Tonight, in an effort to try something besides root beer or sarsparilla, I got a 4-pack of Reed's Spiced Apple Cider. I ususally don't care for the taste of apple cider, but I just had to try this stuff. It was in the health food section, and nothing there tastes like what you think it tastes like.
Oh, hummina, hummina, hummina. If drinks could reproduce with humans, I would make sweet, sweet love to this heavenly liquid until everybody had a bottle in their hands.
The new Weezer song is kickin'. Better than anything I've heard off of Maladroit and much better than most of the stuff off their green album. Everybody I've talked to has only dissed it, though, and I don't think it deserves that.
I read As a Man Thinketh this morning. That was cool. It's been a few years since I read that last.
A brother in my church gave me a babybluish mint green suit. It's the tightest thing on the face of the earth. I like to think of it as my way of bringing back the 70's, but only in hopes that a 60's or 80's comeback won't be far off. Or as "anti-emo" because I wear it with a pink tie n'stuff so it's happy happy happy happy happy!
New Gorillaz out, according to iTunes. Sweet.
Wow, it's 11:30 and I still haven't eaten dinner. In fact, I had gone to the store to get something to drink with dinner. I got the drink, but some how managed to not even open the fridge door. I think I'll do that now.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Does that taste like that apple pucker stuff?
And yeah, the new Weezer song is really good.
Other than that, really can't comment on the rest.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Apple pucker stuff? I don't know what that is, but it is very gingery. I thought the ginger was overpowering at first, but the more of it I downed, the more I could taste the apple. It's SOOO good.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I hate trying to come up with names for characters. It's like pulling teeth. Which ones will fit? What difference will it make? Maybe none, but still.
The deep fried battered cauliflower we had for lunch was seriously good. I'm glad we had that. Yumm! But probably better with another kind of sauce. I'll have to hunt through the cupboards to see what we have to go with it.
Passing gas audibly with people in the house other than Fahim is probably not a good idea.
I hate periods. Hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
quote:It's like pulling teeth. Which ones will fit?
Then isn't it more like putting teeth in, a tooth at a time?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
apple pucker, watermelon pucker...basically alcholic liquid jolly ranchers.
Very sour.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
New Gorillaz stuff is out? Seriously?
quote:I hate periods.
The punctuation kind, the temporal kind, or the . . . um . . . other kind?
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Lyrhawn - I can't compare it then, really. This drink has no alcohol in it, so it tastes quite a bit different, I'm sure.
Verily - It's on iTunes, anyway, under there pre-release section. It's called "Feel Good Inc". I wish I could listen to more than thirty seconds of it.
[ April 01, 2005, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: Da_Goat ]
Posted by LTC DuBois (Member # 7661) on :
I can't say I've had apple pucker, but I'm fairly sure apple cider tastes nothing like it. Especially a cider that came from the health food section.
Is the cider organic? I bought some organic Caesar's dressing that tastes awful, but really enjoy this organic tofu chili I found. The strange thing is I never thought I'd actually enjoy tofu in any form.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
So new Gorillaz stuff is coming, then. That is so awesome. It's been so long since we've heard from them, I was starting to wonder if the whole thing was over with.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
The other kind. The kind that causes bloating, headaches, migraines, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and all that other good stuff.
I'm tired. My head feels like it has a warm cotton pillow stuffed in it.
I'm tired of waking up at 4 in the morning and not being able to fall asleep again.
I hate flies. I hate it when they congregate. I hate it when they're so lazy and comfortable that they don't even bother moving when ya shake them off. And I hate it when Fahim hits me in the head with the fly swatter electrocutor thingy and gives me a black eye, even though he was sorry.
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
Doesn't this thread overlap my "Qustions and Comments" thread just a tad?
Academically asking, all hypothetical. I'm not trying to 'steal' credit fom our most respectable Da_Goat.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
I hear that, Verily.
quote:I hate it when they're so lazy and comfortable that they don't even bother moving when ya shake them off.
I never realized how much I envy flies until I read this sentence.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
Nausea and vomiting? Really? Yeesh. I knew it was unpleasant and painful, but I didn't realize it got that bad.
Actually, I'm curious as to whether there's a story that goes with the random comment above the period one. But I thought it might not be classy to inquire.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Jonny H, by far the majority of topics I've started have been in this vein. And you needn't use all those italicized adjectives. The fact that you included the underscore in my username means that you respect me much more than most, including myself, do.
I think "sweat nada" would be a cool catchphrase.
I have now eaten dinner.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
I am writing a story at the moment - kinda quest/adventure thingy. The main character is a 12 year old girl called Kamari - which is also the name of a living goddess in Nepal. The naming is a nod to my little sister who is getting a dog this weekend and calling her Kamari (the living doggess).
The character's last name is Sura. I really liked the name.
Until Tony read it and said "You know that sounds a lot like Kama Sutra, don't you?"
I should be studying corporations law. I thought I'd hate it, but the bit I read yesterday was kind of cool.
It actually originated in medieval England, and became more and more developed as joint ventures became necessary - think the Dutch East India Company. Cool.
It's raining here *finally*. Everything was so dry and brown and now it's wetwetwet. But I can't do any washing because our dryer is broken.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Verily, yes, it can get that bad. More than half my periods in the last half year have included vomiting. Much force involved to the point that my eyes are blurry for a day or so because of the pressure buildup around and possibly in the eyes. But I'm a little extreme. Most are not this bad.
Verily, yes, indeed, there is a story behind that comment right before the one about periods.
I am not a girlie girl. I admire and respect girlie girls, I will, however, never be one nor do I aspire to be one. Entirely. Just a little bit sometimes. Like when it comes to being able to figure out what to do with my hair other than having it hang all over the place.
So marrying Fahim, and then the years before that, but especially with Fahim, he's so comfortable and so himself and so doesn't care about things like passing gas or belching in front of me that yes, it's sad to admit, I have also gotten used to passing gas in front of him.
He's the only person in my life I have willingly and audibly passed gas in front of.
Today, the cleaning lady is here. She doesn't speak great English, but that has no bearing on the next comment. I passed gas with a rip-roaring amount of pressure. She was in another room. I have no idea if she heard, or, if she did, if she just assumes it was Fahim.
Nevertheless, not my finest moment.
It's all Fahim's fault for me being this comfortable around him.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I reserve the right to delete portions of the above post at will and without notice.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
quote: I knew it was unpleasant and painful, but I didn't realize it got that bad.
It depends a lot of the woman, and of the time of her life. Periods were hell when I was a teenager, and I was really happy it didn't happen every month. Since I'm grown and take the pill, I can feel crappy and bitchy, but it is physically easier to bear.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
quote: I reserve the right to delete portions of the above post at will and without notice.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
quote: I passed gas with a rip-roaring amount of pressure.
Ahh, I love a good fart story.
Anyone else pulling April Fools Day pranks? I've pulled off one already.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
When a lady has "the vapours" in an old book, does that really mean she wants to be alone so she can cut one?
Posted by Jonathan Howard (Member # 6934) on :
I declared myself gay.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
Oh, that was a prank?
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
quote:it's sad to admit, I have also gotten used to passing gas in front of him.
I don't think it's all that sad. He's your husband. If there's one person in the world who should be allowed to understand that you're human, it's your husband.
If you feel embarrassed at telling this story, at least you can't blame me for that. You're the one that brought it up in the first place.
By the way, the women of the world have my condolences. I won't say there aren't unpleasant and painful things men have to put up with, but there are none as regular and as common as the, shall we say, lunar cycle. (My favorite euphemism for it.) When I hear these stories, it makes me incredulous that for millennia, men regarded women as weak and delicate creatures. To any man who thinks so, I say, you try having a searing pain in your gut that gives you headaches and nausea and makes you bleed from a very private location . . . at the same time every single month.
While we're talking about things that weren't worth making a thread for, can anyone tell me how to pronounce the name of the Wabash River? I've been pronouncing it "Wobbish", for obvious reasons, but I'm sure that's not what the real-life river is called.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
As a Hoosier, I always heard it pronounced "Waw-bash." Two very discrete syllables, too -- almost like two separate words, but not quite.
[ April 01, 2005, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
Like, to rhyme with . . . uh . . . job-gash?
Is the stress on the first syllable, or the second?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Waw = like "wall," but you don't pronounce the "l"
bash = your standard "bash."
No clear emphasis on either syllable -- almst like they are two separate words. First syllable maybe a bit lower in pitch than the second.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
(Mind you, Verily, this is the same group of people who say "Kayy-row" for "Cairo" and "Vee-nice" for "Venice." So, take it for what it's
Edit: Hah! Merriam-Webster has a pronunciation for Wabash. Just click on the little red icon next to the word.
[ April 01, 2005, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
quote:While we're talking about things that weren't worth making a thread for, can anyone tell me how to pronounce the name of the Wabash River? I've been pronouncing it "Wobbish", for obvious reasons, but I'm sure that's not what the real-life river is called.
Should I be embarrased to admit that I live in the Chicago area and it took me three books to realize that Wobbish country (which I pronounch wob -like lob- ish) was supposed to be the Wabash (wau -like flaw- bash) valley??? LOL
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
Well this thread is the first I've ever heard of a "real" Wobbish, so you're one up on me...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I'm with Maui Babe.
It rained. A lot. Yesterday. It has me very very happy. Finally, it's cooling down here. Finally, I'm not feeling like I'm burning up. I was actually cold last night. As in, with goosebumps and all. I love it! I miss being cold!
It's at times like this that I wonder if I'm fooling myself trying to be a writer. Plotting doesn't come easy for me. I've got a load of ideas and possibilities, but where's the logic? I'm otherwise a fairly logical person, at least in some respects. But applying logic to the plotting process. Ugh.
It's just going too too slow, and I'm frustrated.
Right. And I just remembered that I have a column due in three days, so I guess I better get cracking on that, too. Sigh.
And I still don't know what I'm going to write on for that. Decisions Decisions.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
quote:Mind you, Verily, this is the same group of people who say "Kayy-row" for "Cairo" and "Vee-nice" for "Venice."
