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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I feel like starting a pretty pointless thread. [Big Grin]

So today I've got a meeting with a speech therapist to evaluate my son at the school (in about an hour) and then this afternoon I have to take my oldest to a podiatrist to have her ingrown toenails cut out. (ballet is tough on the feet)

Then I'm going to get to work on some Christmas sewing projects.

Posted by K.A.M.A. (Member # 6045) on :
Am meeting my best friend.
Posted by WishfulWiggin (Member # 6823) on :
good luck Belle

Today I have class from now until after one, then I have to finish my Math Homework. I plan on working on an essay or studying for my physics prelim until about 12, when they have a midnight showing of the director's cut of donnie darko. Not that exciting of a day...
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
It's already 4:00 pm!

So far, I got up at 12:00 (no classes on fridays [Big Grin] ), and took my sister to where she was picked up for a trip with the girl scouts. Then I came home, ate something, took the laundry off the line, folded it, and am now Hatracking until my grandfather and great aunt come over for dinner at 7:00.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
another pointless work day [Grumble]

Then this evening I take my kids over to a church youth group function -- a party at the youth leader's home, in which each teen is supposed to bring something (game, food, etc.) that starts with the letter "P".

So my son bought a chili Pepper Pinãta, filled it with Peppermints, Paydays, Pixie Sticks, Peanut butter cups, and Peppermint Patties, and bought a Purple Pinãta Poker (bat) and a purple bandana to use as a blindfold.
(we had fun shopping for that last night)

Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Farmgirl, that is awesome! [Big Grin] So creative.

*waves* I'm off got to get the kids ready to go and try to convince Daniel not to talk well. [Big Grin]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I'm heading to a close out meeting on a 1-week project, then I fly home.

I also plan to stop coughing today. Wish me luck!
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
Pay the pile of bills... on time.
Pick up my prescription for Zyban.
Go to work and put in a good day.
Come home and enjoy being with my wife.
Sleep well and try to knock out a couple of home projects on Saturday.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
• Fill out and fax the paperwork on the refinancing that might be my last best chance to continue living in my house.
• Call in for absence Monday.
• Write lesson plans for same.
• Drop off kids with grandpa for the weekend. [Smile]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Well... let's see... *ponders*

...nothing. And then maybe some more nothing, yeah, that'd be nice. [Big Grin] I think I'll read a bit, game a bit, eat a bit, and go visit some friends tonight. Yup, sounds like a productive day to me!
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
Ok, right now I'm gonna go up to town and look for a poster for a certain event this tuesday. I'll look around and see if there's anyone I know around. Then I'm gonna come back here and start writing a speech for said event. After writing the speech I'll start writing a letter to my girlfriend. [Smile]

And then maybe I'll clean my room.
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
One last day of work before the weekend, woohoo! We're in the quiet period between month close and the finalisation of the ledger, so I am going to use the day to catch up on paperwork. I also am working on a special project in which I get to look up company information on the Internet.

During lunch I will read the latest issue of Discover. I love that magazine.

And then I shall go home and play Final Fantasy VIII, and possible order either real Chinese food, or a pizza. I also need to work on my NaNo novel a bit.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
...nothing. And then maybe some more nothing, yeah, that'd be nice. [Big Grin] I think I'll read a bit, game a bit, eat a bit, and go visit some friends tonight. Yup, sounds like a productive day to me!
I have a son just like you, twink......

[Big Grin] FG
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Oh, I forgot to mention - I have to send off a transcript request to the college I attended, because I had to fill out a new application for the spring semester. The discarded my old one, when I didn't start the semester I was originally planning.

A little frustrating, but my husband told me dealing with the hassles and bereaucracy is just part of the process, and part of what having a college degree means is that you can wade your way through all that kind of mess. [Big Grin]

He then reminded me of how much seemingly useless paperwork and how manyhoops I'll have to jump through when I have a real job again, and I shut up. [Wink]
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Got a meeting in half an hour to discuss a community service project. Then electrical networks class at 1:40. Tonight maybe I'll go do Aikido at the dojo, or I'll go see The Incredibles. Or both.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Going to-
Write this story
Get that form I have to get
Fill out this stupid other form I have to fill out
Go to the library and pick up books!!!!
Pay part of a bill >.<
Pay part of another bill
Rip these Don Giovanni CDs
Play the Sims 2 where I will make Dmitri and Carlos have a secret affair without Kelly and Lester finding out all because Carlos wanted to wich isn't even how my story goes....
I will make poor Margeret a boyfriend because she hasn't even gotten to date yet while her sister at least has someone.
And I will NOT let Amber hit on Emily's sisters. Shame on her!
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Over my lunch hour I plan on going over to the courthouse to see if I can get my speeding ticket changed to an administrative ticket and stay off my record.

Tonight I was planning on going out for drinks after work with my friend Ralph, but he had to cancel. [Frown] Now I don't know what I'm going to do.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Today's agenda? Work. Worry about sick Thomas. [Frown]

Go home. Eat something yet to be determined. Cuddle sick baby. Wipe his nose a lot.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :

[ November 05, 2004, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: Carrie ]
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
We're presenting our Annual Report concept to our CFO today. Hope he likes it. I don't feel like reworking the whole thing again. [Smile]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Be at work. Not much is going on here today, so I'm mostly surfing and playing games.

