This is topic plaid in Bloomington -- UPDATE: meet Sat. afternoon May 14th 3 PM at Encore Cafe in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
So I'm almost done with my big tour of the U.S., and for my last stop before I go back to Virginia I'll be stopping off in Indiana. I'll be in Bloomington May 12-14 visiting friends there. If Hatrackers would like to get together while I'm there, I'm guessing that dinner on either Friday the 13th (hmm) or Saturday the 14th would work best for me -- whatcha think?

(Stray, fugu -- will y'all be in town??)

[ May 13, 2005, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: plaid ]
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
*raises hand timidly*

I'll be in town. I'll have dinner with ya.
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
Aagh! Crap! I'm going to be out of town that weekend [Wall Bash]

Granted, it's my sister's college graduation and engagement party, so I really shouldn't be complaining, but darnit, I wanted to see you again and introduce you to my spice. Yar...

If there's any way you could do something Thursday night, even just a quick meeting for coffee, that would be awesome. Alternatively, perhaps we could delay our Friday afternoon departure by a couple of hours and meet up with you then.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Stray -- dang! Well, I'll check with my friends and find out where they're at, I think they're more on the edge of town and so it may not be too convenient for them to ferry me about, but I'll find out and let ya know...
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :





Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Aw, I guess I missed the chance to see you while you were here, Raia! [Frown]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Yeah. [Frown]

I was there for a really short time, I hardly told anyone I was coming, for that reason. I didn't even get to see many of the people who are my friends IRL, let alone try and arrange meetings with people I've never met.

But still, this will be the second Bloomington gathering that I can't come to! And I live there! [Cry]
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
True...there are enough jatraqueros in Bloomington, though, that a get-together is completely possible at almost any time. [Big Grin] Next time you're in town for an interval of time you deem long enough, let us all know in advance, and we'll have a Raia-con. [Big Grin]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
[Big Grin]

I'll be there in July!
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Do you know the dates?
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Tentatively, I arrive the 4th... but I'll be there for a good two months or so! Maybe a bit less, but a while. [Smile]
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Well, there's time enough for a con in there somewhere, surely. [Big Grin]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Ooh - this is tempting. Plaid is on my list of "hatrackers I definately want to meet" and Bloomington isn't that far away. *thinks* I'll have to check my schedule and watch this thread.

space opera
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
I'll be around, certainly not going anywhere in teh next months, with AP testing and all.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I'll have just gotten back from college, so I'll be there.
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
Count me in, maybe meeting another Hatracker will cheer me up... Hmm and I for one think Space Opera should come, I've been wanting to meet her, so everyone harass her into meeting Plaid and me. [Big Grin] If we're doing a dinner thing though, I'd prefer a rather early one on friday. That would accommodate Stray and me, I've got a show at 7 and I can't afford to be late (pesky $292.80 speeding ticket). So a late afternoon lunch would probably be a more accurate description of it for most people (like 4 o'clock). But if that's too early, then o-well, I'm sure I could set up something else if need be.
Posted by Brian J. Hill (Member # 5346) on :
Where are you going back to in VA, plaid?
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
I'm not sure if I'll be around or not, at least not yet, I'm going up north (Goshen, South Bend area) and may or may not be back by then.

Stryker what show do you have that night, shouldn't Guys and Dolls be over?
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
Jeebus Tyler, how fast were you going? Especially considering they just raised the speed limit to 65.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
I don't think it was affective immeadiatly though, was it? he said in a comment on his lj how fast he was going, but I forget what it was.
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
I am always up for a gathering.
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
I was going 86 in a 55.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Yay! Lots of folks to meet! And I'm on Space Opera's list of Hatrackers to meet -- cool! [Big Grin]

Brian -- I'm living in Charlottesville right now, eventually I'll be living at Twin Oaks Community in Louisa once my health's better.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I was going 86 in a 55.

*wonders if JT is ever one of those people that cuts her off*

--|--, just in case.

[Big Grin]
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I'm not going to be able to do anything on the 10th. If that's the best day for everyone else, that's fine, please don't worry about me.
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
plaid, Bloomington's not that big. Unless your friends are way the heck out in the middle of nowhere, I can probably pick you up and drop you off. But only on Thursday night; we're leaving Friday midafternoon (probably) and won't be back till Sunday. If you'd like to do something Thursday or around lunchtime on Friday, my email's in my Hatrack profile. I hope I get a chance to see you, even if I can't hang out with all the other Hatrackers.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Stray -- I checked with my friends, they haven't moved yet to their farmhouse on the edge of town, and are still living in town (near the hospital, they say), so yeah, it'll probably work for me to do Thursday dinner or Friday lunch with you and the spice.