Now, are those the Old World cities we're talking about, or local towns in the area? Because I always figure people who live in an area know how local things should be pronounced. Here in Alaska, we have a town whose name is spelled Valdez, but which is pronounced Val-deez. We only pronounce it that way when referring to the town; when speaking of a Hispanic person of that name, we pronounce it Val-dez like anyone else.
Either way, thanks for your help. I can finally pronounce that confounded river's name correctly. Like "wall bash" with no L's.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
quote:When a lady has "the vapours" in an old book, does that really mean she wants to be alone so she can cut one?
Yes. Yes indeed it does.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
quote: Now, are those the Old World cities we're talking about, or local towns in the area? Because I always figure people who live in an area know how local things should be pronounced. Here in Alaska, we have a town whose name is spelled Valdez, but which is pronounced Val-deez. We only pronounce it that way when referring to the town; when speaking of a Hispanic person of that name, we pronounce it Val-dez like anyone else.
Local towns in the area. Or so I would assume, Cairo is featured hugely in American Gods, or I never would have heard of it. The correct pronounciation of Wabash in my esteemed opinion is the pronounciation Goody S gave.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I love my rabbit. He's so cute and has a tail like a deer. He's the cutest thing in the whole world. But very naughty. He keeps trying to go at my wires!!!!
One day I need to finish this novel, but I'm afriad too. It might not be good enough and I really lack life experience.
Posted by LTC DuBois (Member # 7661) on :
Midwesterns are good at naming our towns after famous places but changing the pronounciation.
Nevada (neh-vay-dah) and Madrid (mad-rid) are both small towns near Ames, Iowa
While visiting the house of Christopher Columbus in Valladolid, Spain (which is a musuem) I saw a map "New World" cities that were named after Spanish cities. Madrid, IA was on there and I thought to myself, "I wonder if they know we mispronounce it?"
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I think that Americans founding towns in America are entitled to anglicize pronunciations. If you want to be intolerably didactic about it, we "mispronounce" Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francisco as well. But you know, as long as Spanish-speakers insist on calling England's capital "Londres" and America's largest city "Nueva York", I can certainly live with it.
Edited to add: And if some folks in a Spanish-speaking country founded a new town and named it "Anchorage" in honor of my home town, but changed the pronunciation to "an-cho-RA-huh" to fit better in their own mouths, I certainly wouldn't be offended. I'd be flattered that they thought of us at all.
[ April 02, 2005, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Verily the Younger ]
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
Me: Mom, I'm thinking about coming home this weekend so that I can cook this chili I really want to try, watch a movie that's only showing in Bloomington, and start putting in my garden. But I can only do it if I finish this paper for my psych class because I'm totally swamped with stuff.
My Mom: Great! Why don't we drive up to South Bend for the weekend and visit your grandma in the nursing home.
Me: Um...
My mom: Or if we don't we'll go and visit your other grandma (day trip)
Me: I'm only going to be home one day....
I'm really getting the feeling my mom doesn't want me to come home.
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
My dad used to tell me "it's all in your head" when I was having period problems (not as bad as quidscribis!) ...
My response: "um, Dad, it's a bit lower down."
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I had a migraine once, but it turned out to be purely psychosomatic. I thought I had a migraine, but it was all in my head.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
I got a sunburn playing tennis yesterday. That means it's spring!
Somebody want to come work at a Domino's? We're so understaffed right now, it's not even funny.
Whatever happened to the phrase "it's not even funny", anyway? To me, it seems like it died off when I left elementary school, but I don't know if that was a culture shift nationally, locally, or personally.
Speaking of elementary school, remember when you used to dare kids on the bus to hold five Warheads in their mouth at a time. Aw, that was awesome. Sour candy games top drinking games every day of the week.
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
I'm guessing you don't get a hangover (or DUI ticket) for playing sour candy games.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
I want to learn Quechua. Or Old Church Slavonic.
What college did Ivan go to in Enchantment, I wonder . . .
I realized today I'm not exactly motivated to do much. I decided to change this, but I lost interest.
This afternoon I painted my bathroom. How do you get paint out of everything?
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
I haven't had a period, like, ever. Does this mean I'm pregnant?
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Wow. If you're not motivated and managed to paint your bathroom, I'd be amazed to see what you're like when you are motivated.
Posted by NinjaBirdman (Member # 7114) on :
Man, I had no idea the walk I took today was 3 hours long. That's a long freaking walk, It didn't seem that long at all, but I listened to about 43 songs so I guess 3 hours is about right.
I cannot wait until the summer. Only four more weeks until I go back to NJ. Hooray!
I really should clean my room.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
quote: Wow. If you're not motivated and managed to paint your bathroom, I'd be amazed to see what you're like when you are motivated.
My dad's a sort of synthetic motivation.
Posted by LTC DuBois (Member # 7661) on :
Speaking of Domino's, what's up with that commercial where the guy calls up with 2 friends but they all want different things? The helpful pizza guy informs them of the 5-5-5 deal so they can all have their own pizza.
Who calls the pizza place not knowing what they want? "Please help us decide what to order, Restaurant Employee! Could you give us any suggestions on how to pay for the food when it comes?"
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
quote:Who calls the pizza place not knowing what they want?
Everybody. And it's incredibly aggravating.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I need to finish plotting my novel today. No more delays. No more procrastination. Enough is enough.
And then, I would like to write at least 20 pages today.
And then I remembered that I have an article due today. Must figure out what I'm writing on and then write the thing.
Nope, mind is blank.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
quote: And then, I would like to write at least 20 pages today.
My goal for today was 1.5 pages. I envy that you can even set a twenty page goal.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
How come the people getting arrested on Cops never acknowledge the camera? I've seen a lot of episodes of that show, and never once have I seen any of them look nervous, or angry, or embarrassed to be arrested on camera. I wish I could get arrested on that show. I'd spend the whole segment acting normal, like any other arrest, and then at the end, as they were taking me toward the police car, I'd look straight into the camera and say, "It's a fair cop."
You know how they say that stuff you're looking for is always in the last place you look? Not me. When I find what I'm looking for, I always keep looking, just in case it was a trick.
I found out today that my mother's name is misspelled on her birth certificate. Isn't that weird? How could the spelling her parents intended be her legal name when it's not what it says on her birth certificate? And if her parents knew about it, couldn't they have gotten it fixed? It seems to me that if you catch a mistake on your baby's birth certificate early enough, you should be able to have it nullified and get a new one drawn up.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
blacwolve - my personal best for a day is 65 pages. 20 pages ought - in theory - to be a cakewalk. But I've been in a writing void since last October.
I have a goal of 100 pages this week with a book in a week writing group I belong to. I want to meet it. If I've plotted properly, it's completely doable. I'm one of those that requires plotting and structure. I don't write well without it.
But you also need to keep in mind circumstances - I don't know if you work/have children/whatever else goes on in your life to occupy your time. I don't have a job, and I don't have kidlets. I just take care of me and my husband. So, in theory, I have plenty of time to write.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I love surprising people. I really surprised my sister with a birthday party Saturday night, and the look on her face made me feel like a million bucks. Suddenly all the rushing around to get it ready and to coordinate things was totally worth it.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
iTunes finally has some Smashing Pumpkins stuff! Woohoo!
Only a week 'til I get paid again! Woohoo!
I finally started reading Shadow of the Giant! Woohoo!
I've managed to eat neither fast food nor microwave burritos for the past week, as we actually have real food in our refrigerator! Woohoo!
I got my head checked by a jumbo jet! It wasn't easy, but nothing is, no! Woohoo!
I think I'm going to play tennis again tomorrow, 'cause it's spring and if it's spring, you gotta play tennis! Woohoo!
I want to get an iPod with spending any money or spamming anybody with any links. I give everyone here the opportunity to buy me one. Remember, though, this is a limited time offer! Act now and buy me an iPod before someone else beats you to it! Woo-freakin'-hoo!
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Quidscribis, I'd just like to say: I loathe you. I loathe you real bad. For me, two pages a day is an excuse for a tequila party.
Posted by LTC DuBois (Member # 7661) on :
"Quidscribis, I'd just like to say: I loathe you. I loathe you real bad."
New game Replace the word loathe in the above quote with any other word.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
Sounds fun.
"Quidscribis, I'd just like to say: I braise you. I braise you real bad."
Posted by NinjaBirdman (Member # 7114) on :
I like this thread.
I'm bored, I think I'm gonna make a webcomic.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
"Quidscribis, I'd just like to say: I yawp you. I yawp you real bad"
Yay words of the day!
[ April 05, 2005, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Da_Goat ]
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
NinjaBirdman, I want to see the comic when you're done with it. I'm bored too and not creative enough to make my own.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
My loathing is henceforth extended to Goat, DuBois, and Verily, that sissy fanboy.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
My braising is henceforth extended to Goat, DuBois, and Verily, that sissy fanboy.
I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
quote: I'm sorry, I'll stop.
But the pain won't . . .
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
But. . . Joldo. . . I said "In theory". Not in actuality. Not yet.
I'm stuck in plot-hell. I'm still plotting the damn thing. And I'm one of those that has to plot. I have to have structure before I start or it doesn't go anywhere. I have to know where it's going and why. So I'm not there yet.
Please don't hate me.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
The fact you're physically capable of typing that much in a day boggles my mind. I can just about manage ten words a minute.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Ah. Then I feel sorry for you. Take a typing class or something. They're really useful. And, if you're going to, learn to type Dvorak. It's supposed to be much faster (I've heard of 20 wpm increases) than Qwerty and puts less stress on the hands and wrists.
I keep meaning to make the switch to Dvorak myself, but I need to learn it first. Right now, I have about 80 wpm. The 20wpm increase would help substantially.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Gah, we had to take typing in elementary school. I loathed that class.
I've found what's helped me is AIM chat rooms. Try responding before a dozen chatbots advertising a hot webcam can get their message in. Very hard.
