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Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Well, just wanted to share this because it is big news around here (this family lives just about 30 miles from me). And it made national headlines.

Brain Damaged Woman talks After 20 Years
Kansas Woman Who Suffered Brain Damage From 1984 Hit-And-Run Talks After 20 Years of Silence

I just like to post a little good news now and then.

Posted by Ginol_Enam (Member # 7070) on :
Wow, that's incredible. I can't imagine the amount of relief the family must have at being able to have at least a little bit of their duaghter back.

I can't believe the guy who did this to her, though, only served six months in jail. That's awful...
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
That article reached through my computer monitor, ripped my heart from my chest and threw it on my desk.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Guess this could be promising news for Terri Schiavo in Florida whose husband wants to pull her feeding tube and murder her. I imagine her family will be able to use this in their court cases as proof that there is still hope and keep her alive.
Good Luck Terri!

[ February 14, 2005, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: Jay ]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I hope someone took that heart back in tender hands.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I heard this last night on the news, and I think it's wonderful. [Smile] Thanks for the link, FG -- I hadn't heard any details.

Jay, I doubt the two cases are medically similar enough for this to have any legal bearing on the Schiavo case.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Way to put forth an agenda, Jay.

As for the story, the brain continues to amaze me in its complexity and tenacity as an organ. And how the human heart finds a way through it all.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Agenda? What’s so bad about hoping a woman isn’t murdered.
A brain damaged woman who can’t talk and a brain damaged woman who can’t talk doesn’t sound very similar at all.
Posted by Shepherd (Member # 7380) on :
Because you as usual Jay managed to take a thread about the medical and emotional marvel of one family and polarize it politically.

Anyhoo, congrats to the family, and the human brain is an astounding thing indeed.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Jay, I should've said just start another thread about that situation. You wanting to debate it is fine. But Shepherd had a point, you're trying to polarize a thread that is celebrating a person's comeback. It isn't very...nice. But I'm willing to talk about your point if you start a different thread, okay?
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Yay! what a wonderful story. it gives me hope for:
When I was in rehab, a man about my age came in, who was severly damaged, propped up in his wheelchair. His two little kids, about three and one, were there with his wife, doing the rehab with him. The little girl was rolling him the big therapy ball, and you could tell that, to her, it was just Daddy as usual.

I hope and pray that that man is able to recover. I think it was up there as one of the saddest, sweetest moments of my life.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
How is it polarizing and political in similar situations to hope that the same outcome can happen for Terri before her husband is successful in murdering her? Sarah could have easily been in the same situation if she would have been married to such a heartless uncaring person. I don’t think this is political at all. I think this case gives Terri great hope and staying alive and having her chance too!
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Jay, all Mack is asking is that you take this argument elsewhere.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Well, you have to admit that it probably won't take very long for the media to eventually tie together a little bit of the two cases.

I have to admit that I, personally, though of Schaivo when I read this local report; even though I realize the two cases are different. It just came to mind, that is all.

So I understand Jay making the connection at first read, just as I did. I don't think he was purposefully attempting to start a debate.

Besides, I thought most of us at Hatrack, from what I have read, agree on the Schaivo case. Or have I been reading wrong?


edit:(and I think I spelled Schiavo wrong throughout this post - my apologies)

[ February 14, 2005, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Start a new thread? I get yelled at for that too! To many food threads. To many that threads. Besides, I think the point is made. I’m ecstatic for Sarah and just as hopeful for Terri!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I made the mental connection as well.

However: I'm pretty sure that the connection is only superficial; I can agree with someone's perspective and dislike their methods, timing, and rhetoric.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
What Ralphie said.
[Cry] [Big Grin]
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
"Do you need anything," her mother asked her later.

"More makeup."

Yeap, she's back! [Smile] [Cry] [Smile] (that's "crying happily" for you...)
Posted by IdemosthenesI (Member # 862) on :
This reminded me of two stories:

The first is Good Bye, Lenin! I don't know if any of you have seen it, but it's a tory of a woman who was active in the communist party spontaneously awaking from a coma and the attempts of her son to spare her the (likely fatal) shock of discovering a capitalist Berlin by reconstructing Soviet controlled Berlin for her. That's what this woman's remarkable story reminded me of. Will this family put an 8=track player in the nursing home room?

The other was a story my sister told me. One of her friends was having a baby. The tense waiting room scene is familiar to most people, as is the sense of awe and amazement, of respect and delight when the baby first makes the rounds of relatives. In that moment of joy, a politically minded aunt looked at the baby my sister was holding and said "Just think. Only three hours ago, it would have been legal to scoop out her brains and throw her in the trash." That's what your comment reminded me of, Jay.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
The first is Good Bye, Lenin!
I've seen it twice. Loved it! [Big Grin] I actually can't believe I didn't instantly think of it!
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I'm sorry that it made you think of that
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Jay, that's where it got me. The killjoy aspect of it.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
mack - adam

I think Jay already backed off. Let's not keep poking him. The point was made.

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I will say this is hopeful news for everyone else suffering from brain damage.

Is it possible the brain repairs itself more than we know, but very slowly, so that more people with trauma-induced brain damage than we suspect have a chance of improving after 20-30 years? How long have we been able and willing to keep people alive long enough to find out?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I don't know, Dag -- but my son has read a great deal about brain regeneration (he's in college) and he would love to find whatever "switch" it is that makes us start LOSING brain cells in our mid-twenties, and help us maintain them a little longer. (although there is more and more evidence that perhaps we still regenerate new cells beyond that age -- longer than previously thought)

I think it is a fascinating thing, the brain. So much we don't understand about it.

Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
It's so much why I want to be a neuropsychologist. I love this stuff.

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