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Posted by Mirkmaid (Member # 8208) on :
I thought this would be an interesting thread: This can be where you can tell people what your "knack" is. For example, if you are really good at math, then your knack might be (well, duh) math! And my brother's knack is definetly 'being annoying'. [Smile]

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, the idea this comes from the Alvin Maker Series, in which people are good at something, and they call it their knack.

This is kind of a "bragging" thread, if you take my meaning. [Big Grin] But I thought it might be fun.
So, what's YOUR knack?
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Being oblivious.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
From JenniK as Kwea is still logged on:

music, history, and languages....(jack of all trades master of none)...

oh wait I am the master of this one: being blonde! [Big Grin]
[Hail] -JenniK, Queen Platinum
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
My knack seems to be knowing nothing and questioning everything (which can be a real pain in the butt when trying to explain my opinions.)
Posted by bunbun (Member # 6814) on :
My knack is not being a waitress. I tried this for about 6 weeks in college. I quit the night a woman said to me, "We're out of bread!" and I replied, "That's just horrible!" It was about twenty minutes later when I realized I was supposed to get her more bread.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
If you can have negative nacks, then I have the nack of never geting pregnant.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
OOooh, I know of many wonderful knacks! A man with whom I used to work would always get a great parking spot at restaurants. No matter how crowded they were, one would open up right by the front door as soon as he drove up. It was so cool! Needless to say we always let him drive us to eat at night when traveling.

My sister always knows where all her stuff is at any time, and she used to know where all my stuff was too. Even after she went off to college I would call her up and ask her where my tennis shoes were and she'd say "in the downstairs bathroom" or "beside the front door" or "under your bed" and they'd be there! She is amazing.

Me, everything I own disappears and reappears around me constantly. I think it's some sort of quantum tunneling effect. Cause I'll have something in my hand and then 5 minutes later it's gone and nowhere to be found. The next day it will be right there where I looked for it 5 times yesterday and it wasn't there. If I actually stopped and looked for everything I lost, I would never do anything else. Instead I keep redundancy in nearly everything like tools, pens, scissors, staplers, etc. I just find another one or do without until it decides to pop back into this current spacetime continuum.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
My knack is to unwittingly solve people's problems by saying something that isn't even close to being advice.
Posted by Faire (Member # 8065) on :
Oh, I actually have a neat knack. I'm really, really good at finding sizes in stores.

I went shopping with my sister today and she really needed a bra. She couldn't ever find her size though, so I was helping her look. Where she had to look for a few minutes, I could always find her size in seconds. It actually got pretty weird.

The same thing happened at the GAP with her, and all day I found my own sizes very easily. It was pretty awesome.
Posted by Mirkmaid (Member # 8208) on :
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
If you can have negative nacks, then I have the nack of never geting pregnant.

well, I should think so, your name starts with "mister".
Posted by Mirkmaid (Member # 8208) on :
My knack is biking.

I can do it without holding onto the handle bars! [Big Grin]
Posted by Astaril (Member # 7440) on :
I bounce well. I have fallen from great heights and landed on hard surfaces in impossible angles and yet never done anything but sprain my ankle once (and that was from jumping literally an inch off the floor and crumpling when I came down).

I miss about every other bus I try to catch by less than 30 feet, even if I'm early. Once I ran up and was knocking on the door to it as it had just pulled over to let someone else on and the driver looked at me, then signalled and drove away without me.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Hm. Well, things around me break. Screws become looser. Paper tears more easily. I generate a cloud of fundamental chaos and entropy.

Oh, also, I can go on any watery ride, sit in the splash zone at Shamu Shows, and jump in swimming pools, and I always come out bone dry.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I think you must be the unmaker.
Posted by SC Carver (Member # 8173) on :
Well yea, I would have to say carving.
See "Got Wood" thread.)

Is remaining single a knack?

If so I am the king.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I can find four-leaf clovers in a field of normal clovers just by bending over and picking one at random.

Cool. But totally pointless.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
It isn't pointless, its good luck.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
And I thought this was going to be the old thread bumped up. LOL
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Sigh...if only I could believe that mutant clovers had anything to do with luck.

Luck is not something that is acquired by plucking greenery. Everybody knows that it is bestowed on you at birth by good fairies.
Posted by Fusiachi (Member # 7376) on :
That's a crying shame. There's a patch of 4-leaf clovers beside our house.
Posted by Astaril (Member # 7440) on :
You must be so lucky! I've only ever found one 4-leaf clover, and that was last year, despite looking long and hard for years and years, ever since I learned that song (10 points to who guesses the title!). I may have found one as a very small child too - can't quite remember. I used to think if I found one that meant the fairies were watching me and liked me... (And by "used to think", I naturally mean "still think").
Posted by Roger Parkinson (Member # 7394) on :
This is going to sound really boring but I have knack for taking really big datasets and producing graphs and statistics that answer all sorts of neat questions. I have only aplied this knack to business situations.

