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Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Just in case anyone think there's such a thing as being too cynical about what happens to human rights when business teams up with government and bureacracy, here's a really alarming story. There was some coverage of this in the New York Post earlier this year, but it looks like most of the coverage right now is happening outside of the USA.

This is really recent history, too.

Link to entire article below, with excerpts:

New York's HIV Experiment

New York's HIV experiment
By Jamie Doran
Reporter/producer, Guinea Pig Kids

HIV positive children and their loved ones have few rights if they choose to battle with social work authorities in New York City.

Jacklyn Hoerger worked at the Incarnation Children's Center

Jacklyn Hoerger's job was to treat children with HIV at a New York children's home.

But nobody had told her that the drugs she was administering were experimental and highly toxic.

"We were told that if they were vomiting, if they lost their ability to walk, if they were having diarrhoea, if they were dying, then all of this was because of their HIV infection."

In fact it was the drugs that were making the children ill and the children had been enrolled on the secret trials without their relatives' or guardians' knowledge.

As Jacklyn would later discover, those who tried to take the children off the drugs risked losing them into care.

When I first heard the story of the "guinea pig kids", I instinctively refused to believe that it could be happening in any civilised country, particularly the United States, where the propensity for legal action normally ensures a high level of protection.

But that, as I was to discover, was central to the choice of location and subjects, because to be free in New York City, you need money.

I've had many ACS case workers tell me: 'We're ACS, we can do whatever we want'

Over 23,000 of the city's children are either in foster care or independent homes run mostly by religious organisations on behalf of the local authorities and almost 99% are black or hispanic.

Some of these kids come from "crack" mothers and have been infected with the HIV virus. For over a decade, this became the target group for experimentation involving cocktails of toxic drugs.

One of the homes to which HIV positive children were taken was the Incarnation Children's Center, a large, expensively refurbished red-bricked building set back from the sidewalk in a busy Harlem street.

It is owned by the Catholic church and when we attempted to talk to officials at Incarnation we were referred to an equally expensive Manhattan public relations company, which then refused to comment on activities within the home.

Hardly surprising, when we already knew that highly controversial and secretive drug experiments had been conducted on orphans and foster children as young as three months old.

We asked Dr David Rasnick, visiting scholar at the University of Berkeley, for his opinion on some of the experiments.

He said: "We're talking about serious, serious side-effects. These children are going to be absolutely miserable. They're going to have cramps, diarrhoea and their joints are going to swell up. They're going to roll around the ground and you can't touch them."

He went on to describe some of the drugs - supplied by major drug manufacturers including Glaxo SmithKline - as "lethal".

[ November 30, 2004, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: sndrake ]
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
Holy crap.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Un freaking believable!
Posted by babager (Member # 6700) on :
I don't know whether to be mad, sad, or disgusted.
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
[Wall Bash] [Mad] [Eek!]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
For some reason I haven't been able to bring up the BBC site. So based merely on the snippets here: [Mad]
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
It's like... super-villain evil...
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
sndrake, thanks for bringing this to our attention. What can be done to show this is not acceptable?

space opera
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
Stephen, this is even worse than that blood-substitute study you refered to recently. The ACS is almost Dickensian in it's contempt for the rights of it's clients. Shame on them! [Grumble] [Eek!] [Frown] [Wall Bash] [Angst]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
My mother told me when I was 2 or 3 and had cancer that they wanted to cut my arm off to experiment on me.. Something like that...
Then you have the radiation experiments in the past. Where do people put their consciouses?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
On the flip side of this is that fact taht I have been in experimental studied for drug treatments in the US while I was in the Army and nothing like this ever happened. we were so well informed that we had a Senate Oversight Commitee.....

weird, huh?

Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :



no no no no no no no no no NO!

Please tell me there's another side to this. That it's not really true. That the kids really do NEED those drugs. Oh please tell me this isn't really like they say it is in that article.

