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Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Banna mentioned in another thread that she had her hair cut "professionally" (her term) for the first time at 17. I'm 23, and I never had my hair cut professionally. So, what do you think ? Should I try ? If so, why ? If not, why ? If the pro cut succeed in convincing me, I'll post some pics and ask for help to choose a hair cut [Smile]
EDIT to add : yes, I know, I can ask silly question when I'm bored at work... The other days it's just fine, but on fridays I'm in another place and it's just plain boring [Smile] )

[ December 17, 2004, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Anna ]
Posted by Zeugma (Member # 6636) on :
If your hair is long, you might consider donating the cut hair to , an organization that makes wigs for kids with long-term medical hair loss. I've been growing my hair out for over a year now so that I can donate it this spring. [Smile]
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
This post is hard to understand for me. Do you ask If you must have a hair cut correct to work or am i in the wrong ?

If That is your question, I would like to understand in why your current hair cut is not Professionnal. Would you explain, please ?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I love long hair, so my vote is a resounding no!

Locks of love IS a great group, and if Jenni ever cuts her hair she said she would donate it to them....her donation would be over 2 feet long.

Silly is she would still be alive to do so after coming home like that... [Wink] [Razz]

Choobak, I think she was saying that she is al work right now, not that she needs to cut it FOR work. Her hair, if I reacll correctly, is pretty long so she just wanted to talk about possibly cutting it.

I think.


[ December 17, 2004, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Choobak, j'ai les cheveux longs, et je n'ai jamais été chez le coiffeur. Mon mari les coupe un peu pour éviter les fourches, c'est tout. Je demandais donc quels étaient les avantages d'une coupe "professionnelle" et je disais que si j'étais convaincue que je devais le faire, je donnerais des photos pour avoir des conseils au sujet de ma coupe (nous avons de très bonnes conseillères en matière de mode ici, Mrs M. par exemple).
La petite phrase sur le travail, c'était juste pour dire que je lançais ce sujet un peu frivole parce que je m'ennuie à cent sous de l'heure ici, heureusement que je n'y suis que le vendredi.
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
In France, I see many long haired girls have a "chignon". It's pretty and very "cut".

Okay I understand now. Tu écris bien en français décidément...

[ December 17, 2004, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: Choobak ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on : show-off! [Razz] (Just kidding, of course...)

[ December 17, 2004, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
If your hair is long, and you trim it regularly(or someone you know does), I see no reason to spen the money on a professional "do." I go to my friend, who is a hairdresser, and I have my hair dyed, which is pricey, and I do not like the drug store varieties.
If you want to pamper yourself, get a trim at a hairdresser's. Somehow, the shampoo and stuff they use makes your hair feel SO good. Even if I BUY the stuff they use, it never feels that way at home.
So, basically, go if you want pampering.
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Choobak, je suis française, ça aide [Big Grin] tu as dû me confondre avec Annie, qui est americaine mais parle très bien français (ça arrive tout le temps !)
Et je me coiffe presque toujours en chignon [Smile]

[ December 17, 2004, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Anna ]
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
[Wall Bash] [Hail] [ROFL] [Big Grin]

Evidement... Toutes mes excuses, je pensais que tu étais Annie...


In spite of that, my opinion is long hair are very pleasant. [Wink]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Anna - aren't you married now? Does your husband want you to keep it long? Or what does he like?

Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
He likes to change. So I make different kind of chignon, have different type of barette, sometimes I let my hair hang the way they can, sometimes I just attach them...
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
My sister broke up with her boyfriend because he freaked out when she got her hair cut, which was her decision, it being her hair and all.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Yeah, I know some guys who have a real problem with short hair on girls. Personally, I don't understand it -- but I know they have a problem with it.

My dad cried when I first got my hair cut when I was a teen (it was really long). I guess it just really means something more to them......

Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
She broke up with him, really, because he was ultra-controlling, but that was the final straw. Or hair.
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
Personnally, despite I like long hair for girl, I have admited short haired girls are also cut for a long time. [Wink]

[ December 17, 2004, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Choobak ]
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
I don't want it really short anyway. Not that I think I could be mistaken for a man, but I think it would be friggin' cold. I was thinking about someting just above the elbow, maybe... Or not ?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Anna -- help me understand what Choobak just said!

cut for a long time?

Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
probably "cute"?
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Not sure either [Confused]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Definitely "cute."
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Anna, having short short hair IS colder than having long hair. It is amazing, actually, how much difference it makes.
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Really ? Hum. A good reason to consider.
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
[Hail] cute... sorry....
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Then what do you mean by "for a long time" ?
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
Long time ago... My english is very rusted. And with too many lakes.
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
So Anna, why are you thinking about cutting your hair? Just because you never have before? If you don't really want it, it's probably not a good idea.

Personally, I get sick of looking at myself in the mirror if I have the same cut and color for more than six months. I love getting something new. Interestingly enough, I haven't felt that way since I started trying to grow it out. (I did cut it for my sister's wedding since the weight was pulling the top flat while the sides were curly. I was NOT going to be a flathead in all the pictures.)
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
The "professional cut" I had when I was 17 or 18, was just a trim on my long hair. However it was a much, much better trim than what my mother ordinarily did. She was able to get a lot of the dead split ends far better. It just *felt* so much better afterwards than normal. And it was the cut, not all the "pampering".

You see, the person that cut it was someone I tutored in math. My hair drove her crazy, because she knew she could make it look better. So one day she brought her scissors and sat me out on the patio of the tutoring center and cut away, no washing drying or styling, just scissors and a comb. I don't know how to explain how much cleaner and lighter my hair felt afterwards. Though as far as length went she took off maybe an inch or two. My hair was like 23 inches long at the time, so it wasn't really noticable. (Once your hair gets over about 18 inches long, people don't notice exactly how long it is anymore)

She was an extremely good stylist though. She'd done it for about 15 years before she went back to school and would normally charge $75-100 for a simple haircut.

Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Banna made me think of it. That's one of these things I've never done and sometimes think to do.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
There is absolutley nothing wrong with short hair. [Big Grin]

That said, my little sister is a cosmetologist and does recommend an occasional trim by one. She said it isn't because she'd want to make money, but it's healthier for the hair.

Or something. She got distracted mid-conversation.

Nothing wrong with short hair.

That's me saying that. [Big Grin]
Posted by Vána (Member # 6593) on :
I used to only have my mother cut my hair. But now I go and have a friend who is a stylist do it. It's so wonderful! She's able to put layers in, which really helps my hair to lay better and just be prettier and easier to manage. I would really recommend going to have your hair cut professionally at least a couple times a year. You can do the trimming and whatnot yourself (or like me, not even bother, and just let it get too long *sigh*) between professional cuts. I know my hairstyle is a lot prettier now that I get it cut professionally. Of course, I wear my hair down almost all the time, so it does make a difference. If I always wore it up, it might not be as worth it to me. It's hard to say.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
When my hair was short or mid-length I used to get it cut every 3 months. I found a guy whom I really like and who always gives me a good haircut... one that has good "bones" and so it just looks better no matter what you do with your hair, whether you fix it or leave it down.

Now that my hair is long, though (it's about elbow length now) I only get it trimmed about once a year or less. I think it just looks neater and nicer that way. Though on people with relatively straight hair (mine is very curly), It doesn't seem to be necessary, really.

It depends on your preference. If you prefer the ends to look wispy and sort of gradually trail away then don't cut it. If you prefer it to look more "trimmed" on the ends then do. From your pictures, I think yours would look great either way.

If you are asking the difference between a professional cut and a self-trim or friend-trim then yes professional cuts are much better!

[ December 17, 2004, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: Tatiana ]
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I think you shouldn't do it until you're really ready. I hadn't had my hair cut since I was in 5th grade, and before my baby was born I had it cut to just below my shoulders (when it's dry; since I have very curly hair, that's long enough to put up). I really wanted to do it because it was just so much work to take care of it, and I knew I was going to have a baby to take care of, so I wouldn't get much chance. (I was right; sometimes I go as long as 2 weeks without being able to wash and de-tangle it). I was hyped for this, but I still walked in and almost couldn't do it. I worked up the courage, though, and firmly asked for a wash and cut. The shampoo felt really good (although it was followed immediately afterward with the pick for untangling messy curls [Angst] ), and at that point a sense of inevitability carried me on. It was so different to have a light head! When it was done, I felt like my head might float up in the air. I was hyper and thrilled-- until bedtime that night. I usually put my hair up in a bun after brushing it at night, but it was too short for a bun (I put it up a different way, but it wasn't the same). I cried a little, and my husband kissed me and said I was beautiful with or without my hair, and he thought I was brave to change it. (He's so wonderful and understanding.) It took me a few days to get over what I'd done, but now I wouldn't change it. Especially after the baby was born, it was a good choice for me. I know you're not considering anything as drastic as what I did, but I hope this has helped your deliberations, anyway. [Smile]
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I don't get my hair cut all that often, but when I do it's done professionally. In fact, I've had the same woman cut my hair my entire life... weird. My grandmother was apparently very hair-controlling on my mother (and her siblings), so in turn, my mother was very flexible when it came to hair. I never did anything drastic and it's always been pretty long.

