This is topic December gift exchange thank you thread in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
I figured there would be a lot of these thank yous showing up in the next two weeks, so I had to start a new thread. (I think I started it last year too, how odd!)

I have to give Mark (raventh1) big hugs and kisses for the present he sent to me. (I couldn't wait until Christmas. I couldn't stand it!!) It was perfect, something I've wanted for a really long time and I actually jumped up and down and screamed when I opened it. (you can ask my dad, he was standing right there!) [Big Grin] Thank you so very very much!! [Kiss]

And now I have your address for the sending of Christmas cards. [Big Grin]

I'm just grinning and grinning!! Thanks to katarina for heading this up this year. It's been a lot of fun. *grins again*
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Soooo.... what was it?
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
It was the Bobby McFerrin/Yo-Yo Ma CD called "Hush." Most of you have probably heard of it. I've been wanting it forever, but it was never anything I would just go out and buy. [Smile] So Mark did it for me!

(PS Eljay, will you send me an email? I don't have your address anymore.)

[ December 04, 2004, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: Narnia ]
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
What can I say? That is an awesome CD, I saw it on your list, and it was ranked highly... Glad you like it. [Smile]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Annie gave me a kiss. It was all I ever wanted, what a great gift. [Smile]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I haven't received mine yet. [Cry]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Me neither...

But then, I haven't sent mine yet either. [Blushing] But it's going out tomorrow, or thursday at the absolute latest!!

Btw, happy hanukkah everyone. Chag sameach!
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Hey Narnia, just saw this, sorry... I can't e-mail you from work, but my addy is eljay at if you want to send me something. (I did get your letter Thanksgiving week, if you wanted confirmation, and I haven't done anything with it yet, I'm sorry. I'll take care of that this week.)
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Narnia, you ROCK! Thanks so much. It was absolutely perfecto! (And hey, two things of ghirardelli? Man...I feel loved) [Smile]
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I got mine. Thanks again, Dagonee! *dances some more, as well as she can while laughing*

Oh, and I noticed it was wrapped in green. That's awesome. The baby enjoyed eating the papers that came with it, too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Santa's Helper (Member # 7101) on :
Don't cry, quid. Your package should be there in about a week. [Smile]
Posted by Santa's Helper (Member # 7101) on :
Don't cry, quid. Your package should be there in about a week. [Smile]
Posted by Santa's Helper (Member # 7101) on :
Don't cry, quid. Your package should be there in about a week. [Smile]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Excellent, kq. Glad you like it. And I'm glad I could provide entertainment for the baby, too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Boris, you're welcome! You hadn't read them, right? *crosses fingers*
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Whoah.... multiple Narnia.

*rubs eyes*
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Geez, what a pain in the butt!

It's because I TRIED to post several times that it showed up several times. I thought that I hadn't succeeded any of the times. I suppose that this one will post five minutes later, even though it doesn't seem like it. [Smile]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Six Narnias? I thought there were seven.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Haha. [Smile] Actually, my theory is debunked because I only tried to post the above post ONCE, and it posted twice. [Grumble] So sorry if this one comes up again.

Eljay, don't worry about taking care of it, I'm in no rush, I just wanted to make sure that you had received it. (I was so delinquent in the sending that you might have moved or something!) [Smile]
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Boris, you're welcome! You hadn't read them, right? *crosses fingers*
Nope. Almost got Ender's Shadow at the bookstore two weeks ago, but decided to get Memory of Earth instead. I just started reading ES and am already at chapter three. Thanks so much!!! (This marks the first time I've ever gotten books for Christmas, and I LIKE IT!)

[ December 07, 2004, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Boris ]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
*claps hands* Yay! [Big Grin]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
This is the first time you've EVER gotten a book for Christmas??? [Eek!]
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Well...Yeah. Reading wasn't a very big thing in my family when I was growing up. I don't even remember my parents reading to me as a child. Makes you wonder why I want to be a writer [Smile]

edit: And actually, I think this is the first time I've ever gotten a book as a gift...period. Unless you count The Books of Mormon I got when I was baptized, started seminary, and left on my mission...

[ December 08, 2004, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: Boris ]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Boris, that's crazy. I am so sorry.
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
It's okay. I'm making up for it as much as I can now.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Good. [Smile]
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Yay! Thank you CaySedai!!!

Hey everybody! Look! I just got a beautiful journal! It's purple! And the pages are all cool like parchment!

*happy dance*

Thanks again CaySedai, I love it!
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
[Smile] Dragon!

Boris, I observe a moment of silence out of respect for you.

Glad you found your way. [Kiss]
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :

I didn't expect you to get your gift already! I sent it media rate - cheaper, but slower. I'm so glad you like it.

Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Dragon, I *love* what you sent me! Thank you!

The picture looks just like Christian! And you probably don't know...but our best friends have a little kitten that our 2-year-old daughter totally loves. She will play for hours with that kitten. She's going to love doing the Kitten book with me, putting the stickers on. Thanks so much! It was perfect!
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
[Hail] LUDOSTI!!!!!!!!!!! [Kiss]
[The Wave]

The mailman brought me something that I've been drooling over for more than a year today...... a book of Teresa Wentzler's fantasy cross stitch patterns, INCLUDING the Unicorn I've been dying to stitch!!! [Big Grin] I hadn't realized it was here until I started setting up my stitching light for the evening and saw a manila envelope that hadn't been there last night... I guess the babysitter brought it in because it was bigger than my mailbox. The kids heard the squeal over the running water in the bathroom.
TW Fantasy Collection

Supermegahappydancing!!!!! [Party]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I like this thread, it makes me smile. [Smile]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
By the way, Ludosti, my 11 year old just went looking through the Teresa Wentzler book and is "volunteering" me to stitch both Rapunzel and the Castle Sampler for her!
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Frisco--the question of the day,

What the Heck am I supposed to do with a bobble-head Jesus?

(Change Heck to the appropriate non-family friendly word and its a much funnier question).

My new boss and his wife are very traditional Christians. I have a gift exchange Monday. Hmmm......

Thanks a lot. I've a friend with the boxing nun so now we can for our own boxing nun tag team.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Goody - I'm so glad you like it!! I had wanted to find a spectacular unicorn cross-stitch and get all the floss and such for you, but the store I went didn't have any unicorn projects! I was so frustrated because I wasn't feeling well and didn't have time to search any other stores. In desperation I grabbed that fantasy book and flipped through it - I was thrilled to see that it had a unicorn in it and since I knew you liked fantasy, I hoped that some of the others would appeal to you also. I'm thrilled that you like it, and better yet, that it was something you had wanted. I hope you have lots of fun doing all the projects! [Big Grin]

I also apologize for being a freak and not putting a note in it or anything. [Razz]

[ December 11, 2004, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: ludosti ]
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
What the Heck am I supposed to do with a bobble-head Jesus?

