Forgive me if this sounds somewhat crude, or if I'm breaking shocking news....
But girls are people too.... We have skin... and.. wait-wait! Get this: On the skin.... we grow hair! That's right... hair just like you, fellas!
So tell me... why is it that we have to shave and you don't??? I mean.... what's the big deal about hairy legs? Everything these days makes it sound so unnatural.....
And we can get acne just like you! So why do we have to cover it up and you don't?
And while I'm up here embarassing myself... PUT DOWN THE DAMN TOILET SEAT!! thank you.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm best friends with 6 girls. Not one of them ever puts down the LID of the toilet when they come over. There's germs a plenty just flying all over my bathroom now.
I, on the other hand, always put the whole thing down.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
The thing about societal beauty standards is that you don't have to buy into them if you don't want to. We don't have to shave. I shave my legs maybe once every-other month, if I feel like it. I get zits regularly, and I don't cover them. If it bugs you, don't do it. If people give you crap about it, look them dead in the eye and ask how they figure it's any of their business. *shrug* Things change because you decide to change them, not because you decide to vent about them.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
We'll put the seat down, if after your done, you put it up so that it's easier for us when we come in next.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Not only are you not made of plastic, you have hands, too, which are perfectly suitable for changing the position of toilet seats.
Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
I check the seat. Every time. Even in the middle of the night. I have this vague memory of sitting on the rim once because one of my brothers left the seat up.
Anyway, it's not a big deal. I just check the seat. So does my husband. And sometimes he leaves the seat up. And sometimes he doesn't. Eh. Whatever.
I simply don't care. Well, I care just a tiny bit. I wish we'd both remember to put the lid down all the time.
And I hate shaving my legs, too. But I much prefer the look and feel of when they're shaved... I just rarely bother.
I happen to think that all people should shave under their arms, definitely including guys. It would be a lot less smelly if they did.
I like wearing a little makeup. I like being girly every once in a while.
A little concealer now and then on a guy would probably be a good idea.
Sometimes I go out without any foundation, letting all of my varied blotchiness, dark circles, etc. show. I just shrug. Eh. I'm taken anyway. I don't need to impress YOU.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
I just hope that a raised toilet seat is not a deal breaker in a relationship. If it is...hmm.
Posted by Crotalus (Member # 7339) on :
How about this, I never even put the seat up, so I don't need to let it down.
And as for the rest; You hereby have my permission to not shave and to not wear makeup.
I hope this makes you feel better.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
quote: why is it that we have to shave and you don't???
We just had this exact conversation at lunch -- six other ladies and I went to lunch together.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
You could get laser hair removal.
Posted by Amanecer (Member # 4068) on :
quote: why is it that we have to shave and you don't???
I heard on NPR that leg shaving originated with prostitutes. Then regular woman wanted to be more appealing to their men, so they started to as well. Now it's expected.
I hate shaving my legs. When I go swimming, I shave. Other than that- I generally don't. I just wear pants. It's one of those things that society has so deeply entrenched in us. Intellectually, I think, "hey, this is ridiculous! Women shouldn't have to shave their legs when men don't." But any time I see an unshaved girl wearing shorts or a swimsuit, my first thought is, "eeeeeeew".
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
quote:Originally posted by Amanecer: But any time I see an unshaved girl wearing shorts or a swimsuit, my first thought is, "eeeeeeew".
Luckily, I am wearing a skirt.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I personally love how girls' legs are so smooth and soft after they shave.
The same reason a lot of girls I know like clean shaven guys.
When you're close to someone, it's a lot nicer when everything is smooth.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
I don't shave either.It's such a silly idea.
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
My boyfriend won't shave. it annoys me to death. I mean, sometimes he does. But he didn't shave before we went to prom. I'm thinking, "If I spend $300 bucks to get hair done, buy a dress and shoes, put makeup on.... why can't you shave?" I mean, guys dont even buy the tux. they rent it. Is there a rent-a-gown anywhere in ohio? But on the concept of shaving... hmm, do you think if I told him I wouldn't kiss him unless he shaved every day, he'd do it? It might work...
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Of course, a decent tux rental often costs more than many girls spend on the dress . . .
But he should have shaved.
As for girls shaving their legs, I think both shaved and unshaved legs are attractive, and am all for switching it up between the two.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Man, if girls were made of plastic they'd be even MORE smooth! Sweet!