Maybe go grocery shopping on my way home.

Unpack the boxes of stuff that go in my desk. Maybe unpack the last of the kitchen stuff. Maybe hang up the new towel hooks in the bathroom.

Wake up my husband.

Go to dinner at my brother's house.

Go look at a stereo a guy has for sale.

After that, I don't lonely while my husband is at work, I suppose....maybe I'll have my mom come over and watch more Firefly with me (I introduced her to it yesterday).
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
Go to work: 8-12. Check.
Eat lunch and do reading for 2:00 class: 12-2.
Go to class: 2-3.
Go to work: 3-6.
Write at least one lesson plan: 6-7.
Eat dinner: sometime
Go on date with Jon Boy: sometime after that
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
Show up at work sometime between 8 and 9 - check
Keep chair warm while pretending to work for 6 hours - three hours done so far
Go home and have lunch
Go to gym and swim 30 laps
Come home, shower, use every hair and skin moisturizing product I own
Flop on couch and read The Dark Tower
If I get tired of reading The Dark Tower before I fall asleep, do some cleaning

[ November 05, 2004, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Stray ]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
class: 12-1
lunch: 1-2


(And I might go and see a play, but that's still largely under debate.)
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Well, I had a class that I almost absolutely had to go to at 9:30. I now *must* be there next week. And I've had an assignment sitting in front of me that I've been trying to start for about 12 hours that's due around 4:00. I worked for the prof last summer, I'm sure she won't mind if it's late. Then I'm supposed to spend a few hours in the lab today, but I think I'll just analyze my data from last night and check out early. Let's see, then I've got another assignment that I really need to finish early this weekend so I leave myself time to polish off my presentation for my thesis proposal.

So, basically, I'm going to sit around in my skivvies, play computer games and read books and stick my fingers in my ears shouting "la la la!" when someone points ought all that I ought to be doing.

I'm nothing if not consistent and years of practice have made me very good at what I do [Smile]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
- Print out first 25 references.
- Pull up data on mono for Farmgirl, doublecheck to make sure they screened for Lupus
- Check up on Thomas
- Hang out at coffeehouse and start writing out analyses of references (thus doubling that section of paper, yay)
- Eat lunch alone [Frown] but with Cohen biography to nose through [Smile]
- Finish analyses
- Join Dave for soup at next-door cafe
- Make plan of attack together for the next few months
- Home -> laundry -> work emails -> crash on couch with Beau, Gussie, Dave, and Mr Floppy

A little frustrating, but my husband told me dealing with the hassles and bereaucracy is just part of the process, and part of what having a college degree means is that you can wade your way through all that kind of mess. [Big Grin]
That is so true.

[ November 05, 2004, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Sara Sasse ]
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
I'm going to spend the day praying that I'm pregnant. I've done that pretty much all day every day for the past 10 days.

I'm also going to celebrate my 4th wedding anniversary with Andrew. I am deciding between a purple Sigrid Olsen boucle sweater and a navy cashmere Ralph Lauren cowl neck.
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Fun thread, Belle!
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
MrsM, I've been thinking of you. I will add my own version of prayers to you.

A good omen: This week I found a buttery soft gray cashmere Ralph Lauren sweater at a secondhand store for 5 bucks, perfect condition. (I wore it after the election for comfort. *grin)

All sorts of miracles in the wind!
Posted by Mrs.M (Member # 2943) on :
Thanks, Sara.

I am so happy for your good news - there's nothing like cashmere, unless it's deep discount cashmere. [Smile]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :

I can spot cashmere at thirty paces. Over a life of combing thriftshops, I've gathered maybe half a dozen things. Makes for a lovely winter -- with every gentle washing, they just get softer and softer.

May you find your heart's desire, Mrs.M.

(This morning on Buffy reruns, I listened to a character sing "I'm his Mrs" -- you were very close in my thoughts then, too.)
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Mrs. M I hope you have a wonderful anniversary date with your husband!

And I continue to lift you up in my daily prayers.
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
crash on couch with Beau, Gussie, Dave, and Mr Floppy

How is the Mr. Floppy saga going anyway, Sara? Does your younger cat (can't remember which name is his) still drag him everywhere and get very upset about something every 12 hours?
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
It's 10:15am right now. I go to work at 11am, and stay there 'til 7 or 8pm. Then I come home and do schoolwork 'til 11pm and go to bed.

*sigh* And I was looking forward to my day 'til I realized what it's comprised of.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Get TB Test
Pee in a cup for Drug Test
Have blood taken for test
Pay Bills
Blow Leaves
Make Beef Stew

Belle, my daughter recently had both sides of one big toe and one side of the other operated on for ingrown toenails. She was a brave girl! She struggled with them all summer. (((((Belle's Daughter)))))

((((Mrs.M)))) Wishing you the best of luck!
Posted by CStroman (Member # 6872) on :

(Hoping at least.) [Wink]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I have a son just like you, twink.....
Well. I've earned this respite through five years of nonstop work.
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
My day:
Fun, fun, fun.