Do? It doesn't do anything, that's the beauty of it! [Big Grin]

I say set him next to your computer and let him post while you're out.
Posted by Bobble-Head Jesus (Member # 7121) on :
I'm a published author, you know...
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Oh? And *what* exactly did you write?
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
I think he played a 'small' role in the Good-Book.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Well then he's a character, not an author.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
He thinks he's Stephen King or Clive Cussler? =)
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Only in movies.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
duuuuuuuuuude, someday, when I have time, I am SO buying that cross-stich book! That is wicked awesome!
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Ooh, Dragon's a stitcher too? Totally cool!
{edit} And she's another Jennifer too.... hmmmm, have I been cloned? LOL

[ December 12, 2004, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Goody Scrivener ]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
*waves hand* Another stitcher here! And that book looks great, Goody. You lucky thing! [Smile]

I am frantically trying to finish off a sampler for my little sister for Christmas... I think I may have left my run a little late.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Imogen, which one are you stitching for your sister?
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
I love it when Christmas starts early! [Big Grin] Or maybe I could just count it for Chanukah. [Wink]

Thank you, Annie! The only problem is that now all that time I spend reading for my exams and papers, I'm going to be wishing I was reading something a little more entertaining.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Goody, it's a sampler I got out of the Cross Stitch Gold magazine (UK, I think). I started stitching well over a year ago but got distracted by other projects.

My little sister loves animals and this sampler is jam packed - but I'm not sure it will be finished in time.
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
A milestone in contepmorary fantasy. This book sings. You grip the pages till your hands lock in place, or turn them so fast you accidentally team them out ... De Lint's career can no longer be described as promising; he has fulfilled his promise; he has arrived.
-Orson Scott Card

That's the OSC review of the book sent by my Secret Santa - The Little Country by Charles de Lint. I don't think I've read anything by him before, and it looks like a real treat.

And that wasn't all - I also got an autographed short story by the sender - Dan_Raven - and instructions to sell it on e-Bay when said author becomes famous. [Wink]

Thanks Dan_Raven - it wasn't what I asked for, but it's a lovely and entirely appropriate surprise.

[The Wave]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
deLint is one I collect. He's Canadian, IIRC.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Punwit's gift arrived today. I had Eve open it instead of waiting a week and a half until I got home.

It was a jar of K.C. BBQ sauce, a style I've never had from an authentic supplier, a jar of sweet salsa, and a cookbook.

Plus it had red bubble wrap, which Eve is enjoying very much. [Smile]

Thanks, Punwit. I'll let you know what I make with the BBQ sauce. I'm thinking slow-cooked ribs...

Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I saw the BIGGEST ROLL OF BUBBLE WRAP EVER at the UPS store today.

When I finally mailed out my gift.

I mentioned the bubble wrap to the counter guy and he said, "That isn't even FULL. And there's a bin of those peanuts in the back that I can jump in."

The dude was like six four.

Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
I think there are probably quite a few people who would enjoy a big thing of bubble wrap as a present.
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
Dag, The salsa is produced by an ex-roomate from years ago. I played Jack Tripper to her Chissy and another young lady's Janet. The salsa has a nice flavor but is a bit watery. I tried it once as a marinade for chops and was quite pleased with the result.

Here is a link to the establishment that makes the BBQ sauce. This joint is a Kansas City institution. Enjoy!

I was a bit uncertain about the ability of the bubble wrap to adequately protect the bottles and am pleased that everything arrived intact.
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
Thank you, Derrell!

Derrell sent Strider and I some Petco giftcards, which is perfect since we are overrun by little furry creatures who need toys and collars and the like.

Yay! [Wave]

[ December 13, 2004, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Leonide ]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
it's not Jesus, just a friend who looks a lot like the guy.
Some advice I recieved, so I rephrase the question...

"What the heck am I supposed to do with a bobble-head Frisco, who bears a striking resemblence to Jesus?"
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :

Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
::dances:: Rivka's present came today! Thank you so so so so much for the nutcracker and glass figurine--both of them are on my mantle rignt now, and the bath beads smell REALLY good. I'm going to take a nice long warm soak tonight. (((((rivka)))))
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
[Big Grin] I checked with the USPS site before I came to Hatrack, so I knew it got delivered today. I'm so glad it got to you ok -- I really wasn't sure which address to use. [Smile]

Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
You're welcome, Leonide. i was wondering what to get you guys, then you mentioned in the gfift exchange thread that you have pets. Voila! I hope the pets enjoy whateveryou guys buy with them. I'm glad you like them. [Smile]
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
We do! We have three ferrets (soon to be four!) and two cats. They will be getting many wonderful things for Christmas.

Thanks again!
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
[Smile] I believe they can be used at Petco's website, as well as at their stores.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
[Big Grin] That's me upon opening the box from Ryuko! 3 Tick figurines for me (well 3 villains - El Seed, Dean, and Dyna-Mole), some festive candy for Thomas, and some nice chocoloate for Jen. I'm guessing their nice - she promptly hid them to make sure we wouldn't steal them. [Wink] And some chocolatey soap! Thank you!!
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
The only problem is that now all that time I spend reading for my exams and papers, I'm going to be wishing I was reading something a little more entertaining.
You don't do this anyway?
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
[Smile] I'd hoped you'd like it. I would have loved to get you cooler figures, but those were the ones I found. [Smile] They're OK, though? [Smile] I'm glad you guys liked it. I worried.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
I think there are probably quite a few people who would enjoy a big thing of bubble wrap as a present.
I once gave my sister a roll of bubble wrap as a present. I wouldn't call it 'giant', though.
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
If you haven't gotten your present yet, it might be because I'm lame and haven't sent mine out yet (ducking).

So, if you're like, "Hey! No one loves me!" it's actually me being a lame wuss.

Soon, my dear. Soon. Don't worry, the later it gets sent, the more amazing it has to be.
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
I got my gift from ElJay yesterday. [Wave] A book of poetry (sort of) and drawings by a man in Iowa.

Thanks so much! I enjoyed reading it last night, and I'm going to talk to my son in law later today and ask if he's familiar with the "Story People", since he served his mission in Iowa.

Mahalo plenty for da kine, ElJay... I hope to meet you in January. Be sure to let me know when you're arriving.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
[Big Grin] I'm glad it got there, and even more glad that you liked it.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I'm rather despondent about the present I sent out at this point. I mailed it via priority mail a week ago Monday, and I don't think the recipient has gotten it yet. I didn't sign up for delivery confirmation or anything - I just trusted that priority mail was a safe way to go.

