GET THIS: the guy who created the hiv virus is currently suing the government for rights to one of the two cures they created parallel to the virus. He wants them to release it to the general public. I'll put up a new post with details and where to get more info on the topic soon. I don't have HIV, but if you or someone you know does, this is something you need to know. No, I'm not messing with you, and yes, everyone should be aware of this case. People, just because it's not on TV, doesn't mean it's not true, as mind boggling as that may sound.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Umm... are you ok? Had too much to drink tonight? Or just been reading too many conspiracy theory websites?
Since when is there a cure to HIV? Since when was it human designed and since when have there been two cures created in paralell? Since not ever.
Our knowledge of genetics and viri simply isn't that advanced yet. Me thinks you've been drinking too much and been reading too many conspiracy theory websites all at once. Go to bed, get some sleep, I hope that hangover isn't too bad tomorrow.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
It's ok buddy, I expected people like you to have reactions like this. Unlike you, I am consatantly in the HIV community because I have many people I care for that have HIV, and they are the ones who know these things, have the proof, and can now only hope. But hey, maybe your guys great story about it comming form monkeys IS true. Cmon, go to hell, but first I consider you oblidge yourself by actually reading the book written by the man who claimed to have first discovered this monkey origin as I have. It's a good read, and it's also a farce. I doubt you keep up with what's really going on nowadays, do you know what the term Street means? C'mon, I don't have to be sharing theses things with some random forum, but I do on the chance of making this aware to a popularized author OK. Ill get some sleep, but I equally urge you to get an education
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
You know what? Telling someone to "go to hell" sure isn't going to take you very far into convincing ANYONE to pay attention to you.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Uh, what Alcon and Quidscribis said.
What you posted was weird. Did you mistakedly post to Hatrack instead of some other forum out there where this sort of thing is more the norm?
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
quote:It's ok buddy, I expected people like you to have reactions like this. Unlike you, I am consatantly in the HIV community because I have many people I care for that have HIV, and they are the ones who know these things, have the proof, and can now only hope. But hey, maybe your guys great story about it comming form monkeys IS true. Cmon, go to hell, but first I consider you oblidge yourself by actually reading the book written by the man who claimed to have first discovered this monkey origin as I have. It's a good read, and it's also a farce. I doubt you keep up with what's really going on nowadays, do you know what the term Street means? C'mon, I don't have to be sharing theses things with some random forum, but I do on the chance of making this aware to a popularized author OK. Ill get some sleep, but I equally urge you to get an education
Still working on the education thing. But judging from what you've said so far, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if I knew a tad bit more about biology than you do.
Regardless, I'd like to see some of this supposed proof of yours. So far all we have to go on is your word on this, either way. Post the title of this book you speak of and the author, and some other sources on the whole HIV is human engineered thing if you please. Those would be the correct steps to take to get me to start to believe you. Telling me to go to hell and then spewing a whole bunch of BS as if you know something tends to make me think you're just another idiot who likes to post sensationalist crap he pulls out of his arse on net forums.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Dink, based on your post history, I would strongly suggest that you remove the tin foil hat.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Wow, Dink, what an honor! I've been wearing a tin foil hat for years, and Tom NEVER has told me to take it off.
Posted by His Savageness (Member # 7428) on :
Wait, I'm confused. I always thought that the aliens invented HIV to clear terra of the pesky humans.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Tom, if he takes off his tinfoil hat the aliens will find him.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Taking it off is likely to be counterproductive. It seems clear that the aliens have gotten to him already and are filling his head with nonsense to hide their real agenda. Instead he should make sure it is properly grounded.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Isn't there a movie with this same plot? Or a tv show episode?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Actually there are several out-there "theories" on the origin of AIDS/HIV. I have read some of the stuff (because a friend of mine pressed me to, and he felt strongly about it). I have no idea who is correct, and don't assume ANYONE is correct, but I would certainly hope that if any other theory were possibly true, then research should show whether or not a cure is a possibility.
A guy once loaned me a book on this subject, which he swears was written by some guy that had figured out that "we aren't really trying to cure AIDS" or some such nonsense, and that the book was later banned and you can no longer get it.