Posted by chel (Member # 7674) on :
Ya I agree. My typing speed has increased too since I started MSNing everybody in the universe...actually maybe fingers are faster but my brain is slower. You win some and you lose some I guess.
[ April 05, 2005, 04:06 AM: Message edited by: chel ]
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
I think that actually going to a Hatrack event has made my addiction worse. Anyone else suffering from this phenomenom?
Even if I went to bed this minute and fell asleep immediately, I would have less than three hours of sleep before I have to wake up and get the kids off to school. Bad me.
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
And I'm eating a yogurt that makes me think of baby food. This is a first for me.
Posted by NinjaBirdman (Member # 7114) on :
quote: NinjaBirdman, I want to see the comic when you're done with it. I'm bored too and not creative enough to make my own.
Well, I finally finished my first comic. Only took me all night.
I realize it's not funny. I wanted to just introduce the characters and set up for the next 2 or 3 strips. They will be funny. I'll probably do them tomorrow, err today.
Goodnight! ... Errr, morning.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Puff is purring and laying on my lap. She almost never purrs! This is so cool.
I played Stratego yesterday for the first time ever. I've always wanted to know how to play that, and it was pretty fun. Does anybody know of a web-based counterpart to it?
I'm thinking about trying to fit in some tennis between when my friends finish their homework and I get ready for church tonight. I think I can do it, depending on how much homework they have.
I'd also like to know why the tennis court we play at isn't lighted, but the basketball court, park, and parking lot surrounding it all are.
It came to my attention today that I use "dinner" and "supper" interchangeably. Somebody told me that I can't do that. I have to use either/or. It's like the "pop"/"soda" thing...which I've also started to use interchangeably. It's like no longer am I part of a culture.
I'm happy to say, though, that I will continue to give "caramel" only two syllables-worth of my time.
[ April 06, 2005, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Da_Goat ]
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I do that too, Da_Goat. You'll live outside of culture. It's actually kinda cool, if your coat is warm enough to take the cold stares and shoulders.
I have an earache. Again. I'm also having trouble updating my comic. (sigh) Oh to have time again.
On the plus side, I'm seeing Sin City tonight.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I actually attempted to say nice things about people today. I think I may have succeeded.
If not it's their fault for being so stupid.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I got the nicest compliment the other day. I'm still marinating in it. My son's Spanish teacher, whom I had not met previously, was sure I was his sister, not his mother. She seemed genuinely surprised.
Posted by Zeugma (Member # 6636) on :
I was just reading the beginning of Jay's April Fool's thread, and I wanted to mention that I think Anna's written English skills are just superb. I find myself doubting my memory that she is actually French, and not a native English speaker.
And Kama, of course, has impeccable writing.... I am just so impressed by all the folks here who manage to overcome the community's rather high standards for spelling and grammar, when English isn't even their first language. Kudos!
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I do that too Da_Goat. We're just cooler than everyone else.
Posted by no. 6 (Member # 7753) on :
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Woo! Free furniture!
I've been doing without some essentials (desk, shelves, other stuff) for a fair while now, but one of the other office buildings at work is throwing out desks and shelves, so one of the carpentry guys offered to score one of each for me and bring them over to my pad after work today.
I haven't even seen them, and I bet they're pretty old and beat up, so they may not find a home in my living room... but I am in dire need of shelf and desk space to put books, magazines, and papers on, so I'll take whatever free stuff I can get. If it isn't swank (which it won't be) I'll just keep it in the non-swank region of the bedroom. And I have plenty of nice tablecloths, I can cover the desk if need be. Or even paint it! That might be neat.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Old metal desks are the best. I'm talking about the ones from the 50's with wood tops and sturdy design. A little funky paint and it'll look cool as hell.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
You know, this place was constructed in the 40s. It's possible this desk is that old. We'll see...
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
The clouds are moving in the wrong direction.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
My wife has an old style desk chair. I'll have to take a picture of it. It's really cool and incredibly solid. A chair of it's like would easily sell for $5-600 these days.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I just found out that on top of my regular pay and the reimbursement for moving and travel expenses next week, I also get $500 for "incidental" moving expenses. That means I get significantly more than twice as much money than I was expecting to get next week.
This could mean that a piano purchase is in the cards...
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Awe. Some.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
It's about time. I've been waiting to buy one since the day I moved in, and it just keeps getting delayed by unforseen expenses (computer death).
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
My brother set a new personal record for pole vaulting. 13 feet, two inches!
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
YAY!! (is that good?)
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I need to get out of this office before I have an asthma attack. What temporary insanity caused me to tell my co-worker it was OK to windex the entire office...
(Actually, it wasn't insanity, she asked if it would kill me for her to spray and I said not unless it was a lot)
And yesterday somebody put like manperfume on or something and it was HELL. On top of that, people with perfume on keep walking in the door. GAH!
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
*bounces up and down*
I just got an A on my astronomy exam.
To put this in perspective, on the last exam I got a 68%. I was above average. 5 people in the class of about 200 got As.
And I got an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Hey CT! (I always swore I'd never do a CT thread, and this thread gives me the perfect opportunity.)
My baby's fingernail is peeling up from the proximal side, so I am less worried about the old nail interfering with any new growth. I can go back to worrying whether there will actually be any new growth. So, basically, I don't need any advice. I just wanted to help gross everyone out.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Yay blacwolve!
Ryuko, it's not a bad height at all. He's now the 7th best high school boys pole vaulter in Oregon.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Because I just realized this and have nowhere else to say it:
My socks don't match today. This is odd, because I always pair my socks. I don't know what went wrong - it's not like they're similar colours or anything. One is blue, the other is tan with a black-brown-white argyle pattern. I'm so confused!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
My sister and her 4 year old son are here on their way back to Canada.
Fahim plays extremely well with children. He and my nephew have a blast together.
When my nephew is here, I am NOT the least bit important. Only his favorite Uncle Fahim is.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
How come no one ever says "Red China" anymore? Has the term become derogatory? Or is it just considered obsolete now that the Republic of China is usually just called "Taiwan"?
Posted by Little_Doctor (Member # 6635) on :
The title of this thread is the story of my Hatrack existence.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I'm going to get my passport renewed today. It could be fun. They may not let my husband in to the Canadian High Commission with me. They do strange things here. ----- The medication I'm on for my ear infection is giving me nasty side effects. I was supposed to go sightseeing with my sister and her family yesterday, but couldn't because of the side effects. I won't gross you out with details. ----- I was told two days ago that I have 1 1/2 hours at District Conference - LDS church leadership meetings - to talk to the leaders about family history. Now I have to figure out what to say to them. It's this Saturday.
Given other threads here, I may talk about sensitivity to other people's beliefs. Actually, I know I will. It obviously needs to be stressed in the world at large given the reactions that exist in that 24 page thread that I still haven't finished reading. Other than that, I'm not sure. I think I need to let the ideas formulate.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
My arm muscle and my eyelid are both twitching...
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I'm having trouble making my handout for my Roman Agriculture article presentation tomorrow. I want it to be edu-tainment, but I'm not quite there yet. I really wanted to sleep tonight, too, since I won't be sleeping much on Tuesday (my 21st birthday )
Posted by IrishAphrodite19 (Member # 1880) on :
I got a fish today! I named it Atticus!
I'm really excited. But my roommate and I are worried about how long I can keep it alive... Oh well, I just thought I would share.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
I don't like pants. I wish it was socially acceptable to work around in your boxers.
heh...I meant walk, but work works as well. Cause when I do work on my computer it's usually in my boxers.
[ April 29, 2005, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Strider ]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
You'd probably love wearing sarongs. Cool, comfortable, and you can get a decent breeze.
I still have this blasted ear infection. I'm getting new drugs today, but still. I hate this.
I think I'm going to watch movies all day. My head hurts.
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
I have to do some paperwork tomorrow...that I've been putting off for weeks.
I wish my friend would either get on AIM or call me.
I should really get off the computer and go to bed before I get yellad at again.
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
quote:I got a fish today! I named it Atticus!
What kind of fish?
My friend has a fish. I swear, it's as big as a human head. Quite frightening.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
We've had squid that was as long as my arm. And prawns that were longer than my hand - and I've got big hands.
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
I let food sit out all night and eat it the next morning, because.. I'm gross like that. My friends say that's bad for me.
This should probably be in the shocking confessions thread.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Anytime the Apple tech wants to come by and pick up my tower so I can go to the grocery store and maybe see H2G2, that'd be just fine...
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Wow, going from a 17" LCD to a 15" CRT really sucks. And I've forgotten what I wanted to get at the grocery store, so instead of going out I think I'm going to stay here and play video games until I remember what I was going to get.
Also, I created the world's most deformed pancake today. That's what I get for making a pancake too big for my flipping device in a pan unsuitable for pancake-tossing. In my defence, it was my first ever attempt at pancake creation. The next two were much better (but the recipie claimed it could make six, so I guess I just like big pancakes).
[ April 30, 2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
I just cleaned the toilet and sink in my bathroom. It was soooo gross! But at least they somewhat resemble white now.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Twinky: Were they fluffy breakfast pancakes or the thinner savory ones?
Writing insults and cruel characters is something I'd really like to be able to do a little better. It's always such a challenge for me to write nasty dialogue. It takes eighteen revisions before it's even close to being evil enough!
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Well, the first one was sort of a blob. It looked kind of like an omlet. But the others were the fluffy breakfast pancakes.
Also: This loaner computer's lack of FireWire ports is going to make me sad. I have 120MB disk backups of survival essentials, but I was secretly hoping to have access to the 2+GB of documents I have backed up on my iPod...
[ April 30, 2005, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: twinky ]
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I think the argument "sex is a hunger, and it's healthy to feed it" can be taken to silly levels. People can have all sorts of hungers, many of which are natural, and yet can be dangerous to others and themselves.
Posted by Pelegius (Member # 7868) on :
quote: I got a fish today! I named it Atticus!