Other folks -- so what day/time for getting together?

[ May 07, 2005, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: plaid ]
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Since this is between spring and summer II semester, I have more free time than normal. Any time on Thursday, any time on Friday that's not noon-4 PM, and any time on Saturday. [Smile]

Name the time and the place, and I'll be there. [Big Grin]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
I could make a Saturday get together, but there's no way I could manage something for Friday--too long a drive.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
*looks around excitedly*

Noemon might be coming? Cool!

I have to say that sometime on Saturday would probably work better for me too. However, I will try my hardest to make something work if Friday is decided upon.

However, will someone please decide so that I can make plans? [Smile]

space opera
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
*pouts* Darnit, I'm going to miss seeing Space Opera and Noemon. Ah well, maybe I'll get to see a few others before I have to run off for the weekend.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
It seems like it should definitely be Saturday, since more people can come then, and nobody can't be there Saturday. So, now all we have to do is pick a time and a meeting place.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :

Come on, guys...schedule! [Big Grin]
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
stray couldn't make saturday, and I'm just not sure I'll be up to it, I'm planning on sleeping through the weekend, let me know on thursday afternoon
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :

So, Noemon and SO can do Saturday.

Stray and breyerchic can do Thursday.

I'll be there no matter when it happens.

Blacwolve, JT, you have a preference?

Allegra, fugu, anyone else?
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
no I can't really do thursday, I think friday and saturday would be my best bets, but I won't know a thing till thursday, so just tell me know what it is then (untill then I'm non existant)
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
I don't know who's in charge here, but I'm begging you to make a decision. I've got other things that I need to do this weekend, and if I don't know when the get-together is happening soon then it will have to become the last priority. [Cry] Unfortunately, we're trying to do some construction on our house, plus go car shopping, and I've got to start telling Mr. Opera when I'm available for those things.

space opera
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :

hey y'all -- I've been slowed down leaving Missouri by the stupid stupid bus company, but I should still be get to Indiana tomorrow in time for a Friday or Saturday get-together...

I've only got a bit of Hatrack time now, so I'm not a good person to organize anything -- if all goes well with the stupid stupid bus company then I should get a chance to check Hatrack again tonight... then I can check it more frequently once I get in to Indiana Thurs. afternoon...

I've emailed my friends' # in Indiana to Stray, so she's got that in case y'all want to call me there. (Um, if you call my friends' #, asking for "plaid" will probably confuse them, asking for "Ken" should work though [Smile] )
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Stray's going out of town early on Friday, so it looks like we'll be doing an early lunch on Friday that's separate from a larger Hatrack get-together.

Space Opera -- if you and Noemon are coming the furthest, would you want to pick Saturday??
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
I'm not actually all that far (90 minutes or so) it's just that I've got lots going on right now.

Saturday would work great for me. To be honest I would prefer something during the day as I get more tired as the evening wears on, but if evening works better for everyone I can still do it. Just tell me a time and I'll be there. Oh, and I'll need to have the name/address of wherever everyone is meeting up so I can mapquest it.

space opera
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Alright, let's say tentatively Saturday afternoon, then.

Are we thinking lunch, maybe, or some sort of mid-afternoon gathering at a non-food location?

If the former, do we want to aim for a chain or for a local place?

If the latter, do any of the locals have ideas about where?
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
*still refuses to decide if she's coming yet, right now I could use a week of sleep*

*still is breyerchic but can't find real password, so this one might be around a while*

I would be more likely to come if it were at a non food place, maybe the shelter house at Bryan Park, poolside, between the pool and tennis courts, but whatever.
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
just lety me know....
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Alright, let's say, if the consensus is lunch, then let's meet at the Encore Cafe at, say, noon.

If the consensus is not lunch, then let's say 2 PM, Bryant Park, in that shelter that breyerchic mentioned.
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
I can't make it at noon. I have a lesson from 10-1 in Indy. I would love to join people in the afternoon though.
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
I have to go to a freinds Eagle ceramony at 2... but if you guys stuck around for a while, i could drop in afterwards...
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Cool, responses! [Big Grin]

Ok, so, we'll aim for midafternoon, then--3 PM, perhaps?