A couple summers ago, I was regularly sitting on my hair when I wore it down (which was not often). It got really long and looked fairly, uh, not good... so I went in for a cut. I got 14 inches off and donated it to Locks of Love (the minimum requirement is 10). This still left me with 15 inches or so of hair, but I felt better.

But yeah. I always get my hair cut professionally. It's not too expensive, even with a wash. And there's just something about someone playing with your hair who's been trained to do so...

I wonder if Sherri's got any open slots when I'll be home ::runs off to check:: [Wink]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow! Yay! I do pay $45 for the cut but it's because I only have it done a couple of times a year. It's gonna be awesome. [Smile]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I get mine cut every three weeks. [Eek!]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Mine's pretty long. I pretty much let the bottom grow and have the layers "updated" to match. Then every couple of years I go nuts and cut it all off. Why nuts? Because short hair looks terrible on me.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
*is envious of people whose hair grows fast*
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
You shouldn't be.

It's a pain in my ass. I have, um, very short hair. I look bad with long hair and good with short, so it will forever stay short (I have nightmares about having long hair ever again). But every three weeks,I HAVE to get it trimmed, or it looks all wonky.

If I didn't have a cosmetologist sister who insists that I don't pay (she ends up getting Really Good Birthday and Christmas Gifts), I'd be spending a pretty penny.

My sister would LOVE to have short hair herself, but she has her self-proclaimed "chipmunk cheeks" and short hair doesn't look good on her.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
psi, that's what I do too. I cut mine twice a year and every 4th or 5th year, once it has gotten a little past my waist, I cut it all off. That lasts about a year, then I'm back to letting it grow out. I think it's because I hate having to bother getting it cut.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Mack, I am your sister.

I have two pictures of me with short hair and I'm considering posting them so you all can see how ridiculous it looks. Whenever I do the "big cut" I always go for another style, but it's only ever worked out once and the guy that cut it moved away. I haven't been able to get anyone to do it that way since.

[ December 17, 2004, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I really like having short hair. I am one of those people who likes to change their hair drastically at least once a year. Back in April, I got it cut pretty short (though I have had it shorter once before in my life) and have kept it basically the same. Unfortunately that means going to get it cut once a month. Last time I got it cut, the beginning of November, I went to a different place than normal (since I'd moved) and the lady cut it way too short (about twice as short as I wanted), so I'm still waiting for it to recover from that (since my hair grows more than half an inch in a month, it shouldn't take too long). I was unhappy enough with how it turned out that I ended up modifying it on my own with my trusty scissors.

When my hair is longer (though it never seems to get much longer than my shoulders), I only have it trimmed every 3-6 months (or when I get sick of it and need something drastic done to it). When my hair is longer and without a complicated style, my mom or husband can cut it for me, but as it is right now, I wouldn't want to subject them to trying.

[ December 17, 2004, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: ludosti ]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I love having mine short now - I get it regularly trimmed now and each time I tell her to take it a little bit shorter. [Big Grin] For someone who has had at least shoulder length for most my life, it was hard to commit to that short hair the first time, now I like it so much I keep considering how much shorter to go.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Belle, have you seen how short my hair is lately? [Wink]
Posted by margarita (Member # 6856) on :
Professional cuts are just that - professional. Well, as long as you go to a decent place. Also, I usually recommend going to someone professional if you're going to try something new, like a dramatic change in length. A professional will be able to produce the results you want, taking into account your hair type, shape of face, etc. Also, they'll be able to tell you if the look you want won't work for some reason, and suggest something similar that *will* work.