So many people out there believe a lot of different things. I haven't really researched it enough to care to have an opinion about it at all.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Sorry, people, I got carried away, exited, and decided to share something. There is a court case going on, there is proof, but not one of you people simply asked for it, even though I was planning on giving it anyway. This is no 'belief', and it was irrisponsible of me to talk on some random forum ,grant you. But you guys are set on what you belief, and no, I now have no intention of saying anything more on the subject. You all are right, of course, I am wrong of course. I've reported this topic, hopefully it'll go away, bye.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Really? So you're going to link to a story about the court case, or some documents, or such?
How about you just cite the name of the case, lots of people here can use findlaw.
Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
Weirdest thread ever.
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
I don't really understand why you don't just post the information in the first place, Dink. In the two threads you have posted here recently you make a claim with no backup, and then proceed to either commend those who ask for some sort of confirmation or condemn those who didn't realize they were supposed to beg you for it. Seems like you could save a lot of time and frustration by posting a link when you first create the thread.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Apparently, but I only wanted people to ask for it. I'm dealing with this on a separate threat now, so if you have any actual questions like asking for a link and such, ask it there, and I'll gratefully give it. But some of you have been blatanylt rude, disrespectful, and uncooth, and there is no excuse for that. I didn't give the proof immediatly because in the real world, I am used to be taken seriously, I haven't had to deal with this sort of thing since highschool, and honestly, in the importance of what I do, the people I work with would be appalled to know that I'm waisting my time with you people, but you insulted my integrity andd so I'll stay until this is sorted out, and then I'll go. Alcon, Tom Davidson, I don't know who you are, but I'm ashamed that you who are more likely good people in the flesh have the audacity to express your suppressed rudeness onf a web forum where you know no one cane hit back. Please don't respond on this forum anymore, if you are actually interested, go to the PROOF thread, ask a question, do it with a common decency, and I'll respond if you haven't already been as disrespectful a Alcon simply for attention.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
When you post something like this:
quote:GET THIS: the guy who created the hiv virus is currently suing the government for rights to one of the two cures they created parallel to the virus.
which essentially accuses the government of mass murder, why are you surprised when people don't take you at your word? Especially when there's at least one piece of information you could provide that has already been politely asked for - the name of the court case - that would confirm much of your story.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
You are going to link to it? You haven't in that other thread, yet.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
First I'll start with A book called 'The Natural Alien: Humankind and the Environment', by Neil Evernden, and one by Donald Worster. The Wealth of Nature: Environmental History and the Ecological Imagination. I'll get into these people and how they know what they do in a few
Now, if you are impatiently interested in the AIDS case, go to this site
I'll get to him after I've dealt with the environmental issue. forgive me for how slow I am as a typer
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Maybe I just can't figure out how to navigate it, but there doesn't seem to be any info there.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Dragonee, just ask a question, its ok, I know you can. That thread began at one in the morning, and it was meant to inspire intellectual conversation, not a spitting contest. But I see my mistake and that's why I'm here to correct it.
And yes the accusations against the government are unfortunate, as it is unfortunate that it was American based corporations that funded the Nazi party, provided them with the tools to mass murder six milion people, and, at the end of the war, convinced the government to be the first in a rush to retrieve as many Nazi scientists ad bring them back to America for further work, which would eventually lead to the creation of the worst epidemic since the black plague. And don't worry, I'll supply the resources to these things too.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
OK, what specific information on did you want us to read?
Can you link directly to it? Because right now there doesn't seem to be any information on the site.
Edit: BTW, you've got no business whining about others' tone when you say stuff like, "Dragonee, just ask a question, its ok, I know you can."
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
I will, but that requires logging on and what not, so it'll take a few, but if you want to do a little research while waiting, just google the name Boyd Graves, and I'm sure you'll find lots to eat on. Also, search the court cases that involved him in 2003 I believe and the one that is current. thank you
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Wait wait wait, I have to *pay* to download this digital version of the chart Boyd found hidden in the US medical archives?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Also, is Graves the person you referred to in your first post as "the guy who created the hiv virus"?