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote:So tell me... why is it that we have to shave and you don't??? I mean.... what's the big deal about hairy legs? Everything these days makes it sound so unnatural.....
Back at you. Why do you feel the need to shave? It's not because of pressure from me.
quote:And while I'm up here embarassing myself... PUT DOWN THE DAMN TOILET SEAT!! thank you.
No. You leave it up.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Tinros, only do that if you're willing to break up with him over the issue. Ultimatiums are something to be very, very careful with. Only use them if you mean it.
(If a significant other refused to kiss me for an arbitrary reason, I would consider that the end of the relationship.)
Posted by Angiomorphism (Member # 8184) on :
It all just comes down to what we as a society are taught is "sexy" or "appealing". I can't give any good reason why I perfer the look of shaven legs or shaven underarms on girls, I just do. I have a few friends who go for the "all natural" look, and I just don't find it attractive. If you are looking for a mate, then it helps to be conventionally attractive, just to get that initial attention. Once that has been accomplished, then I think other things like personality become more prominantly important. However, physical appearance is still a factor in any relationship. If you aren't attracted to someone, you aren't going to want to be physical with them, unless you are truly altruistic (and who can really claim they are).
So I suppose what I'm saying is that if it was considered attractive in our society to be 400 pounds, most people would strive for that weight, and skinny people would complain that they just can't put the pounds on, etc. So don't blame us men, we're all just big tools.
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
quote:Back at you. Why do you feel the need to shave? It's not because of pressure from me.
Maybe not from you individually, but you have to be joking if you're claiming there's no societal pressure for girls to shave their legs.
And I'm not just talking about from potential mates. I could name, for example, two -female- high school teachers who gave lectures to the class, while staring straight at non-shaving me, about how it was gross and unhygenic for women not to shave their legs. (This was in Spanish and World History, by and by, not health class or anything like that.)
I was mortified. I'm a stubborn woman; I still don't shave. But I do wear opaque pantyhoes whenever I wear a skirt. . .because it's easier to hide than to deal with other people judging, especially when those people are surprisingly unhesitant to make their judgements known.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote:It all just comes down to what we as a society are taught is "sexy" or "appealing".
No it doesn't. It comes down to what you personally decide to consider sexy and appealing.
quote:Maybe not from you individually, but you have to be joking if you're claiming there's no societal pressure for girls to shave their legs.
I'm claiming that I have never exerted pressure on anyone to shave their legs ever.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Yeah, we are brainwashed from our childhood on what we find attractive.
Imagine finding this attractive, or the stretched earlobes of Borneo or the stretched necks of Burma attractive. You probably would were you raised in those cultures.
Edit: I like what Porter has to say on the subject. People should be able to decide what they find appealing in spite of what culture says rather than being "slaves" to it.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
I shave my face every day because my wife hates it when it's scratchy.
Total altruism.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I'm growing a beard because my wife likes me with a beard.
Total altruism.
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
quote:I'm claiming that I have never exerted pressure on anyone to shave their legs ever.
No one ever claimed you did, though. . .
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
quote: I'm a stubborn woman; I still don't shave
What color is your hair, ambyr?
I can get by with not shaving for a very long time, because I'm a redhead, so my leg hairs are very light, few and hard to see. But I know some women with very dark hair that feel they must shave constantly.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I guess she doesn't really care what an old married guy thinks about her legs.
Or you will be old tomorrow, anyway.
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
So if I go to my male friend's house and find the toilet seat up I return it to that position when I leave. *shrug* I figure it's just a courtesy.
Also a lot of girls around here don't shave. I prefer to shave my legs personally. Once I started there was no going back. Hair just doesn't seem to grow back the same way once it's been shaved. I find that hair on my legs tends to itch so I shave in the winter too. I think it should be noted that it is my preference though. I don't like getting those looks that say "oh no *she* bought into the social norm. Ugh conformist" In fact I also paint my toe nails *gasp* But it so I don't have to worry about them looking dirty all summer long not becaue I'm trying desperately to get guys. I do other things to do that err umm...*runs away
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I have very very dark hair and very very light skin. If I don't shave, I disgust *myself*. >.<
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
I really think most of the societal pressure on girls for various "beauty" issues comes from other girls more than it does guys.
I do prefer shaved legs* but most am fine with girls who don't shave, as well. It's the stubble transitional point that isn't very good.
