This is topic So*, I'm moving to NC (updated~!) in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
It's times like these I wish I were Mormon. Heh. I need a group of folks to help me settle in.

I've lived in The Military Community for over ten years now (husband's in the Army) and now we are going to live "on the economy" and I don't remember how to be a civilian. Bah.

Chuck's gotten pulled for recruiting duty ( *sob* ), so we are going to live in a real city, not on an Army Base. No military hospital, no Commissary (military grocery store), no P/X (military...Wal-Mart), and no community of people dealing with the same issues (deployments, long hours, crazy camo uniforms) as my family.

It's going to be weird.

It's also going to be somewhat liberating, I think. The military can be intrusive. Living on an Army base comes with its own set of annoying policies. Like living in a planned community. I don't know how to explain it, but you are under a sort of scrutiny that affects your spouse's career.

Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that in less than two months I will be moving (probably to Winston-Salem) and I don't have a place to live yet, I don't know where our son is going to school, and I don't know...well...anything. When I move from one Army Base to another, I can count on a place to live being arranged for me (to a degree). I can count on my dogs being allowed to live with me. I know there will be an elementary school within a mile of my home.

If I were Mormon, I would have a ward to appeal to for help in finding housing. And I would probably find people to help me unpack!

Any Hatrackers in the area willing to be my Civilian Secular Ward for a couple of weeks? Hehe. I'm afraid I'm no good at Jell-o salad, though, we'll have to call out for pizza. [Smile]

I am, ultimately, excited about this move. I have never lived in the South, and am up to the challenge of 'civilian' life. I know that my family can adapt to this move, as long as my husband is reasonably content with his job (recruiting is very hard, I just hope he can feel that he is doing his best and being recognized for it), we will thrive.

Sorry about the long rant, most of you don't even know who I am, but I needed to put it out there, and here it is. [Smile]

Oh, P.S., Winston-Salem is fairly close to Greensboro. I told my son (7 y.o.) that I "knew" an author in the area. I of course meant that I "knew of" an author in the area. Christopher is seven, and doesn't know the difference. Now he wants to meet OSC, and thinks that Mommy is wonderful and can do anything. What do you say, Mr. Card? Wanna meet a future fan? LOL

[ September 28, 2005, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: jexx ]
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
I know of a house for sale a few hours west of Winston-Salem [Smile]
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
Good luck with the move. It's always a challenge when a move involves a major lifestyle change. I moved from a tiny town in Georgia to Manhattan for college and it was a big adjustment. I adapted pretty quickly and I'm sure you will too (probably much quicker, actually).

I've never been to Winston-Salem, but I've been to other parts of NC many times and it's a beautiful state. The people couldn't be nicer or more welcoming.

Good luck!
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :

Jexx, I sent you an email!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Winston-Salem is a pretty cool town. I used to live in Pilot Mountain, which is about 35 miles north of WS. Two of my brothers still live in that area with their families.

As soon as you can, plan a day-trip to Pilot Mountain State Park. It's a wonderful picnic spot and has several fairly easy nature trails and overlooks. You can even see WS on a clear day from the mountain. I spent the majority of my childhood in sight of that mountain and it will always hold a dear place in my heart.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
We'll be there next week, most likely. My Brother-in-law lives in Kernersville. It is a beautiful area.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I just have to say that CR is one cool kid. [Smile]
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
I live 20 minutes north of Winston.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm about two minutes south of Winston. [Smile]
Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
My roommate (Damander here at Hatrack) is from Winston-Salem. [Smile]
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
In a rational universe, Greensboro would be a legitimate place to live if you work in Winston-Salem. Unfortunately, because of traffic designs, it is literally impossible to get from one city to the other without using I-40, which is a traffic nightmare. So commuting would be too miserable to contemplate. Only in NC could you have two cities twenty miles apart without any direct commercial roads leading from the middle of one to the middle of the other.

