And yes, Boris is talking in third person again. No really. I hate this. I haven't slept more than 5 hours a night for the past 2 weeks. And I'm not tired. And my medicine isn't helping.
*goes off to try and fall asleep again*
[ April 13, 2005, 03:43 AM: Message edited by: Boris ]
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
I re-say you : Use a Big hammer !
Seriously, i sleep each night around 5 hours too. But I understand the reality is i want to not stop the day. I don't want to go to the next day. It's not really in my conscience (i hope it is the same term in english than in french) but unconscient. I think it is a hided remind of the famous black fear. Obscurity is all around us, and oppress us. Victor Hugo wrote a good text about that in "Les travailleurs de la mer". The chapter is named "Sub Umbra".
I hope you'll manage to sleep. Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I'm right there with you. I stayed up so late finishing up some assignments and studying that I figured it wasn't worth it to go to sleep - the kids will all be up in a few hours anyway.
So, I've been up all night - it's 5:11 am, and the kids will be getting out of bed in about 45 minutes.
No sense going to sleep now.
Posted by Jane_Lane (Member # 7665) on :
I can sympathise - I've had insomnia for the past 2 years and it's driving me insane!
Some things which apparently help. (They haven't worked for me but worth a try?) Lettuce - Apparently eating lettuce before you go to bed helps. Not reading before bed. Make sure your bed covers aren't too heavy. Try a new pillow. Drink milk before bed. Don't exercise right before sleeping - The best time is in the morning. Think about waterfalls (there was some national survey - Apparently it's the most sleep inducing thing to think about!) Read the highway code, (nearly nearly worked for me!) If all that fails - I second the big hammer approach. Posted by Beanny (Member # 7109) on :
Too bad you're not dyslexic and agnostic as well, it could have been a good joke.
Sorry, I had too...
Good luck!
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Actually, nothing puts me out like a nice, heavy comforter.
If I can't sleep because of nervous energy, exercising helps me focus and burn off some of that nervousness.
Posted by scottneb (Member # 676) on :
Have you tried a mattress?
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Actually, I bought a completely new bed about 6 months ago. Didn't help much (Though my back isn't quite so screwed up anymore).
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Seroquel did wonders for my sleep. Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
Do you take caffeine regularly?
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Alchohol usually works for me.
Something my roommate did back when we were staying at the barracks in Cheatham Annex was NyQuil. If you use it, don't take too late. Tends least on me I usually sleep longer than normal periods using this. So I usually do this when it's about 7ish, 8ish.
But who am I kidding? I get 3 hours a sleep almost every night. Except when I go underway. Then I get less.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Turkey contains a very powerful (relatively) natural sedative. Eat a bunch of turkey and you'll find yourself nodding off in no time. Whenever I'm having trouble sleeping I just drink a bunch of milk and eat a bunch of turkey, and I'm out before I can count to 1000 Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
quote: Too bad you're not dyslexic and agnostic as well, it could have been a good joke.
I actually got this reference. I love that joke. Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Hey, I actually slept last night! Only for four hours, but that's better than none.