Picture! And even better, two of my friends got matching ones. I sure hope I'm up to the responsibility...
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
YAY! Congrats, Shigosei! Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Congrats! What is the color spectrum?
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
White-->Orange-->Blue-->Brown-->Black, at least for Kokikai Aikido. I am now the lowest rank (besides the white belts, who are unranked).
Posted by Jane_Lane (Member # 7665) on :
Congrats Shigosei - I studied Aikido for all of 6 months but I didn't have time to keep it up.
I do study Tae Kwon-Do, though - I've been doing so for the past 4 years or so, and have my 2nd Dan BB grading in a few weeks!
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Ooh, good luck with that, Jane! Do they make the dan ranks wear hakama in Tae Kwon Do?
Posted by Jane_Lane (Member # 7665) on :
Thanks Not sure how I'll do with a broken arm, but I've been waiting ages to grade and apparently it should be ok by then...
No we don't wear hakamas. TKD is a Korean Martial Art so instead of Gi's, we wear Doboks. Black belts wear a slightly different Doboks, with black stripes on them for higher Dans.
[ April 07, 2005, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: Jane_Lane ]
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
I've been studying since the beginning of the school year, so about seven months.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Yay! Congratulations. Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Very cool! Congrats!
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
Your room is very messy!I like what you bought though.
Posted by Jane_Lane (Member # 7665) on :
Ah this girl's obviously got more important things to be concentrating on, (like Aikido), to worry about the state of her room.
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
quote: If your environment is unclean, so is your mind
Ok, now I'm just being stupid.
[ April 07, 2005, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: Altáriël of Dorthonion ]
Posted by Jane_Lane (Member # 7665) on :
Hmmm... I don't like the way these lil smiley guys stop moving when you click on one.
Anyway, that does that say about me? My room always looks like a bomb's hit it, (quite often as a result of me thinking I can practise flying kicks in a room that's hardly bigger than my bed)!
I like to say my room just has more 'character' than others. It's tidy, but in an abstract way. Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Awesome! Congrats.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Yay!! Congrats on your first belt! Aikido is a lot of fun. I really miss it.
Posted by Portabello (Member # 7710) on :
Congrats! I'm glad you're enjoying aikido. So you only have three ranks below shodan? I've never heard of so few.
When do students start wearing the hakkama in your dojo? In my dojo, we start wearing at 4th kyu (a dedicated student can reach that in about a year), when the student can take all high falls.
quote:No we don't wear hakamas. TKD is a Korean Martial Art so instead of Gi's, we wear Doboks.
There is a gumdo (it's a Korean sword art whose name corresponds to kendo) dojo (I don't even know if that's an appropriate word for a Korean art) here in Orem, and they wear what looks just like a hakkama to me. I don't know what the Korean term they use for it is, though.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
Yay! Congrats!
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Congrats to you and your friends...keep up the hard work.
Posted by Cor (Member # 4295) on :
Congratulations! I have the utmost respect for a woman who can defend herself.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Posted by Cow-Eating Man (Member # 4491) on :
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Congratulations Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
Don't worry, I have a messy mind as well... Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Does your dojo have 3 ranks of brown belt? That's how the dojo I studied at was set up (with a total of 6 belts below black belt, including the white).
I thought it was good to be able to wear hakima prior to black belt (at our dojo we started wearing it at 3rd kyu, but not all the time - usually only during the winter because it was Arizona and the dojo was not air conditioned) - to become used to moving with it, because it can be an alien experience (especially when doing hanmi handachi techniques).
[ April 07, 2005, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: ludosti ]
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
Congratulations on your achievement!
I must say, this is not what I was expecting, but you do look great in those new clothes.
Posted by Portabello (Member # 7710) on :
The hakama sure helps out when on your knees. It's like wearing two pair of socks when hiking.
[ April 07, 2005, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Portabello ]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
For me, the hakima provided a tiny bit of cushion for the knees and a lot of opportunity for tangling up the feet. Posted by Portabello (Member # 7710) on :
We joke that the reason you have to have a certain level of ukemi to wear the hakama in our dojo is so that you won't injure yourself when you trip over it.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Congrats, Amy! Martial arts were a really important part of my life when I was younger, and I miss them so much that it's almost painful. Keep going and suceeding. It will rock.
By the way, is it stupid that I only just now realized, after meeting you at BobNDanacon that you're Galesh. I always think of you as Galesh or Amy and never Shigosei, and so when you were introduced as Shigosei/Amy, I was like, cool, I know you from Hatrack. Not, cool, Khadanira.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Thanks for the congratulations, everyone! I'm pretty excited. Now the university club practices (as opposed to practice at the dojo) actually have more colored belts than white belts. Sensei talked about how when someone improves, the whole dojo benefits. I'm happy he sees it that way rather than in a more competitive manner.
Porter, all of the colored belts encompass two ranks. Right now I'm sixth kyu.
Ludosti, I know you're farther out of the Phoenix area now, and you probably did a different type of Aikido, but if you want to do Aikido again, you're always welcome at the Tempe Kokikai dojo. I can give you directions if you like.
Most people in my dojo start wearing a hakama when they get their black belt. My instructor has joked that the purpose is for deflating new black belts' egos when they trip while walking across the mat.
Ryuko, I thought about bringing up the Khadanira campaign but never got around to it.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
(shakes fist)
We shall meet again, Amy! We shall geek out over PBEM D&D. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Posted by Jane_Lane (Member # 7665) on :
Hmmm I'm starting to feel all left out with all this Japanese Martial Art speak! Any Korean-ers out there?
Posted by amira tharani (Member # 182) on :
I've been doing Jiu-Jitsu since October and got my yellow belt in March. (the ranking goes white-yellow-orange-green-purple-light blue-dark blue-brown-black). Brown belts can wear hakama when they get their own club. I've never seen Mat (my sensei) trip over his hakama but in my grading I had brown belts attack me and I kept getting my feet caught in their hakamas when I'd thrown them. I'm surprised I passed my grading!!!