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
I know, that's questionable, but I'll get you a link to it, free of charge. just be patient. Also, i'm deleting this thread so this can all be continued in onew thread, the one titled PROOF, please be patient, thank you
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
All the sites I find on him don't say he was the inventor of AIDS, they say he discovered the government invented AIDS, very different.
Who's this inventor you say is involved in a court case?
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Not to mention I'd be very surprised he invented AIDS, given his advanced degree is a Law degree.
I wasn't aware the government employed lawyers to design bioweapons.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
Dragonee, no, that is another person who I will also talk about if you wish to ask about in a humane fashion. However, this is the person who is going to court about it, and I apologise for having mixed facts, I was very exhausted but there is no excuse. Please accept my further explanations as an apology
Posted by Void (Member # 8259) on :
Well, I found this, but it's not much help since it's still just conjecture:
quote:And while the research information compiled and exposed by Dr. Cantwell and Dr. Graves can convince even the most skeptical of people, it is also interesting to note that such celebrities as Spike Lee, Grace Jones, and Steven Seagall also believe that AIDS is man-made, and Seagall has even written a screenplay about the AIDS is man-made conspiracy theory which he has said has been rejected by Hollywood, by some of the same people whom Dr. Cantwell implicates as part of the conspiracy theory in his book.
This might be a little flippant, but wow! Grace Jones, Steven Seagal and Spike Lee are examples of skeptical people? Their belief (and Seagal's experiences) should have any kind of relevance in whether people believe?
Are they seriously using them as examples?
edit to add:
quote:Once again, Hollywood exhibits it's genocidal attitudes towards gays and bisexuals.
OK, they have to be joking, or at least to have their heads in certain nether regions to say this with a straight face.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:Originally posted by fugu13: I wasn't aware the government employed lawyers to design bioweapons.
They don't need to. The lawyers are the bioweapons.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
If you were going to invent a mass-extermination bioweapon, why would you make it so easy to prevent and so difficult to control? Exactly how could it be used effectively in warfare?
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
You see, the weapon works in two steps. The second step involves chemical warheads filled with Viagra.
Posted by Dink (Member # 1185) on :
quote:Originally posted by Teshi: If you were going to invent a mass-extermination bioweapon, why would you make it so easy to prevent and so difficult to control? Exactly how could it be used effectively in warfare?
If you are really interested, please ask in the other thread titled PROOF, and I'll gladly answer with sources. THis is getting chaotic though, so can we please let this thread die? thanks
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
How many times are you going to dodge giving documentation to your claims? First you say you'll post proof soon. Then you say people have to ask for it. And now that people have asked, you say they need to do it in another thread.
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
I can't just let it die. Too many dreams are dying. In researching the gov'ts involvement in creating AIDS, I just found out that the only reason the Yankees lost to the Diamondbacks in 2001 was because of an Illuminati spell on the mound that jacked the Yankee relief pitchers.
quote:Yes, the Arizona Diamondbacks are an Illuminati-controlled company, and they advertise this alliance by the display of a variation of the Illuminati symbol as their company and team logo.
During the 2001 World Series, the New York Yankees visited the home field of the Arizona Diamondbacks 4 times, and lost each time they played there (including the 7th game of the World Series), with their pitchers performing absolutely terribly, all of which cost the Yankees the World Series Championship. And displayed on the playing field at Bank One Ballpark in Phoenix, Arizona, surrounding the pitcher's mound, was the logo of the Arizona Diamondbacks: a symbol of evil in the world today.
Now, for those who do not understand or follow baseball: in the 7th game of the 2001 World Series, the greatest relief pitcher in World Series history, Mariano Rivera of the Yankees, came to the mound to close out the game after Alfonso Soriano hit a home run to give the Yankees the lead late in the game. For some reason, that greatest relief pitcher ever in World Series history (who had never blown a save in the World Series before) was unable to close the deal, and, in fact, was involved in some plays that defy all logic.
During the entire World Series, Yankee pitchers performed awfully from the pitcher's mound in Arizona, except Roger Clemens in the 7th game. Researchers into the Illuminati, into physics, and into religions (including Wicca and other forms of "witchcraft"), should now realize that an essential evil "spell" was cast on Yankee pitchers, using the symbol of the Illuminati as an energy link, and which succeeded to the furthest degree possible in the matter.
