This is topic ZGATOR: PROOF, then I'll get lost in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Originally posted by zgator:
I live in Florida. I can't say that I've ever heard of the pesticides used in orange groves being used for suicide. But then again, I'm not wearing a tin foil hat, so I guess I wouldn't.
They use other drugs to make the pesticide go deeper into the soil and then into the water system before it kills the flower.
As a soils engineer and someone with passing familiarity with soil contamination, I'm fascinated by a chemical that can be used to make a pesticide go deeper into the soil. Deeper into the groundwater, yeah, but soil... It could be done, but it would be outrageously expensive.
Ok, buddy:

The chemical I so obviously mad up recently in order to gain attention is actually called Methyl Bromide, otherwise known as Terro -gas. It was supposed to have been phased out in 2000, but product advancement has a different agenda. In 2002 alone, 62,780 pounds of this was applied by growers from coast to coast, mostly concentrated in California and Florida, and yes, applied to your precious flowers. It was also used as a nerve gas durring WWI. Uppon application, 85 to 90 percent of this chemical escapes into the ozone. This is just one of many, which includes 20,193 pounds of copper sulfate, which, yes is used alternately for suicide in the form of one or two grams. They also use metam sodium, 23,691 pounds (these numbers are accurate give or take one ), a chemicle toxic at levels of ONE PART PER TRILLION, which in 1991, this chemicle had an accidental spill into the Sacramento River in 1991, killing everything. By this I mean the dead fish in the water didn't rot because the bacteria surrounding it was also dead. This can go on and on. Quite frankly, I'm sick of you people. So if you have any more bs to dish out, do it now, and maybe I'll respond, if it's not as obnoxiously rude as it always it, and will probably be.
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
Do you have any links to this information?
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Yes, that'll take another sec
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
Good God, who pissed in your cheerios, man?
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
*giggles at Jim-Me*
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :

Originally posted by Alcon:
Umm... are you ok? Had too much to drink tonight? Or just been reading too many conspiracy theory websites?

Since when is there a cure to HIV? Since when was it human designed and since when have there been two cures created in paralell? Since not ever.

Our knowledge of genetics and viri simply isn't that advanced yet. Me thinks you've been drinking too much and been reading too many conspiracy theory websites all at once. Go to bed, get some sleep, I hope that hangover isn't too bad tomorrow. [Razz]

Oh, and this…

Originally posted by zgator:
I live in Florida. I can't say that I've ever heard of the pesticides used in orange groves being used for suicide. But then again, I'm not wearing a tin foil hat, so I guess I wouldn't.
They use other drugs to make the pesticide go deeper into the soil and then into the water system before it kills the flower.
As a soils engineer and someone with passing familiarity with soil contamination, I'm fascinated by a chemical that can be used to make a pesticide go deeper into the soil. Deeper into the groundwater, yeah, but soil... It could be done, but it would be outrageously expensive.
And, yeah, this too…

Originally posted by Parsimony:

I don't really understand why you don't just post the information in the first place, Dink. In the two threads you have posted here recently you make a claim with no backup, and then proceed to either commend those who ask for some sort of confirmation or condemn those who didn't realize they were supposed to beg you for it. Seems like you could save a lot of time and frustration by posting a link when you first create the thread.


And many, many more

when I responded to these in anger (what the hell did you expect?) I was told was overreacting, get lost. And I will, but I have been in front of much more important people in denial of what I’m talking about and held my own, so I certainly wont let some Internet forum get to me. Also I’m tired from a loooong day of work, so doing this is actually some good practice for what’s to come, and it wakes me up!
Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
I certainly wont let some Internet forum get to me. [/QB]
But you are letting it get to you. You clearly do care whether they believe you or not. If you stayed calmer you might engender more respect in your readers. Chill already.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Here's an ok link:

But I don't really trust the net for these kinds of things. Go for books:

'The Farther Reaches Of Human Nature' by

'Culture of Make Believe' by Jensen
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
How about some documentation?

A link would be nice...

Without something to back up your assertations, you're just another guy frothing at the mouth with "secrets man wasn't meant to know".

Let's see something credible or something we can learn from.

Shy of that, you just look a tad, umm, unbalanced.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
What I mean by get to me, i meant as 'getting away with', oh, and if you knew the stress of my kind of work and what's currently going on in the world, you'd be angry too. This is what I do for relaxation, but unfortunately I had a bad day and mixed work with entertainment, and as always, it didn't work. But, believe it or not, it is strangely relaxing to be able to actually get angry in front of the people givine me hell about it, which is something I'd commit suicide before diong in the real world. So the getting angry part I'm actually enjoying. So, fire away those questions!
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Dink, please list the links to the information you've mentioned. I'd be very interested to read it.

I'd also be interested in knowing what your background is and how you come to find out about things not available through the mainstream press. Are they the kind of sources that I could find too if I tried?

Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Originally posted by Sopwith:
How about some documentation?

A link would be nice...

Without something to back up your assertations, you're just another guy frothing at the mouth with "secrets man wasn't meant to know".

Let's see something credible or something we can learn from.

Shy of that, you just look a tad, umm, unbalanced.

Yet again. Next time ask, And I'll get it to you. But that was ridiculous to say on a thread I created specifically to give people resources such as links. You're jusr responding quicker. I'm being honest in intentions, you're just typing faster. Now, please don't give another response on this thread. If anyone is interested more in what this guy wanted to know, links and such, just ask, thanks.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Yeah, Sopwith, stay out of this thread. Jeez. :)
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Annie, I'd be happy, but could you be a little more specific? I admit I was a little broad, and to mention all my resources on all these things, I'd be here all day. Thanks for asking, but if your really interested in all of it, I'll start with the first thing I mentioned, above, and end with the AIDS epidemic. It may take a While, but Its my day off (more like an afternoon off, i have to be somewhere in about two hours), just please be patient. thanks and Aloha
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
The AIDS stuff sounded interesting.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Dink... what are you trying to prove? I mean, it looks to me you're just trying to prove that you can piss farther than z by tossing out meaningless numbers.

Are you trying to say that methyl bromide can and probably has been used to commit suicide? I don't doubt it. It is deadly, after all, and people will go to great lengths to kill themselves.

Are you saying that it's an epidemic, as it were? I very much doubt it. It isn't a pleasent way to die and, for most people, it's easier to get a hold of your car and a garage or some rope and a chair.

That it's specifically formulated for deep soil penetration? You're going to have to explain that one to me because I have a hard time imagining how something that volatile, that's also going to get caught up in soil colloids is specifically formulated to penetrate deeply into the ground water. I mean, an organohalogen is clearly not your best option here. Nevermind why they would ever want to do it.

What does metam sodium have to do with anything?

It's hard for you to impress me when I can't figure out what your point is. Maybe it would help if you linked to the original thread so I knew what you were railing against?
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
*patiently waits for the mere name of the court case involving the guy inventing HIV*

You seem to know so much, it should be trivial to find the name of the case.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Oh, I'll settle for, say, the county it takes place in, or the Judge's name, or any other detail which an intelligent person could use to find the case.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Originally posted by Dink:
First I'll start with A book called 'The Natural Alien: Humankind and the Environment', by Neil Evernden, and one by Donald Worster. The Wealth of Nature: Environmental History and the Ecological Imagination. I'll get into these people and how they know what they do in a few

Now, if you are impatiently interested in the AIDS case, go to this site

I'll get to him after I've dealt with the environmental issue. forgive me for how slow I am as a typer

I apologise, this was supposed to be posted on this thread, but i am now getting all unorganized between the three threads I have converations going on in. I am going to delete those threads so this is the only one. thank you for your patience
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Originally posted by fugu13:
*patiently waits for the mere name of the court case involving the guy inventing HIV*

You seem to know so much, it should be trivial to find the name of the case.

US Supreme Court Case No. 00-9587. Please ask next time, and I dont presume to know anything. If you want more info, you need to be patient as I said. I'm trying to deal with the environmental issue first. thank you
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
No, that's the one involving Boyd Graves, who's pretty clearly not the inventor of HIV.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Originally posted by fugu13:
No, that's the one involving Boyd Graves, who's pretty clearly not the inventor of HIV.

REad the thread about this topic before it is deleted. You don't seem willing to be polite about this, so I don't plan on answering any more of your questions. Please don't reply again on this thread. Because I don't want to answer your questions doesn't mean I dont have the answers. If anyone ELSE has similar questions, feel free to ask.
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
Dink, dude, calm down. I was merely providing you with some helpful advice for future threads. Everyone on hatrack always asks for links. We like to see some form of proof. Inherent in any internet forum is a certain degree of skepticism. It goes with the territory of talking to a lot of people you have never met before and know relatively little about. Taking any sort of scientific statement at face value with nothing to back it up would make us kind of stupid. We all have to provide something to back-up our statements, that's all I said.

Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :

This is more fun than throwing pies.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Dink, fugu's been more polite than anyone involved in this conversation except Annie. And that includes his being far more polite than you.

You told fugu to stop reading the other thread. It's likely he missed your correction there.

Regardless, his pointing out your errors does not make him impolite.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Fugu, that last post of yours couldn't have been more ill-timed.
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
I'm still trying to figure out how we put AIDS in the pesticides...
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Nothing wrong with it Dag, I find lots of things fun which are polite, like games, and pie throwing.

*pies Dag*
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Originally posted by Dagonee:
Dink, fugu's been more polite than anyone involved in this conversation except Annie. And that includes his being far more polite than you.

You told fugu to stop reading the other thread. It's likely he missed your correction there.