[Frown] I've never had something get lost like this before.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Annie, Priority mail can get held up in Dec. I'd wait another week, then ask the recipient if they got it. If they didn't, report it to the post office, they may be able to find it sitting in a branch somewhere.
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
FedEx said the gift for my person was delivered on Monday, but they haven't said anything about it. Was it such a bad gift that you don't want to say anything about it? [Razz]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I think FedEx is lying to you - I got it today - you can even ask slacker! [Taunt]

John mentioned to me this morning that a couple boxes had come for me. I assumed it was two orders I'd been waiting for. It's probably a good thing he didn't tell me that one of the boxes was from Godiva - I'd never have been able to survive the rest of the day at work knowing there was a box from Godiva with my name on it at home. And with scrumptious dark chocolate truffle cocoa mix in it! Mmmmmmmmm! I'm so excited to taste it! Thanks a ton, lady! You're awesome! [Kiss]

[ December 15, 2004, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: ludosti ]
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
[Blushing] You're welcome! [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Annie, do you still have the receipt from the post office? Priority mail IS trackable online(here), if you have the package number.

*checks FAQ* Oops, I guess not. That's only if you used ClickNShip (which I did). Sorry . . .

[ December 16, 2004, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Annie, I got it!! [Big Grin]

I even posted on this thread. [Razz]
(on page 1)

[ December 16, 2004, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Miro ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Oh, yay! I was so worried it had gotten lost!

(Miro got her package! Hooray!)
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
How did I miss that?

<----- brain dead

Back to paper-writing for me!
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Christy!!! [Kiss]

That was so much fun! When my mom saw me unpack the candy, she said I was acting like a little girl. But then she wanted o taste everything [Big Grin]

My favourites:

The chocolate - deeeelicious!!! I love coffee flavored chocolate, and this was one of the best I've had

Jawbreaker - my mom was very suspicious. Are you sure it's edible, she asked! [Big Grin]

And the maple candy pilgrims - I have no heart to destroy them yet, so for the time being, they are standing on my shelf. I'm saving them for Christmas [Big Grin]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Kama, that is my favorite chocolate bar [Smile]

I love that your mom got so excited, too! Yay!

The pilgrims really are cute, but boy are maple candies good!
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Christy, what kind of chocolate did you sent Kama? That sounds GOOD...
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Here's an entertaining story:

I have a slight head cold (Hilarious, I know - don't worry, it gets better!). I slept from about midnight to 10:45 this morning, with a couple brief interruptions. One was because of my stupid mis-set alarm clock. The other was more odd. I heard a tapping noise that sounded like someone rapping on our glass patio door. I looked at the clock, listened for a bit, and realized I didn't have to get up because my roommates were up and getting the door. I went back to sleep.

I got up around 10:45, got dressed, and went to the TV. I noticed DS9 was on SpikeTV (love that channel!), so I flipped it on, grabbed a potato roll, and sat on the couch for a while. My roommate Kristen came out of the bathroom and we started talking and whatnot. She was heading out the patio door to turn in her final lab report when she looked down and fairly shouted "What's this?"

I asked "What's what?" and looked over the back of the couch. It was a box! From! I couldn't make out the printing on the label, but that mystery was soon solved - Kristen said "It's... for you!" as if she were surprised. I actually leapt over the back of the couch, figuring (rightly) that it was my Hatrack gift. I tore into the box, to find two wrapped presents, squealing all the way, and now I'm in a state of bliss.

So thank you, Becky! [Big Grin] I'd been thinking about buying Sean Astin's book for myself, but it's even better as a present. And the Gollum docu-book looks awesome! I had to run to work and I've got an exam tomorrow, so a full book report will have to wait a bit, but YAY! Huge hugs for you! [Big Grin]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Sorry, Mack, I never remember the brand. It is an espresso truffle dark chocolate that I first found at Target and Cost Plus World Market also has it. Perhaps Kama remembers?
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Seattle Chocolaes

Pike Place Espresso

Truffle Bar.

What, you thought I'd get rid of it so quickly? [Big Grin]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I still have 1/8th of it left. Want some?


(it was supposed to say 1/4th, but I ate half of it during typing)
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I just got a package,
I just got a package,
I just got a package!
Wonder who it's from?

It's from Leonide and Strider! How absolutely fantabulous! And it comes in a Norman Rockwell tin [Big Grin] and it contains all sorts of fabulous little toys and some European chocolate!

Wow. I am having a great day! Thanks guys!

*back to work*
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :

oh, annie. you got something else coming that was mailed like THREE DAYS earlier than that tin...with a message that says "there's more to come" so...when you get that...there's no more to come.


but we're really glad you liked it cause we had way too much fun picking it all out!
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
*impressed at Kama's restraint*
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
I finally sent my package. 2-3 day mail, I guess Tuesday arrival?

Still December! =)
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
Carrie, I'm glad you got them.

I got mine today, too, and I was going to wait till christmas to open them all, but my roomates wouldn't leave me alone until I opened them.

Mrs M, I LOVE my cute girly stuff. I so rarely ask for or buy girly stuff, that it's really fun when i get it. I adore the pink fuzzy socks, and the burt's bees stuff is awesome. I'm going to get addicted and have to use it all the time, now.


[ December 16, 2004, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: kwsni ]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Oh, I LOVE Burt's Bees lip balm. I haven't tried any of the other stuff, but I'm sure it's awesome. [Big Grin]
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
Ooooh! I arrived home to find a small box in my mailbox. I thought, "Could this be?"

Sure enough, I open it to discover a small black bag containing an awesome ring [Smile] .

Thank you so much, imogen! I'm very impressed with your extrapolation from what I must only assume was poking about my website. It's a poison ring, with a hematite stone on the top [Smile] . I love silvery jewelry, poison, and hematite! Heehee. No, really, I do. Okay.. not so much poison itself, but weapon-rings.

Mmmm. Here's a quick picture of the ring. Ignore the weird splaying of my fingers. Trick of the angle. Really [Smile]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
[Big Grin]

I'm glad you like it - I was a little anxious about buying jewellry but I saw you liked hematite and I thought it was kinda cool.

Happy December!

[Big Grin]

(I *like* giving presents)

Edit: And yes, it was your website. I'm not stalking you... No really I'm not. [Wink]

[ December 17, 2004, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: imogen ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Hey! I thought my present was already awesome, and today I got another one!

Leonide and Strider sent me a book I've never heard of but am very excited to read - The Eyre Affair. It looks totally great.

Thank you so very very much!