Few among us would dispute that the Illuminati are evil, and only the naive, ignorant, and stupid among us would deny that, in war, "the enemy of my enemy is my ally." And in this matter of baseball, the New Work Yankees baseball team are clearly the enemies of the Illuminati, which should make it clear to Yankee naysayers that it is not the Yankees who are the "evil empire" in baseball, but in fact, "God's team" as far as baseball goes.
O that it wasn't true! The dreams keep dying.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Dink, keep in mind that regardless of how well respected you may be in real life communities that you are a part of, you are a new member of this forum, posting under an assumed name, with little established reputation here.
Given that, it's unlikely that people will accept at face value claims that you make that strike them as extraordinary, especially when you don't provide links or quotes from verifiable paper sources to support your statements.
Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, let us get to know you? Doing this will help people here to see you as a human being rather than a faceless name, and will help you to begin to develop here the sort of reputation that you enjoy in real life.
So, to start out with, what do you do?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Another thing that you'll find, as you get to know Hatrack better, is that it's pretty hard to dictate what happens in a given thread--threads tend to meander however they like. If this is the thread where the conversation ends up happening, it's the thread where the conversation ends up happening. Trying to change that will probably just be an exercise in frustration for you.
Posted by Parsimony (Member # 8140) on :
If, sometime in the future, I learn to be as diplomatic with words as Noemon, I will count myself as a success.
Posted by jexx (Member # 3450) on :
I'm going to say something undiplomatic (I echo AR's statement re: Noemon, btw) by quoting this:
quote: in the real world, I am used to be taken seriously, I haven't had to deal with this sort of thing since highschool, and honestly, in the importance of what I do, the people I work with would be appalled to know that I'm waisting my time with you people, but you insulted my integrity
And by saying that if one has to state one's own importance, um...well, that makes me think that one is not so important after all. Make sense?
And the people that you work with must have a very high opinion of you indeed, if your free-time-wasting activities (and their presumed dignity) is so integral to their comfort. ("Appalled"? Really? My goodness.)
Pfft. You dive-bomb in here with a series of inflammatory posts (with precious little punctuation, virtually no line breaks, and zero links...because we need to ASK you for them? Puh-leez) and then get defensive when we ask for documentation?
Pardon my impudence!
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
quote: And yes the accusations against the government are unfortunate, as it is unfortunate that it was American based corporations that funded the Nazi party, provided them with the tools to mass murder six milion people, and, at the end of the war, convinced the government to be the first in a rush to retrieve as many Nazi scientists ad bring them back to America for further work, which would eventually lead to the creation of the worst epidemic since the black plague. And don't worry, I'll supply the resources to these things too.
I'm sorry, but no. So far the 'proof' you've shown is more unfounded acusations, and a conspiracy theory website, which is quite clearly a scam, that has as its front page a picture that is obviously photoshopped! Give me a break.
We simply don't have the medical or genetics knowledge to pull it off. No one does. And now you're claiming it was stolen NAZI scientists? Waston and Crick didn't even discover the double helix until the 1950s! You're story has zip plausability.
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
White noise is a really crappy movie.
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
I can't decide if this is a troll. If so, it was pretty effective.
If not: remarkable claims require significant evidence; and we need not upset ourselves if it's not forthcoming.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
White Noise was a great movie!
Easily in the top five comedies of the year.
Posted by adi_buzatu (Member # 6312) on :
I think that anyone stating something on this forum has to offer proofs right away, not waiting for them to be asked.
I find the way Dink speaks very arrogant. She claims she is not used to not being taken seriously (believed without proof) right away. This is a weakness and this strange thread proves she has a lot of work to do in making conversation and polemics.
Posted by Daric (Member # 8402) on :
Back in the 70's (I believe) it's been said that African American people thought HIV was a conspiracy created by the White people to get rid of them all.
Posted by NinjaBirdman (Member # 7114) on :
I missed this thread when it was new, and I can't seem to find the proof thread, but I thought this was interesting.
Posted by Foust (Member # 3043) on :
I can't find the proof thread now either, but I seem to remember it was no more coherant than this one.
Posted by ? (Member # 2319) on :