A friend of mine buaght tow identical small fish and named them Romulus and Remus. He could't tell them apart, so he decided that whichever died first would be Remus.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I may not have a TV this summer for SciFi Friday's summer season premiere
Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
I played with airsoft guns today. It was fun.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
We just watched Electra. It was cool!
I even got an idea about another story from it.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Sigh. It's finals week, my roommates are crazy-studying and I just don't care anymore. I'm bored.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Remember that idea I got from watching Electra?
Well, I didn't write it down. So now, it's gone.
Posted by tt&t (Member # 5600) on :
Can you watch it again?
I can't believe I only have 6 months of law school to go!!
... and I'm really only posting so I can see my post count, cos I'm too lazy to search for any other posts I made.
Oh and Goat loves me.
[ May 08, 2005, 01:53 AM: Message edited by: tt&t ]
Posted by Kiwi (Member # 7982) on :
*posts to try out new sn*
... Mm, I like it. Sorry for using your thread like this Goat. I knew you wouldn't mind.
Stop making me feel like pizza!
[ May 08, 2005, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Kiwi ]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Yeah, I'm gonna hafta watch it again if I have any hope of remembering it. But wisps of it came back last night in a hazy daydream of sorts.
I got my new passport. I was expecting to get one of those fancy dancy new passports that are machine readable and have the pictures printed onto the paper, but I guess they don't do that through the High Commissions. I got the old style, photo glued in, laminate over top, not machine readable.
As long as it's still valid, I guess...
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
The new Burger King/Star Wars commercials are hilarious!
"I am.. your uncle!"
And there's a good M&M/Star Wars commercial out there.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I haven't seen any of them.
We finished season four of CSI last night. Today, we move on to CSI: Miami, seasons 1 and 2. Hopefully, by the time we're done those, we'll have season five of CSI the original, or CSI: New York, or more CSI: Miami, or something. Cuz we need our fix.
I need to learn how to have fun with writing again.
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
I give up.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I have the Ducktales theme song stuck in my head.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I have a splitting headache. Hence the insomnia.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I love my new Poang chairs... they're so comfy!
Posted by Desdemona (Member # 7100) on :
I feel gross. Like every bit of food I've ever eaten is trying to cclaw it's way out of my every pore. I think I ate dinner too fast. After my ccanoeing pracciccce. And our regatta is on Saturday.
And my cc key seems to be sticcky.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I slammed my fingernail in the door's turning an interesting shade of mauve...
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
I spent most of the day getting poked, prodded, x-rayed and otherwise examined by doctors trying to figure out why I am having such a hard time breathing when the pneumonia is clearly out of my lungs.
There are some blood-pullers that need to experience the torture they mete out.
Ignore me, please1
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
I'm working too much. Wah, wah, wah!
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Oh come on, Nato, we can't ignore that!!! Me likey!
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
I have become frighteningly nonproductive at my job. I'm starting to be seriously afraid that they'll find out and fire me.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
*hugs* I hope things work out, Stray.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I found a piece of metal buried two feet underground in my backyard. At first I thought it was a shuriken, but upon closer inspection I found that it was an oriental madallion. I found someone at church a bit ago who was able to identify the language of the inscriptions as chinease.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
Is synesthesia real?
It tastes a little fishy.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
What you dug up sounds more like a chinese coin. Is it round with a square hole?
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
Today I was thinking of a name for a blog and I was thinking "horses mouth" might be good but it was taken, so I looked into "horses lips" and it turns out it takes me to "Horse Slips" . Okay, it's not quite as funny as the picture you probably got in your head when you first saw that phrase.
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
"Incorporating modern design and application techniques, Horse-slipsâ„¢ are an exciting new development representing the future of equine hoof care."
Am I the only one that laughed? Okay, maybe horses are important to some people. *shrug*
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I was thinking more along the lines of bird diapers. Horse slips. Animal underwear in general. But I when I saw the website I did think of some of James Herriot's ferrier stories and also King of the Wind and The Horse and his Boy. I used to draw horses a lot. Before I moved on to Centaurs.
Posted by Anastasia (Member # 8159) on :
quote:Originally posted by CaySedai: I'm guessing you don't get a hangover (or DUI ticket) for playing sour candy games.
No, but you can get a VERY swollen and painful tongue.
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
The Horse and his Boy.
I just read that.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I'm wondering what kind of language chinease is. I mean, I've heard of Chinese, but chinease? Is it like sign language but with a chin instead?
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Select a simple "smile" smiley on Yahoo!Messenger. It looks like one of its eyes is lower than on the normal smiley, while the other one's ok and keeps blinking from time to time.
This is a simple smile, btw:
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
quote:Originally posted by quidscribis: I'm wondering what kind of language chinease is. I mean, I've heard of Chinese, but chinease? Is it like sign language but with a chin instead?
It's the simplified form of Mandarin...
Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
I was playing Shenmue II on the XBox. I played for several hours without saving (I normally do at night when I sleep [habit from Shenmue I], but it did not give me the oppurtuinty, so I didn't save). It then went to black screen after a cutscene and never returned to the game.
I was ticked.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
I have really bad cabin fever from being home from college. But I get to leave in a few days.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I've killed four geckos in the last three days. And one big spider.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Jonathan Davis really needs to stop recording new albums.
The latest sucks a lot.
The new Disturbed also has only one decent song. And by "decent," I mean "amuses me because it has the word 'hurricane' in it."
Also, I decided today that I am terribly amused by any song involving hos, groupies, or cocaine.
Posted by sillygoose (Member # 1616) on :
quid- why would you kill geckos? That just saddens me.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
What's with Spanish? I mean, honestly.
I found Sting in the Christmas decorations part of the dollar store. Frodo's sword Sting. It was sitting amid the wreaths and tinsel.
I really, really wish I had more purple shirts.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Okay, Frodo's sword Sting.
That was totally not my first thought, and I was trying to figure out what was going on.
I need to finish reading sentences when I'm tired.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I've been listening to "Magic Works" from the Goblet of Fire soundtrack for the last two hours.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
My kittens are trying to keep me from surfing and stitching... and I'm already late on the gift swap!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
quote:Originally posted by sillygoose: quid- why would you kill geckos? That just saddens me.
Because they're in my house, getting into my food, making a mess, and leaving gecko crap everywhere.
And the body count is now up to five.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Wonder what my kittens would do with geckos...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
The geckos we have are rarely on the floor. Most of the time, they scurry around on the walls or the ceiling - way out of reach of kitty. I doubt kitty would even see gecko. Oberon rarely notices them.
The other thing is that those suckers are fast. And they jump.
Oh! I forgot! One time, Oberon caught one - it was a year or two ago. Anyway, the tail came off, cuz that's what the tails are designed to do (and then they regenerate the lost tail). So Oberon was stuck with a gecko tail but no gecko.
What a sad state of affairs.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
quote:Originally posted by quidscribis:
quote:Originally posted by sillygoose: quid- why would you kill geckos? That just saddens me.
Because they're in my house, getting into my food, making a mess, and leaving gecko crap everywhere.
And the body count is now up to five.
Hey! My kid is in my house, getting into the food, making a mess and leaving crap everywhere.
Would you have him killed, too?
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I named my laptop Oberon.
My desktop's name is Puck.
Oberon misses Puck. I think he remembers him even though he had his memory erased this summer.
My computers live a soap opera life.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Tante - yes, yes, yes, yes I would.
One of the next novels I write will be about Puck. I'm not sure exactly what it's about yet other than setting up the setting for a whole series of novels set in this odd little universe of mine. And it takes place in a bar.
Hmm. I wonder if Oberon will be in it? Nah, probably not. He comes in a later one with Titania.
Eh. Gotta figure it out, gotta figure it out.
Edit cuz I have a real problem getting names straight.
[ December 12, 2005, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: quidscribis ]
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
They don't know that they're both having an affair with an as-yet-unnamed mp3 player. Those naughty electronics.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I hope that viruses aren't spread...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tante Shvester: Like this?
Dunno. Haven't read it yet. But probably not.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Has anyone else noticed that mint chocolate chip ice creams melts slower than chocolate chip cookie dough?
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
I really need to stop attributing to malice what can more easily be faulted to laziness, incompetence, indifference, or simple error.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I wonder why one side of my body always hurts more than the other.
Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
My laptop's Briseis. My green iPod is Elphaba. Briseis is getting old and cranky, and if I don't breed her soon I may be out of a computer. Elphaba is young; in fact, I just got a new black iPod case.
'Cause you know black is this year's pink.
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
When requesting money from an organization based in the US, please submit your budget should be in US dollars. Particularly since we are recieving requests in euros, Colombian pesos, Mexican pesos, reais, lempiras and various other currencies and I don't have the time or energy to find the exchange rates.
And don't tell me that a flight from Bogotá to Austin costs $1400 when I can easily find flights for the same dates for $700.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I hate insomnia.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
* I think they should make fruit-flavored tooth brushes.
* I just hit my funny bone on the arm of the chair I'm sitting in.
* It burns when soda comes out your nose.
* Christmas is only ten days away.
* I'm going to become a vegetarian for Lent.
* My church lost our pastor of fifteen years.
* Finals started today at my school.
* I have a sleeping problem.
* The "w" in my last name can be flipped upside down to be the "m" in my name.
* I'm just making up random things to put on here.
* I've been considering becoming a Scientologist for awhile. But I don't think anything will come of it because for awhile I was going to be Buddhist. And before that I was going to be Atheist. And before that I was going to become Hindu. And before that I was going to be Catholic. And before that I was going to Buddhist. And before that, and now, I'm Lutheran.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
My laptop, desktop, and car all remain nameless.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I think I may have just gotten in contact with this kid from my Jamboree troop who was, and still is, completely awesome. I think I got in contact with him. I think.
Either that or I'm e-mailing someone I don't know...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I have a headache. I get them when I've had insomnia. I'm tired of headaches.
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
There's a band playing in the laundromat across the street.
Weirdest concert venue ever.
And it's a good thing I'm not doing laundry tonight.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
Hooray, this thread is back! Funny, but just a few days ago I was wondering what had happened to it.