Till, the whole area is a lovely place to live. Old Salem is cool; the School of the Arts is there; and as for that Mormon Ward thing, you still have a few days left to join the Church before you move <grin>.

You mean we DON'T know each other? Now what will I tell MY kids?

Too bad I'll be at the beach when you get down there ... Not that I'd help you move, but I'd at least have sat in my air-conditioned house feeling guilty about NOT helping.

Do look at High Point, by the way. There are LOTS of roads connecting High Point to W-S, and it's a lovely town in its own right.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Good luck, Jexx!

One good thing is that Donna the Buffalo plays down there a lot.

No, wait, that's good for me...

I thought it was beautiful in NC when we were there. I hope you enjoy it.

Also, Mr. Card should not feel too bad about not helping you move. the military will do it for you, right?
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
Welcome to NC. I'm in Greensboro and Winston-Salem is a pretty nice place. (I do think Greensboro is a bit better, but Winston's still a pretty good place to end up).

And Mr. Card's advice on High Point is pretty good. Also, Clemmons, just outside of Winston to the North is a really good place to be as well.

(And if you're familiar with "Folk of the Fringe" by our esteemed host, the easy exit from US-421 to Clemmons (the Peacehaven exit) features in the beginning of the book, if I recall.)
Posted by arevoj (Member # 7347) on :
Ditto the welcomes; I'm in Greensboro as well. The previous info on areas surrounding Greensboro and Winston is good. I also do not like I-40; I travel on it nearly every day. However, I do find it to be a little better since they opened more lanes through Greensboro. Merging into traffic through Death Valley is still a beast, though.
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
For those not familiar with the area, Death Valley is a stretch of roadway where I believe five or six interstates merge together over the course of only four or five miles.

Now there may be as many as 12 lanes available across the span, but that's just so there's plenty of room for the cars and trucks to skid around during the rush hour pinball game.
Posted by arevoj (Member # 7347) on :
Yep - 40, 85, 29, 421 all come in together at the same spot, and I'm probably forgetting some. If you happen to be coming in on 421, you will be merging into the middle with the others coming through on either side. It used to terrify me but I'm used to it now. Secret - never, ever hesitate or you end up stranded on this ever-shrinking triangle of space with cars barrelling past on both sides.

One great thing happens, though, if you happen to be headed west from that point. Around the time you get to South Elm-Eugene St., you will notice this wonderful aroma filling the air -butterscotch or vanilla or strawberry or orange, etc. There is a company close by that produces extracts and flavorings and it smells fantastic!
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
Boris--Your family homestead looks lovely, but we are not looking to buy a home. *grin* Sorry. I tried to convince hubby that buying would be better than renting, but since we would be moving in three years, perhaps he was right in saying it wasn't our best option. (He's almost always right, it's very annoying [Wink] )

Mrs. M--Thank you for your positive wishes. I have to agree that the area looks lovely. Everyone I have met from the Carolinas (well, almost everyone) has been very charming. I'm looking forward to meeting more Southerners. I love people--it's my favorite part of moving, meeting new people.

Tammy--thank you for being my first friend in NC (apologies to OSC, but she responded first! Ha!). I look forward to meeting you in real life!

KarlEd--thank you for the recommendation. Our family loves day trips. I am writing this info down in my "NC move" notebook.

TheTick--Maybe you will visit the state again when I am actually *there*. Haha. Then we can have a Shinda! Do they have Shindas in NC?

mack--you know it!

steven--I don't know what to say. LOL

hansenj--then we will definitely need to have the NC equivalent of a Shinda!

Mr. Card--*squee!* Ahem...sorry...but you posted in my thread, and that deserves a *squee*.

I've looked into the LDS faith, and have decided that it is not (yet) for me. I am keeping my options open, however, and the lure of slave labor sure is tempting. *grin*

I think your kids now know that we are not acquainted, since at least one of them frequents the board. [Wink] If you would like to remedy the situation, however, our family would love to take yours out to lunch at some point, during which we would be eternally grateful if you would squish the head of our small son. *grin* With photographic evidence, of course.

