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Posted by ? (Member # 2319) on :
Here's my problem.

I can't remember any dreams. It's not that I can't remember what my dreams are about. I can't remember even dreaming at all. I probably haven't for at least 6 months or more.

I love it when I have dreams and remember them, but it's been so long. I would keep a dream journal to help, but you have to at least remember something about your dreams to be able to do that.

So what can I do? Any dream specialist out here?

? [Confused]
Posted by Rico (Member # 7533) on :
You might not be getting enough sleep to dream or maybe something is disturbing you before you go into the dream phase of your sleep.

But, there are some dreams you're better off not remembering.

For example, I remember having a dream where I was on my way to take some final exams and some girl asks me to hold her purse. Immediately after that some guy in a sports car starts trying to run me over... on one of his passes I take a look at the driver and I notice it's a shark!

So there's me running with a purse from a shark driving a sports car right before I take finals.

I mean come on, sharks are deadly enough as it is, giving them sports cars is just overkill!
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Now THAT's an awesome dream!
Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
For some reason I usually don't have dreams (or at least, don't start REMEMBERING that I was dreaming) until the "sleeping in" period. Don't have/remember any prior to 8 hrs.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
I dont know how to remember dreams better, but we dream all the time, even when we dont even remember if we had a dream or not. Sometimes you randomly remember dreams years after you have them, even if you barely remember them waking up the morning after the night you've had them, and then forgeting them right away.

And Rico wins the award for snazziest dream.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I honestly can not tell you how to remember dreams better. I usually always do. Try eating something spicy or like, a hamburger or something before you go to bed.
Posted by Promethius (Member # 2468) on :
I think I remember hearing that if you want to remember a dream set your alarm clock ten minutes earlier than normal and then once it goes off hit the snooze and think about what you were dreaming about.

Another good way to remember a dream is to set your alarm clock in the middle of the night. Chances are you will wake up in the middle of a dream.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Yeah. A good dream.
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
Something that I've found helps is if you write immediately when you get up. Don't worry about content or making sence, just write a page or two. I find that I usually forget dreams by the time I get in the shower. Writing helps me focus on what it is I'm thinking about, which right after I get up tend to be dreams.

Writing them down helps me remember them longer, and if I forget, I have a written record. Once I start remembering dreams, I have an easier time remmebering this one with a Death Star, run by hyper-intelligent, six-foot chickens who all wore Australian Military Uniforms.

This is what happens in my brain,

*shrugs* Who knew
Posted by Rico (Member # 7533) on :
Hey, at least they're not Nascar sharks!
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
There are often periods in which I don't remember dreams. Then my sleep schedule shifts, and this changes.
Posted by TheSeeingHand (Member # 8349) on :
I've been remembering strange dreams lately for some reason.

One time before I went to sleep I was thinking about something, well, unfortunate that had happened that day and I was thinking "Oh great, now I'm going to be seeing it over again in my sleep."

When I woke up, all I remember was from the dream was seeing someone who I admire, someone who is so beautiful that I would have lived that unfortunate day 100 time over just to see her.

Alternately, I just recently had a dream where all of a sudden I heard a loud THWAP from behind me.

The THWAP had nothing to with the dream and it made me wake up suddenly.

To this day I still don't know what the THWAP was.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I used to not remember my dreams. Now, I remember them, and by and large, they're DISTURBING.

I'd consider not remembering them as a blessing.

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