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Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
I wandered over to the Provo Town Centre mall two days ago and, as is my wont, wandered into Waldenbooks. I was about to wander out when the guy at the desk shrewdly drew me back in. He asked me if there was anything in particular I’d been looking for, and I told him I’d just been looking at the new science fiction shelf.

He said he’d just gotten a new book written by a BYU author. That got my interest. He went in the back to get the book. When he brought it out, I actually jumped in surprise at the name on the cover: Brandon Sanderson!

Wow. I worked with Brandon at The Leading Edge at BYU once upon a time. I remember him telling me that he had 4 or 5 novels written already. And now there he was with his name on the cover of his “debut” novel. I was so proud. [Smile]

It’s titled Elantris, and published by Tor. The cover art is beautifully done, and there is a nice bit of ringing praise by none other than Orson Scott Card. It’s now on order (I had a gift card at Barnes and Noble that I had to use up) and I can’t wait to read it.

So I just wanted to congratulate Brandon (I don’t think he’s a jatraquero, but still...) and put in a plug for Elantris. Check it out!
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
That's awesome.

And I agree, the cover work for the book looks very nice.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Done. Ordered from Amazon. I'm holding you responsible for it being good. [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Cool, cool. [Smile]

I knew Robert Zubrin before he was famous.
Posted by His Savageness (Member # 7428) on :
In one of his "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" articles a while back OSC had nothing but praises for Elantris. It's on my summer reading list.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
OK, deal, kat. :)

Actually, I hardly ever buy books, especially "on a whim" like this is for me. So it's a big deal for me to have a book on order. But I had to have this one. Maybe it's because I figure I'll run into Brandon sooner or later, and I want to be able to say, "Hey, I read your book!"

It does sound like a great book, though. Doubly cool that OSC is talking about it.
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
It sounds like a really great book. I'm definitely putting that on my list.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I might try it as well. Cool!
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I totally posted on this a week and a half ago. [Razz]

I knew Brandon at TLE too and read his first attempt at a novel, Dragonsteel (I'm guessing it will never be published, but regardless of its problems, it was marvelous). I bought the book at Barnes and Noble, read 60 pages an got thoroughly hooked, found it for $10 cheaper on Amazon, returned the B&N copy, and still haven't received the Amazon one. It was delivered Friday . . . to the wrong apartment in our complex. And the tenants in that apartment don't seem to understand the idea of looking in their mailbox for the package mailbox key. Gah! I'm going crazy!

I would definitely recommend the book, though. It's a fascinating concept already, and I'm definitely liking the characters and the politics.

P.S. I didn't know you went to TLE, afr!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Sounds really good. Anyone want to send me their copy when they're done with it? [Kiss]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Ugh, I posted on this one earlier and Hatrack ate it...

My library has this one on shelf and waiting for me! Only 3 copies in the entire system! Guess where we're going when I get home from work tomorrow?
Posted by Dante (Member # 1106) on :
I had a creative writing theory class with Brandon a year or two ago. I admire his ability to get published, though I'm also frustrated with my own inability, particularly because what I'm writing is better than, oh, 85% of currently published fantasy.

So, Brandon, if you read this...get your agent on the phone for me and have him get me a deal.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Beat me to it, huh, Ruth? :)

I'd forgotten that you'd been involved with TLE. We must have had this conversation before. When were you there? I started at TLE soon after I got to BYU in 1995 and pretty much read slushpile for 2 years. Then I become Fiction Editor and ran the reading table. Then I was the Production Editor for a couple issues, and ended up being the Associate Editor for the last issue I was involved with. I "resigned" at the very end of 1999, about the same time I finished at BYU.

Brandon started a couple of years after I did. He eventually became my Assistant Production Manager and ended up taking over as Associate Editor when I left. Our names are both in the mastheads of two or three issues. I didn't really follow what happened after that, but I knew Brandon was a very capable and smart editor, much better for the magazine than I was. I enjoyed working with him and was very pleased to see him get a novel published.

Makes me really feel the need to get some more "real" writing done. Since I've been employed as a writer I haven't pushed myself to write more in the evenings. But I decided I'd take up the NaNoWriMo challenge in the month I have left before my next class starts. Long bouts of freewriting are very therapeutic.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
I totally posted on this a week and a half ago.
Me too! Where on earth did my post go???

I said something along the lines of "How very cool! That must have been a nice surprise. [Smile] " but I don't remember exactly what I said.
Posted by Beanny (Member # 7109) on :
How very cool! That must have been a nice surprise.

Aren't I a copycat?

[ May 19, 2005, 06:18 AM: Message edited by: Beanny ]
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I started going in Fall 2000. I guess I missed you by less than a year. [Smile]
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I finally have it!