(I probably should have waited so I could open it on Christmas. Maybe I'll make myself wait to read it until Christmas. [Smile] )
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Oooh, I LOVE those books!
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Oh Sara, thank you SO much !
Sara gave me a beautiful set of winter accessories : a hat, a scarf and gloves, all bright red exactly as I like ! How did you know my own started to get old and I wanted to replace them ? I guess it's all the magic of being a secret Santa. [Kiss]
Now, let me tell you how I discovered it.
I was going out this morning to put the paper and glass into the recycling conteners at the end of the street. I looked distreetly in my mailing box and saw... A package ! Coming from the USA ! So I hurried with my bags to the end of the street, came back to my home, took the box, climbed the stairs, opened my door and shouted to Vincent : "It's here" ! First he said "what ?" but when he saw me he understood. I put my coat on my chair in front of my computer, and started to open the box (under the attentive look of both Vincent and his camera, so I'll send pictures ASAP). I saw on the box it was from Sara, and I was so happy and curious at the same time ! There was a card, and something carefully wraped with paper and a ribbon with little plastic bear and cherries. That itself made me smile so hard I nearly cried of joy. In the paper there was this beautiful set, and I shouted out loud ! It's such a wonderful choice ! After that I put another jumper (for color reasons [Smile] ) and tried them. They fit me perfectly ! I read the card, which was as beautiful outside than inside.
And now I'm here, in the front of my computer, so happy I must do a million language and typing mistakes, to say thank you very, very much, to Sara who is the most wonderful secret Santa, and to Kat who organised all this.
[Hat] and [Kiss] , ladies !
That's going to be a perfect day. [Smile]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Aw Anna, that's a great story! Your happiness is infectious! [Big Grin]

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

and my grammar is terrible! [Big Grin]

[ December 18, 2004, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Narnia ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
[Big Grin] Fabuleux! What a fun story.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :

Clara, that was awesome. Between the fabulous chocolate, the random 1960's negative, the shiny case, and my favorite: the happy pink button with a bunny that says "I hate everything."

[Big Grin]
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Dear not-quite-so-secret-anymore Santa,

I got the card from UPS today when I went home, but the store's not open til Monday. I will probably get a chance to get it when I go home for break. When I get the package, I will re-re-re-resurrect this thread (though this is hardly the season for it..) and thank you for whatever it may be. [Smile]
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
*grins* at mack. I figured, with enough random toys thrown at you, something had to hit =)
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
sarcasticmuppet, thank you so much for the bracelets! That's the one piece of jewelry I have very little of. I wore them to the last faculty party of the season - they matched my outfit perfectly.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Hm. Not only have I not received my gift, the person to whom I mailed a gift back on the 9th has not responded. Clearly, there is a hole in the Universe.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*mopes* Clearly.
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
*joins the mope*

space opera
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*wonders if she or Opera is supposed to have received Tom's gift* [Big Grin]
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Since I received mine saturday and Sara mailed it about 3 days before I mailed mine, if it works in both ways my victim should receive it before Christmas.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
I posted this a while back, but in case my wonderful gift giver didn't see it -- the address for me = at my brother's in NJ, so I won't actually be there to get it for a few more days yet.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Rivka: Nope. [Smile]
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I want to know if my victim got mine too!
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Yay, Anna! [Big Grin]

You look absolutely beautiful in red.

The ornaments (little apples, the bear, etc.) were from my mother's last Christmas package to me. Although they are just tidbits, they had much sentimental value for me.

She would have been delighted to have something of hers travel to France. [Smile]

(Now, do you like chocolate?)
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Tom, your gift is coming from quite a long way away. No doubt it's still in transit.

Dear Katie's recipient,

It's on its way, but the people at the post office kept telling me scary customs stories. Good thing this is a December exchange. [Smile]
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
My person hasn't gotten theirs yet either. [Frown] I hope it makes it there.
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
[The Wave]

Oh my gosh! I'd been reading Anna's frets that her package got to her person, but I had no clue her person was ME!!!! Our post lady pulled up in our driveway and handed me a package from France this morning! That in itself was mighty cool. Oh, and it had tres cool French Disney stamps on it too!

Anna, thank you so very much. Your letter was so sweet and I could tell how much thought you put into my gifts. I appreciate it, and you as well. [Smile]

So, wonderful Anna sent: a beautiful, gorgeous, can't say enough about it blue silk scarf from India. She included in her note that it's what is called "commerce solidaire," which means the people who made it were fairly paid. She also sent yummy yummy Belgium chocolates, which I had to immediately hide from my daughter. (she had great fun opening the package with me!) In addition generous Anna sent a delightful-smelling packet of herbs as well as a holiday container to contain them. My favorite gift was a picture CD that she included. It has absolutely beautiful pictures from Chartreuse, which she said is a mountain country near Lyon. Oh Anna - you are a great photographer! After I pick my favorite I'm going to have it printed and framed.

Merci beaucoup, Anna! I never expected such thoughtful gifts; your letter enclosed in the card actually made me tear up a bit. You've definately made my day. [Smile]

space opera
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
I know someone is probably wondering if I have recieved something yet. I have not. Still looking for it daily.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
*joins the mope*

But with the whole other side of the planet thing, I'm not complaining!

Edit: Yes Imogen, Australia isn't the same country as the USA...

[ December 20, 2004, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: imogen ]
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
I have to admit that I've been anxiously checking for mail or UPS or Fedex way more than usual. I'm really looking forward to my gift.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
I hope my gift didn't get lost in the mail! Victim: I sent it! I did!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
It arrived! It arrived! It arrived!!!!!!

Jeniwren, you are the most awesomest! And there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD you stayed within the financial constraints of the rules. But I don't care - cuz I SO SCORED!

I'm gonna tell the whole story, not just what was in the gift. Cuz, well, this is a whole other country with a whole other culture we're talking about here, and it's interesting to me, so in my egomaniacal way, I think you'll find it interesting, too! [Big Grin]

We take the trishaw to the post office - I've never been there before, so this is a new experience for me. It's way the heck and gone far away from us. Relatively speaking, of course. We arrived at around 11:45 am, and given that their lunch breaks are advertised as 12 to 1, we knew there was a possibility that they'd say, "Oh, too late. Come back after lunch." But they didn't.
We presented our stack of paperwork to one guy at a counter in the middle of nowhere. He wrote some stuff down in a log book and gave one of our copies to another guy, then told us our number and had us sit down, which we did. There were counters for air freight, sea freight, cashier, and other related things. There were probably 25 or 30 employees, at least half of which seemed to have nothing to do most of the time. They just stood around waiting. Whatever.

Finally, our parcel came out, but we had to wait a bit longer because there were others in front of us. Finally, we were called to the counter.
The counter runs along the wall and around a curve, and for the most part, there are glass partitions on top of the counter. I presume to protect the postal employees. We go stand in the air freight section and stand there, waiting our turn.

All the parcels are being opened, one at a time, on a small table. The man before us had two long narrow parcels that, when opened, had bolts of fabric inside. The postal employee who was recording the contents took the manufacturers tag to write down the fibre content of the material. How detailed!

Finally, it came to our turn. Compared to almost everything else, our parcel was very small - a foot by ten inches by about four inches thick.

Now comes the warning. Before we even got here, Fahim warned me that they might just open it up, take all the candy out, and give us whatever's left, if anything at all. This, of course, breaks my heart, but I still want to give it a try anyway. And the paperwork we received indicated that the contents were candy, so there was a good possibility that we wouldn't get everything/anything.

Anyway. They open up the parcel, and it's a bunch of smaller items all wrapped in Christmas paper. The postal employee immediately drops it back in the box and closes it.