If Gates McFadden of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" married Bill Gates of Microsoft, she'd be Gates Gates.
I've been thinking and thinking and thinking and I just can't decide which name I like better for a son: Justin Hayward or Marcus Aurelius. Good thing I don't have a child on the way.
If the gas that is expelled in flatulence had color to it, making it impossible to disguise who had done it, would that increase or decrease the social stigma attached?
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
My gorgeous car's name is Colin.
As in Farrell.
My best friend named him. He is very sexy.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I got 4 A's this semester! Out of 4 classes! Yay! Almost done with school!
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I'm very good at impromptu speeches.
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
Relating to my earlier post about people requesting money, it's hard to come up with a letter that tells people we really want them to come to our conference while also telling them that we don't have any money to give them. Particularly when it's obvious that the person will be unable to come unless we pay for everything. And it's even harder to write that letter in Spanish or Portuguese.
I feel so mean.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I slept well last night. Really well.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
I'm feeling ignored.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Aiua, why are you feeling ignored? And this post just proves that you aren't being ignored, so I hope the feeling goes away... Or something...
I need to go shoe shopping.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I'm watching the Stargate: Atlantis midseason finale and thought they were talking about Jedi (they were actually saying "Genii").
I've also had a bottle of wine in the past two hours
I am also about to reformat my computer. I think it's better if I do it while slightly intoxicated, so that if I mess up, I can blame the alcohol. Heaven knows I don't want to mess up whilst sober.
I also, finally, apologize for this. I don't normally post tipsy. But I wanted to get out a good-bye for now before I completely screw my computer.
Toodles! Hope to be back in a few...
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I'm a freaking idiot.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
I'm freezing cold.
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
I just stabbed myself with a fork. It was the damndest thing; It was sitting on the side of a plate, perched precariously at the edge of my desk. My arm inadvertently dislodged it, and as it tumbled to the ground I followed it, catching it, tine side up, just as the bottom reached the ground. It was slightly painful and I feel like an moron.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
a moron - not "an" . . .
*hands dante a band-aide*
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
Sorry, I changed it from idiot because Dr Strangelove's post end in the word idiot too and I thought it'd be weird.
There's no blood just a lingering sense of embarrassment. But thanks anyway.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Sigh. I hate it when I'm lightheaded. I end up dropping things and having to clean up broken glass and stuff. It sucks.
Posted by jennabean (Member # 8590) on :
I work from 4:30 am to 5 pm for the next two days. UGH!
...and I am STILL on hatrack late at night
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
And now, I'm going to go install Mambo and Dag's recipe component (although updated by someone else) onto my recipe site and be done with my former, not as organized, not as nice, recipe organization.
And then play with the templates that always seem to get screwed up for me.
But eventually, it'll be better than what I presently have.
Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
Wanted to respond to this, but I didn't want to derail the thread.
Originally posted by KetchupQueen:
quote: Pfffft. I only wash my hair once or twice a week.
I KNEW there was something that wasn't getting done!
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Am I the only one who can't stop laughing at Nelly?
And Paul Wall. I couldn't figure out what his name was for the longest time. "What it do, baby. It's the ice man Pow Wow."
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Um, I don't even know who those people are, pH.
The new maid starts today. The old maid hasn't been here since before my sister and the kids were here, so September. She's gone awol since - can't find her, can't get ahold of her. Although her sisters know where she is and all, so it sounds like she's fine, just doesn't want to work or something.
So we told our trishaw driver that we needed someone, and he brought by this woman, Thilika, yesterday, and she's working for us today.
We'll see how it goes. I hope it goes well.
Except she speaks no English.
It could be interesting.
Posted by Cashew (Member # 6023) on :
i ate too much today, but not as much as yesterday. Man!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
So*. She, the new maid, speaks no English, and it seems she understands very little as well. Poor Fahim has to translate everything. On the plus side, she's a decent cook - we liked her fish and veggie curries - and got more done than Girllie, the old maid, did. But then, Girllie got lazy and figured we were dependant on her. That seems to be what happens here.
On another note, new maid also ran a song and dance past Fahim in a plea to ask for more money.
See, her father's in the hospital awaiting surgery to replace the lenses in his eyes. Hmm, sounds like cataract surgery to me, which is outpatient, and a 15 minute procedure. I know because I have cataracts and have done my research. But this is Sri Lanka, so possibly she's telling the truth, or at least a somewhat version of it.
Anyway, she's poor, and all her sibs are paying for the operating and she feels bad because she has no money to pitch in and could we please give her more.
I roll my eyes at stuff like this. Seriously, I do. Mother died, father in the hospital, brother in jail, sister broke a leg, auntie needs an operation, grandmother died, grandfather is sick... Excuses and pity pleas abound here. And lots of people hit me up for money. I'm white, therefore I'm rich, don't'cha know?
Anyway. We're going to give her some more. Fahim feels sorry for her, and honestly, she's done a decent enough job today that I have no problem giving her a bonus. Who knows if we'll see her again, though. It's unpredictable.
Anyway. We've asked for her to come back on Saturday to finish cleaning the rest of the house. We'll see.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I'm looking for pictures of different types of necklines. Yes, I know what boat, scoop, jewel, and round necklines look like. I want something decorative. Fun. Interesting!
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I just got asked by this guy that I used to be trying to work out a distribution deal with if I would coordinate a national concert series for hurricane relief and I just looked at the business plan and budget and WOW this is on a really big scale and !!!!!!!!
This will get its own thread once things solidify more, I'm sure.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Tante, both good suggestions, but not what I'm in the mood for. Yeah, yeah, I know - picky. But I'm going to keep those on file for idea purposes. Thanks.
pH, this sounds really interesting. Good luck and yes, please, do tell us more - in its own thread - when things get solidified.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
This is my 3,500th post.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tante Shvester: Turtleneck?
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I've been sewing for decades. As in, more than three. And the last few days, I've learned that there's a whole lot about sewing that I don't know about. Like directional sewing.
I need to do me some more reading it seems.
Posted by Shepherd (Member # 7380) on :
I once jumped off a bridge into a night fishers boat, gave him a hug, and then swam to shore. It amused me.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Ooh, very Audrey Hepburn. Now if I only had the Audrey Hepburn face and figure to go with it!
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
Son of a.... I just moved into a new apartment in a new city that *doesn't* have any washer-and-dryer hookups (the apartment doesn't, that is). The move happened quickly (work-related). So when I was asking questions about this place, the landlady told me there was a coin-operated laundry within a block or two I could walk to.
Well, I've been here for a week, just completed something like a 70-work week, and my clothes are badly in need of washing.
Come to find out there isn't a laundromat within a mile of here.
I'm SOOOOoooOoOO pissed off.
Damn it. Who do I complain to? What the crap.
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
I left my washer and dryer in Utah for THIS?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I'm not looking at WebMD or any of these medical sites until after I go to the doctor on the 30th. This is driving me nuts.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
i went to one of those sites once and they told me to go to the emergency room and i ended up waisting a whole lot of money one something that turned out to be nothing.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
That's what I'm worried about.. And when I worry, I get dizzy and when I get dizzy I get worried and my fingers feel weird and I get sleepy so I really need to NOT look at any of those sites.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
woah, you should go to the emergency room.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
AUGH! Don't say that! I went there several weeks ago. I haven't even opened that bill. I don't want to end up there again!
Posted by sarcare (Member # 8736) on :
But on the other hand, my mom went to one of those sites, and it told her to go directly to the hospital. When she got there they discovered that her lungs were full of blood clots, as well as her legs, which was pretty serious. So sometimes you can get the advice you need.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I've decided that Gretchen Wilson is unbearably annoying. Her Politically Uncorrect is not only grammatically incorrect, but it goes on to list a whole bunch of things that she's for that are not remotely politically incorrect.
If she'd sung about:
- lobbying to overturn Roe v. Wade - logging - the benefits of drilling in ANWR - capitalism over environmentalism - Serenity for Best Picture Oscar - why homosexuality is just wrong - how women should stay home with their children instead of working - Pat Robertson's finer qualities
etc. she might have had a point. Instead, it's just an call to feel oppressed when you're in the majority. :eyeroll:
addited: this list is by no means complete or necessarily anything *I* think someone should be for or against. Just sayin'.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
i think i've heard her... What else doe sshe sing?
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Redneck Woman gets a lot of play time. As does All Jacked Up and Homewrecker. None of which are particularly enlightening songs, but they do have catchy beats. I dislike Homewrecker almost as much as Politically Uncorrect, as I figure that a man who goes off an cheats on his wife has at least had something to do with the cheating. If there's anyone to be mad at, he's the one to dump on. It sorta buys into the idea that men are slaves to their pants.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Nope haven't heard it... Haven't heard it on launch cast. Dang, do my hands feel weird...... Maybe i am making myself ANXIOUS.
I need pizza. Yeah Pizza that doesn't have too much sugar in it.
I've never had groceries deliveried before...
Posted by Julia (Member # 9244) on :
Why are my fingers so long? It's getting kind of weird.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I'm totally about to go give a presentation for Music Management and Concert Promotion.
It's a presentation about my mentor from high school.
I get to tell everybody how awesome and cool he is.
He's the bestest.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I hate Jazz Band.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I wish I could get shoes in my size here. Well, other than men's shoes.
Posted by sweetbaboo (Member # 8845) on :
My hands smell like garlic (from chopping some last night) and it's making me hungry. Hmmm, where's a garlicky snack when you need one?
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
My lunch this week has been an hour and twenty minutes long.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Online shopping makes me feel so... Modern... So with it... So hip and in...
Now if I could just stop feeling lagurchedy.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Fahim is nagging me to make him breakfast.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
Hand him a box of cereal. Or some other easy breakfast that doens't involve cooking. Or you actually doing anything.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
"Fahim, I just can't possibly make you breakfast. I am too busy sitting in front of the computer writing about random thoughts that aren't important enough to make a new topic about."
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
He needs carnation instant breakfast or something...