It was in the package mailbox all week. Grrr. But I'm happy it's finally here. Guess what I'll be doing all weekend? [Smile]
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Yeah, mine's on the couch. I just finished the last book I was reading, thought I'd take a short break.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
In one of his "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" articles a while back OSC had nothing but praises for Elantris.
I remember that! It's been on my Amazon wish list for a very long time now because of that review. How cool that it's by someone that you guys know! And how cool that it's good! [Smile] I'll definitely have to pick it up.
Posted by Intelligence3 (Member # 6944) on :
I really like the cover art.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I'm about 50 pages in so far... definitely liking it!
Posted by Traveler (Member # 3615) on :
I bought and read Elantris over the weekend. I really enjoyed it. The only thing that disappointed me is that there was only one. I'd love to see a series and learn more about the Elantrians.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I finished it last night, and it was excellent--very entertaining.

I'll write a spoiler-filled review and a non-spoiler review when I get home this evening.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
My wife took it on a trip over the weekend. Now she's about 2/3 of the way through it and I've started another book. But I'll get to it. :)
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
By the time I get home tonight I'll be ready for a spoilerific review! I'll probably read it a second time because I'm sure I've missed stuff. I just started Part Three.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
My mom knew Jim Carrey before he was famous.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
Spoiler-Free Review

What this book did best was entertain--and by that I don't mean that it didn't do anything else. But at its heart, it was quick and fascinating and fun and satisfying in all the ways a fantasy novel should be. I was actually reminded, reading-experience-wise, of the Harry Potter books, though it was entirely different from them.

The characters were likeable even though they were somewhat larger than life. The main female character, Sarene, was the strong fantasy female that other fantasy writers have tried to capture, ending up instead at variations of Xena. Sarene was fully female but also fully strong, and thus she was fully fascinating.

The mystery is captivating, but it wasn't what kept me reading. I think what kept me reading was the interesting exploration of the human condition in the context of pain and despair. I think I was also intrigued by the fact that Elantris is a novel about pain and despair, and yet it wasn't painful or desperate. It was fun--how does that work?

The linguistics leaves something to be desired, but probably nobody would be bothered by that but me and others like me.

The treatment of religion was perfect. It showed religion as it is: not in the rosy light of religious writings, and not as the mind-corrupting influence we see so often in modern fiction. I was completely satisfied by Sanderson's portrayal of devout and doubtful alike, especially the character Hrathen the gyorn (high priest).

Sanderson is a young writer, and as I expected, some parts didn't seem as polished as I would expect from an older writer. But Elantris is still a fine novel, one I will read again.

I can't tell you anything about the plot or I'll keep you from discovering it on your own. I will tell you this: it's a book about politics, religion, love, hope, magic, and humanity. I think there's something in it for every fantasy lover.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
Spoilerific Review

This isn't so much a review as a set of questions and impressions about the book, 'cause that's what's in my mind right now.

1. Throughout it all, I kept thinking Raoden was too perfect to be believable, but that didn't stop me from wanting to see what he'd do next.

2. Sarene was perfect. I've known women like her (well, not exactly). For someone who doesn't date much (Brandon, I mean), he sure got a woman right.

3. Kiin was one of my favorite characters. A pirate who loves to cook and refuses to take a title or hire servants, even though he's filthy rich? Can I have one?

4. Hrathen's redemption worked, even though it was abrupt. Sanderson helped me to come to like Hrathen a little at a time until I could believe he'd leave his life behind for what was right. Besides, isn't Hrathen a cool name?

5. What was up with Adien? He said "I don't know why I know that," and I was thinking, "You know that because somehow Raoden needed to get to Teod right away to save Sarene." It took me out of the book. And Kiin and his family had been covering up the black splotches and hair loss with makeup? And no one noticed?

6. Sometimes the politics got a little old. I loved what Raoden was doing, but I got bogged down in the manipulations and guessing and secret meetings. I guess I'm not a politician.

7. I want a Seon.

8. I liked that there are multiple ways to access the Dor.

Eh, that's it for now.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :

I had problems with Kiin (and to a lesser extent his family), actually. There was never any explanation as to why Kiin left Teos and why Eventeo never wanted his name mentioned again. And then there was the pirate that Kiin seemed to be claiming was the rightful king of Teos, but then later Kiin is the older brother, which wouldn't that make HIM the rightful king assuming eldest inherits? Either way, it's apparent that Eventeo kicked someone off the throne, it's just not clear who and certainly not why.

The Adien secret also troubled me. I thought it was intriguing that an Elantrian could be hidden for that long and that nobody would notice outside his immediate family, but the facility with numbers didn't make sense beyond the number of steps to the Teoish docsk. And it was brought up so many times that I felt like there had to be more to it than that.

