[ April 21, 2005, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posted by Portabello (Member # 7710) on :
If only I had a brain...
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
The old-fashioned organic ones just not enough anymore, eh?
Posted by Achilles (Member # 7741) on :
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Ooooo... It's like a chrome sky.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
May I just point out that your thread title is awesome.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
The old-fashioned organic one has never been enough. I've depended on one Palm or another for about 5 years.
The one I bought two years ago went missing a couple weeks ago. I've searched the house repeatedly, and called various places I might have left it (even though I was fairly certain it was in the house somewhere).
I keep missing/being late to appointments, not having phone numbers when I need them, not having anything to read while standing in line . . . it's AWFUL!
I gave up and ordered a new one. It is pretty, though. Posted by Aunty Eem (Member # 7743) on :
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I could while away the hours Conferrin' with the flowers Consultin' with the rain And my head, I'd be scratchin' While my thoughts were busy hatchin' If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel ev'ry riddle For any individ'le In trouble or in pain
With the thoughts you'd be thinkin' You could be another Lincoln, If you only had a brain.
Oh, I could tell you why The ocean's near the shore, I could think of things I never thunk before And then I'd sit and think some more.
I would not be just a nuffin' My head all full of stuffin' My heart all full of pain. I would dance and be merry Life would be a ding-a-derry If I only had a brain--Whoa!
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
Did they send round a real salesman?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
How long is the battery good for, adam? And how long does it take to charge?
So . . . Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I also have a Tungsten E and I love it. I typically charge twice a week, because I find myself getting sucked into games too, usually while I'm on the train and there's a forced endpoint (I haven't yet mastered walking through the Loop while I'm glued to a screen LOL)
I got Documents To Go so I could transfer certain spreadsheet databases (my library, my cross stitch stash, addresses, etc) to the Palm and keep them handy at all times. I also got MobileDB (actually, this was before getting DTG) for a bunch of other files that don't need regular updates (like my train schedule and the kids' immunization records). When I got DTG, it came with a memory card of games, although I don't play those games often.
And I totally know what you mean about being lost without it. I have to set all my appointments with alarms so I don't forget that I need to be someplace. Fotunately, I haven't (yet) forgotten to look at it when scheduling something, so I haven't (yet) managed to double-book myself. I have, however, had other people try and double-book me, but that's a totally different issue. LOL
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Documents to Go comes free with it, as does a memory card and free shipping. Plus I found an online coupon good for 20% off.
*goes to wait by mailbox*
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I didn't get those things free waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Posted by Achilles (Member # 7741) on :
But does it play Pong?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
If I bought it tomorrow, neither would I have.
Which is a big part of why I didn't wait any longer!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
It will play the 20 or so games I already have for the Palm (once I sync it for the first time).
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
What will you be doing with your old brain? I could use a backup for this addled, organic one I'm currently saddled with.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
If I ever find the darn thing, we'll talk.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I can smell your brains.
(Get on AIM, rivka. I'm going to be early tonight again.)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Can't. Have to go get kids in like 5 minutes.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Oooh, I have one of these. Yes, I like. Although, Robb gives us crap at work because he says Palm's are so out of date. Admittedly, his Casio is much nicer. I use mine as a people tracker mostly. When I go to duty muster I "x" off the people who are here so I know who to yell at later. Then I also use it to take notes during meetings.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I like the Palm OS much better than the other PDA OSes.
Besides, even if I didn't, it's very useful to simply be able to sync a new Palm with the info already stored in my Palm Desktop on my computer.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
Monty Python reference.
[ April 12, 2005, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: Glenn Arnold ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Ah *lightbulb* . . . you don't mean a real salesman, you mean a proper salesman!
(Ok, so I had to google it. I never claimed to recognize all Monty Python references.)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*bounce* *bounce* *bounce*
It came! It's charged! It's synced! It has all kinds of cool new stuff, like color and pictures and it can play mp3s and it's so COOL!
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
I was wondering. When I went there, it said your brain was out of stock Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
It seems the reason why the special deal expired the 12th (and included so much) is that the E became obsolete the next day. It was replaced by the E2 -- $50 more, without all the free stuff, and most of the improvements are things I don't care about.
Works for me. Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
BTW, I don't know how the E works for battery life, but when I play MP3's on my iPaq, you can go to the battery power thing and see the life just drip away from it. I don't know if it does that with headphones, but the built in speaker eats power for breakfast. Has enough battery life to play exactly one MP3.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
No built in speaker, just headphones. I guess I'll find out how it does power-wise.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Correction! Speaker indeed present.
I am listening to an mp3 right now. *gleeful*
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
That's great, Rivka!
Maybe you could program a reminder into your Palm to get on AIM more often...? Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*looks mysterious*
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
quote: He doesn't give me any confidence at all - he's obviously a dummy. I'll ring Curry's. (she just picks up the phone without dialing this time) Hello, Curry's - that salesman you sent round is obviously a dummy... Oh, thank you very much. (she puts the phone down) They're sending round a real one. (a knock on the door)
[ April 22, 2005, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Glenn Arnold ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Today it was both cold and rainy. I was planning to be outside a bit, but not doing a lot of walking in the rain. (If it were warmer, I would have worn a thinner jacket; if I had planned to be out in the rain a lot, my long rain coat.) Therefore, I wore my nice warm, waterproof jacket.
I guess I haven't worn it for quite some time (since early April, I'm thinking) . . . because I found my old Palm in the pocket.
*sigh* Well, if I can find the sync cradle and the charger, it will head to Israel for my brother.
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
Now I see your brain is out of stock? I wanted a new one for myself so I threw the old one away already! An now I caynt oerder a nuue wone! Wat weel aya dew weeth knowe brayne?
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Now if only there was a device that would remember where you'd left your Palm at all times. Hmm, what could do that?
*goes off to tinker*
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
quote:Originally posted by Treason: An now I caynt oerder a nuue wone! Wat weel aya dew weeth knowe brayne?
That's from Chaucer, right?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Treason, I got a Tungsten E. It was replaced shortly thereafter by the E2.