--Enigmatic *didn't say whose legs.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
sarah, just so you know, if you wait it out the itchiness and the stubbliness goes away. Naturally, if you choose to shave your legs, that's cool, just wanted to let you know that you can pretty effectively "go back" to not shaving after you start. You might find it worth it for the winter, at least.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
I don't like shaving, but I do it because I don't like the way it feels when the hair is growing and stubbly. I also have dark hair and really pale legs so it's very apparent when I don't shave; I don't like the way leg hair look on guys or girls who have pale legs and dark hair, so why would I like it for me? In my opinion it just makes the person look hairier, which is neither good nor bad, just an observation.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I have very dark leg-hair which basically means I have to shave all the time (or I would have to). Because my hair is so dark I prefer to shave my legs although I'm not obsessive about it- to shave my legs every day (Which would be the only way to actually have the "hairless" look all the time) would cross the line for someone who doesn't wear makeup .
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
My husband likes it when I shave, I don't mind doing it, and I like it when he shaves, so it seems like a small sacrifice to make to be as attractive to him as possible. *shrugs* I don't see the big deal.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Both genders have a lot of stigmas.
I have a somewhat hairy chest that many women I've talked to are very turned off by (which isn't fair, it's not bad at all). They want smooth chests, or not too much hair. Most girls only have to worry about their legs and underarms. Many guys have to worry about everything above their waists. How's that for a trade off?
Posted by Promethius (Member # 2468) on :
I like when my girlfriend shaves her legs because it is the opposite of what I am. I have really hairy legs she doesnt. If I wanted someone with hairy legs I would date a guy, and im not up for that.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I don't buy for a second that only guys put pressure on girls to shave their legs. It's absolutely rediculous. If anything, girls put more pressure on girls to do it. I hear much more about how not shaving "feels gross" than I do about how it "makes boys not like me." So, give it a rest.
And seriously, quit being selfish about the toilet. We have to pick up the toilet seat to pee after you leave it down. You have to put it down after we leave it up. Since guys never complain about having to put the seat up, who's being the insufferable jerk? And really, who gives a crap? Just move the seat.
And don't give me the "it's a matter of consideration" crap either. That's just a BS line you feed us because you need something to justify your anal-retentive behavior. If it were a matter of consideration, you would consider for a moment that both people have to shift the seat around to fit their personal hygenic needs and that demanding the toilet be in one position at all times is rather small-minded.
And don't try the "but I'm afraid I'll fall in at night." Here's an idea: turn the GD light on. We have to- unless you want us to pee all over your precious toilet seat in the dark since you left it down and we couldn't tell if it was up or down in the dark. Another alternative would be for us to feel if the toilet seat is up or down. There's an idea! Why don't you try it?
Seriously, the whole toilet seat thing is easily one of the most idiotic arguments in the world. It is easily solved by both people just shutting the toilet lid down after they are done. I'm talking about both the seat and the cover. That way both people have some kind of action needed at both the beginning and the end of their bidness. In the end, you both lose, but that's America, right?
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
quote: You might find it worth it for the winter, at least.
Because there's nothing like a good, thick coat of glossy fur to keep a woman's legs warm in the winter?
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
If you're really annoyed by having to shave all the time, the obvious solution is to get a skin transplant with one of those spiffy new plastic fake skins. No hair, no fuss, no muss! All plastic and smooth! Don't wait, buy now - it's the American way!
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
"But now that my girlfriend's moved in, I do my part to keep the apartment clean too. Now, when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I turn on the light. I used to just go by sonar." --Comedian whose name I can't remember right now, but have on tape.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
quote:Girls aren't made of plastic...
. . . yet.
*rereads Chobits*
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Of course, when you have a toddler, you have to keep the toilet *closed*.
Equal-opportunity inconvenience.
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
I think that everyone should strive to get to a point where they don't care what anyone else thinks about their appearance. I know it's hard, but it gets somewhat easier with age. I'm at the point where I don't care how almost anyone thinks I look (the exceptions being Andrew and my mother).
I'm not saying that I don't like it when people think I look good, but it doesn't matter unless I think I look good. And I'm always going to be true to my personal idea of pretty - if not shaving your legs and wearing high-waisted capris came into fashion, I would keep right on shaving and wearing my lowrise full-lengths.
Instead of being upset about shaving and using cover-up, ask yourself why you feel the need to. Why do the opinions of others matter more to you than your own preferences?
