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Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Okay, I don't know if anyone else would like to say something nice about their best friend, but I would, so I'm starting a thread!

My best friend is Bob and I miss her to death. She's an amazing person who's kind, giving, and extremely talented .

Plus, she's totally beautiful .

I wish I could say I've always treated her like she means the world to me, but I haven't. [Frown]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Wow, those are really good.

Close friends wouldn't be close friends if they didn't stick around even when we were mean to them. [Smile]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
[Smile] No kidding.

To brag on my friend, Coccinelle is an absolute sweetheart. Yesterday, my aparment complex towed my car. (THEY TOWED MY CAR!!!! I'm not over it.) I took a taxi to work, but my first class for school was last night, in Denton. Twenty miles north of work, 35 miles away from my house. Coccinelle picked me up from work, took me to class, hung out in Denton for three hours, then picked me up from school, took me to my house, and went home (20 miles from my house). I still can't believe it - I so owe her cookies. And I will drive to the stuff we do together for the next three weeks. I don't know what I would have done without her.

Well, yes, I do. I would have missed the first class, which is 1/12 of the entire semester. That would have sucked.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I like my best friend
Though she lives far from me.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
My best friend lives in England, in the town where I used to live nine years ago. We're still in contact and I've never felt as close to anyone since.
Posted by amira tharani (Member # 182) on :
I don't have one "best friend" but I do have a small number of very close friends. One of my closest friends, whom I've known since we were both 11-year-old misfits at my secondary school, has just moved to the USA and got married, and I miss her loads. But then again, she's the sort of person whom I can lose touch with for 6 months and then we meet up and it's like we saw each other only yesterday.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Very Beautiful. And single? [Wink]

My best friend I meet in 7th grade. We were locker mates through out school. Roommates for a year at college. And I was in his wedding. Told me he would have picked me as his best man, but the ol brother thing. He’s got 3 kids now who call me Uncle Jay. Cool. Got to go down to the Gator Bowl this year and see his new house in Atlanta over the holidays. Anyway… not much of a point here.
Best friends take work though. His wife has commented more then once that if I wouldn’t have been persistent in maintaining our friendship it would have gotten lost on his desk at work!

[ January 21, 2005, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Jay ]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Not single. [Smile]
Posted by David Bowles (Member # 1021) on :
My best friend is my wife, and I owe nearly everything I have accomplished or become in the last 13 years to her enduring belief in me and willingness to push when I need it.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Didn’t think she would be..........
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :

My best friend just moved to Belgium.
Posted by Lost Ashes (Member # 6745) on :
My best friend just sent me the first four chapters of his new novel. It's the best thing I have read in years and years.
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
My best friend is funny and smart and gorgeous. When I'm with him I'm happier than when I'm not. His only flaw is that he thinks I'm perfect, the poor guy.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
My best friend, the girl that's known all my secrets since the 7th grade and loves me even though I'm strange and flawed...

She's teaching english in Japan right now. She's into her 2nd year and she'll probably be there three years...I miss her. She lived in Chicago when she was home, so we were still far away, but at least we could talk on the phone when she was in the states. She still calls me every so often and my walls are covered with postcards she's sent me from her travels. I love that girl.
Posted by John Van Pelt (Member # 5767) on :
My best friend is brave and true and incredibly quick-witted.

She has a phenomenal memory for everything except actors' names, names of characters in novels, and birthdays.

She has a voracious interest in practically everything. She reads faster than anyone I know. She writes brilliantly. She is a deep thinker.

She is funny and pretty and feisty and there is not an unkind molecule in her genome.

She is a mother (need I say more?).

She calls me her best friend, and every morning I awake feeling as if I have won the lottery.

I might go so far as to say she is perfect. But she would call me delusional.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
My best friend drove ten hours this weekend to pick me up and take me home so that I could see Raia.

We can talk for hours and feel perfectly comfortable telling the other when they're being an idiot. I trust her completely.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
PSI, when I clicked on each of the links you provided, they each came up as not available.

Just thought you should know,let me know if it was the links or just my parents weird computer... [Big Grin]

[ February 14, 2005, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
So I know it seems impossible to have more than one best friend...but I do. so there. [Big Grin]

I have another best friend (different from my girlfriend in Japan mentioned above) who happens to be my current apoio and a great source of strength. This person is ridiculously talented...more talented in certain areas than I'll EVER be. And yet, my friend still manages to make me feel like I'm talented too. Honesty and sincerity abound when I am with this friend and it's such a refreshing break from the rest of my life when I have to be 'on' and always the happy perky person that everyone thinks I am all the time. [Smile]

Isn't it great to have a friend like that? A friend with whom you can be your normal and flawed self? A friend that talks you into telling him/her all the things you haven't wanted to 'burden' anyone else with?

I'm so blessed.
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
My best neighbor...has been there for me so many ways in the last month I can't even list it, including taking time off work to help us out. I love her.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
My best friend is like my other half. She's one of the smartest people I know. She's a great writer, a great person, and she's one of the only people I'd trust with my life.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Hmmm, Best Friend. My friend Alex would be my best friend from school days (more than 6 years ago). We were like brothers. I hope we still are. Keeping in contact with him mas been hard in last 2 years. Although, I have been in touch with his mother. She still sends me Christmas cards [Big Grin] .

