Member # 7868) on :
Am I mistaken in believing that the bands are made by Nike? The Foundation site doesn't say. I know that they raise money, but that money could be raised in a way that does not involve silicone. It's so silly, my old school made ones with the school motto on them, my current school has ones with the mascot on them. Stop the Silicone revolution!
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I believe Nike did help in the original production of them to get them off the ground

Linky but the money was for cancer research. You send in $1 for cancer research, and they send you a wristband (the was how it was at first).

Kind of like those agencies -- you send them a few bucks and they send you to free return-address labels or some other trite thing.

Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Was the aids ribbon inspired by the yellow ribbons, though? But the little single loop two tails configuration was a uniquely artistic configuration. I hated it when I was a kid, but I can appreciate it now.

Yellow ribbons were used quite a bit in the early 80's for the hostages in Iran. I think the AIDS ribbon came on the scene mid-late 80's. They kind of had their heyday, I think, with the 1992 Oscars where Howard Ashman was honored for his contributions to "Beauty and the Beast." But there was controversy because many felt the front runner for best picture, "Silence of the Lambs", was apparently anti-gay (never saw it, don't have an opinion).

I think looking back that was the beginning of the end of AIDS being viewed primarily as a Gay/hemophiliac/Haitian problem, as the death of Arthur Ashe and the diagnosis of Magic Johnson came to the fore.

P.S. I dislike the bracelets, but I try to keep an open mind because you never know when you will get one as a gift that you can't refuse.
Posted by racingbird (Member # 8400) on :
In the same vein as the Livestrong bands are the blue bands that benefit the Hendrick Marrow Program. They had a huge spike in popularity among NASCAR devotees after several people affiliated with Hendrick Motorsports died in a plane crash last October. They DO support the efforts of the foundation to increase awareness of bone marrow donation, support research and supplement funds for families.

The thing that was rather reprehensible was the fact that the bands started popping up like whack-a-moles on eBay. It's not as if they are expensive, so why on Earth would you buy them from someplace that doesn't benefit the cause?

Hypocritical. *grumble*

And although I am a military spouse, live on a military base, and follow both NASCAR and Lance Armstrong, I don't own any ribbons, magnets, wristbands or any other propaganda. I'd rather donate directly to a cause than buy something to show off about it.
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Don't have time to find the link again right now, but there was a guy selling "Support the guy in China who manufactures these ribbons" bumper stickers.

I'm rather fond of the t-shirt I saw that had a big yellow ribbon with the words "I like ribbons!" printed where "Support our troops" usually is.

Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
If the whole "yellow ribbon" thing started with Tony Orlando and Dawn's song, that's kinda funny - since that song is about a guy getting out of prison.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
In 1994 I had a little red ribbon on a pin, that I wore on my shirt most days after my first grade teacher died of Aids (I was in second grade in 94 when it happened). I had no clue what gay was, what AIDS was, or anything of the sort, but I knew that it was bad and my teacher died, so I had my mommy get me one.

Our town was covered with yellow ribbons on trees, stop signs, everything the summer of 2000 when a 19 year old girl just disapeared on a bike ride, I think most of them are gone now, her body was found in spring of 04.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
"since that song is about a guy getting out of prison"
Yeah, KarlEd, that's why I am personally rathe lukewarm on the yellow ribbon concept. Does the song talk about what the guy supposedly did? The correllary to "you're a criminal but I love you anyway..." is kind of weird. It sort of applied to the hostages, though they weren't getting sprung after time honorably served or anything.

Though if my husband were sentenced fairly for doing something wrong and served his time, I'd probabably have him back. Depending.

Martha Stewart? Um...
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
"sure we remember Tony Orlando and Dawn and the original "tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree" song.

We are just commenting on how it has dominoed into things well beyond that...."

I was really just being a smart-a**, sorry.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Personally, I abstain from bumper stickers as a matter of principle.

I do wear one rubber bracelet--a pink one that says Drama Queen on it. I own a few others from charities I've donated to, but I usually just use those as slingshots. I don't see the point, considering I'm not exactly donating just to purchase a little bracelet.

[EDIT] Urk, I can't type lately . . .
Posted by ShadowPuppet (Member # 8239) on :
Originally posted by Annie:
I think I'll make one that says "Support the Ribbon Industry"

they actually have those

"support the magnetic ribbon industry"

I'm not sure where to get them
but I want to
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I have two magnetic ribbon-related fantasies.

Fantasy Number One:

I go out to the mall parking lot and reassign everyone's magnetic ribbons. I may even reassign some of those magnetic Jesus Fish while I'm at it. The one ribbon-less car in the lot will be festooned with ribbons from fender to shining fender.

Fantasy Number Two:

I get myself a booth at the flea market selling magnetic ribbons. I am working with a partner who peels them off of all the cars in the flea market parking lot, brushes them off and carries them in to me at my booth. We sell them at flea market prices (only 50 cents each) and make a killing selling the same people the same ribbons again and again and again.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
You shouldn't put ideas in people's heads...

*whistles innocently*
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :

Act on other people's fantasies at your own risk.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
If buying a ribbon actually put money towards the cause, that would be cool. But the world does not work thusly. :sigh:
Posted by Chungwa (Member # 6421) on :
"Support Shopping"

I saw it. It was dark pink.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Here ya go.

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