I love shopping for groceries online! No having to take the cab.
but I still have to go to the store anyway for toothpaste and stuff they DIDN'T have...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
He gets cereal. There is no cooking involved. All I have to do is boil water for tea and for milk for his cereal, then add sugar and stir. It's really not that hard.
And I honestly don't mind doing it. I just sometimes get a little whiny.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
"they call 'em fingers, but i never seen 'em fing. wait there they go."
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
There's no need to explain yourself, quid. We know you're wonderful.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
does anyone know who said this first?: "i don't trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
quote:Originally posted by vonk: does anyone know who said this first?: "i don't trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."
That's the beauty of it!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
quote:Originally posted by katharina: There's no need to explain yourself, quid. We know you're wonderful.
katharina, you're the sweetest!
I'm in Insomnia Mode, Day 4.
The only good thing about Insomnia Mode is that I'm getting some sewing done. Or something. I just basted on the front and back facings to my new bright bright bright pink kameez, and had to stop there since I don't have the right color of thread to do actual sewing.
And then I ironed the pink shalwaar material.
Oh, cuz I learned that the shalwaar in shalwaar kameez refers to pants and the kameez refers to the top. Whereas my brain thinks it should be the other way around.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
quote:Originally posted by vonk: does anyone know who said this first?: "i don't trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."
It was Mr. Garrison from South Park .
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
And I'm awake! This early even, which amazes me.
Today, we're off to do more shopping. Fahim's brother's wedding is coming up and we have to get shoes, a kurta for Fahim, jewellery for me, and stuff like that.
But breakfast first. Always breakfast...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
We shopped. And we spent a helluva lot of money.
Fahim needed a kurta for the groom's dinner two days after the wedding to keep up with his Indian clothing theme (sharwani for the wedding itself), so we had to get that and a pair of shoes to match.
Then it was off to do my shopping.
We unbelievably found shoes in my size. Unbelievable. I wear size 10, although I could possibly get away with a 9W, but every store I've been to here - before the last one today - carries either a 7, 8, or 9 (never wide enough for me) as a maximum size. So, out of luck. But today... I bought three pairs of shoes. Yay! So their selection wasn't fantastic for what I wanted, but still, at least they have them in my size.
And then.
The jewellery. And that's a heap of a long story. The short version is that we got me some jewellery today. Or, rather, we'll pick it up next week when the pendant is made to match the earrings and ring. Yellow (not amber) topas (small circles) with blue topaz (aqua colored). I'm happy.
Not that I required it. I don't. But Fahim insisted, so who am I to argue?
So we'll pick it up next week, and then I'll have nice jewellery to wear with my silk shalwaar kameez to Fahim's brother's wedding. Cool beans.
And now we're both tired from the day out. I think we're going to watch an Abishek Bachchan movie now.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
And Fahim's off to a funeral. The father of a cousin's husband of Fahim's died. He's expected - culturally - to go. I'm not, apparently since I've never met the man. I didn't want to go - 3 hours of travel each way in the heat and dust? I don't do well when it's much less than that...
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
quote:Originally posted by SteveRogers:
quote:Originally posted by vonk: does anyone know who said this first?: "i don't trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."
It was Mr. Garrison from South Park .
Not originally. I first heard the line back in the early eighties.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Sounds like soemthing out of a Stephen King novel, although I'm probably wrong.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Pet peeve: Ads that use an asterisk by a product feature, but no other asterisk (or anything looking like a footnote pertaining to that feature) appears anywhere else in the ad.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
So* I think I'm going to hike the Appalachian Trail this summer.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
LOL -- now those don't bother me.
*using this as an example of another kind of online asterisk usage that doesn't bug me either, although I know it drives some people mad*
It's the ones that look like they're supposed to be a footnote marker that make me nuts! I'm always thinking, "OK, so where's the disclaimer or the additional info they want me to know about?"
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
We have two big-ass spiders in here that are freaking me out.
Well, okay, only one is big-ass, although I suppose I should be accurate and call it big-egg-sac.
We're talking spiders with legs that are three inches long and 3 or 4 mm wide - the legs, not the spiders. The spider bodies are like an inch in diameter with the addition parked on the back.
I wish they'd die. I've already killed two of their friends. Do I have to kill these two, too?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I have a migraine and I'm stressed out Why do I persist in watching shows I hate?
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
So I'm back to more sewing.
The wedding is over. All major events associated with the wedding is over. Yay. Sanity restored once again.
But... Fahim and I are going with his parents, brother and his new wife to visit the relatives in Kurunegala & Kandy. The brother and new wife are obligated to introduce themselves as the new couple to all the relatives, and since Fahim and I never did that, we're tagging along, and the parents thought they'd make a family event out of it.
Hence the more sewing. I need (!) two new shalwaars to wear this weekend.
It never ends...
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
Against all odds, I actually got a date this week.
Rock on for me!
That is all.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
You know, quid, in MY neighborhood, you can actually buy your salwaar kameez off-the-rack.
Ah, New Jersey, crossroads of the planet!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Oh, Tante, salwaar kameez are available ready made here as well. But they're made for, appropriately enough, petite skinny women, the Asian demographic. Sadly, I am neither of those things.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
When I went to India I had trouble finding a cute shaw for my sister-in-law. She did not fit the average Indian woman's dimensions either. When I mentioned this in my little history of the trip, she was a bit upset. She's still mad at me. Oh well.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
quote:Originally posted by quidscribis: But they're made for, appropriately enough, petite skinny women, the Asian demographic.
The ones in New Jersey are made for the New Jersey demographic. Mom and Dad may have old-country physiques, but when they start feeding the kids McDonald's, the kids puff up to American proportions. But they still need to have a new salwaar kameez that fits.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Dan, I hear her pain... And yours...
Fahim doesn't have his parent's physique, but then, his parents don't have their parent's physique, either... I met his one remaining grandmother on Friday, and she's something like 4'8" or maybe 4'10". Fahim's mom and dad are both shorter than me, so maybe 5'4" or 5'5", and Fahim's topping them at 5'11". All this without the benefit of McDonald's.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
My name hath been submitted for a management position at Jazzfest.
In the meantime, dear NASA, who the hell taught you how to encourage employee efficiency? Seriously.
Also, I have been invited to work with OneLovEvolution, a non-profit. Pretty much, they said, "We'll show you what we have, and you can figure out what you want or need to do."
I need to go buy a book on medieval law already.
quid, how tall are you in relation to your parents?
Posted by DarkKnight (Member # 7536) on :
Does anyone know if typing is like playing the piano? To be more specific, I type pretty fast and i can't think about it or else I kinda can't do it. If anyone plays the piano is it kinda like that?
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
quote:All this without the benefit of McDonald's.
For some reason I'm not sure it was a change in height Tante was referring to.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
quote:Originally posted by pH: quid, how tall are you in relation to your parents?
My mother is 5'nothing, and my father is 6'. I'm smack in the middle at 5'6". Average - completely and totally average - in North America, but here, I'm tall.
My father has some sisters who are taller than him even - I think the tallest tops out at 6'1" or 6'3" - not sure. They also have gargantuann beast feet at sizes of up to 13. Mine are "only" a ten.
Kwea - yeah, I know. But this was more fun.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I had a realllly good day today. Got hiking poles cheap, got new clothes, earned some money working for my dad, then skipped out of work (my real job) and celebrated my friends birthday at a Japanese resturant. And then we went back to her house and tried to build a onion volcano with overproof Jamaican Rum. Ah, good times, good times.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
String hoppers, pol sambol, and that stuff that I don't remember the name for but is a type of syrop made from coconut milk and jaggery are just fantastic!
That is all.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Last night, we had mangoes from the mango trees in Fahim's parent's other house's yard. They were good.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
I am making fudge, and it's taking forever and a day to cool from 234 to 130 (the temp it needs to be before I can start beating it).
What's jaggery? (too lazy to look it up)
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Jaggery is from the sap of certain palm trees, like kithul. When in a more liquid state (with 1/8 to 1/16th of the original volume), it's called treacle and it's syrop much like maple syrop. Further boiled down to something similar to wet brown sugar, it's called jaggery.
It has a different flavor from brown sugar or maple syrop, of course, and it's yummy! Made into a syrop with coconut milk it's excellent. Mixed with coconut milk and eggs to form a custard, and it's wattalapam and fantastic the way my mother in law makes it.
I've been meaning to make fudge for days. I have no candy thermometer, though, so would have to guess at temperatures and use the sports method to approximate. (Sports method: softball, hardball... )
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
I've heard of treacle but don't think I've ever had it. (adds jaggery and treacle to list of things to try "someday")
Hooray, my fudge came out pretty darn good this time! I used this Alton Brown recipe. I thought my arm was gonna fall off before I got it all beaten, though. And then it set up faster than I could get it in the pan, so it's pretty lumpy. But tastes good and really creamy.
I had another random thought for quid, but I think I'll resurrect the bra thread for that one.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Looks like a good recipe, Uprooted, but I won't be using it - too many ingredients I can't get here. But I did locate an old-fashioned recipe, five ingredients only (I think) that I'll use. Being old-fashioned, it relies on basic ingredients available even here.
I use treacle on pancakes & French toast in the place of syrop - very very nice. The jaggery I've minced to death and used in the place of brown sugar in recipes, but have to further decrease the amount of liquids. They add a nice flavor. If you find the jaggery, email me and I'll send you the wattalapam recipe. It's so very very very very good. Of course, the version I got calls for 1.5 kgs jaggery, 1 coconut made into coconut milk (thick), and 15 eggs, so probably a bit bigger than you'd want...
So, I'll go hunt down the random bra thread now.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I found this to be cool. Borderline excessively cool even.
Clicking! Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I learned how to successfully crack open a coconut such that the separated edge is even all the way around, which makes for easier scraping of said coconut.
That is all.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Gallery2 doesn't like it when you change servers. It tends to break all the thumbnails, and no amount of attempting to fix it actually ever works. Ever. This is the second time now it's done this to me, both times after server moves.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
So I uninstalled and reinstalled Gallery2, and now I'm uploading all my photos. All my three thousand something photos.