As to the toilet seat - both the seat and the lid should be down when not in use. It's more sanitary. That's how we do it in my house and everyone wins because we're all cleaner.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I figure that girls always need the toilet seat down, and guys sometimes need the toilet seat down, so if the sexes are in equal number, the toilet seat's natural resting place is down.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
And that's why nobody will ever truly love you.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I'm not sure how that follows, but if you insist...
(I suppose I can always get a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend, and then there will be no more squables about the toilet seat.)
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Jhai: Best reason for lesbianism EVER.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
Oh, I can think of at least one other: smooth legs! Posted by Grisha (Member # 6871) on :
So girls aren't made of plastic, but how about skinlike silicone?
Posted by JuniperDreams (Member # 3471) on :
Wow, so I'm not the only one who doesn't comform?? I really had no idea... And honestly I don't mind the whole toilet thing... cuz sometimes I pee without putting the seat down anyways >.>
Who the hell was it that decided that girls should shave anyways?? *shakes her fist angrily*
And Chobits aren't plastic.... I don't know what they're made of but it feels like skin...
Posted by margarita (Member # 6856) on :
I agree with Mrs. M on the position of the toilet seat and lid. It's more hygenic, and less likely that you will accidentally drop things in the toilet. Everyone has to lift something and put something down. Moreover, depending on where you live, if the lid is down less dust collects and sticks to the bowl, making it easier to clean.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote:As to the toilet seat - both the seat and the lid should be down when not in use. It's more sanitary.
Although it feels more sanitary to you, I am unconvinced that it really is.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Storm wrote:
quote: Because there's nothing like a good, thick coat of glossy fur to keep a woman's legs warm in the winter?
Now I must wipe the coffee spray off my monitor.
As for Chobits, I'm sure they have plastic in em. They're robots after all. That anime reminded me of that identity theft commercial where the young man was talking out of the woman's mouth talking about how he got 10,000 dollars to finish his robot... his GIRL robot.
Back on the main topic... If you wax for a few years, your hair gets really fine and shaving becomes a breeze (and you can stop waxing)
I can never convence my hubby to leave the seat down, despite the fact he's the only one who needs the state of the toilet seat to change from one use to another. Maybe going lesbian is the solution. Who here was looking for a girlfriend?
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
quote:Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
quote:As to the toilet seat - both the seat and the lid should be down when not in use. It's more sanitary.
Although it feels more sanitary to you, I am unconvinced that it really is.
We agree far too often these days, porter.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
I really never understood the whole total seat thing. I grew up in a household where both the seat and lid were always down. Really, what's the point of the lid if it's never closed?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
quote:As to the toilet seat - both the seat and the lid should be down when not in use. It's more sanitary.
Although it feels more sanitary to you, I am unconvinced that it really is.
Studies have been done. If the seat is consistently closed before the toilet gets flushed, bacterial counts on exposed bathroom surfaces (not to mention toothbrushes) will be lower.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
This summer marked the first occasion in my 18 years of living with teenage boys. My roomies and I coexisted peacefully in the bathroom for awhile - I tried, unsuccessfully, to teach them to put the lid down, but after awhile I gave up. It wasn't worth the effort.
And then they stopped flushing. Apparently there's a saying floating around (and I apologize for the crudeness) that states, "If it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow." They innocently repeated this to me, as if that was supposed to explain their behaviour, and somehow make it socially acceptable. I made my disgust and rage pretty obvious to them, and I haven't had much of a problem with it since. (Not trying to derail the thread here, but) ladies, have you had any similar problems with male cohabitants of your home?
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
The reason men should put the seat down is because THEY are the ones who dribble on the rim, so THEY are the ones who should have to deal with lowering the seat . And GEEZ it'd be nice if they would WIPE UP the dribbles in the first place.
Actually I'm completely with the people who want the seat AND lid lowered when the appliance is not in use, preferably BEFORE flushing so miniscule bits of toilet detritus are not going everywhere... bliech
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
My main bathroom cabinet is above the toilet. If I don't keep it closed, things fall out of the cabinet and right in there. That's disgusting. It is always fully closed.
Posted by Sweet William (Member # 5212) on :
Studies have been done. If the seat is consistently closed before the toilet gets flushed, bacterial counts on exposed bathroom surfaces (not to mention toothbrushes) will be lower.
Actually, they did this very test on Mythbusters and proved that it is, indeed, a myth.
The whole "there are studies" thing sounds just like something a bunch of control-freak chicks made up to get their way, since logic, persuasion, and ultimatums failed miserably.