Everything I've ever read says that when you send presents overseas, you never wrap them in wrapping paper because the postal employees will just rip it off anyway. Apparently not so. Apparently, we supremely lucked out. Fahim tells me - and has told me - all sorts of horror stories of things being taken out of parcels in front of the recipients and absconded by the postal employees.

Fahim told me about when he went to get our parcel from my sister and family - something he hadn't told me before. One of the items in the parcel was a stuffed Canadian moose. Fahim says that the employee picked it up, fondled it, and looked like he wanted to keep it. Another employee looked at this one, shook his head, and the first one put it back. So, evidently, we were lucky to get that Canadian moose.

Fahim says that it's obvious that the contents are a gift - well, wrapped in wrapping paper, I have to agree - and that's why they were left alone. Seasonal items. Lucky lucky break. If they hadn't been wrapped, it's likely we wouldn't have gotten all/any of it. Thank you, Jeniwren!

We're then told how much we'll be charged - Rs. 100. No problem, no biggie, and I'm so definitely willing to pay that amount. So we're shuffled off to the next person who fills in the paperwork indicating the contents, who then passes it on to the person who'll be taking our money. All told, we've talked to a half dozen different employees. I say we, but it isn't really we. It's Fahim. Mostly in Sinhalese.

In the meantime, a couple of boxes after us were being opened, and the contents were very securely placed in the box. Rigifoam around the objects, and then liquid foam into all the empty spaces to make sure that nothing moved. Or, at least, that's what we assume based on the fact that as they opened the cardboard box, the foam was attached to the box, which they literally had to peel, chip, and flake away from the rest of the foam. They tore that box and the foam to shreds, and it's pretty obvious that whoever sent it DID NOT want the contents moving.

At least ten, but more likely fifteen, minutes later, it's finally determined that it's artwork. Statue. And there's a tonne of foam debris and cardboard debris all over the floor.

We pay our rupees and leave.

Yay! I got the present!

I open it up, and what's inside? First things first. A Christmas card from Jeniwren. Jeniwren, for the record, I used to live in Vancouver, British Columbia, and I've driven through Bellingham more times than I can even think of counting. And now I'm homesick for that area! I even miss my favorite Mexican restaurant in Bellingham. It's all pretty funny.

Anyway. The card. It's handmade. Three layers of various types of paper and hand-stamping on the front - beautiful. And hand-stamped inside. It's beautiful. Jeniwren went to a lot of effort.

The presents. There were six wrapped gifts inside. Six. When I opened them up - and some had cute little kidlet wrapping paper, some had very dignified very nice wrapping paper - guess what I found? Chocolate and candy, and lots of it!
Inventory of Gift Received

Oh me oh my! I'm in chocolate heaven!
It's all in the fridge now. Have to refrigerate stuff like that here. Two major reasons.

1. Heat. Chocolate is melted at room temperature here, and will also go bad very fast.

2. Ants. They'll smell it, and they'll find a way in.

And we tend to ration out our candy/sweets/chocolates, so we'll be enjoying this for a while.

I'm in heaven, I'm in heaven. . . [Party]
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Space Opera, I'm so happy it arrived at last ! I was worried it would have been lost or something. And I'm very happy the gifts pleased you, especially the scarf - I tired to choose from the picture of you I had, but it's always complicated to choose these things for someone else ! I feel like all this Hatrack exchange made a wave of joy and happiness all around the world and it's really wonderful !

[ December 21, 2004, 05:13 AM: Message edited by: Anna ]
Posted by Choobak (Member # 7083) on :
It's fun this story of gifts ! Good Idea. I'm sorry to arrive here and read this topic too late, else I could take part...
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
My victim should have theirs any day.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Yayy!! I'm so happy you got it! I was agonizing over what to write on the customs form because I knew what you'd said about candy not actually making it there, but I just couldn't think of anything else to call it. I'm so glad it didn't make a difference -- as for wrapping the presents, I *had* to do that -- they were for Christmas, and Christmas presents should be wrapped. The Bugs Bunny paper was my son's suggestion.

I meant to mention on the card...the aplets and cotlets almost didn't make it into the box, because they're my husband's favorites and I'd forgotten to tell him about my planned Hatrack adventure in sending gifts to Sri Lanka. I got him his own box, and yours made it out safe and sound. [Smile]

I'm so happy you got it intact. Merry Christmas!
Posted by Vána (Member # 6593) on : seems that my victim has not yet recieved their present. [Frown]

Though, I've not received one yet, either, so it's alright, I won't worry yet. [Smile]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Jeniwren, please tell your son that his choice of wrapping paper was my favorite. [Big Grin] It was so cool to have everything wrapped. It was so much fun!

Fahim unwraps things carefully enough that he could reuse the wrapping paper. It's what people here do, you see. But me? I'm a total ripper! Shred the stuff! It's in my way! I want the present now and anything that's in my way gets destroyed! Well, maybe not quite like that, but pretty close. . . [Wink]

I'm looking forward to trying everything. I've never had Ghirerdelli chocolate anything before, so this ought to be interesting. I'd only ever bought the cheapest chocolate chips (except for one time that I bought chocolate flavored chips, but that's a whole other story involving talcum powder cookies . . . [ROFL] And we won't get into that now!) So the really good chocolate chips ought to be interesting. Now to decide how I'm going to use them . . .

Jeniwren, you are the coolest! [Kiss] Thank you thank you thank you and thank you [Kiss]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Thank you, Maui Babe! [Smile] I got your present today, and quite enjoyed the vacation. *grin* Although I must admit that at first I thought, "Gee, that's the grainiest POG I've ever seen." *blush*
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Imogen, I know that yours is on it's way.
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
Miss Procrastination, the Supreme Wibbler (that'd be me) finally got her gift exchange present mailed out to her victim yesterday. [Roll Eyes] Well, it beats mid-January, which is when I sent out last year's gift. I mailed it Priority Mail, so it should arrive in time for Christmas.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Vana and Lime, yours should be there any day now. It was supposed to be there Friday, but I guess things are delayed around Christmas. [Smile]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I got a package! I got a package! I got a--

. . . wait a second . . .

Rats. It's just the sock holders I ordered. [Razz]

*hums* Something's coming, don't know when
But it's soon . . .

Something's coming, something good
If I can wait.

I don't know what it is
But it is
Gonna be great!

Come on - deliver!

maybe tonight . . .
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
TomD [Wave]

I'm glad you finally got it... my girls and I had a good time putting it all together. They were especially happy about going to the beach to get the sand. We don't go often enough. We didn't stay for long - just long enough to fill a cup with sand and get our feet wet, but it was revitalizing nonetheless.

Are you familiar with POG? I thought it was a local product.
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
rivka I just did the same thing!
except it was an unexpected gift from my brother in Cali.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Katharina, it arrived!