Regardless, his pointing out your errors does not make him impolite.

I appreciate your assertiveness, but your not asking for me to correct my oen mistakes just tells me you'd rather me not even though I said I would. Since those mistakes I've admitted to them, and have said nothing since but what I thought you wanted. Buy why do you still persist? I dtold fungu to read the other thread because he obviously didn't, and I never TOLD anyone not to
read that thread, I ASKED them to stop posting on it.

I ask again, why do you persist? You obviously have no real intention in finding out whether or not I atcually have fundamental sources, or you would have just been patient and waited for me to finish the post I had to interrupt in order to address this.

I didn't ask for sympathy, only for patience. But this is too much, I'm done. Someone please report this thread, and myself, so perhaps the name Dink, a great name for this forum. Good bye
Posted by Void (Member # 8259) on :
GET THIS: the guy who created the hiv virus is currently suing the government for rights to one of the two cures they created parallel to the virus. He wants them to release it to the general public. I'll put up a new post with details and where to get more info on the topic soon. I don't have HIV, but if you or someone you know does, this is something you need to know. No, I'm not messing with you, and yes, everyone should be aware of this case. People, just because it's not on TV, doesn't mean it's not true, as mind boggling as that may sound.

If I read your posts correctly, you asked for people to come here to address this, making it easier to follow. Could you please post a link to information about this case. Thank you.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Why do I persist? Because you're pretending like you're a victim and that everyone is treating you badly. You've also couched disagreement and skepticism in your extraVagent claims as attacks on you. And you're responding to the people who are not treating you badly (me, fugu) with the same vehemence as you've responded to people who have made fun of you.

Almost makes me wish I'd just given in and made fun of you when I wanted to.

I've wanted to see some coherent explanation of this massive conspiracy that has killed what, tens of millions of people? You haven't composed one yourself. You haven't posted any links we can get to. And you've complained because people are skeptical of what you're saying.

Just post something that makes sense. Right now, it's impossible to discuss this with you because what "it" is keeps changing.
Posted by Void (Member # 8259) on :
I'm sorry, I did not see your last post before I posted mine.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
How did he get such a low member number... was he actually here 3-4 years ago?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Yep. He's in this thread.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
I believe you Dink.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I think I'd be more convinced, Dink, if I could understand how Methyl Bromide would cause anything to go deeper into the soil. I'm not a soils engineer like Zgator, but I've had some exposure to it and to basic chemistry. Do you have any links that might help me understand this?

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :

They use other drugs to make the pesticide go deeper into the soil and then into the water system before it kills the flower.

As a soils engineer and someone with passing familiarity with soil contamination, I'm fascinated by a chemical that can be used to make a pesticide go deeper into the soil. Deeper into the groundwater, yeah, but soil... It could be done, but it would be outrageously expensive.
Ok, buddy:

The chemical I so obviously mad up recently in order to gain attention is actually called Methyl Bromide, otherwise known as Terro -gas. It was supposed to have been phased out in 2000, but product advancement has a different agenda. In 2002 alone, 62,780 pounds of this was applied by growers from coast to coast, mostly concentrated in California and Florida, and yes, applied to your precious flowers. It was also used as a nerve gas durring WWI. Uppon application, 85 to 90 percent of this chemical escapes into the ozone. This is just one of many, which includes 20,193 pounds of copper sulfate, which, yes is used alternately for suicide in the form of one or two grams. They also use metam sodium, 23,691 pounds (these numbers are accurate give or take one ), a chemicle toxic at levels of ONE PART PER TRILLION, which in 1991, this chemicle had an accidental spill into the Sacramento River in 1991, killing everything.

I never said you made up the fact that pesticides are used on orange trees. I questioned whether that pesticide is commonly used for suicide. I've forgotten most of my chemistry, so please tell me how Methyl Bromide, otherwise known as Terro -gas is the same as copper sulfate. And I've never heard of copper sulfate being used for suicide either. Is it also known under a brand name poison?

And you never explained the part about how the substance gets deep into the soil. Just so you know, orange trees only grow in sandy soils with a fairly deep water table (for Florida anyway).
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Y'know, Thor's been so distracted by the Bush administration recently. It's nice to have a freakin' nutjob of a different flavor these days. Thanks for coming out of the funny-farm for us, Dink.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Methyl Bromide is used for trees? How is that possible? It boils at, like, 4 degrees C so you have to cover the ground that you're fumigating. How does it work on trees, Z? (And, just because it's irritating me, It's Terr-o Gas. I'm pretty sure that's just a typo though).
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Hobbes:
Methyl Bromide . . . but I've had some exposure to it . . .

Might want to be careful about that.
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
" have been in front of much more important people in denial of what I’m talking about and held my own, so I certainly wont let some Internet forum get to me. Also I’m tired from a loooong day of work, so doing this is actually some good practice for what’s to come, and it wakes me up!"

