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Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Please limit yourself to movies with actual release dates prior to the end of summer 2005.

I'm looking forward to Sin City, Batman Begins, and The Fantastic Four.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :

And there was one more coming out in late April, but I don't remember what it was. [Embarrassed]
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
H2G2, Sin City, Kingdom of Heaven, Batman Begins, War of the Worlds, Fantastic FOur, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...

I actually mark movies I want to see on several calendars. I am obsessed.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I have to admit I'm looking forward to that one, too, but with marked reservations.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Serenity is by far the movie I'm most looking forward to--my excitement over it pretty much elclipses my interest in all other upcoming movies. To a lesser degree I'm anticipating H2G2 and that Tim Burton animated piece based on Russian-Jewish folklore. The name of it escapes me at the moment. Ryuko, you were the person who linked to it weren't you? Do you remember what it's called?
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
All of the Above, pretty much. And one more:

The Island

*wibble* Hard Scifi premise, Sean Bean AND Ewan McGregor (in multiple roles). Directed by Micheal Bay but without Bruckhiemer...

Might suck, but it looks good. My butt will be in the seat, even if I have to force my friend Kathy to go with me. (Ron generally refuses to see Ewan McGregor movies with me, for fear of seeing a penis. Kathy, on the other hand, dragged me to Troy last year because of her Thang for Orlando Bloom.)

I'd practically give 'em my $8.00 right now. [Smile] Ewan McGregor+Sean Bean+ cloning+ probable explosions/extreme peril = Fangirl squee [The Wave]
Posted by narrativium (Member # 3230) on :
Movie I'm most looking forward to: Hitchhiker's Guide

Movie I'd only go to if you paid me a significant sum of money: Star Wars Episode III
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
Noemon, do you mean Corpse Bride?
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I want to see it, [edit: SWIII] if only for the closure. But I refuse to get excited about it.

[ March 09, 2005, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: KarlEd ]
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
I'm with you, KarlEd, which is why I didn't list it initially even though I am a pretty big fan of the OT. I am more excited about the fact that I will be at Disney World that week, and apparently the whole month of May is Star Wars fun there.
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
Yeah, I'm with you both on that.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yeah fiazko, I think that was what it was called. Looks like it'll be really good.

As for Revenge of the Sith--the first two Star Wars movies contributed to the mythological landscape of my childhood in a huge way (along with The Lord of the Rings, Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising, Marvel comics, and Greek and Norse myth), but the last three movies have all blown, to one degree or another, and I don't really expect anything else from the final one. I'll go to see it, not right away, but probably while it's still at the expensive theater. I'll probably go to a matinee showing of it to save a few bucks.
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
I'm looking forward to Serenity, too, but I think it's been bumped to September. Getting out of EpIII's way, I think.

It's Whedon, so it will be good. [Smile]

Christian Bale as Batman. Woot!

I'll probably get roped into seeing the Kingdom of Heaven by my friend with the Orlando fixation. It has Liam Neeson in yet another mentor-y role... I adore him, so it probably won't be too hard to get me there, though my personal interest in the Crusades ia not what it was when I was a practicing Christian.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
As long as it's prior to Sept 22 it still counts as before the end of Summer 2005.

But I did see a preview recently for something coming out in April, I don't think it's been mentioned here yet, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [Smile] .
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
dkw, can you be more specific? Was it possibly The Interpreter with Nicole Kidman?
Posted by Ben (Member # 6117) on :
Rent whenever Columbus finishes it. I'm anxious to see what Chbosky did with the material when he adapted it for screen.

...hmmm this post didn't follow the rules at all...

[ March 09, 2005, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Ben ]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Nope, cannot be more specific as I don't remember a darn think about it, except thinking, "cool, we'll be back from our honeymoon in time to see that."

So it must have a release date after April 17.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I also want to see a bunch of other movies that I'll probably only get around to noticing once they come out.

Posted by HesterGray (Member # 7384) on :
I'm looking forward to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The Traveling Pants book was awesome and I'm interested to see if they could also make a good movie out of it.

Christian Bale just might persuade me to see the Batman movie.
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
Dana, are you sure it was April and not early May. The Interpreter comes out April 22nd. The only other wide release that day that looks remotely worth seeing (if you're an Ashton kutcher fan) is A Lot Like Love. The only Wide releases on the 29th are H2G2 and XXX: State of the Union.