There's the added benefit that if you don't like the cut, your normal hair-cutting person, family or friend, won't feel guilty about it.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
mack, how can it be shorter than the last time I saw you? [Eek!]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Oh yes
it can

Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
*sigh* I think I'll be leaving the short hair club soon. I change my hairstyle often, and it's been short for almost a whole year. Over the last 2-3 years, my hair has been: short, long, curly, straight, red, brown, and high-lighted - all at different times, of course. [Wink]

space opera
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
¿Qué pasa aquí? Estamos en los Estados Unidos, ¡Hablen inglés! [Mad] [Wink] [Wink] [Wink]


Anna, don't get it cut there. If you've never had a haircut, come get one at Walt Disney World! You will get a certificate, a set of mouse ears, a lock of hair for your, um, parents, and pixie dust sprinkled in your hair! [Big Grin]


I have substantially longer hair than Cor does, now. I intend to get it cut back to my shoulders, but I have an audition in less than a month, and I don't want to waste time cutting it now, in case I get a part which requires me to cut it really short. If not, I will cut it in January.

Someday I know I will have to get my hair cut short again. My hair is thinning, though,and it grows much more slowly than it used to. So I feel, deep down inside, like when the day comes when I cut it short, I will probably never be able to grow it long again, and that will make me sad. I'm pretty happy with my "look" with long hair.


mack, if you get your hair cut boy-short, do they still charge you girl-prices? I would hope not. A buzz job shouldn't cost too much . . .
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Like Opera, I like to change my look once in a while, but lately I've been happy leaving my hair long and messing around with my facial hair instead.

I guess that's not an option for most of you all . . . [Wink]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Icarus, first of all, I would love to see a picture.

Second of all, PLEASE oh PLEASE, cut your hair before it gets long, thin, and you have a balding pate. That is just sooo that comedian guy whose name I can't remember.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
You can find various pictures of me at

As far as the other, I really like the way I look (headwise) right now. My bald spot is not very prominent anyway . . . here are three pictures of me from behind. I'm the guy with the long hair and purple shirt. At least, I don't think it looks too bad yet . . . [Angst]

But even if it does, balding with long hair may look bad, but so does balding and with short hair. There's really no winning there. *shrug*
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Oh my goodness, Icky! I love the hair, but wow!!
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
My hair has been in a chin-length bob for a while now. It doesn't look good long, because it's very fine and falls flat no matter what anyone does to it. Also, since it's fine, I have to wash it every day or it LOOKS greasy.

I used to have it really short, but my facial features are not delicate enough to carry off a pixie cut. I ended up looking like a boy with earrings.

My new goal is to somehow get through the next five months until my bangs grow out. (I need to start showing more forehead in order to balance out my increasingly chubby cheeks.)

[ December 18, 2004, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: Yozhik ]
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Long hair look great with Sara's gift, so I guess I will just have them trim.
Thank you for the advices ! [Smile]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Icarus, you are one handsome dude! You are right, you have years to go before the "spot" is an issue. Just don't let it get all wispy and long, you know? I wish I had a picture to go with the image I have of this.

And au contraire, by the way. I think a balding pate with cropped hair is very attractive. It's one of those things that men assume women find unattractive, but I don't think that is necessarily true. And you'd be cute at any hair length, even wispy-long.
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
Ohhhh...Icky...I love guys with long hair.

B is finally growing his hair out again, but only after I threatened to cut mine ( it's about boob length).
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Icky! <swoon> <thud> Mango and Banana are adorable, and yes those are definitely demon dogs LOL

As for my hair, I've been getting it cut annually and donating it to Locks of Love. This last year I barely got 10 inches, so I may hae to extend that time out a bit. Quite a drastic change going from mid-back to high neck.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I used to get my hair cut professionally. I had the same hairdresser for a whole bunch of years when I was a teenager. She colored my hair for me, too. Platinum blonde streaks, Ronald McDonald red, hot pink, purple, and spiked. I loved it! Heck, I was a child of the 80s and I had fun.

Since becoming an adult, though, and wanting "normal" hair cuts, I've never found a hair dresser who could actually cut my hair the way I wanted it. They'd inevitably ignore me entirely and do whatever they wanted without bothering to consult with me, and then would get upset when I tried stopping them or criticised or . . . It just never worked. And it didn't matter how much I paid for the damn thing. It still never turned out.

So. I started cutting my own hair. Whether long or short, even if I had to contort myself in front of the mirror with a handheld behind me, I cut my own.

And I immediately started getting huge compliments on my hair.