Oh joy.
My life is fun.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
So, write a snippet to do it programmatically. Duh.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Um, I'm not a programmer. Yeah, I'm married to one, but he's busy with his own coding right now.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
So I had a great night tonight.
And I'm having this insatiable urge to listen to "You and Me" by Lifehouse.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
What made the night so great, Strangelove?
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Hmm. Well. I spent the first part of it with a really cool family. Very enjoyable. Then I spent the latter part with someone special. Combine that with the nice weather and the halo around the moon, it was just a great night to be alive.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
quote:Originally posted by quidscribis: Um, I'm not a programmer. Yeah, I'm married to one, but he's busy with his own coding right now.
quid, for three thousand photographs, at say two clicks and a ten-second wait per photograph, you can learn network programming in brainf*ck, take cookery classes on the side, and still come out ahead on time and frustration.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Strangelove, that sounds like a lovely evening.
KoM, well, yeah, if I was uploading the photos one by one, that would make sense. Except I don't need cookery classes.
I upload them a huge chunk at a time - by directory. Well, no, to be accurate, I upload them to the server via FTP first. Then I upload them to the gallery program using symlinks. In any case, there's not that much actual work for me to do there. I just like to whine. That, and because I shouldn't have to do this again, and wouldn't if only the dang program didn't crap out.
The time consuming part is sorting them into the various categories and re-labelling them properly. That's the really irritating part. That, and losing the comments. *grrr*
Posted by cmc (Member # 9549) on :
It's not that I think this is necessarily unimportant; it's more that I don't really know how I'd start a thread about it. It's just a thought.
I was watching Meet the Press today and they showed a clip of MLK from 1967. I thought to myself just how different the country might have been if he'd lived. He was a pretty dynamic guy, almost ahead of his time in a way, and I think we missed out when his life was cut short.
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
Yeah I'm sure that there would be alot of things different if he was still alive. Maybe a lot less black on black violence and stuff like that. The problems that emerged for the poor and black populations of America after segregation could have been solved or handled a lot differently than they are right now.
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
Amelie is such a cute film.
Authors who don't use quotation marks are usually annoying.
My Hatrack alias has been shortened to; Eurip, Euri, E.
McDonalds could stand to make a lot of money by entering the laxative business.
Why is it called the double quarter pounder? Shouldn't it be a half pounder?
I've never had a double quarter pounder.
I hate spammers who set up fake accounts on my forum and use their profiles to link to Russian porn sites.
The opening music for the trailer to The Good Shepherd was stolen from the soundtrack to Jarhead.
The soundtrack to Jarhead goes well with Counter-Strike: Source. Especially on de_dust.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
There is no such thing as a non-ugly pair of ski pants. And that makes me sad.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Depends on what you call ski pants. I knew several women who ski in something like insulated stretch pants. Let me tell you, when your legs are toned from the slopes, that looks damn good
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Where are these pants, and how do these women not freeze to death? I desire to not look like I'm wrapped in styrofoam. If I'm going to fly off a mountain and into a snowblower, I at least want to look non-ugly doing it.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I can't vouch for this brand, but doing a Google search for "stretch ski pants", these are the ones that look closest to what I remember: Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
....those are some really freakin' expensive pants! Man.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Euripides: Why is it called the double quarter pounder? Shouldn't it be a half pounder?
I've never had a double quarter pounder.
Neither have I, but I still know the answer to the first question. A double-quarter pounder contains two quarter-pound (before they were cooked) patties. See?
How sad is it that I know this?
Posted by signal (Member # 6828) on :
I heard recently that over in Japan they introduced the triple quarter pounder. Not sure if they already have that here in the states or not.
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
No idea about McDonald's, but at Wendy's you've been able to order a "Classic Triple" for as long as I can remember. 3/4 lb of beef. I had it once, when I was temporarily insane. It was good.
Now, watching someone eat a 1.5lb burger was a whole 'nother ballgame.
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
quote:Originally posted by rivka:
Neither have I, but I still know the answer to the first question. A double-quarter pounder contains two quarter-pound (before they were cooked) patties.
quote:Originally posted by Eaquae Legit:
Now, watching someone eat a 1.5lb burger was a whole 'nother ballgame.
quote:Originally posted by signal:
I heard recently that over in Japan they introduced the triple quarter pounder.
Usually everything in Japan is smaller. Including (or especially) food servings...
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I'm trying to decide if I want to be the smelly kid in class or not. Right now I'm signed up for a 9-9:50 tennis class. I have the option of auditing an Investment & Portfolio Management class for my own edification, but it starts at 10. I think I can manage the walk from the tennis courts to the Investments class (if it's in the building I think it is in), and I can always use my bike, but I really don't want to be all sweaty and gross in the class for two hours.... Anyone else deal with this problem before?
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
quote:Originally posted by pH: ....those are some really freakin' expensive pants! Man.
Have you tried going to an army surplus store and looking for pants made of a waterproof (gortex type?) material? Maybe even in a winter camouflage pattern?
I've never tried, so I don't know if you'll find anything. But if you do, it'll probably be cheaper than $450!
Just a thought.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Speaking of triple burgers... Know what's good? A 3X3. Which I have ordered three times in my life-- twice while pregnant and one shortly post-partum, while my milk supply was still over-the-top. Mmmmm. (Usually I'm a Double-Double girl.) (I know someone who eats 4X4s on a regular basis. *winces*)
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Um, wow.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
My brother has eaten a 7x7 once - luckily, I wasn't there to see that grossness. He's the type of guy who goes a day and a half without eating, realizes that he hasn't eaten, then gorges on whatever he can find....
I stick with the simple cheeseburger, cause I like to see the vegis... and my toes.
Posted by signal (Member # 6828) on :
Euripides, yeah, I think thats the one I heard about.
KQ, I miss my double-double animal-style.
On another note, I had some excellent honey today. One was a wildflower honey that was kind of citrusy which I think would go great with some Earl Grey Tea. The other was a Sourwood honey which I've heard is native to the Carolinas. It had a darker, caramely flavor to it.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten was a Quad Stacker from Burger King. It pretty turned me off of fast food forever. Absolutely nauseating.
When I hear 4x4 or 7x7, I think of the hiker hostel I stayed at in Monson, Maine when I was hiking. They called breakfasts 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc. A 3x3 was 3 eggs, 3 pancakes or French toast, 3 sausage links or bacon strips, and a huge heaping mound of potatoes. I had at least a 4x4 every morning I was there and a 8x8 the first morning (which was after I'd run out of food for the past two days of hiking). It was glorious.
Posted by signal (Member # 6828) on :
I would comment on the 7x7, but I've eaten far worse before. My friends and I used to do hundred bucket of nuggets from mcdonalds for fun. I've also eaten seven entrees when Red Lobster did their all you can eat shrimp. That may or may not be a lot, but for someone my size, I think that's pretty good.
Posted by Liz B (Member # 8238) on :
I used to lead a youth group, and those kids (and let's be honest, their leaders too) could put away an obscene number of tater tots. After one memorable occasion when around 10-12 of us ate 500 tots, we decided to institute a year-long tater tot moratorium. We couldn't even think of tots without giggling. And groaning.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
I was researching a local band, The Medicine Show, and apparently there are more bands with that name than I can shake a two legged water-buffalo at. Anyways, so I google the band name and the third hit is the wikipedia article on medicine shows that looks like it has a list of bands with that name. And right there in the intro section it says,
quote:In addition, science fiction author Orson Scott Card has entitled his online science fiction journal the Intergalactic Medicine Show.
I thought that was odd and worth a brief mention. And there it is.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Interesting. I had no idea that many bands would use a name like that.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
quote:Originally posted by Euripides:
quote:Originally posted by pH: ....those are some really freakin' expensive pants! Man.
Have you tried going to an army surplus store and looking for pants made of a waterproof (gortex type?) material? Maybe even in a winter camouflage pattern?
I've never tried, so I don't know if you'll find anything. But if you do, it'll probably be cheaper than $450!
Just a thought.
But they probably wouldn't be cute on me. I fail at snow locomotion. I'm hoping if I can find semi-decent-looking clothing, I'll be a little more motivated to get up and try again every time I end up wrapped in a fence.
quote:"Chewbacca" arrested for head-butting in Hollywood
LOS ANGELES, Feb 3 (Reuters Life!) - A Chewbacca impersonator was arrested after being accused of head-butting a Hollywood tour guide who warned the furry brown Wookiee about harassing two Japanese tourists, police said on Saturday.
"Nobody tells this Wookiee what to do," "Chewie" from the "Star Wars" movies said before slamming his head into the guide's forehead, the Los Angeles Times newspaper reported.
The 6-foot, 5-inch-(1.96-metre-) tall 44-year-old man was charged on Friday with misdemeanor battery and later released on $20,000 bail, the Los Angeles Police Department said.
"Superman" and other movie and cartoon impersonators were reported to be witnesses to the aggression in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater amid concern that such behavior could endanger their livelihoods.
Street performers at the world-famous cinema collect tips from tourists by posing for photos, but some are known to turn hostile if they don't get money.
Two years ago, Mr. Incredible, Elmo the Muppet and the dark-hooded character from the movie "Scream" were arrested for "aggressive begging," the L.A. Times reported."
It's the "Nobody tells this Wookiee what to do" that makes this funny. It makes you think he thought he was Chewbacca, although Chewbacca never talked intelligibly ...
Posted by Tara (Member # 10030) on :
Ok, you know what's annoying? Laptop mouses. They click on things when you hold your finger in the same place for a long time, even if you don't press the click botton. Then, when you try to actually utilize this function when you want to click on something, it never works.
Also, if you're typing in a Word document, and you leave the mouse in one place in the text for too long, the cursor jumps up to where the mouse is. Wtf? If you're writing fast and not looking at the screen, you end up typing an entire sentence in a completely different place in on the page before you realize what happened...
How could such a thing possibily be useful to anyone?
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
You're born, you have a headache, and then you die.