If you remember anything else about it, let me know. Did I mention that I'm obsessed with movies? [Smile]
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
Traveling Pants has Amber Tamblyn. (I am a Joan fan.) I did not know it was based on a book. I'll have to check it out.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Well, not thinking about any 2005 movies at the moment, but this weekend I'm getting together with friends to watch (home theatre) "Chariots of Fire", 1981 Best Picture winner. Believe it or not, I have never seen this movie! (although I played the theme song in band....)

Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
One of my earliest musical memories was of the theme song. I finally watched the movie a couple years ago. Not too shabby.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
Batman begins and Serenity
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Huh. Maybe it was Hitchhiker.
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
It was originally supposed to come out May 6, but they moved it to April 29. Maybe that caused the confusion. Or not.
Posted by HesterGray (Member # 7384) on :
Fiazko, I highly recommend the book. I've also read The Second Summer of the Traveling Pants. I've heard that a third book also came out, but I haven't read it yet. Each of the four main characters has a compelling story, and the whole book is funny and sad and heartwarming.
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
I will add it to the list. I'm trying to read all the books associated with movies I want to see that are coming out this year, and there are a lot of them.
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :

Yes, it has JLo, but it also has Wanda Sykes and man candy.

Beauty Shop
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
I am slowly regaining my respect for Jennifer Lopez, and even through the whole Bennifer thing, I didn't mind her movie work. It's her music and her "personal" life I can do without. I am kinda intrigued by Jane Fonda, though. I bet she'll be great.

[edit: I do not like Wanda Sykes. Hmmm.]

[ March 09, 2005, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: fiazko ]
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Star Wars Episode III
War of the Worlds
Fantastic Four
Chronicles of Narnia: Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Harry Potter Goblet of Fire

Second Tier:
Kingdom of Heaven
Hitchhiker's Guide
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
War of the Worlds! That was it. When does that come out?
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
June 29.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Well, I guess that's after April 17. [Big Grin]
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
True. [Smile]
Posted by UofUlawguy (Member # 5492) on :
Last I heard A Scanner Darkly was due out September 16. Does anybody know if that's still the case? This is one I really want to see.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
A Scanner Darkly -- yeah, they are still saying September 16
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Star Wars III
maybe XXX: State of the Union

I don't usually pay attention to the "coming soon" stuff, and I haven't seen a movie in the theater since Shrek 2 first came out, so I'm pretty out of the loop beyond what I read here on the 'Rack.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Howl's Moving Castle

The Wallace and Gromit Movie

Batman Begins

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
Wow! A Wallace and Gromit movie, and I didn't even know about it!

I must be getting a life, and it's interfereing with my entertainment! [Wink]

I'm kind of bummed about Serenity getting bumped. It's bound to be betterthan Star Wars III, and now I have to wait for it, knowing it's in the can and ready for my $8.00. [Frown]

Just so you know, dkw, I wasn't meaning it wasn't a summer movie, just that I wish it was a SPRING movie, [Smile]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Serenity more than anything, but also a few of the others that have been mentioned in this thread -- Batman Begins, H2G2.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I believe I've mentioned my fanatical zeal for Batman Begins. Anyone curious to see production stills can check them out here. These are unedited production stills, so the lighting is a bit bright and there's no CG (that only matters in ONE pic - but I'd rather not spoil it for you [Big Grin] )

My personal fave.

Sin City is my second and last favorite. Hoo boy, I am pumped up for that one. When I saw the latest trailer I was STUNNED by how close Rodriguez kept to the books. I always imagined some sort of departure. But he's created some sort've Ultra Noir Hardcore Graphic Dick Tracy. With WHORES. Whores with GUNS. How could I possibly turn that down, I ask you? The answer is, I couldn't.

My "meh" movie: Star Wars.

My movie that looks interesting but I know jack about it: War of the Worlds.

My movie that just seems to be Burton's One Trick Pony all over again: Corpse Bride.

(I mean seriously. Did he just sit up and say, "I think I need to make a movie about an alternate universe ultra gothic creepy world where Johnny Depp plays a depressing outcast surrounded by creepy backgrounds. Also, the backdrops would look creepy, and I think I should throw in a creepy score, and maybe some creepy titles as well. Then I'll literally dunk the film in a big bucket of creepy, and send it on in to production. I am TOTALLY breaking new ground.)

Also, does it look to anyone else that Fantastic Four is going to be quite bad?

[ March 10, 2005, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Book ]
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
I have no life, so I plan my days based on entertainment releases.

*fixed, unblinking stare*

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