I was having a pretty bad morning and then a van pulled into my driveway! And beeped! And a package for me came out of it! Covered with about a billion layers of sticky tape! (I had to resort to a knife in the end to get it open).

It's perfect. I love the brooch. [Big Grin] The barbeque book looks nummy and the other books looks really interesting (I suspect Tony may steal it from me for the first read...). And the postcards! (Don't mess with Texas [Big Grin] ) And the chocolate!

Thank-you so much. It really cheered me up and I needed some cheering up badly. I owe you big time.


[ December 22, 2004, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: imogen ]
Posted by Scythrop (Member # 5731) on :
And I want to throw my own thanks your way as well - even though the present was intended for Imogen, I suspect I might get to try a *tiny* bit of chocolate [Big Grin]

We both needed cheering up this morning and your gift helped immensely...

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do [Wink]

Thanks heaps Katharina
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Okay, now I'm getting frustrated.... I mailed mine ten days ago and my recipient still hasn't posted to say it's been received. =( It was only a card-sized envelope, not a big box, so you'd think there wouldn't be anything to tempt a greedy postal worker...
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I admit. At first I didn't get it. In fact, even though I was amused, I was a little bit baffled. There was no way, I thought, for mack to know the crazy jones I had for firefighters as a result of an obscure Japanese comic.

I didn't get it... Not until about 2:10, when I was writing in my journal. Here is an excerpt, verbatim except for a little French correction.

"...I got my secret santa package from Jamie, it was a fire truck and fire truck kids book. It's cute, not what I was expecting and a little disap........ I JUST F**KING GOT IT. Damn am I stupid!! It was a fire truck to remind me of the fire trucks at KamaCon and When I said she was lying and Oh man that's awesome. She's totally the BEST. (sigh) Yeah, awesome..."

[Smile] Man am I an idiot. [Smile] ^_^ But now an amused idiot. ^_^ Thank you so much Jamie. Even though I was a little slow on the uptake, it made my day.

Edit: Oh, also. --|-- [Razz]

[ December 23, 2004, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Ryuko ]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
*delighted* I'm so glad you like it. [Smile]

The brooch, I must tell you, comes from my co-worker. I told them I was preparing a Texas package for someone in Australia and she brought it to my office to include.
Posted by Vána (Member # 6593) on :
Kama, we got our present yesterday!! Oh, it's just wonderful! Thank you so much. [Big Grin]

It was such a wonderful suprise to get a package from Poland! And such gifts! She sent us a pair of slippers each, as well as a tiny pair (which she insisted in her letter is not a hint, but I have my doubts [Wink] ), a pair of mittens (I wore them all night last night and again this morning), two pairs of socks, and a little stuffed lamb (another reason I doubt her "it's not a hint" line [Big Grin] ). Everything except the lamb was handmade in southern Poland! They're so wonderful. Thank you so much, Kama!

Oh! I can't believe I almost forgot, the very nicest part - she also included traditional wafers to eat on Christmas Eve, I think, I'll have to check the letter again, and explained that the family all eat it together and forgive any hurts of the last year. She even kept a piece so she can share with us! How wonderful is that?

Kama, again, thank you so much. We just love everything. Happy December and Merry Christmas to you!
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Okay, now I'm getting frustrated.... I mailed mine ten days ago and my recipient still hasn't posted to say it's been received.
me too Goody... [Frown]
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
xnera -- I got it! Thanks!! [Smile]

I'm gonna wait to Xmas to open it though -- it's just a couple days, I can wait that long.

I think.

*shakes package*
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
Yay! I'm glad the post office came through and delivered it within the two days like they were supposed to. [Big Grin]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Mrs. M, I'm way glad you liked my gift (I really love the silver/ab black beads, they go great with just about anything [Big Grin] ).

But I noticed when I was at the Post Office ready to send them off that I made one of the loops a little too small, making it possible for the silver beads to fall off [Embarrassed] .

It's relatively easy to fix with some roundnose pliers, if you or anyone you know is crafty and has a pair. [Smile]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
[Big Grin]

Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
aw, Dragon, I did! I promise...I think I must have done it on the gift exchange thread instead of here, and if so, I'm sorry!

I got it a while back and was so touched. The picture you did of Christian is wonderful. I've got it in my pile of lovely things that will eventually be put into his scrapbook. And the kitten book is perfect -- my daughter's favorite little playmate is my best friend's new kitten Princess. And she loves stickers. Loves them. So I'm saving the book for Christmas day to enjoy with her.

Thank you so much for the time and thoughtfulness you put into your gifts! I was very touched. (((Dragon)))
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Okay, it's Christmas Eve Eve, and I still haven't heard from my recipient despite the fact that I sent the gift out weeks ago.

Is it there?
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
I'm still awaiting my gift and I really need a pick-me-up right now.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
jeniwren: yay!
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Tom, I'll try to find out.
Posted by Mean Old Frisco (Member # 6666) on :
My gift arrived today, Tom, and I'm eagerly awaiting an opportunity to find some friends to get addicted to a new card game. [Smile]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I still haven't heard from my recipient. Katie, did you get it? Did'ja? Huh? Huh?
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
quid, I'm afraid I won't see it until I get back in January. I had a slip for a package that came the day before I left, but it was in the building office and I left the next morning before it opened, so I haven't seen it. [Frown] I think it came, and it means I get to enjoy the gift-recieving part for much longer. [Smile]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
But at least it sounds like it's there, and that has me happy. Thanks for letting me know! [Big Grin]
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
*sniffs package*

Hmm. Smells like cardboard.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I can't believe you're waiting, plaid!

Mine arrived on the 20th, and I still tore into it like nobody's business! [Evil Laugh]
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
No package today, the mail doesn't run tomorrow, and I'm leaving Sunday for three weeks in New Zealand. Guess I'll get it when I get back.
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
My present came today. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Thank you, Kwea. I got a book light that clips to the book, so it's easier to read.

[Hail] Kwea
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
I just realized that I forgot to thank Jenni. Kwea and Jenni, thank you.

[Hail] Kwea and Jenni
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
*Licks package*

Mmmm... cardboard...


OK, I finally opened it!

It's a Monty Python Daily Calendar, with bits of dialogue and pictures from Monty Python. Yum!!

So I thought, OK, I'll be patient, and I'll wait and turn over a new page every day...

Nah, I've already read half of it [Smile]

Yow, I've actually forgotten a lot of these bits, I've got to go back and watch the old shows again...

And for a nice random bit, there's a Snow Bubble-type pen of Buckingham Fountain in Chicago. I've got relatives in Chicago, so I can plan some randomness around this for next time I'm there...