Unless you'd care to document these "studies."
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I'm fairly certain that the toothbrush NOT falling in the toilet is more sanitary than the toothbrush falling in the toilet.
Posted by Sweet William (Member # 5212) on :
And then they stopped flushing.
Um, icksville.
In certain desert climes, they have this saying:
"In this land of sand and sun, we don't flush for number 1."
Yeah, that pithy retort NEVER works for me. EWWWWWWWWW
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
well, on the local news they went into a new bathroom with a black light and showed viewers the bathroom. Then they added some extra phosphorescent stuff to the toilet bowl, flushed with the lid open and brought out the black light again. Their were bits of the phosphorescent stuff all over the counters and wall.
Good enough to convince me.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Nothing like local news to bring real science to the forefront of our nightly dose of sensationalism and general quackery.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sweet William: Studies have been done. If the seat is consistently closed before the toilet gets flushed, bacterial counts on exposed bathroom surfaces (not to mention toothbrushes) will be lower.
Actually, they did this very test on Mythbusters and proved that it is, indeed, a myth.
The whole "there are studies" thing sounds just like something a bunch of control-freak chicks made up to get their way, since logic, persuasion, and ultimatums failed miserably.
Unless you'd care to document these "studies."
Hmm. If I didn't have to leave soon for work, I'd try to track them down. I know I read one which did bacterial cultures over the course of a week or so, first under one set of conditions, and then the other.
Can you tell me exactly what they did on the Mythbusters episode you are citing?
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sweet William: Actually, they did this very test on Mythbusters and proved that it is, indeed, a myth.
I thought they proved that even a new toothbrush in a sealed container would end up with little bits of bacteria on it, not that the toothbrushes near the toilet didn't get anything on them. But I think the conclusion was that the bacteria was harmless, so putting the lid down before flushing didn't exactly save you from disease or anything.
Edit for rivka: They took a whole bunch of new toothbrushes and placed them all over the bathroom, and then they took one and sealed it in a container in a different room. I think the ones closest to the toilet had the most bacteria (though all the ones in the bathroom had some), but not even the one in the sealed container remained sterile.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
There's no question that the vast majority of the bacteria that will be growing in your bathroom will not harm you. It's that 1-5% that cause mild (but avoidable) symptoms that I'd like to avoid.
Posted by Sweet William (Member # 5212) on :
Well, now I must come clean.
They tested whether a toothbrush left hanging, unprotected in one of those toothbrush thingys in the loo would have more or less e-coli than one left in a protected area (I think a closet or something).
The toothbrushes were both used daily (as a tool for brushing teeth, only) and returned to their respective "receptacles."
The in-loo brush had no discernible e-coli, likewise the control brush had no discernible e-coli.
Not exactly a refutation of the "there were studies" comment. But whatever, call bullshit on me if you must.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
quote: In certain desert climes, they have this saying:
"In this land of sand and sun, we don't flush for number 1."
And in the movie Meet The Fockers the saying was: "If it's yellow, let it mellow; If it's brown, flush it down"
How on earth did we ge to this topic?
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
quote: Nothing like local news to bring real science to the forefront of our nightly dose of sensationalism and general quackery.
quote: Hey if it is on the news it is real!
So you must be assuming it was a set-up and what they showed was false, since hey it was only the local news Please show me where I implied it was real science vs a convincing demonstration?
Hey, they also did a spot using the same method with black lights and dust to show how effective or ineffective hand washing can be when someone simply rinses their hands, washes them briefly with soap, or takes time to lather and rinse well. But since it was ONLY the local news, clearly it was just a set-up, so I'll just go back to rinsing.
They also did a spot on how many children get into toxic substances when household chemicals are kept under the sink rather than in a more secure place like high up in a locked cabinet. But gee, it was ONLY the local news not REAL science, I'll just go back to keeping my bleach and liquid plumber under the sink. Clearly they had ulteriormotives and it was all a set up.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sweet William: The in-loo brush had no discernible e-coli, likewise the control brush had no discernible e-coli.
That's not what I remember. I remember them all testing positive for fecal coliform bacteria.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:The Myth: (in Adam's own words) "The idea behind this myth is the bristles of a wet toothbrush are an ideal collection surface for things like airborne bacteria."