Guess what?

I haven't had mine cut professionally since. And now, I cut Fahim's as well.

Granted, now it's much easier since we both have long hair - his is four or five inches longer than mine- but still. I would have thought that a professional should be able to do a better job making my hair look good than I can. [Wall Bash]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Icky - not all women hate bald - some love it. There are a whole lot of sexy bald dudes, including Patrick Stewart and Sean Connery (who wore toupees for the James Bond films - and he was in his, what, late twenties or early thirties then?)

Baldness - sexy or not - is in the eye of the beholder and the attitude of the baldee.

Personally, I didn't really care whether the guy I ended up with had hair or not on his head. All I cared about was that the guy have a hairy chest - everything else could be dealt with. I love hairy chests! Well, I ended up with hairy chest and long hair, and no danger of Fahim ever going bald, I think, but even if he did, I wouldn't care. [Big Grin]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
There is absolutely nothing wrong with bald.

Patrick Stewart is one of the sexiest men I know. Hair or not hair really doesn't weigh into the attraction figure for me in most cases.

It's really too late to be posting about anything, so forgive me if I make no sense.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I didn't look in this thread earlier, but shall still offer unsolicited advice. [Smile]

Anna, as a fellow long-haired girl (I like to add to the things whereby people can confuse us [Smile] ) I must warn you about the professional haristylists.

#1) They will always want to cut your hair off. They will say things like, "you would look so cute with a cut that frames your face," or "I knew a girl who had long hair like yours and cut it all off and is so happy now." This is all a bunch of lies. They only want to cut off huge amounts of hair because they like to see it hit the floor. If you do go, tell them you only want a trim!

#2) Do not let them talk you into putting layers in your hair if you like to wear it up (en chignon, barrette, etc.) Layers look very pretty, but they make it impossible to braid your hair or put it back - the little uneven ends stick out and small pieces always fall down in front of your face.

Other than that, pamper yourself if you like. They use marvelous shampoos from other planets that transform your hairs into strands of silk.

I've taken to cutting my own hair, though (actually, I make my roommate or my sister do it - just cut straight across) because it saves a lot of money.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Very good points, Annie. And Anna, if you want a trim, be very, very clear that you want half an inch or three inches, or whatever. Annie is right. They DO like to cut more hair than you want cut.

Argh. I have been talked into so many layered, midlength dos, Annie! I ahave regretted every one, because I can not style my hair. Nver have been able to, never will.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I also want to add to the opinion that bald men are hot. I think it is one of those things men worry about, like women worry about breast size, weight, or whatever, assuming various things are not attractive. I just don't like the Gallagher(the comedian) look, that's all.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Re: all the comments about how hot bald men are, Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, yadda yadda yadda:


Patrick Stewart is a skinny, short, little guy who shaves the non-bald parts of his head, and looks completely cool that way. Sean Connery is a tall, well-built handome guy from whom the baldness detracts nothing.They are not hot because they are bald. They are hot for other reasons, and happen to be bald as well.

I would not look like either Stewart or Connery. I am not little, I am not tall, and I have an enormous head. If I were bald, I would look more like Darth Vader without the mask than like Captain Picard. I would look like Ethan Phillips on Benson. I would look like some middle-aged bank clerk. Nobody thinks balding, middle-aged, short bank clerks are sexy.

Oh, sure, women! Men don't really care if you're large! Look at Queen Latifah in Chicago! See? Men, on the whole, just adore large women! Truly!

What a crock.

Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I have the worst hair in the world.

It's a mass of cowlicks. It looks like Conan O'Brien's hair (and since I'm tall and pale and irish looking, I always get that I look like him), only curlier and wavier and rattier looking. I was going to grow it out long, like eyebrow-length and then long in back, but when I went in to get the neck cleaned up I saw how it looked in the mirror and I just cut it all off again.

There is no happy medium.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I disagree, oh naysaying Icarus. Queen Latifah IS hot.

As for men with balding pates, I think it is like anything else. If you are hot, you are hot, and you are hot. Even with a balding MULLET you would be hot, Icarus, so deal with it.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
My brother had a mullet until about a year ago, when his daughter - a teenager - showed him another side of mullets. That is, that he's been mocked behind his back by the world for the last two decades.

The next day, from what I was told between snickers and guffaws, he went and got a non-mullet hair cut. [ROFL]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
I disagree, oh naysaying Icarus. Queen Latifah IS hot.