Yay, xnera! Thanks!!
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Did my package ever arrive????????????
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
I just opened my gift from; Arthur, TheTick and the Ticklet. They sent a selection of products from their region, some Dinosaur Bar-B-Que sauce, some maple syrup and some sponge candy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll provide some further description following sampling.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I'm glad it finally got there, even if it was after Christmas. Slow running mail... [Grumble]

The sauce is from a biker bar out by Syracuse (and Rochester). My brother in law (and now whoever travels out there) HAS to bring back a heap of BBQ here whenever they pass by. The maple syrup is from a farm that some folks in our church have part ownership in, IIRC. We actually went and saw the facility, it's pretty neat how they make it. Sponge candy is another Buffalo staple. [Smile] I wanted to included some Chiavetta's sauce (used in chicken BBQ) but it's usually only around in the summer.

editing for content/linkage

[ December 27, 2004, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: TheTick ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
happyhappyjoyjoy! [Big Grin]

We walked in the front door, and I saw right away that there was a package waiting for me! I think I squealed with delight -- I certainly did something that made my almost-11-year-old roll her eyes. She's says she's just glad I won't ask everyday as we get home if there's a package for me. *giggle*

Bookmarks! Lots of bookmarks! Jenny, how did you know I never have enough of them? And a lovely mildly scented soap, lavender essential oil cream (which smells divine), and bookplates, and an adorable fingertip towel (which I totally needed for the bathroom up here), and a wonderful card -- complete with a stunning photo and an original masterpiece by young Miss Gardener. [Smile]

My kids' favorite part is the bubble wrap. [Wink]

*dances* Thank you, Jenny Gardener! [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*thwaps self in head*

I forgot to mention the coolest part! Our very own Gardener sent me a mini garden! Flower seeds and a mug clearly painted to be used as a flowerpot. Perfect for a window garden in the kitchen. [Big Grin]

Thanks again, Jenny! [Smile]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
No, Goody. Nothin. [Frown]
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
Rivka, it was fun collecting all the goodies for you!

I also wanted to thank Josh for his note that made me weepy in a good way. No package yet, but I look forward to it with great anticipation!
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
So, no package yet... still waiting!

But don't give away your identity just yet. I like to be surprised when it comes. [Smile] Besides, there's never any mail on shabbat!

Maybe it'll come tomorrow.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Me neither. Maybe a reindeer ate it.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Posted by The Real Katharina (Member # 7178) on :
Raia and Boon, I KNOW y'all's are on their way. Those who have not seen your victim's post thank yous and are therefore uncertain if the gifts have arrived, could you e-mail me? I want to make sure everyone is taken care of. [Smile]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Thanks, Kat... the mail here is really weird, so I'm not unduly worried.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Katie, when do you go back home? So I know when you expect to see it?

Oh, I haven't heard from my victim yet, either. [Big Grin]
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
Raia, my parents told me I got a package from you, so I shall open it when I get back to the States. Thank you! [Smile]

*writing from an internet cafe in Taupo*
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
*wonders where the heck Taupo is*
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
She's in New Zealand, quid.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
No hearings here...
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Boon, I'm working on a replacement for you since the Post Office reindeer seem to have developed a taste for fabric and Fray Check. Hopefully I'll have the new one in the mail by the end of this week.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
[Kiss] Coccinelle [Kiss]

You are the coolest person ever. The journal is BEAUTIFUL. The note is lovely. And the chocolate looks divine! [Smile] *big hug* Thank you thank you thank you thank you! You made the journal cover, right? It's soo gorgeous! And those are EXACTLY the colors that I love!!! [Kiss] You're wonderful! Thanks, Coccinelle!

(edit: It also came at the perfect time, January 2nd... I just finished one on December 1st, and was about to go out and buy a new journal!!!)

(2nd edit: I completely forgot to mention the ADORABLE little piggy charm!! It's so cute!!!)

And RRR, I'm glad it finally got there. [Smile] Sorry about the delay, I sent it aaages ago, but the mail here takes forever!

[ January 03, 2005, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Raia ]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :

That's wonderful of you. I keep going, and looking... [Cry]

Maybe you should send it to the house this time. Should I use the address in your profile to email it to you?

I think I'm officially [Angst] of the Post Office Reindeer.

[Grumble] Stupid post office people offering my gift as fodder...
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Boon, email in profile is good, I check that daily. [Smile] And I'd be less [Angst] of reindeer than [Grumble] [No No] at them! Naughty beasts! [Wall Bash]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :

Are you home yet? [Angst]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I think she was headed home today sometime, quid. [Smile]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Thanks, rivka. [Smile]
Posted by Coccinelle (Member # 5832) on :
I'm so glad you got the package and that you like it all, you have to let me know how that chocolate is, I haven't tried most of those yet. [Smile]

I'm still waiting for mine- it's been good though, I'm checking my mail more than the weekly check I used to do. [Smile]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Will do!

So far, I've had some of the cherry/sundried fruit one, the dark chocolate, which was divine. I haven't had any of the others, but I've had the Lindt truffles before, and they're simply delumptious! I'm really looking forward to happily demolishing this chocolate in the next week or two. [Smile]

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I had problems recieving my gift because the delivery company didn't want to leave it in the vestibule at my apartment complex. I was glad they were thinking of safety, but I told them to leave it under my mailbox.

The I left town for 4 days. [Big Grin]

It WAS still there when I came home, and I opened it today.

It was a wonderful coco sampler, with some mints as well. They sound wonderful, and I will have to beat off my wife just to make sure I get any of it, although of course I will share it with her.

Share it WITH her, not give it TO her....I have to make sure she understands me of I won't even get a taste!

She is a complete coco addict, really she is......

Thank you Vana and Lime! It was a wonderful gift, and I am sure I will love it....

If I can hide it somewhere so I get a taste or three... [Big Grin]


[ January 05, 2005, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Vána (Member # 6593) on :
Kwea, I am so glad you finally got your gift. [Smile] Frango is made by Marshall Fields, which started in Chicago. They're really lovely. I hope you enjoy them!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Jeniwren: I can TOTALLY understand why the aplets & cotlets are your husband's favorites. They're ours, now, as well. [Big Grin] Yum! (This is the thing about receiving candy & chocolate . . . It's the gift that keeps on giving.)

Katie Katie Katie. . . Did my gift to you suck that bad? Or aren't you home yet? Yep, I'm starting to get a bit impatient. And worried. [Frown]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Jenni and I had two of them today. It turns out that I got lucky...she doesn't like mint in her coco, soI get that one, and it was wonderful. She had the carmel and coco one and said it was really good. We use big coco cups so we needed to add extra coc, but it came out great.

Thank you again!
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
(Note: if you pronounce caramel correctly, it's harder to forget the "a.")
Posted by Coccinelle (Member # 5832) on :
Miro! They're perfect! Where did you find pink metal measuring spoons?

The bag to hold them is so cute! Ahhhh! Thank you!!!
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I got an extra bonus present from mack!! But I haven't been home to see it yet. I'm going home this weekend, tho. Then I will rant and love. [Smile]
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Quid, I'm so glad you like them! My husband is kinda a health nut and gives me no end of grief about the fact that I'm not. But aplets and cotlets are his weakness, so it gives me a measure of payback. [Wink] They don't last very long in my house.