I'm not entirely certain where Chuck will actually be stationed, and that ultimately will define where we live (in proximity to W-S and/or Greensboro). In the past, we have had to live on or extremely near post because Chuck was determined "essential personnel". Since recruiting requires so much driving anyway, we should be able to cast our net wider in regards to housing. A relief, really.

So glad you don't have to feel guilty. We're good planners that way, aren't we? [Wink]

Elizabeth--DtB! I really need to see them live. I enjoy the CDs you sent me (did I ever thank you properly? Thank you!), but some bands simply need to be seen in person to be appreciated.

Yes, the military will move our things for us. It's very cool, actually, but you have to be careful to empty the trash before they come in to pack, or they will pack that too! I posted my plea on here mostly for a Welcome Wagon sort of thing, not for actual physical unpacking/moving. Plus, I like whining. [Smile]

Sopwith--thank you for your recommendations. I'm excited to be so close to so many Hatrackers! Awesome. Shamefully, I have not read "Folk of the Fringe". Maybe during my downtime on the drive to NC.

arevoj--there's a Death Valley in NC??? Freaky. I grew up in SoCal, so Death Valley to me is a totally different thing. Heh.

arevoj and Sopwith regarding driving in NC--as I just mentioned, I grew up in SoCal. *grin* It's been a while, but I learned how to drive on the SoCal freeway system, and now that I have a car with actual power (8 cylinders/automatic as opposed to my 4 cylinder/manual--what a beast) I am confident in my merging abilities. I will keep my wits about me, don't worry!

Everyone--I know this is an overly-long response, but I wanted to make sure I thanked everyone for their input and friendship. This move is exciting. And I'm also a little apprehensive. But I'm okay with that. [Smile]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Then we can have a Shinda! Do they have Shindas in NC?
So very sorry, but Shindae are peculiar to SoCal.
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
Yes, SoCallers *are* peculiar.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Pfft. I set that one up for you. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Jexx, you did thank me, but it is your enjoyment that is my thanks. (really)

It just so happens...

Sun. Sep 18, 2005 Carolina Theatre 8:00pm $15/20
310 South Green Street Greensboro, NC
Posted by Nitasmile (Member # 8275) on :
Good luck w/your move. I recently moved to a ward that has lots of military people. Just among the few people I have met, it is amazing how at times they have moved from assignment to assignment w/each other (coworkers). That is too bad you won't have some of your friends moving w/you. I hope you will find good friends among neighbors, parents of your children's friends, etc in NC. Hope you and your family will make happy memories. Sorry for sounding sappy! Thank you for this challenge of military service.
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
Okay, so update!

Today Chuck called me and said that he found out over the phone (and again, I don't trust anything from the Army unless I see it on paper, and even then I don't trust them) that he will be working out of Kernersville, NC. His report date (and therefore, our report date) is November 10. Thanks for the timely warning, Army! You continue to be hated by the families of military members, good job!

A little bitter.

Anyway, Kernersville looks like a great little town and I am excited about moving on with our lives. I'm upset that we've been jerked around a little bit by the people who hand out orders, but that's a story I can't explain because I don't understand it anyway and it's boring and frustrating.

So! NC! I can't wait!
Posted by whiskysunrise (Member # 6819) on :
Good luck. I hope your move goes in good order.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Let me know when you need me to lend a hand. [Smile]
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
Oh, Tammy, you don't by any chance have a house you want to rent me, do you?

*tired grin*

I'm going through rentals online, and it's tough to find a place that accepts largish pets (our boxer's GOT to be 90 lbs at least) and has the amenities we'd like. In the right area, that is. It would be ideal to be right *in* Kernersville, just more convenient, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of townhouses/larger apts.