I completely loved how Hrathen came around at the end... although I think his falling in love with Sarene may have been cliche'd. At least Sarene didn't know it, that would have been too much.

end spoilers

I would absolutely love to see another book about them, but I don't know that there's really any more story to tell, except for maybe a backstory about the Reod and how the AonDor came to be corrupted in the first place.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
Kiin was the pirate, and he did have claim to the throne. I was also annoyed that the whole backstory of what happened between him and Eventeo wasn't told.

And I agree. While in some ways Elantris is wide open for a sequel, in other ways, too many loose ends are tied up for a sequel to be possible, at least not with the same characters and same villains.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
so if Kiin was the pirate, then who was that Crushthroat guy? I thought that was who Kiin beheaded with the monster axe and who he told Sarene was the guy who wanted to kill Eventeo for taking the throne. Obviously I missed something there...

And I had something else that I wanted to ask when I was getting ready for work this morning, but now I can't remember what it was. It had to do with the Elantrians, though. Maybe by posting this, I'll be reminded when I get home tonight...
Posted by DavidR (Member # 7473) on :
I knew Alison Krauss before she was famous. She was in choir with me in high school. She was a year or so younger than me, but years beyond me in talent. She has definately done well for herself. Last I check she had won seventeen Grammy Awards.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Ack! My own thread, full of spoilers I can't read! :)

Carry on, carry on. Nice non-spoiler review, Ruth.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :

Kiin stood with his wife in one arm, looking down at the bloodied axe in his other hand. "I swore I would never take up this cursed weapon again," he whispered.

. . . Sarene could see nicks and scratches on its blade. Etched into the steel was a heraldic Aon--Aon Reo. The character meant "punishment."

"Why would a merchant need to know how to use one of those?" Sarene asked, almost to herself.

Kiin shook his head. "A merchant wouldn't."

Sarene knew of only one person who had used Aon Reo, though he was more a myth than a man. "They called him Dreok," she whispered. "The pirate Crushthroat."

"That was always a mistake," Kiin said in his raspy voice. "The true name was Dreok Crushedthroat."

"He tried to steal the throne of Teod from my father," Sarene said, looking up into Kiin's eyes.

"No," Kiin said, turning away. "Dreok wanted what belonged to him. He tried to take back the throne that his younger brother, Eventeo, stole--stole right from under Dreok's nose while he foolishly wasted his life on pleasure trips."

We know that Eventeo and Kiin are brothers, so Kiin has to be Dreok. Also, Kiin uses Dreok's axe, which he says he didn't think he'd ever take up again. And Kiin knows the true pirate name, Crushedthroat, which obviously applies to him and explains why his voice is raspy.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Okay, I completely misunderstood that scene then, I thought Crushedthroat was the one who Kiin killed with the axe. Now it makes more sense.

I'd still love to see that backstory developed...
Posted by Minerva (Member # 2991) on :
I truly enjoyed this book. I started reading it yesterday as walked home from Havdalah services, and just finished it. I got it from the library because of this thread.

I found it hard to believe that she didn't call her father immediately after she was "healed." That would have been my first phone call.

I felt like he was leaving the door open at the end with all of the other ways to access the Dor, and the fact that the bad guys had this ability.

Also, seeing that most of Elantrians were in constant pain after just a few weeks, it seems improbable that it could have been covered up for 5 years.

But those are all nit-picky details.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I remember what else I wanted to ask!!!

One: Hrathen spent some time in Dakhor monastery, and the monks there all developed specialized bone structures. And Dafid was a Dakhor monk when Hrathen was a child there, before Hrathen decided he couldn't handle that training. So why is Dafid so surprised to discover that Hrathen's arm is similiarly altered?

Two: With the Elantrian obsession with food, and with Kaise (Kiin's daughter) constantly eating, I would have expected Kaise, not Adien, to be the Elantrian in hiding. I didn't feel like they should have been two different characters. And Kaise was so well read and such a voracious reader that the "how far to Teod so I can save Sarene" answer could have potentially come out of one of her endless books.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
2. Sarene was perfect. I've known women like her (well, not exactly). For someone who doesn't date much (Brandon, I mean), he sure got a woman right.

This was the part of the book that impressed me the most. He DID get Sarene right; I loved it. That's the kind of girl I'd like to be. I was sure he must have had a sister or a wife that shared her frustrations with him, so he'd know. How'd he know?

Posted by SprigganTWG (Member # 8422) on :
I hope it's not bad form to bump this old of a thread but I just stumbled upon this topic due to Google not searching these forums (that I've found anyway).

I'm Brandon's brother, I doubt I know any of you TLE people I was only there for a few months before it occurred to me that I was being used as slave labor by Brandon and the Creer brothers. Anyway, if you're in the Utah area he's got several book signings coming up (on today in 3 hours coincidently) and I'm sure he'd love to see you all.

He's got a book signing in early August at BYU during education week. He posts his schedules as soon as he knows it at his site ( also many of the TLE folk from his time hang out at TWG (

Again sorry about the bumping, just didn't feel that this deserved a new thread.

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