The Experts: Heather Joseph-Witham says that some people believe you shouldn't leave your tooth brush in the bathroom, particularly next to the toilet. Dr. Joanne Engel - Microbiologist from UCSF - tests all of the toothbrushes for Fecal Coliform bacteria
Quotable Moments: Jamie: There's poo everywhere!
Action/ Results: Adam builds two toothbrush racks in the bathroom. They hang twenty-four toothbrushes in the racks. Then, every day for a month, Adam and Jamie go in, wash their hands with antibacterial soap, then wet each toothbrush, put toothpaste on each one, then rinse each one out with distilled water. They also leave two toothbrushes in a glass on the top of the toilet, and they actually brush their teeth with those. They also have two toothbrushes that they keep in the office, away from the bathroom. These also get the wetting, toothpaste, rinse treatment. They also keep track of how much business goes on in the bathroom for that month.
At the end of the month, Dr. Engel comes over and tests each toothbrush for fecal coliform by rubbing them on a Petri dish and in some broth. She incubates the dishes and the test tubes, and then shows the guys that all of the toothbrushes, including the two in the office, had fecal coliform on them. Myth true - fecal coliform bacteria do grow in toothbrush bristles.
However, when Adam askes if we should be concerned about this, Dr. Engel says no.
Posted by mimsies (Member # 7418) on :
No I don't! I almost never watch the news, local or otherwise. Well, I hardly watch any TV. We have one local station with Deanna Sauceda. If she is scheduled to do an interesting spot, I usually try to watch it. She does lots of good bits on things related to health and safety.
Posted by smartguy (Member # 8451) on :
quote: I heard on NPR that leg shaving originated with prostitutes
False, leg shaveing originated during world war two. with all the men gone they had to find a new market.
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
To the person who asked, my hair is a middle brown.
To all the toilet seat debaters: Personally I'm a fan of closing the lid, because I'm clumsy and drop things in there if I don't, but if you're not going to do that I can see both the male and female sides of the issue.
Can anyone explain why the toilet seat in the women's restroom at my office always ends up left up? Men accidently wandering in? Space aliens?
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
The cleaning staff. The clean the outside first, then the inside, and leave the seat up for it to dry off.
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
That would explain the morning, but in the middle of the day. . .?
Well, if they clean it that often, I feel much more sanitary, I suppose.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I run into the cleaning staff in the bathroom at all times during the day. It's kind of bizarre.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
When they clean they might leave it up?
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:Originally posted by smartguy: False, leg shaveing originated during world war two. with all the men gone they had to find a new market.
This sounds like a far more likely explanation to me.
Posted by NdRa (Member # 2295) on :
I used to shave or wax my legs religiously like my life depended on it. I have a lot of leg, and a lot of hair, so this was always such a chore. Now I just don't. I am way too busy, and barely have time to sit for a meal let alone spend an hour on removing leg hair. My boyfriend actually prefers au natural, which is a good thing cause I think most men would totally be grossed out with my leg hair situation.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Hey Sandy.
Posted by NdRa (Member # 2295) on :
Hey Glynn.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
How's it crackin'?
Posted by NdRa (Member # 2295) on :
Good. I have a moment’s time to do whatever I want on the internet, so I figured I would publicly admit to having the hairiest pair of legs living along the California beaches. How you doin?
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I'm fine. Did you know I'm married with child now? I can't remember the last time we chatted.
Speaking of hair. I have an asymmetrical patch of hair on my back.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Is it shaped like anything cool? And how dense is it? Is it just a collection of wispy hairs, or is it a swatch of man-fur?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
NdRa, good to see you!
I don't necessarily buy the WWII-Returning-GIs explanation of leg shaving. It could be where the practice came from in this country, but it's not like there isn't a long history of leg depilation (and body depilation in general, especially for women) in ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Roman cultures.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Definitely man-fur. It's dark and thick enough to see at a distance. It's shaped like a blob and only appears on the lower left part of my back (up about 4-6 inches from my butt). The hair itself is quite soft, actually.
Now my chest hair, that's shaped like an upside-down star. A little creativity, and I could be the antichrist or something.
Posted by NdRa (Member # 2295) on :
I remember you were expecting a child. Congrats Glynn! I am now an apprentice at a private detective agency and my boss just walked in. I don't have nearly as much downtime as I did working as a web developer. Internet time is so precious now. Dude, shoot me an email.
Posted by NdRa (Member # 2295) on :
*waves at Noemon*
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Email: Done
So, do you live in the guest house of a huge mansion and drive around in a cherry Ferrari?