This'll probably mean the park, unless we have votes for a dining establishment.
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
So is it 3? At the park? If we're meeting there, I would super-duper appreciate it if someone could provide me with the address.

space opera
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
Hmm...not sure the park really has an address. There's a map of it here; it's the empty area right to the left of Woodlawn. It's a ways away from the main roads in Bloomington, though. I can try to figure out directions if you can tell me which highway you'll be coming in on, or perhaps you could drive to another Hatracker's house and go over with them.
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Hmm. Well, I'll be coming up 65 North - that's about all I know. I haven't been to Bloomington for a loooong time. [Dont Know]

space opera
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
Okay...*plots and ponders* You'll come up 65 North to Columbus, then get on 46 West. That goes through Nashville, then turns into East 3rd Street when it enters Bloomington. Turn left on Woodlawn (if possible, tonight or tomorrow I'll post some landmarks to watch for, unless someone else wants to do it for me) and go south for a while. When you reach the intersection of Woodlawn and Maxwell, that's the start of the park, and it will be along the right-hand side of the road for the next few blocks. If you get to Grimes, you're at the far edge of the park. I'm not sure where good parking spaces are, though, nor this shelter that they're meeting at. Hope this helps you somewhat [Smile]

edit: "a while" = about 6 or 7 blocks, according to Expedia.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Don't be scared when 3rd street goes one-way on you for a while. It'll go two-way again soon. You're in the right place.
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
I think she turns off before it goes two-way again. But it's one-way in the direction she needs to go, so not a big deal.
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Stray, thanks - your directions definately give me a good start. If someone cares to post landmarks that would be great. Also, I'll need getting back directions Sat. afternoon due to the one-way street thing. I'm not sure if it will be just me or me and Mr. Opera.

space opera
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Stray, you're right, my bad. Woodlawn is still on the one-way part of 3rd street.

SO, you'll come again when I'm back in Bloomington this summer, right? [Smile]
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Raia, most definately. [Smile]

space opera, who really should have traveled to Bloomington and met all the people there before now
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Fantastic. [Smile]
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
Ok, let's plan on 3 at Bryan Park, Stray those were good directions. I will know by sometime tommorow if I'm coming for sure, right now I'm just sort of playing life by ear. Have we heard anything from Noemon, I don't even know where he's from, hmm. I'm guessing the people Plaid is staying with will be able to figure out that side of the park (Just say poolside).
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
SO, there's a light at Woodlawn and Third; it's the second light past the school of music (which is a larger intersection in that area, at Third and Jordan). Once you're on Woodlawn, you'll see a large parking garage on your left, and the School of Optometry catty-corner from that (and a Subway across the street from that). Beyond that, I'm not sure of any landmarks off the top of my head, but the IU campus map should help with some of the landmarks once you get on campus (Third Street runs along the south edge of campus).

Hooray for finalized plans!
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
Here's a list of people who may or may not be coming.

Space Opera

Anyone else going to be in Bloomington on saturday?
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
Not Raia.... [Razz]
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Yay! Lots of folks to meet!

I'm in Bloomington now, meeting Stray for coffee soon...

See y'all Saturday! [Smile]
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
awesome, hope you have fun and enjoy your stay.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :

Saturday: Showers and thunderstorms likely. Mostly cloudy, with a steady temperature around 65. West southwest wind between 11 and 15 mph, with gusts as high as 24 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New rainfall amounts between a quarter and half of an inch possible.
That's the forecast as of this morning. Could we have a backup indoor site if it's raining at 3 PM? (If yes, I'd nominate The Runcible Spoon -- mellow cafe that Stray and her nice housemates took me to last night that's set in a big, funky house that's complete with goldfish in the bathtub in the restaurant.) (Here's The Runcible Spoon link -- it's at 412 East 6th St, and here's their link to location and directions

Also: here's a lesson I learned from setting up a dinner meeting with Dan_raven, only then not being able to reach him in time when I had my Greyhound bus disasters to warn him that I couldn't make it... do any of the Bloomington folks attending have a cell phone? If yes, could one of you volunteer to be the person to get called if someone has problems finding the get-together site?
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
The Runcible Spoon is good. [Smile] Another possible choice (in which it might be easier to seat a larger group of people), would be the Encore Cafe (which is on Sixth Street--same as the Runcible Spoon, in fact). Unfortunately, I do not have a cellphone, so I cannot volunteer to be the person called. Sorry!
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Originally posted by J T Stryker:
Not Raia.... [Razz]

Just rub it in, why don't you...
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
Oops, forgot to mention this in my directions (Space Opera, hope you see it in time): After 46 enters Bloomington and becomes congruent with 3rd Street, 46 turns off to the right (north) and 3rd St continues on straight. You want to stay on 3rd St, not 46. Good luck, and I'm sorry I won't get to meet you--perhaps in June at Carrie's farewell party? [Smile]
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
just bumping, my cell isn't working right, so hopefully someone else will post their number
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
If I can, I'll borrow my husband's cell tomorrow so that at least one person who will be there will have a reliably working phone.