People who take the time to photoshop their faces into ads and film stills to use on facebook have too much time on their hands.
The school I went to is collecting old school uniforms for a history exhibit, and is asking alumni if they care to donate specific pieces they are missing. One of them is a swim suit. WTF.
Now I know what it feels like to be a Mexican watching the Colbert Report.
Still, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are clearly geniuses.
I've watched heaps of interviews and videos of Richard Dawkins recently.
We should have more shows like The Big Picture with Avi Lewis.
I shop at Kinokuniya partly, but only partly, out of a misguided sense of patriotism.
The girl who's bedroom is opposite my window used to be cute with her flashlight game, but not so much now.
Is it just me, or was the game art in NWN better than that of NWN2?
I thought a first person RPG like Oblivion would really get me back into the fantasy genre. It didn't, and now I'm poorer.
As usual, I should be working.
Posted by RunningBear (Member # 8477) on :
1 AM!
nyquil takes a while to work!
no solid food in 48 hours!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I have a brand new nephew as of sometime this morning. He's got 10 fingers and 10 toes, the family hairline and eyebrows, and loooooon eye lashes. He's cute as a button!
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
Congratulations quid!
How is this not important enough to start a new thread about?
Posted by Euripides (Member # 9315) on :
At 2AM the size of text at Hatrack periodically shrinks.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Um, it's not my kid?
At 2am, this Hatracker has no idea what the size of text at Hatrack looks like.
Posted by David Bowles (Member # 1021) on :
I really prefer skinny straws. Wide straws send way too much liquid into my mouth per suctioning. Yeah... go skinny straws!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Didn't we have an entire thread - several pages long - a while back on the virtues of skinny vs. wide straws? Like, two years ago, maybe?
I think you should resurrect it, David.
Posted by Liz B (Member # 8238) on :
I don't really like straws.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Congrats, quid. I think it deserved its own thread too.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
I got a spam email today from "Skilful O. Evangelistic" trying to sell me discount pain pills. Odd.
Posted by gsim1337 (Member # 10168) on :
hmmm... anyone on Hatrack play Guild Wars? I'm looking for a PvP guild.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I would never have recognized Margot Kidder in last week's Brothers & Sisters if I hadn't noticed her name in the credits and checked IMDB. She's done several things lately -- I had not realized that was her. She looks good!
Posted by Liz B (Member # 8238) on :
I love The Match Game.
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I hope my Bell's palsy clears up quickly. As medical conditions go, this is one of the more minor ones a person could get. It's not life- or even lifestyle-threatening, so considering some of the things other Hatrackers and their relatives have gone through, I really have nothing to complain about. But this is only the second day of it, and my face is awfully tired. Chewing makes my jaw sore, my labial consonants sound funny, and one eye won't close properly. Blech.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Just thought I'd share this random news clip (slightly edited for clarity)
quote:A 14-year-old Wauwatosa girl got on the wrong side of the law earlier this month for flipping the bird, and we're not talking about turtle doves here.
The girl was being escorted to the police station in a squad car from Wauwatosa East High School, 7500 Milwaukee Ave., Dec. 15 when she gave the finger to an officer driving in another squad that carried her sister.
She told the police she was flipping off her sister, not the officer.
Regardless, she was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct after making an obscene gesture to a police officer.
I hadn't realized you could be arrested for giving someone the finger. That may change some of my highway behavior.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
I can't post this in the Lost thread because I don't want to see any spoilers. But I just have to say that I've watched through episode 16 in the first season, and I am so addicted!!!
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Umm, Verily, I think that was important enough for its own thread -- are you recovered by now? Any idea what caused it?
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Gah! My beer is skunky!
Posted by Liz B (Member # 8238) on :
I just got off the phone with my mother.
1. She didn't say ANYTHING bad about my husband. She didn't even ask when he was going to get a real job. (He's a music director at a church.)
2. She didn't say ANYTHING about me having a baby, or list any of my high school friends who have recently or are soon to have babies.
I'm still in shock.
I don't know if this makes me more or less likely to call her again next week. I mean, this was a good conversation! I enjoyed it! But doesn't that mean she's probably just saving up for the next time we talk????
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
I really should be doing work. The next ten days are going to be crazy busy, so I really don't have time to sit and do nothing, and yet I really want the break.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
im kinda in the same boat midnight. i have 3 weeks left of classes and all the work now is stressing me out. i cant really keep taking breaks and just watching my days pass by, but i keep doing it.
on a different note, the talk about burgers reminded me of a time in highschool when i ate a 2 pound burrito for a t-shirt at one of my favorite tex-mex places. hehe, it reads, "I survived El Gigante!"
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Uprooted: Umm, Verily, I think that was important enough for its own thread -- are you recovered by now? Any idea what caused it?
Was it? Well, I didn't think it was, because Bell's palsy isn't as serious a condition as it sounds. It's just a temporary paralysis of half the face. Inconvenient and no fun, but not exactly life-altering. No one knows what causes it, though the theory seems to be that it's connected to the same virus that causes chicken pox and shingles. I have mostly recovered, though my smile is still a bit lopsided and my left eyebrow still doesn't go up as far as the right. But for the most part, you can't really tell I have it any more. Thanks for asking.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Liz B: I don't know if this makes me more or less likely to call her again next week. I mean, this was a good conversation! I enjoyed it! But doesn't that mean she's probably just saving up for the next time we talk????
Definitely call her. And within the first few minutes, mention how much you enjoyed today's talk.
Positive reinforcement, just on general principles.
And let's suppose she DID make a deliberate choice not to bring up the two topics she knows bug you. You do NOT want to give her any cause to say -- to even think -- "See, even when I do what she wants she doesn't talk to me!"
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
My pee totally smells like Cheerios right now.
I don't know why, but this fact gives me a sense of satisfaction, if not accomplishment.
Has anyone noticed that I try to capitalize now? I don't know what made me change; I really do feel that it slows me down and isn't all that important. I still occasionally forget halfway through sentences, though. *sigh* I've become a comformist!
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
Oh, I watched The Holiday last night (starring Kate, Cameron, Jude, and Jack) and it was an utterly fanTAStic movie! It had way more depth than the trailer lead on, but I actually enjoyed being surprised. The preview was truly just a preview, instead of a synopsis. Holy crap I love Kate Winslet.
The director was also the writer! I was left wanting to write her some fan mail. If you considered seeing it all I suggest you go rent it toute suite.
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
quote:Originally posted by porcelain girl: My pee totally smells like Cheerios right now.
I don't know why, but this fact gives me a sense of satisfaction, if not accomplishment.
Has anyone noticed that I try to capitalize now? I don't know what made me change; I really do feel that it slows me down and isn't all that important. I still occasionally forget halfway through sentences, though. *sigh* I've become a comformist!
Sometimes my pee smells like Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup.
On another note, I think unicorns are disgusting.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by porcelain girl: Has anyone noticed that I try to capitalize now?
I noticed. I wasn't sure if I should say anything, but I definitely noticed.
I have The Holiday on my Netflix queue. Maybe I'll bump it up higher.
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
The research paper I've procrastinated on all week is due in six friggin hours. I'm at about 1500 of 2500 words minimum, I'm dosing off, I have to go to work in the morning...and why the heck am I even posting this?!?!
*slips noose around head, jumps off table*
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
quote:On another note, I think unicorns are disgusting.
I have a totally swanky black hoodie with silver unicorn and gold stars printed ALL OVER it.
Woohoo! I'm done with all my major papers for this semester. I still have to critique two and likely do a major rewrite of one of those, but no more research and no more BSing! I turned in my 19 page paper for the History of Mexico this morning, entitled "A Counterfactual Approach to the Development of Central America Culture". Sounds impressive, eh? Whats impressive is that I wrote it all last night and this morning. Such a relief to have that done.
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
That is impressive. Makes my 8 page paper look pretty wimpy by comparison. Congrats!
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
that is very impressive. i wrote a 16 page short story once for a creative writing class in just about 3 hours before it was due, but that was all realistic fiction. yours, at least from the title, sounds way more complicated. wtg Dr.
3 more weeks of hell at school encounting...
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Changed your mind, porce?
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
About what?
Yes, yes, no, and maybe so. I mean okay.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
If you don't know, I'm not telling.
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
Random thought: So maybe using a VECTOR class to express pitch-yaw-roll angles as Euler x-y-z rotation angles was not such a good idea after all. Boo gimbal lock!
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I was just going to find this thread when I saw it pop to the top.
Did anyone see Crossing Jordan last night? I rarely watch anymore, but seriously that was possibly the scariest portrayal of Patriot Act type stuff that I have ever seen in my life.
Was that realistic at all?
Posted by Todoni (Member # 10460) on :
You should let children under the age of two sleep with you. Go have conjugal relations somewhere else. When they are older, let them fall asleep in your bed, then in the first fifteen minutes of falling asleep carry them to their own bed.
You will never have sleep issues!
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
I hate allergies...and coleslaw...
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
quote:Originally posted by Todoni: You should let children under the age of two sleep with you. Go have conjugal relations somewhere else. When they are older, let them fall asleep in your bed, then in the first fifteen minutes of falling asleep carry them to their own bed.
You will never have sleep issues!
I worry about the safety of co-sleeping with infants, especially if it is not done with care.
Also, sometimes sleep issues arise when they keep waking up and thus keep wanting to come back! (Toddlers, not the infants.)
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Also, if you're off having conjugal relations "somewhere else" the infant is no longer sleeping "with you," neh?
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
There's something magical about entering the last week of your high school career. It makes even the most studious and ambitious of students turn in to the ultimate slacker. Exhibit A: The still unwritten paper on Dr. Strangelove due last Monday.
[EDIT] What a great 1000th post, no? [/EDIT]
Posted by Dav (Member # 8217) on :
This probably isn't worth making a new topic about, because there isn't much info.
In Mr. Card's latest review column, I was intrigued to read this after his discussion of a book on Albanian history:
"I'm using what I learned from this book in a novel I'm writing about the Indo-European gods."