Posted by Seatarsprayan (Member # 7634) on :
quote:Actually, they did this very test on Mythbusters and proved that it is, indeed, a myth.
I (okay, my girlfriend) saw a flaw in their methodology.
They used the same tube of toothpaste, and touched the toothpaste tube to each toothbrush. All of their toothbrushes were cross-contaminated!
I like Mythbusters, but sometimes they miss stuff.
Posted by Rico (Member # 7533) on :
For some reason I now have the sudden urge to get a new toothbrush and preserve it in alcohol.
Posted by NdRa (Member # 2295) on :
I'm into cross-contamination.
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
Also, I clean the bathrooms, so I think it's only fair that I get to dictate the state of the toilet seat and lid.
I also change our toothbrushes every month and boil them every week.
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
quote: Avadaru said: "If it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow." They innocently repeated this to me, as if that was supposed to explain their behaviour, and somehow make it socially acceptable.
Water conservation!
Posted by Miriya (Member # 7822) on :
The lid down/seat down/up discussion gets resolved really fast once you have young kids. I'm talking about that 2-5 age group that waits as long as possible to go to the bathroom and then runs headlong to use the toilet.
If the lid is down, they have an accident while trying to lift it. If the lid is down and they DON'T NOTICE, it gets messy. If the seat is up, they fall in. Seat down, lid up is the only way to go.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Can we please get back on topic.
Who here is a lesbian?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I've seen "Fried Green Tomatoes" does that count?
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
quote:Can we please get back on topic.
Who here is a lesbian?
*peers cautiously into the thread, which she hasn't looked at since the first dozen posts*
Hmm, Hatrack thread drift, I guess I shouldn't be surprsied if this is the topic now.
For what it's worth, I'm in a long-term committed relationship with another woman, but I do not identify as a lesbian (or even bisexual, for that matter). So I don't know why I'm even posting this. I guess because it beats working
Posted by Sweet William (Member # 5212) on :
Also, I clean the bathrooms, so I think it's only fair that I get to dictate the state of the toilet seat and lid.
Why? If that is the job you have chosen as part of your contribution to the family, why does that make you goddess of the potty seat?
It would be the same as if a sole wage-earner had said: "I make all the money around here, so I get to dictate all the decisions about everything."
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Stray - out of curiosity, how do you identify?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I knew a woman in Stray's situation who identified as "Straight with Shannon Tendancies" (Shannon being her girlfriend)
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
I had a girlie-fling last winter. Parts of it were excellent, parts of it drove me absolutely nuts. Currently I have an excellent boyfriend. So I'm not a practicing lesbian . And since he strongly prefers monogamy, I doubt I'm going to have many more opportunities.
Sometimes we scope out chicks together, though.
Posted by Hmm216 (Member # 8403) on :
I dont mind shaving, putting on makeup, or doing any of the stuff that girls do...I guess Im just a girlie girl.
And I dont think there is anything wrong with that...I am proud to be a woman!
Posted by Hmm216 (Member # 8403) on :
Wow, I guess I should read the most updated replies before posting something...
sorry about the total subject change!!!
I might add I am proud to be a woman and I love men!!
Posted by Intelligence3 (Member # 6944) on :
quote:Originally posted by JuniperDreams: Forgive me if this sounds somewhat crude, or if I'm breaking shocking news....
But girls are people too.... We have skin... and.. wait-wait! Get this: On the skin.... we grow hair! That's right... hair just like you, fellas!
So tell me... why is it that we have to shave and you don't??? I mean.... what's the big deal about hairy legs? Everything these days makes it sound so unnatural.....
And we can get acne just like you! So why do we have to cover it up and you don't?
And while I'm up here embarassing myself... PUT DOWN THE DAMN TOILET SEAT!! thank you.
I agree on the shaving. I've never understood that, myself.
On the toilet seat... OPERATE THE DAMN TOILET SEAT YOURSELF!!!!! Thank you.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Am I the only one who likes the feel of air on newly shaved skin? It's kind of invigoratin'. If I weren't such a wuss and feared being driven from rural Florida by a mass of pitchfork and shotgun weilding rednecks, I might shave my whole body.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
But think how invigorating it will feel if you shave your whole body and then get chased by that mob. Especially if you streak.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
I certainly enjoyed it when I shaved my head. But that's a way less bothersome than shaving legs.