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Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Oh my heavens.
Did they just not know the number of incredible song choices they had?
I could totally see Bo doing something from either Godspell or Jesus Christ Superstar, yet he chose a really boring song which did not in any way fit him.

Scott Savol, honey, The Impossible Dream might be your theme song, but you shouldn't have touched it. Sorry.

The country woman, who bores me to tears as it is, picked a song so dull I couldn't even place it.

I am very disappointed in all of them, mainly for their choices.

If Anthony doesn't go this week, I don't know what America is thinking.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
i thought about watching it just because it was show tunes, but decided they wouldn't be up to my standards.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
My standards for show tunes are automatically higher than other songs. [Razz]

Good thing I don't watch American Idol!
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
You made a good choice. It was my favorite night last year, maybe because so many of the strong singers were Broadway-esque last year.

Sorry to be such a grump about this, but I really was disappointed.

Edit: Raia, last year, Fantasia did "Summertime," and I still get chills just thnking about it. The country woman(I really can't think of her name) has the kind of voice that could have really brought the house down with a good Broadway tune.

[ April 06, 2005, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Elizabeth ]
Posted by Speed (Member # 5162) on :
I'm really surprised and disappointed that the country girl (edit: Carrie) didn't do "River In the Rain." That would have been perfect for her, and she could have killed with it. I don't know what song she chose because I slept through it.

I was surprised at how well Constantine did. He sucks as a rocker... he really needs to embrace his inner drama geek.

That Russian kid trying to make a pop song out of "Climb Every Mountain" was painful and embarassing. I could almost hear the band thinking, "Oh Lord, are we really playing this?"

I thought it was pretty funny that Bo chose a song at random. I personally thought that, given the constraints, he made it work. I just hope he doesn't have to do that again.

And Anwar was awesome. I really can't decide between him and Bo this year.

That's all my thoughts of last night's show. I hope they do a better theme next week.

[ April 06, 2005, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: Speed ]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
But Anthony is so cute, but not as cute as Anwar and Nadia.
*sigh* Both of them were so good. I want them to win.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I liked Carrie's performance, though the song choice as...yeah, totally dull. But I loved her choice of dress and hair. She could sing soap commercials and I would still love it. Her voice is just so pure.

I laughed through Anthony's performance. It was just such a bad choice of song and he was no where close to equal to its demands. Plus I kept picturing the Mother Superior. Anthony in a habit. It was all too much. I'd be shocked if he doesn't get voted off tonight.

Simon was fit to be tied...he looked like he was furious for not only having lost an hour of his life he would never get back, but that that hour was filled with memories he would never be able to erradicate.

I like the idea of having an encouraging judge, but Paula, catch a clue: it was not a good week for American Idol. You've become Pollyanna in your efforts to counterbalance Simon.

Bottom two for me: Anthony and Scott.
Posted by Cor (Member # 4295) on :
I heard snipets (sp?) of the different pieces on the radio this morning. Actually, I thought they were pretty well done considering that isn't their background or training, but from what everyone else is saying, they must have played the good snipets. [Smile]

I have a show tune/opera training background. It really is a great test of what kind of quality of voice a person really has. But I'm not sure it is appropriate for American Idol.

It was my understanding that the competitors were given a specific list of songs from which they had to choose, so that might explain why better show tunes weren't selected.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Hey, at least they are not ruining opera!
Posted by imenimok (Member # 7679) on :
It's nights like that that make me want to try out and show them how it's done. And I'm not that good.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Elizabeth - I don't know if you saw it - but Orson Scott Card had his opinions on last night's Idol over on the other side. (scroll halfway down)

Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
ha ha. Thanks, Farmgirl.

I really do think it was the choice of songs. I just keep thinking of all the songs they didn't do.

I also agree with Mr. Card's assessment of the death knell for Anthony. Ouch.
Posted by Shmuel (Member # 7586) on :
Elizabeth: this is actually the first year they've had a "showtunes" night (and, with any luck, the last; I love showtunes, but they're not really Idol material). Fantasia's "Summertime" came during "movie night" last year, which is a much more flexible category.
Posted by Speed (Member # 5162) on :
I also agree with Mr. Card's assessment of the death knell for Anthony. Ouch.
Yeah, I do too. I do not, however, agree with Mr. Card's assessment of the difference between rock singing and showtune singing. He treats them as though showtune singing is a higher form of art that will weed out people who are merely good rockers. But this season of AI has been a perfect example of the fact that they're just two different forms of music, existing in different worlds.

It's not like Constantine did better than Bo last night because he's a better all-around musician, and they needed to get into high art to show Bo's lack of talent. Constantine absolutely embarassed himself with his version of songs like "Kiss From a Rose" and "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic." He's proof positive that Broadway singers can't necessarily sing rock any better than rockers can necessarily sing showtunes.

Saying that Broadway singers are objectively better than rock singers is like saying that classical guitarists are better than blues guitarists. Andres Segovia was a genius and a master of his form, but he couldn't have touched Duane Allman's solo on "Whipping Post."

[ April 06, 2005, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Speed ]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Shmuel, I could have sworn there was a Broadway night. Was it musical movies, then?

Speed, I agree with your disagreement. In fact, some of the criticisms Simon made last year were that the singers were too Broadway musical, and did not translate into other genres.
Posted by Shmuel (Member # 7586) on :
'Fraid not. Here's the recap of last year's; the other selections were "Against All Odds," "I Have Nothing," "Jailhouse Rock," "My Heart Will Go On," "When I Fall in Love," "As Time Goes By," and "Somewhere."
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
My Heart Will Go On.
Bury that song under a rock
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Edgar Allen Poe already tried to do that, Synesthesia.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Interesting. This was from a blog, I guess, when I googled to see what Broadway songs were performed last year. (Not that I didn;t believe you, Shmuel, it was just that I was trying to figure out why it was stuck in my head that they had done it). It wasnlt that thre was a Broadway night, rather the judges used "Broadway" as a negative. Many times. How weird that they do not use it as an insult(veiled or otherwise) this year, and actually have a whole nght dedivated to broadway. Which stinks.