Given what's going on in your area, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that I got to send your Hatrack Christmas box and you're getting to enjoy it for a while.
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Well, this is ironic.

quid, it didn't come. The notice that I had a package was for something from Utah, so I don't think it made it. Now, it could have been lost anywhere along the way from Sri Lanka to the ghetto management office of my apartment complex, which has a less than stellar record of vigilance, but I don't know. There's a sheet of packages coming in, and there wasn't a record of one for me since December 13, which I'd picked up.

[Frown] I'm sorry. Stupid complex.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
[Cry] I'm sorry it's not there yet. I wish it was.

When I mailed it off, the guy spoke no English, so I have no idea if it went airmail or boatmail. Yes, we have boatmail here. If it went by the slow boat, it could take longer. I'm sorry. [Cry] I think next time, I'll have to make hubby come to the post office with me and get him to ask questions. Either that, or I'll have to buckle down and actually learn the friggin' language. [Wall Bash]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Don't worry quid! She'll get it!
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
Still nothing here either.
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Mark, yours SHOULD be on its way. If it isn't there in a week, we'll organize torches or something

Quid, I went to the post office this morning. It arrived at the Post Office the day before I left for Utah, and since I was gone for two and a half weeks and couldn't pick it up, the lady said they SENT IT BACK. To SRI LANKA. !!!!! I'm not sure about that, but I'm calling them today.

I HATE my post office. It took three months for them to start forwarding my mail, and my mailman reads my Entertainment Weekly. [Grumble]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Boon, your replacement is going out in tomorrow's mail. I had a really rough morning and forgot lots of stuff at home this morning... including my train ticket. Good thing my conductor knows me =)
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Coccinelle -

Ebay. Where else? [Smile]

Glad you like them. I got the idea from a gift my sister gave my mom some years ago.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Katie, that totally bites! Make them retrieve it. Make them fix it! I don't want it back! [Cry] [Cry]

Wait a sec. Didn't they at least give you an attempted delivery slip or something? Damn post office. [Grumble]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Katie Katie!!!!!

It arrived! I can send it back to you again!!!! Please let me know if you want it sent back to the same address!!!!! Superfluous exclamation marks are necessary in this post, even if it drives you up the wall!!!!!! [ROFL]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :

It will be in time...

Just in time for NEXT Christmas.

Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
quid, make sure she doesn't leave Texas for a while first [Wink]

Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Um, I think that's why I'm verifying the address, but maybe I'm so bubbleheaded that that's just my imagination????? [Confused]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
no, I mean leave as in leave for the vacation. Like she did the last time. Even though the address was right [Razz]
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Well, yeah, that was implied. At least in my own mind. It was, it really really was. [Confused] Honestly and everything. [Angst]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
<-- very literal

Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Maybe we should just tie her to a chair or something. Or take away her passport and car keys. Or drain her bank account, with all proceeds going to me, of course, so she can't afford to go anywhere. Or. . . Um, yeah. That's all I've got. [Dont Know]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I'm sure Frisco would be quite happy to tie her to her chair [Razz]

... or a different piece of furniture....
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
That sounds like the voice of experience speaking,Kama... [Evil]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
hey, I was not the one doing pranks that deserve being tied to furniture.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I've never tied anyone to a chair. Never.

Packing tape, well now, that's a whole other story. . . [ROFL]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :

Quid! It made it back!! Oh, you are such an absolute darling to offer to send it again. Yes, I'm at the same address, and while I'll be taking little trips, I'm not going anywhere for longer than five days anytime soon. [Smile] [Smile]

I have greater faith in our postal system now - maybe this will make up for my dissapointment in my local post office.

You are so incredibly sweet. [Smile] [Smile] Thank you!!
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
kat, even if you go just for a few days, you could call them and ask to keep the package there for you, just in case.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
You don't have them stop your mail when you go out of town, even for a few days?
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
I made arrangements. They did not cover this.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Katie Katie!

There is no way I want you to not get your December gift. That just wouldn't be . . . nice. You need it. Well, need is a bit of a stretch, but still. Of course I'm going to send it again! Why wouldn't I?

I'll send it on its way again in the next couple of days.

Next question. Because you should have had it a couple of months ago, and you are, most likely, the last person to receive their gift, do you want spoilers on the contents? [Big Grin]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Well, at least I'm in good company.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Boon? Whatcha talkin' 'bout? Have you not sent yours? Or not received yours? Or had yours returned by the postal system? Fess up, now, Boon.
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
I didn't get a package. [Cry]

That's okay though. I have a birthday coming up in June...hey, maybe we could do a "Birthday Buddies" exchange. With some careful planning...hmmm...I'm gonna hafta think about that for a while...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Boon! I'm so sorry that happened to you! Did you tell Katie so she could track down your sender and light a fire under their butt?
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
WHAT????? The second one didn't arrive either????? I'm gonna go beat someone up at DesPlaines! And this time I even sent to the home address that you emailed me directly after the fiasco with the first one!
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
that, or Boon likes your gifts so much she wants more [Wink]

[Kiss] j/k Boon

[ March 02, 2005, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: Kama ]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Oh, Boon!!! I didn't know! There was one other person that didn't get a package, but I don't if one was even sent in that case. [Frown]

Quid, you don't have to send it again, but I'd be so delighted. I don't want spoilers on the contents - at this point, I think I'm going to frame the postmark. [Smile]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Seriously, I'd forgotten until I saw this thread again, what with tax time and all. It's okay. Really.

But I am still mulling over the "Birthday Buddies" idea. ('Cause that's just what I need - another project!)
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
How would it work? It sounds like an excellent idea to me, if I can understand the mechanics of it...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Katie, I'm sending it. You deserve to have a December gift same as the rest of us schlepps. Besides, I think you'll enjoy it. [Big Grin] Can I at least give you hints? [Evil]
Posted by Lady Jane (Member # 7249) on :
Bigger or smaller than a breadbox? *grin*
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Well, let's see...

1. Everybody interested could send me their birthdays and addresses and then I would assign the person who has a birthday before them to get a gift for. That way nobody would be sending a gift to the same person who sent them one.

2. I could pair everybody up with the person who has a birthday closest to them.

3. We could make it more random: assigning everyone someone mostly random, but definitely split up geographically and birthday-wise. This would make the gifter more of a surprise to the giftee.
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
I don't know yet if I will be part of it, but you sure should post a new thread about your idea, Boon.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Smaller than a breadbox. Of course, this is assuming normal North American size of bread box, not Barbie's playhouse size. [Big Grin]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
And I agree with Quid. Boon deserves a December gift too... but this time it's going to go FedEx!!!

I've got company this weekend so I won't be able to get to this till Monday, but I WILL get this out by the end of next week!
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
*bump* cause this thread was such a kick in the pants and the old one got me all nostalgic. [Smile]

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