In a sense though, I guess you could say that I am capable of doing a very small portion of what Jane does for Ender.

Is that lame or what?
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Don't fret, Carver - you're in good company. There's LOTS of single royalty floating around here. *grin*

My knack: hmmmm. I remain willing to learn and grow. Perhaps that's more of an attitude than a knack, but it makes for an interesting life.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I guess if I have a knack, it is the friendship knack (though I have always called it the friendship vibe). People seem to see me as a friend...and often tell me things they would not tell others. This is not only true of people who know me, but of complete strangers as well. You would not believe the conversations I have had on the city bus.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Learning songs and stories-- and spinning them back out.

Cooking, but not necessarily baking.

Small children love me, and I can get almost any baby to calm down.
Posted by Bean Counter (Member # 6001) on :
Hey you are up late! Mine is being right!

Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I'm up late because I just got back from Oklahoma and am waiting for Emma to fall deeply enough asleep that she won't wake when I wash the smoke out of my hair. [Smile]

And I so was not going to say that.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
I have a knack for finding things that have been misplaced. I use the time-honored tradition of trying to imagine where I would be if I was that object. It works much more often than not.

I also have knack for taking tests. I once made an A on a multiple guess test where I just made pretty patterns on the test form because the answer choices for each question had no earthly relation to the questions they were associated with. I've also made the only A on an all-essay exam in a class of about 40 students by just guessing what the instructor might have been looking for (because I sure had no earthly idea what he wanted).

I have a knack for writing, or so I'm told. I wouldn't presume to make that assessment myself.

On the negative side, I have a knack for getting in the way. I don't know how I manage it, but it's been that way all my life. I can stand in a corner far away from where anyone else is or will be in the foreseeable future, and I will still manage to get in someone's way. It's a gift, I guess.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Speaking of which, hi, Mom...I'm home!
Posted by Bekenn (Member # 6602) on :
When I'm around, suddenly and inexplicably, computers just work the way they're supposed to.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Well good - come on over and visit mine. I have update software that I can not get on the damn machine without trashing the e-mail program.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
I can take insane amounts of drugs and not die.

I am great at taking tests. I do need to know half the material though.

I can write papers that the graders like. Nothing feels as good as half-assing a paper because it was already late and getting an A.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :

Drawing is definitely my knack, though I also have good "animal skills". Animals like me and I'm good at handling them.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Danzig:
I can take insane amounts of drugs and not die.

[Eek!] You mean, so far...

But why tempt fate? Can't you just stick to "sane" amounts of drugs?

(from your worried Tante)
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I have a knack that when I lose something or something is taken from me, it comes back or is replaced... I trashed my free car, I got a new free car. My Game Boy Advance was stolen, I got a new one for Christmas. I spilled water on my laptop, the motherboard was replaced for free. It doesn't always work, but it often works, and I'm thankful for it.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I not only have two green thumbs, I also have eight green fingers. My toes are kinda green as well.

I grow girl!
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I have the knack at being good at something that hasn't been invented yet, nor do I know what it is.

Sounds confusing, eh? I honestly believe that the reason I have no talent in any obvious field, is because I am destined for something that has yet to present itself. Until then, I wonder if I could sell a book of bad poetry and make a couple of extra bucks.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
I can feel other people's emotions.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I lack the proper mental equipment to understand what is appropriate in a conversation and what isn't. Some people say that it's good that I so unabashedly speak my mind, but these same people usually wind up telling me that I really need to shut up five minutes later.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
My knack is that children and animals love me - it takes a remarkably small amount of time for them to feel comfortable around me.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
If I had to pick, I guess my knack would be planning. I don't always follow through on the plan, but given a starting point and a goal, I can find an efficient path between the two.

Planning is also how I cope with stressful situations. I think of all the really bad potential outcomes, and plan for how to cope with them.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Helping others while not helping myself. Seeing how many people I know need help that's quite a useful knack, if it weren't for the second part of it... [Wink]
Posted by Mirkmaid (Member # 8208) on :
Originally posted by Avadaru:

Drawing is definitely my knack, though I also have good "animal skills". Animals like me and I'm good at handling them.

Hey, pretty good! [Big Grin]

~ See my art - ~
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :

Your drawings are terrific! Wish I could draw like that. What did you use, pencil or charcoal or what?
Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
Cats dig me. A lot. Get me a cat and a few days, and they'll be rubbing up against me like I were made of catnip or something.
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
I have a knack for running into people from my hometown whereever I go. Being that my hometown has a population of about 1,200, chances are also that I know the person or they know of me.

So far I've run into folks from home in places like Florida, upstate New York and at rest stops all places between.

It drives my wife crazy to be on vacation, go into a store and someone come up to me and call me by name.

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