Ok Dink, can you please explain to me what it is you do for a living? What are you expecting to come? Are you the leader of some sort of rebellion movement or something? Just curious [Smile]
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Yeah, he's Mon Mothma, secretly returned from a galaxy far far away.
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
BtL, I was just quoting Dink. I wouldn't know Methyl Bromide if it bit me on the butt.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :




[ June 23, 2005, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: BannaOj ]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I'm confused. Methyl Bromide causes AIDS?

But only after it gets into the soil underneath orange trees?
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
[ROFL] *wipes tears* Thanks, Bob. You've cleared up everything succinctly. Beautiful! [Kiss]
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
*snort* [ROFL] [ROFL]
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
AJ, quit throwing out that leet speak stuff I can't understand.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
AJ, quit throwing out that leet speak stuff I can't understand.

*long pause*

[ROFL] [ROFL] <- I am LITERALLY doing this right now.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Who's that next to you?
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Maybe he's beside himself with laughter?

Is it like. . . what was the name of that game show where they unveiled bits of a puzzle. You know like and eye + C + U would be I see you.

Or the license plate game, where you try to figure out what the hell people were trying to say on their vanity plates. Like 2 3PAIR (for a dentist.)
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Like 2 3PAIR (for a dentist.)
How in the dried blood fugawe do you get dentist from from 2 3PAIR??
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Two three pair.

Twoth reepair.

Tooth repair.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Oh. O_0
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
Does O_O mean something different than O_0?

BTW Kayla, I used to love that show.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
What was the name of it?!?
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
It's kind of neat having a thread with my name in the title. In all CAPS at that. I would've preferred that it was about something different, though. Like, one of the many beautiful Hatrack ladies declaring that they have a huge crush on me. And then I'd have to say "I'm sorry, but I'm a happily married man." And then, all the other ladies would admit that they had a crush on me, too.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Yeah, I think we can manage that. [Big Grin]
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :

For those interested in weird vanity plates.

You can download a trial of a vanity plate guessing game here.
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :

<--is apalled at the decline in Kayla's google-fu skills
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Oh, who doesn't have a crush on Zan?
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I dunno. But if you have a crush on him, then I suggest you register it on that other thread. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Originally posted by Alcon:
AJ, quit throwing out that leet speak stuff I can't understand.

*long pause*

[ROFL] [ROFL] <- I am LITERALLY doing this right now.

I'm impressed. I can't type at all while my head rolls around on the floor.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I still have yet to see anything credible saying that AIDS was a created disease, and that there is a cure.

I HATE when people claim this crap, because USAMRIID usually gets blamed for it. I worked at USAMRIID, and had a Top Secret security clearance, and NOTHING I EVER saw there indicated ANYTHING to even SUGGEST anything of the sort.

Is that clear enough? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
But if you had top secret clearance, then you wouldn't be allowed to talk about it anyway. So we obviously can't trust you. You're one of them.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
No, what's clear is that Kwea is part of the 34 year conspiracy and is actively participating in the coverup. Fascist. [Taunt]
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :

He's probably already mailed us all little envelopes filled with the latest super virus he designed based off of ebola as a way of both testing it and getting rid of us nosey types.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
[Roll Eyes] Please Alcon, give me a break. Kwea's no lawyer, and everyone knows that it's basically impossible to genetically engineer a killer virus without years of law school under your belt.

Seriously man, get real.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
*can't wait for his super-virus engineering class during third year*
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I confess I did the first two off the top of my head but I had to look up the third one. And then I doubted myself on the first one and double checked (fortunately I was right)

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
And there are several different ways to write the third one too. I would have liked to do more of a structural diagram showing the double bonded sulfur on the thiazo part along with the negative charge on the organic part and the positive charge on the sodium.

The stuff comes in the less stable acid form as well as hydrated form.

Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
On a vaguely-related note, one of my old roommates made C4 during some free time in his college chemistry class. He was so proud of it. Scared the living christmas out of me.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
You had to look up the formula for methyl bromide? Oh, AJ. Has it been so long?

But Kwea, is the US like Canada? Where Top Secret is just the highest level of clearance whose name you're allowed to know? There are other levels of clearance ahead of that that are so secret you can't know what they're even called.
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
There are other levels of clearance ahead of that that are so secret you can't know what they're even called.
I accidentally came across one: "Cross-your-heart pinky-swear super-duper you-can't-even-tell-your-mom secret."
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
Uh oh. What part of "so secrect you can't know what they're even called" did you miss? Time for Hatrack to collectively go into hiding.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
I'm pretty sure that's just a typo though).
I know this is snarky, but my fingers have been literally itching to correct Dink's posts.
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
Top Secret clearance is nothing these days. Interns have Top Secret clearance, for cryin' out loud!


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