You missed my point. Queen Latifah is hot. My point is that her hotness does not mean that overweight women are generally considered hot. Similarly, Patrick Stewart's hotness does not mean that balding men are generally considered hot.

(But thanks for all the compliments. I don't believe them all, but they sure feel nice! [Blushing] )

[ December 19, 2004, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: Icarus ]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Believe, for Latifah's sake, believe!
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
I can't believe I almost missed this thread - stupid faculty parties.

Some thing I tell people who ask me for hair advice:

First, you should get a trim every six weeks, no matter how long your hair is. This is especially true in the winter, when it is cold and dry and the ends are much more likely to split (even if you condition). Plus, it will make your hair shinier and maintain your cut (if you have one).

Second, think of the most elegant and stylish women you know. How long is their hair? I'm not talking about fashion models, I'm talking about women you know and admire.

Third, long, unstyled hair is rarely the most flattering style for anyone. I'm not saying it can't look good, but it would probably look better shorter and styled. The way hair falls around your face contributes so much to how your face looks. For example, my face has gotten rounder since I started fertility treatments. My stylist cut it so that it has a bit more body and altered my layers so that they don't fall at my chin or cheekbones (my hair is a teeny bit past my shoulders).

Fourth, it is a myth that most men prefer long hair. I have never dated anyone who cared how long my hair was. Andrew loves my hair short and has made me promise never to grow it long again. If you have a haircut that flatters your face, men will like it because you will look better.

Fifth, you can put your hair up and back with layers. I have layers and I put my hair back all the time. It does take a bit more time and there are some styles that require more hair, but not many. Also, it's so easy to get extensions and falls and ready-to-wear extensions that you can do anything you want with your short, layered hair.

For you, Anna, I would start with long layers just past my shoulders. It would look flattering and you can see how you like it. I go to Aveda salons and have for 12 years now. There's one in Paris and one in Toulouse ( ). I love their products and their methods. I can't say if they're expensive or not since price varies from salon to salon (and I'm sure country to country).

On an unrelated note, I understood most of what you wrote to Choobak and what he wrote (in French, I mean). I'll be reading French Vogue in no time.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
*joins the Mrs.M fan club*
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
Mrs. M, sois la bienvenue dans le monde de la francophonie !
Have a great pleasure to read our french here.

I think i am not like the majority of men because i like girls with long hair. But I admit i am in the minority (I am not a girl and i cannot know what men like about my hair cut [Big Grin] )

Annie, excuse me to confuse your nickname with Anna. [Hail] Je ne sais comment me faire pardonner par vous deux.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Hmm I found an Aveda salon near me. I signed up on their e-mail list, but I haven't gone cause it is kind of pricey. My hair does need cutting. Maybe that could be my Christmas present to myself.

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
#2) Do not let them talk you into putting layers in your hair if you like to wear it up (en chignon, barrette, etc.) Layers look very pretty, but they make it impossible to braid your hair or put it back - the little uneven ends stick out and small pieces always fall down in front of your face.
I think those pieces of hair are sexy. : )
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Ne t'inquiète pas, Choobak! C'arrive tout le temps. Je suis flattée d'être amalgamée avec la belle Anna. [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I think those pieces of hair are sexy. : )
Sexy if you're a pegasus, maybe. [Wink]
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
Good to have you, mac. [Wink]

Merci beaucoup, Choobak.

AJ - I highly recommend it. Be warned, though, once you go, you'll want to go back. Again and again.
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
I love Aveda products. They work better than anything else for me.

I also love my long hair, though, and (like Annie) I am suspicious of stylists based on past experiences. It is not likely to change -- hasn't yet, despite being given makeover gift certificates. [Smile]

But I'm happy, so that isn't a problem.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Okay, who derailed the thread?

People, we're supposed to be talking about my hotness! [Mad]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*uses Icarus to cook eggs*
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
Yay! I'm getting a hair cut today! It's way over due because I only just got around to finding a salon where I live now. Finding a new stylist is one of the things I hate the most about moving so hopefully this goes well and I don't have to keep looking.

And yes, I'm going to an Aveda salon.

PS - Icarus is hot! And I mean en fuego hot! [/end cheesy pick-up line voice]
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
Good for you, Risuena. You'll love it, I promise. When can we expect to see pictures?

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