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Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
Okay, I read this thing, and from what I've read here, you people sound very educated, so i thought you might could help me out. Sort fact & fiction. Give me somewhere to read more about this random stuff I'm reading.
(your help is always greatly appreciated)

and, this really has nothing to do with Bush, although it mentions him at first. I'm wondering how true all this is about FDR.
Nothing President Bush did will compare to the damage done by the worst President this nation has ever known, one Franklin Roosevelt.
FDR was a socialist in the least and a communist at heart. Without going into a tirade about FDR's communist sympathies, let's just say that one of his first acts as President was to recognize the Soviet Union and he went out of his way to support Stalin's takeover of eastern europe.
We do know that during WWII he bent over backwards to help the Soviet Union at the expense of England. We do know that he allowed Stalin, who was in many ways worse then Hitler, to overtake all of Eastern Europe thus creating a Cold War that cost America trillions in dollars and an untold amount in freedom and human life.

Roosevelt was a communist at heart? [Frown]

Martin Luther King..
However, he has been turned into a god by far to many people who ignore the fact that he cheated on his wife with multiple women and most likely plagerized his doctrinal dissertation. Further, once the civil rights movement has basically won Mr. King moved towards socialism and essentially ignored his arguments from 10 years earlier against expecting handouts.

[Dont Know]

And, those are the big things I'm wondering about. Although I'll probably have more questions later.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
What is this for? [Smile]
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
I don't know.. I felt stupid after I read this. It made me mad at first, especially the MLK thing, but then since I didn't know if it was true or not, it just turned into feeling incredibly stupid again.
I guess I just have a mighty thirst for knowledge. [Smile]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
So, where did you read it?

Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
Someone's online diary.
A diary called "Notliberal".

Umm... the entries where I found the above quotes are.. "No More Excuses, Blacks Are Free In America," for the MLK stuff. And "Roosevelt and the Communist Manifesto," for the FDR stuff.

Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
Not what I'd call an unbiased source.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :

Well, I haven't the time to go into depth on the details of this right now (hopefully somebody else does), but I've usually found it helpful to assume that when someone makes claims that seem outrageous or don't make sense, often it means that there is some kernel of correct information that has also been warped, manipulated, misrepresented, or otherwise interpreted in a misleading way.

Sometimes that helps me to remember that people usually have reasons for drawing the conclusions that they do (i.e., the conclusions make sense to them) and not be surprised if I find a mix of fact and fiction. Sometimes it's a matter of finding out where that kernel is, dissecting it out, and then putting it into context so that you can make extrapolations from it on your own and in ways that are the most strongly supported.

Good luck! Have you tried any other web-searching yet?

Like you, I'm curious as to what Hatrackers have to say about this.
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
websearching... genius! [Big Grin]
Posted by Tater (Member # 7035) on :
Oy. This didn't exactly help: FDR: Communist Dictator

The History Channel, which is nothing but a brain-washing tool that constantly seeks to cover up the facts, distort events, muddle the issues and in fact totally rewrite what actually occurred to maintain the status quo of Jewish thought.
Now people are bashing the History Channel. It's too much. My little heart can't take it. [Frown]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Ah. Well, perhaps your websearches could do with an extra-careful eye devoted to the reliability of the sources? Sometimes it is useful to start out with more mainstream sources. Then you can place the (often very useful) critiques of the more outsider press sources into better context.

Always good to follow up on the sources. If your [OpenDiary] link doesn't cite specific sources (and in ways that you can pretty clearly track down), then it doesn't pass the whiff test. If it does, then check out the sources and their sources. Get the big picture first -- it helps keep you from stressing out too much over the noise.

HRP appears to be dedicated to publishing "rare" and "controversial" items. That might be euphemistic for "unpopular" and "outrageous." Or not -- just a guess. [Smile]

[Edit: on checking out the OpenDiary link, I'm finding myself markedly underwhelmed by the depth of his research, the coherence of his arguments, and the general eveness of his keel. Not going to lose much sleep tonight over these particular rants. [Smile] ]

[ February 27, 2005, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Sounds like it was written my Ann Coulter.

BTW, that isn't a compliment. Or a comment about being impartial.

[ February 28, 2005, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
These are both bits of conservative mythology that pre-date the internet. I personally don't need to call the heroes of the other side evil in order to support my side. I gets it's getting a fresh airing now because people are so defensive about Bush. But I think it dirties us righties when they resort to this stuff.

[ February 28, 2005, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: mothertree ]
Posted by Uhleeuh (Member # 6803) on :
mothertree, are you speaking in general about politicians, Roosevelt being one, and politcal figures, MLK being one? Because unless I'm wrong about what MLK stood for, I'd hope you'd be on his "side," or at least agree with his fights for civil rights, and not want to resort to calling him evil regardless of where you stand politically.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
We do know that during WWII he bent over backwards to help the Soviet Union at the expense of England.
Not exactly true, but close enough. Stalin had a lot going against him at that time. He actually had more to fear from Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan than England did.

Here it is: England only had to worry about Nazi Germany, we were helping England via the lend lease program at the time no HUGE problem. Yes Stalin had signed a non-aggression pact with Germany and Japan at the time. Here's a reason why (there are more than this) Russia was not in the best of shape after WW I (nobody was, but Germany was rebuilding quick). Thinking to hold off any initial attack it was necessary to sign the pact with Germany. Japan was in on this too. Russia and China were still fighting on the Siberian border. The Chinese were not winning, Russia was not advancing. However, when the Chinese turned back to defend against Japan, that left the Siberian border open a bit more (less troops needed to protect border).

Yes, Russia was invaded by Germany. Yes, Russia joined the Allies. Could you blame Mother? Russia was using civilians to Defend herself. Had too. Troops were too spread out, and the cities were being invaded. Hitler had stopped toying with England a little while he campaigned on Russia (which he never should have done....different longer story). Russia was now pretty handy to have around as it pushed Easward after the russian invasion was over. Made the rest of the war easier to handle for England and the USA.

As far as the expansionism part.....I'm not going to post on that. I can say what I know on that better than I can write it.

But FDR was not a Socialist/Communist. He was merely a Democrat. [Razz]

edit: dang spelling errors.

[ February 28, 2005, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Stan the man ]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
OK I just skimmed thru some of the other entries this guy has. He's a Moron, certified. He is spouting his mouth on stuff and not thinking a whole lot through the topic. I don't know where he gets his research or how much he does, but tabloids and random hairs on buttocks are not good research material.
Posted by AntiCool (Member # 7386) on :
He's a Moron, certified.
That would be quite a job -- Moron Certifier.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
I'm not naming him as one for his call out on Stalin being worse than Hitler. He was worse after the war as far as Jews are concerned (and a lot of others). I would just like to see more documentation for the basis of what he writes because it needs to be revised. But then I guess I just don't care for attacks on one of the best leaders the US has had. I might not agree with what FDR did on domestic issues, but he was great on foreign politics.

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