Outside of that...I have some guys here on the ship that classify as really good friends, but we rarely hang out. Ben was the best friend I had here for a while, but......

Ben was great. Intelligent, friendly to just about anybody he met, and even when he was having a bad day he had a smile. It was contagious.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
I can't pick one friend to brag on, cause I have so many and they're all so cool. And I know if I start bragging on them then I'll leave some out... but there are two people who I have to brag on.

First off, my friend of many years, since third grade in fact. We've gone off and on in terms of closeness over the years and we go to different schools right now, but he's always there for me. I try to be there for him, but I know I'm no comparison. He's one of those people who you just know books will be written about some day. He's an absolute genius in physics. He was reading college level physics books in 5th and 6th grade, and understanding them. Now he's well past that level and reading up on quantum physics. He litterally slept through his AP physics class and got an A+ in it and a 5 on the AP physics test. He's also incredibly athletic. He's always leading me on new adventures through the woods south of here, which he knows like the back of his hand. He's a caver and cave surveyor and has been in something like 1/3 of the caves in Indiana (most of them multiple times) and has discovered several new caves. He's tried many times to drag me on caving expeditions, but I'm claustraphobic and he's never been able to convince me, not for lack of trying. He's an amazing climber to. A natural. When my dad's grad student got me and my dad in to climbing I dragged him along. He'd been several times, but had never tried a route before. By the end of that first day in the gym he'd done a 5.10. The best I could do then was a 5.7, and the difficulties rise exponentially. 5.8 is something like 10x harder than 5.7. Watching him climb is something else, he's like spiderman. He'll sit in a crouched position 30 feet in the air on the wall and hold on with just one hand. He's incredible. He's also a genius when it comes to astronomy, he knows the night sky better than he knows his own back yard. He's held several star parties with his telescope. He can just sit there, and you can point to any object/star in the sky and he'll fire off its name. If I had to name just a single person as my best friend, it'd be him, though thats perhaps because what I have with the other person I shall brag on goes beyond friendship.

The other person I've got to brag on I've only known for about a year and a half at this point. But during that time I've grown closer to her than to anyone else I've ever known. She's amazingly sweet, caring and nice. She's constantly playing therapist and listening to the troubles of others and doing her best to cheer people up and make them feel better. She's always willing to offer up a hug to cheer someone up. Even when she was having an incredibly rough time, she was there for me to listen to my problems, though they must have surely seemed insignificant compared to what she was dealing with. She's still there to listen to my problems, whatever they may be, however insignificant. She is amazing with people and knows more people, and different types of people than I knew existed. She's also incredibly modest and wouldn't admit to any of this ever. She's an incredibly talented singer and musician, she can just sit down in front of a piano (and though she'll claim she's a terrible pianist) start playing the accompanying chords to most any song she's heard and sing along to it. Its a wonder to hear. She's also incredibly beautiful, though again, she'll deny it if you ever try to convince her of it. She's far smarter than she'll give herself credit for, easily matching me or any one else I know... save perhaps my best friend who can trump anyone I've ever met in that category. She's an amazing person.

Aren't you glad I didn't try to brag on all my friends? I don't know if I could write that much for all of them, they are all incredible, but those two in particular are my closest friends (doesn't get much closer than best friend and gf I suppose does it?) and they are both awesome people [Smile]

[ March 28, 2005, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Alcon ]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Yeah, I love Raia too. [Smile]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Isn't it great to have a friend like that? A friend with whom you can be your normal and flawed self? A friend that talks you into telling him/her all the things you haven't wanted to 'burden' anyone else with?
Yes, I LOVE that. [Smile]
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
I told Rivka in AIM chat the other day that she's my best friend at Hatrack, and I was going to post here, then forgot.

I got to know Rivka at Hatrack when I joined in June 2003. I don't remember when we first chatted on AIM, it was sometime that summer. We chatted a good deal the rest of the year, and talked on the phone some (not enough!!)

Rivka is incredibly smart, witty, charming, patient, sensitive, empathetic, and laughs at my jokes, even when they're stupid. She knows something about almost everything. She has many friends, I'm just glad to be one of them. She is very encouraging of me to change careers (I'm still thinking) and just in general. I could go on and on, but she's modest too. And picture shy! Jamie and others, you have to snap some good photos of her at the wedding--but not on Saturday, her Sabbath.

I really don't know why I didn't call her in 2004 when I was off-line (maybe I did once or twice), but I regret it. We always have great fun talking on the phone [Smile]

One thing that bothers me is her Orthodox Jewish beliefs. Not for stupid reasons, just because she is off-line during Shabbos, and me and the rest of us here are deprived of our daily dose of Rivka-lovin'! [Frown]

She makes up for it the rest of the week though.

I feel like I could say anything to Rivka, and she would still be my friend. And that means so much to me. [Smile] [Cry] [Kiss]

[ April 01, 2005, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: Morbo ]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :

I'm going to see some of my best friends this weekend. Given how badly I need to unwind, I suspect that the weekend is going to be epic. [Big Grin]

Last year, when one of my closest friends started working after we all graduated from university, he sent out an email in which he said he honestly believed that our small circle of friends was going to change the world. At the time I brushed it off as his idealism, but over the last year I have come to agree with him. Everyone says there's no one like their university friends, I know, but just you wait. Just you wait. [Smile]

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