Tomorrow I have to start making phone calls. I hate cold-calling. I'm a little whiny. I'm also upset at my husband (for different, petty reason) so that's coloring my attitude right now. [/vent]

I'm still excited, though!

I just really want a little bit of a yard to put a dog run out on for my furry beloveds.
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
Aha! We have a moving date and everything now!

Plus, we have signed and faxed a lease to an individual who is renting us his house (with a fenced yard! Yay for doggies!). So I'm excited and happy. And worried, too. But not stressed yet.

The movers come to pack our stuff on November 3 and 4. Our housing is inspected on November 7 (to make sure all is clean/in good repair). We will be in Raleigh November 10-12 so Chuck can check in with his battalion, and then it's off to Kernersville! Our lease has us moving into our new home on November 15th, so we will probably be in a hotel for a couple of days (not counting the time in Raleigh), unless Jimmy lets us move in early, but that's okay. I quite like short stays in hotels.

Once we lived in a hotel for 3 1/2 months. That was not fun. This is much better. [Smile]

I already called the local elementary (Cash Elementary if anyone is interested or has information about it) to see about enrolling our son there. Happily, it's an easy process. May I also say that North Carolinians have delightful phone manners and charming accents?

(I'm a little giddy right now because things are finally *happening*)

My husband is also encouraging me to enroll myself in UNC. I had mentioned taking something at Forsyth Technical College (community college). I think that if I can bring myself to apply for financial aid (the FASFA scares me [Wink] ), I'll be alright.

I'm very excited!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Geez, Sorry I missed this. Happy for you, though! [Wink] NC is great. My brother lives in Greensboro now, but, being the lazy sod i am, I have not been to see him yet. Wanted to let him settle in before I decscended upon him with the boys and all that. [Wink]

Anyway, I hope your move goes well. NC is great - you get all four seasons there, which is nice. [Smile]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Don't let the FAFSA scare you. That's exactly what it wants.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm happy for you! I do want you to know that we normally do get all four seasons, but for some reason someone forgot fall this year. It's freezin outside.

*still waiting to help* [Smile]
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
Aw Tammy, you are awfully sweet. I'll email you tonight just to update you on everything.

Jamie, you crack me UP. I will fill out the FAFSA once I get to NC and get the papers I need together.

I'm not concerned about the four seasons thing, frankly, I think it's overrated. *grin* I lived for my early years in SoCal (normal fall, shortish winter, shortish spring, long summer), then Arizona (short fall, no winter to speak of, some spring, monsoon, long summer) to Alaska (short fall, long winter, more winter, mud aka spring, four weeks of summer) to NY (four seasons). So whatever happens, happens. I'm more concerned with the humid, humid summer. Blecch. But the house we are renting (I signed a lease!) has central air--woot!

Olivet, I've seen pics of your children. They're beautiful, and certainly worth the noise of a visit. [Smile] Go to Greensboro!
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
I killed my own thread~!


I'm in NC now, in our new rented house, and almost all of the boxes are unpacked!

Oh man, how I love it here. It's frequin' gorgeous. The people are so nice. There are freeways that make SENSE (West Point was a wasteland of unmarked county roads and arcane cow trails).

Everyone should move here. Except if you did, it would be more crowded. So don't all of you come at once. Rotate it.

I'm so happeeeeeee.

Now I just have to get over my cold and see about enrolling in college or something.


And call Tammy. I should really call Tammy. Could you send me an email? I lost your address. *grump* Email is sewsquare at yahoo dot com. Yes, I am too lazy to fine your email in your profile. Maybe it's because I have this cold. *koff*
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :

I'm glad your move went well.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
originally posted by jexx:
I've looked into the LDS faith, and have decided that it is not (yet) for me. I am keeping my options open, however, and the lure of slave labor sure is tempting. *grin*
*psst* --hey jexx--watch out, you become one of us and YOU become the slave labor! [Evil]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
You could, like, call ME or something. [Grumble]

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