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Posted by EyeOfTheTiger (Member # 7045) on :
What is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for you? The title pretty much says it all. It could be from a sibling, significant other, friend, teacher, student, mentor, whatever.
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
I had a summer job a few years ago as a camp coucilor. I found out that I'm very bad at it. I was also very miserable, because the working conditions weren't very good, the food wasn't very good, the lake (pond) made me sick if I swam in it, and I got exactly a half-hour of free time per day. Being an introverted person made life that much worse.

For my birthday, my mom drove up, I spent a night in a nice hotel, got a nice stereo, and a small album of photographs from home. I got to spend two days with her away from everything camp-like. It probably ranks as the best birthday I've ever had.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I've done Tai Chi for several years, and sword form is my favorite form. Last fall there was a sword form class for the first time in ages at the Y and I'd been going and using the one of the instructor's swords since I didn't have one. My boyfriend went out and got me a really nice one for Christmas, but he couldn't wait to give it to me so I got it in November. It was the perfect present. Everyone in my Tai Chi class was very jealous, they're mostly right on the cusp of retirement middle class men and women and they all agreed that my boyfriend was perfect.
Posted by Uhleeuh (Member # 6803) on :
Mine happened just the other day.

When I got home from school on Tuesday, my SO had a song waiting for me for which he had played the guitar, written the lyrics, and sang. It was defintely the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. [Big Grin]
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
So he's gotten better? Glad to hear it! [Smile]
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Not the sweetest thing, but certainly ranks right up there... I was living in Denver and was heading back to Washington to go to a friend's wedding. My then-boyfriend-now-husband was waiting for me in Seattle with an engagement ring and reservations at the Space Needle. Yes, that was very sweet. But he loved me and it was all very romantic.

But then my flight was delayed. For hours.

I was so happy to be heading to see my sweetie that I couldn't be down about the delay. I talked with the counter agent when she told me the flight was delayed and I said we had plans at the Space Needle that night and now it looked like we were going to miss our reservation, but if there was no way to get there sooner, I'd sure understand. The counter agent couldn't find me anything, but gave me free meal tickets for any place in the airport and upgraded my seat.

Considering she wasn't in love with me, I thought it was a very, very sweet thing to do.
Posted by EyeOfTheTiger (Member # 7045) on :
WheatPuppet, I'm quite introverted myself, so I know how that goes. It was really nice of your mom to do that. [Smile]

blacwolve, ooh, I'm jealous too. [Frown]

Uhleeuh, a song? That's nifty. What was it about? [Smile]

Phanto, huh? [Confused]

jeniwren, that was really nice of her. It's rare to find people like that out in the world. [Smile]
Posted by EyeOfTheTiger (Member # 7045) on :
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I was going to a con and I had spent the last few months working on a costume. Since I don't have any sewing skill to speak of, I mostly jury-rigged it out of already extant clothes. I had found a skirt that fit me but it was just a little too dark, so I tried to bleach it.

The first time, it was still too dark. I put a little more bleach in and ran it through again.

Still just a tad too dark, so I put it in one more time and when it came out...

Orange. Bright orange. I was upset. The con was two days away and I didn't have a skirt for my costume. I went to the walmart and got clothes bleach and the right color dye and resigned myself to probably having a crappy colored skirt.

Then I came home from work with my dye in tow and found that my mom had made me a skirt from scratch and it was the perfect color. On top of all the help she had for me in taking out the jacket.

My mom isn't really an anime fan, and this was an anime costume. The fact that she knew how much it meant to me and went to all that trouble really made me feel good. It was the nicest thing anyone's done for me.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
I've tried and I really can't think of one single 'sweetest thing' that someone has done for me. Maybe its cause I don't take note of individual sweet things, or maybe becuase no one has ever done something so sweet for me that it really stuck in my head. It may also just be becuase my memory is terrible, so things quickly get forgotten.

I can however think of a bunch of amazingly, amazingly sweet people who are always always there to pick me up when I'm down and give me a hug or a friendly ear to listen to me spout and rant. Raia is right at the very top of that list [Smile]
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
I can think of two things. One, when I first came out to Idaho for college (little less than 6 years ago), My birthday happened to come only 4 weeks after I arived, and since it was the first time I'd been away from home for more than a week, I was incredibly homesick. I didn't think I was going to have a happy birthday. However, my roomie decided to make a surprise birthday cake for me. Picked me right up.

Second, it's not really a sweet thing, but I can remember going into the ocean while I was at the beach with my family when I was about 4 years old. I almost drowned, but some guy on one of those little floating bed thingies swam out and saved me. I didn't realize the importance of that until I was about 16, because I was a kid and didn't realize I was in danger at the time...I've been thankful for that guy ever since.
Posted by babager (Member # 6700) on :
I was eating my lunch at work several years ago. When I bit into my ham sandwich it seemed a bit chewy. I took another bite- something seemed weird about the sandwich. I looked down at the half eaten sandwich and noticed something blue. Quite puzzled I opened up the sandwich for a closer look only to discover a half eaten love note!!! Luckily I did not eat the message on the note "I love you babager" I still have the note. [Big Grin]

btw--the note was from my husband who made my lunch for me everyday. [Kiss]

[ December 06, 2004, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: babager ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My love throws me like a rubber ball....


Seriously, I shall tell you (one of) the sweetest things my love has done for me:

Last May was my birthday, and my sweet boyfriend could have picked just about anything for a gift and I would have appreciated it. However, what he did was some research. I collect antique Oz books (I can't really say collect, seeing as I have four that my grandmother gave me and I'm not rich enough to buy any others: I suppose I aspire to collect). What he did was to look at a random snapshot I had taken of my bookshelf when I was being silly one day to see which ones I already had. He then ordered my the next one in the series (The Patchwork Girl of Oz - one of the best) and had it sent to me along with another book - a child's book called Rooster's Off to See the World, since I have always identified myself with a rooster and have a crazy constant desire to see the world.

It was disgustingly, stomach-achingly sweet of him.

[Kiss] Hobbes

Love ya, babe!
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
When I found out that EnderCon was going to be in Utah, I was disappointed, to say the least. There was no way that I, a high school freshman in DC, was going to get all the way to Utah for a SF convention.

I remember very clearly, I walked out of my sister's room (where the computer was) and into the TV room (where my dad was), and asked him, "So, you want to go to Utah?" My dad asked, "Why?" I was being sarcastic. He wasn't.

We ended up flying to Denver to visit family for a few days. Then we rented a car and drove across Colorado into southern Utah. We toured Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. We met the grandmother of someone my dad works with, who runs a museum in Helper, Utah.

We finally made it to Orem for EnderCon. I even got my dad (not a big book-reader) to read EG and SftD. EnderCon happened, and then we flew home.

It was an amazing trip. I still can't get over the fact that my dad took me all the way out to Utah for EnderCon. [Smile]

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