Let’s just pretend “Don’t Rain On My Parade” is a Big Band song. Let’s see if the judges call “Broadway” on her (that, along with “cruise ship” and “wedding singer,” is a favorite insult on the show). Randy is hooting, he loves it. You were meant to sing this kind of music---hmmm …. Doesn’t that mean she’s not suited to be the American Idol? Paula says this means she can put out an album of (presumably) Broadway songs and sell “millions and millions.” Well, if that’s the music business, why has “Broadway” traditionally been an insult on this show? Let’s see if Simon has the nerve to cut through this crap: “10 out of 10 for a very good Broadway performance.” But nothing more. Well, I can put 2 and 2 together. He doesn’t want to criticize her, but he just did.

Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
I don't watch American Idol, so I can't comment on the relative worth of those who sang last night.

However, I've sung rock and I've sung broadway, so I can comment on how difficult either one is. Both are difficult, and I don't think that one is harder than the other. They require completely different vocal talents, they require a completely different approach, but I would wager that it takes the same amount of different kind of talents to do either one well.

I have more fun singing rock songs most of the time, which is why I gave up on theatre and continue trying to sing rock. But that isn't to say that broadway tunes were more or less difficult.

As a strange side note, I have found that people over 40 will tell me I am better broadway/choral type singing, while people under 40 say I am better at rock. I have more fun with rock though, and it allows me to write my own songs, and I've gotten paid to sing rock while I've never gotten anything for my showtune efforts, so I think I'll stick with that for now.

Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
There are some rock singers(Neil Young for example) who would never have made it out of the overcrowded hotel lobbies in an American Idol contest, yet I adore their voices.
Posted by Speed (Member # 5162) on :
That's where American Idol becomes a farce. They're pretending (and believing) that a pretty voice is equal to musical talent. Neil Young has an engaging if untraditional voice, but he also plays a mean guitar, and has written (and led bands in performing) some of the most interesting and influential music of the last half century, in many widely different styles. He's the very definition of a well-rounded musician. If anyone with his level of talent ever wins American Idol, it will be the purest coincidence.
Posted by Shmuel (Member # 7586) on :
Yep. I was very surprised that they had a night for showtunes this year, because Broadway-style performances have been seen as a negative on this show from the beginning. (A friend of mine made it to the California round in the first season, and ended up being cut for exactly that reason. I couldn't argue with that, because the diagnosis was spot-on. Broadway, yes; pop singer, no.) It's not that Broadway is better or worse, just that it's a very different style than what this show is looking for.

I do wonder whether Fantasia's performance of "Summertime" made this seem like a good idea...

(My Idol blog is here, by the way.)
Posted by Edgehopper (Member # 1716) on :
So, real question: Which was worse, Broadway night this year or Elton John night last year? I don't think Anthony's performance will stick in my head for a year like that awful rendition of Crocodile Rock last year...if nothing, else, "Climb Every Mountain" didn't include bad dancing [Smile]
Posted by Shmuel (Member # 7586) on :
Simon: It's not a farce, it's just specialized. The goal isn't to find a "well-rounded musician" or "musical talent" in the broadest sense; it's a quest for an emerging singing sensation. A pop idol, in the original conception. Judged by that standard, they've done a really good job over the past few years.
Posted by Shmuel (Member # 7586) on :
Oh, Elton John night by a landslide. I have all my fingers crossed that they won't do another night devoted to a single singer or group this season; it's a recipe for disaster.
Posted by Edgehopper (Member # 1716) on :
Despite the quality, I'm still pretty happy as to how that turned out--I bought 11 shares of Constantine at TradeSports when it was at 2.9, and now it's up to 10.4. I like making a profit off of pop stars...while they make a profit off of me [Smile]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Is Anyhony Federov this year's John Stevens?

What the heck?
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Interesting - in Australian Idol I, the eventual winner sang Climb Every Mountain and brought the house down.

Didn't pop it up in any way, but sort of "inspirational-ised" it up - it was all moving and teary and that. Not quite my thing but he did do it well and *lots* of people loved it.

I wonder if the American Idol producers/voice coaches knew about it when the contestants were picking their songs.
Posted by Coccinelle (Member # 5832) on :
Who was booted this week? Was it Scott? I missed the show.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Nico Smith. But Vonzell was in the bottom three. Scott as well.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
John Stevens had the great and powerful Methodist mailing list boosting his numbers. Maybe Fedorov has something similar. [Wink]
Posted by Coccinelle (Member # 5832) on :
Really? I never thought he was that great, but I didn't think he'd be the next one to go.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I think Federov must have some sprt of fan base. Young girls? I don't know. I think at one point he was compared to Troy Aiken.

Um, I have to confess to thinking Fantasia was horrible tonight. She did that screamy kind of singing.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Yep. Just like her whole season when she won. She did that, and it why change?

She is horrible.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I don't think she is horrible all the time. Still, La Toya should have won. I think it is sad that she hasn't really done much.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I only saw the last 10 minutes, and was shocked/irritated that Federov wasn't in the bottom three. Scott was ready to say his goodbyes, poor guy.

I can't say I'm sorry to see Nikko go. But it should have been Anthony, and hopefully Anthony knows it.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Nikko, Nico, is not one of my favorites, plus, he made it farther than he thought! he got to be in the top 12 and get all those contracts, and go on tour.

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