As soon as I know whether I'll have it, I'll email everyone who may or may not be coming.

And, based on the weather, I think we should PLAN for an indoor event, that can adjourn to the park if the weather turns nice.

And, I still vote Encore Cafe, since, on a Saturday afternoon, they'll be the most likely to have seats for all of us together. [Big Grin]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
You guys could do the Turkish place, where you all sit on the floor anyway... that would seat everyone, and the food is excellent.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Email sent about the cell phone thing. I will be the official cellphone person on Saturday.

Let me know if you didn't get it and you think you should have.
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
i got it. Did you email plaid (I checked the list, and could identify all but one email account).
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
He was included. He was probably the one you couldn't identify. [Big Grin]
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Got it!

OK, Encore Cafe is at 316 West 6th St, should we go ahead and say that we'll meet there, as Megan so excellently suggests? [Smile]
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
I say yes. It is a good meeting place if nothing else.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
OK -- I'm changing the thread title to say that we're meeting at 3 PM at the Encore Cafe.

*Makes it so*
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Okey dokey. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!

space opera

Eh - just as a warning, if there is hard rain down here or predicted for up there, I won't be able to make it. I'm sorry, but driving on the interstate during a storm makes me incredibly nervous. Hopefully the weather will hold. [Smile]
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
My parents have asked me to stay home and do quite a bit of work around the house, so I'm not going to be able to make it, hope you all have fun, and sorry. (is still breyerchic04)
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Dang, no breyerchic [Frown]

Current forecast:

Today: Occasional showers, mainly before 1pm. High around 71. West northwest wind between 8 and 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch possible.
Storms, storms, stay away
So Space Opera can drive today [Smile]
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
It was nasty here for a little while, but now it seems ok...
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Yeah, it stopped raining a while ago, yay, and the clouds look to be thinning out [Smile]

This Afternoon: A 30 percent chance of showers. Cloudy early, then becoming partly sunny, with a high near 66. Northwest wind around 9 mph.

Tonight: A 20 percent chance of showers. Partly cloudy, with a low around 45. Northwest wind between 8 and 13 mph.

Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
DOH! I definately didn't wake up until 3:30 pm and didn't wake up enough to remember this until... now. I stayed up all night watching downloaded Firefly episodes. Blame blacwolve, she got me into Firefly [Razz]

Damn, I'm sorry I would have like to meet you plaid. Oh well... no hatrack gathering for me... at least I remembered my friends birthday that is also today in time...
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Yes, I am an ass. I'm so sorry!! We got a late start car shopping this morning due to my ex being late to pick up the kiddos, and we couldn't finish our looking in time. To top it off, dummy me forgot Megan's number at home. I literally left the house this morning at 10:30 and just now walked back in the door. My car is on its last legs, so car shopping this weekend had to be done. [Frown] I'm really sorry - I truly thought we could wrap it up in time for me to leave.

space opera

oh, and car shopping sucks
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
did anyone meet plaid? Hopefully you had fun.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
It ended up being plaid, Allegra, fugu, and me, with a brief appearance by Stryker. I think it was a good time, though. [Big Grin]

And plaid is super-cool.
Posted by lucy hummer (Member # 7740) on :
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Aw, SO, car-shopping does, indeed, suck. [Frown]

It's alright, though; we'll be having some sort of get-together this summer when Raia's home. You can come and meet all of the Bloomington hatrackers then! [Big Grin]

Good luck w/the car shopping!
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
[Cry] But I won't be there for that one...

Anyway, it was nice meeting to the folks I did get to meet. Yow, Hatrackers are a smart bunch... sorry I didn't get to meet you, Space Opera, we'll have to have the hippier-than-thou showdown some other time [Smile]
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Ok, plaid - here's the truth. After going car shopping, I didn't come because I knew you would win the showdown. I mean, I didn't even buy a hybrid! [No No] I was too ashamed to show my obviously mainstream face. [Big Grin]

space opera, who looks forward to a hippy showdown with plaid one day
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
When the showdown happens, I so want to be there.

It MUST happen in Bloomington (or, you know, wherever I move to when I get done here [Wink] ).
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Megan, I picture the showdown being much like the video of "Beat It." But instead of leather plaid and I will be wearing hemp. And when you tie us together so that we can fight, instead of using knives we'll have an organic soap recipe debate.

space opera
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I LOVE it!

But you'll need different background music...maybe something upbeat, with a lot of sitar.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
*Doesn't know any organic soap recipes* [Angst]

Eep, I hope I still have a tie-dye shirt around somewhere... wait, I've got a shirt with a dolphin on it, that should be OK...
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Originally posted by plaid:
[Cry] But I won't be there for that one...


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