Oh yuck.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I guarantee there's another side, more to it than what's in the article.

I don't know that there's enough to the other side to make the stench go away, though. [Frown]
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
In the interest of fairness, here's a story featuring GlaxoSmithKline's spin, such as it is:

Glaxo Braves Fire Over HIV Drug Trials in Orphans

LONDON (Agence de Presse Medicale) - GlaxoSmithKline on Tuesday defended trials of HIV (news - web sites) drugs in orphans, saying "clinical trials involving children and orphans were legal and not unusual."

A BBC television documentary, "Guinea Pig Kids," being shown later today, revives criticism of company-sponsored studies at the Incarnation Children's Center, a New York care home that specializes in treating HIV.

A report in the Observer newspaper in April first highlighted the "scandal" of deprived HIV-positive children, including blacks and Hispanics, being enrolled in drug trials.

It said the city's health department had launched an investigation into claims that more than 100 children at Incarnation were used in 36 trials -- at least four co-sponsored by Glaxo.

Michael Weinstein, President of the AIDS (news - web sites) Healthcare Foundation, a U.S. group often critical of GSK, said in a statement today that the company was "being accused of exploiting one of our most vulnerable populations."

He quoted media reports saying that in some cases children were removed from foster homes when foster parents refused to give children the drugs.

Glaxo said regulatory agencies encouraged companies to conduct pediatric trials so that drugs can be appropriately prescribed to children. "Clinical trials involving children and orphans are therefore legal and not unusual."

The company said it had provided drugs for four trials conducted by the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group (PACTG) and funds and drugs for a fifth pediatric trial involving Columbia Medical Center.

"The PACTG designs and implements the studies. Companies like GSK will choose to provide medicine, funding, or not participate, based on a review of the trial design; but ultimate approval, control and execution of the study are the responsibility of the PACTG.

"This is appropriate, as long as such trials are conducted under the most stringent standards, and in compliance with the various state and federal laws and regulations regarding legal authority in the case of minors," the company added in a statement.

Posted by Toretha (Member # 2233) on :

more info. According to that article, they claim no new experiments since 2002. Not too clear if that means the old ones are still going on, or what.

Edit: no new experiments since 2000, and allexperiments halted in 2002.

[ November 30, 2004, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Toretha ]
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :

thanks for posting the link to the Alliance for Human Research Protection. I respect the quality and dedication of this group immensely. As a matter of fact, it was an email I received from Vera Sharav - who helped found the organization - earlier today, that caused me to hunt the original link to the BBC article down.

(Edited to make a complete statement and a really complicated awkward sentence at the same time.)

This particular link gives you access to other coverage of the scandal - this from the NY Post back in February this year. I don't think it's gotten a great deal of attention beyond that.

Maybe the presidential campaign kept this from becoming a big story in the USA??

I'm hoping that American media will be more or less embarrassed into picking up where the BBC left off.

More tomorrow...

[ November 30, 2004, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: sndrake ]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
I'm confused, who was actually doing the study? Just because one of Glaxo's drugs was used in the cocktail doesn't mean that they were the ones pushing for the experiment. Was it said somewhere and I just missed it?

Something seems off about the whole story, but I can't tell if that's because something really is off about it or becuase I really really want there to be something off about it.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :

I agree completely - this is much worse than the study going on here in the Chicago area.


So far, it's hard to tell who bears the largest part of the blame in this. The trials were conducted by doctors from the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. So far, though, it's been hard to determine just what combination of private and government funding was involved in this.

What's interesting in Glaxo's comments is that they're not denying there were - to say the least - problems with what was done with the orphans. They're busy pointing fingers at other players.

This is all just part of a bigger picture - the NY Times ran an article on how academic institutions have allowed pharmaceutical companies to control or prevent release of data in funded studies. One can understand why the pharmaceutical companies want to be able to prevent release of certain data - the fact that academic institutions are playing along just so they can feed at the trough is an abandonment of good research and ethical principles.

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