[ November 05, 2004, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Miro ]
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
Convince children to put clothing on

Finish schoolwork ( just grammar and scince left) withh Matthew.

Throw laundry in washer

Do dishes

Leave for friend's house for playdate: stop at Trader Joe's on way because I am too lazy to make munchies

Come home, reheat buffalo stew neighbor made me

Do dishes, do grocery shopping.

Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Well, without going into details, this probably sums up my agenda pretty well.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
1. Writing...I'm hopelessly behind on NaNo, due to working at a polling place during the election and paying bills and other stuff that couldn't be put off.

2. Reading.

3. Shopping for was cold here last night, and I could use at least a couple more blankets for my bed.

That's about it, I think. I've been so busy this week that I deserve a "down" day. Not that I really expect that I will get it, but one can always hope. [Smile]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Wake up. check.
Check email and answering machine. check.
Call back advisor. check.
Set up internship interview. check.
Go pick up the book for my stats class.
Read chapters for stats class (no, I NEVER procrastinate).
Load..oh wait, I HAVE SPSS on my computer (yeay for being a research assistant!).
Find someone to take my student SPSS copy.
Pack for class.
Try not to be late for class.
Pay attention in class.
Try not to distract my classmates (they insist my ADHD is contagious).
Come home.
Check email.
Do a load of laundry.
I should wash my dishes.
Go to bed at a decent hour.

...I'm SURE I forgot something. Dammit.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I STILL need to pick up my books and read them.
But, at least Margaret is about to have a cute boyfriend and they were talking to each other and now they are friends but he's younger than she is...
And I have to WRITE WRITE WRITE! Why do days off go by so fast?
Stupid being psycologically evaluated. [Mad]
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
One addition to my list:

Spend the rest of the day grinning (internally, at least) because I got a 94 on my Engineering midterm. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I misread:

"Make Beef Stew"
"Male Beef Stew"
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
*coughy weezy laugh*
Male beef stew
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Saturday: I have an Evidence exam in two hours.

Then go visit my Grandfather for his birthday. In hospital. [Frown]

Back home to study for Administrative Law.

Out tonight to a dress up party that I have no intention of dressing up for.


I want a $5 cashmere sweater! Maybe I should hit the second hand clothing stores after exams...
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :

Well, there was class at 7:30 am and 2:30 pm...
Went to the post office...
Take my medicine when I eat dinner
Go to work from 7-10
Write my freakin' NaNo story. Why have thou forsaken me, Muse? ::shakes fist::
Talk to Bernard and fall asleep on the phone with him.

All in all... normal day.

Monday, however, I should have some new anime tapes to watch. [Smile] I love
Posted by eslaine (Member # 5433) on :
Same thing we do every night, Pinky--

Try to take over the World!
Posted by Danzig avoiding landmarks (Member # 6792) on :
12:00 - Wake up. I was already awake, so I actually got up on the first alarm.
12:00 - 14:00 - Shower. Eat. Support terrorism, if by terrorism one means pharmaceutical companies.
14:00 - 16:30 - Surf Internet. Take another 10 mgs of extended release terror.
16:30 - 17:00 - Drive to parents' house and borrow jump kit.
17:00 - 17:25 - Purchase more calories.
17:25 - Arrive to work too early. Consume calories.
17:45 - 06:00 - If it is a good night, surf the Internet. If it is a bad night, work.
06:00 - Drive to parents' house. Crash for a couple of hours.
09:00 - 11:00 - Brother's Eagle Scout ceremony practice. Determine if he, I, and my cousin are still meeting tonight.
12:00 - 20:00 - Sleep.
20:00 - 02:00 - If we are meeting tonight, acquire and consume alcohol. Otherwise, sleep until impossible.

Edit: Why not use military time consistently?

[ November 05, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Danzig avoiding landmarks ]
Posted by amira tharani (Member # 182) on :
7am: Alarm goes off. Turn off the ruddy thing!
7:45am: Wake up. Realise I have 15 minutes to shower change and leave. Panic. Leap in shower.
8:05am: Leave house.
9:02am: Arrive at the University of London Institute of Education two minutes late for my tutorial. Have tutorial.
9:40am: Tutorial ran over by 10 minutes, but my tutor is lovely and very supportive and came up with lots of helpful ideas. Call back my friend who called in the middle of it. Grab a smoothie and cereal bar for breakfast and go up to the seminar room for classes.
10:00am: First class (on assessment in Religious Education) starts
11:25am: COFFEE!!!!!
12:00 midday: second part of assessment class.
1:00pm: lunch at the union with other teacher types. Drink pint of coke in order to stay awake.
2:00pm: second class (on behaviour management). Others in my group share horror stories (one kid masturbated in class)... general hilarity ensues for the rest of the two hour class.
4:00pm: go to the Institute bar. Have much blackcurrant cordial and soda and buy a few pints for a friend who turned 25 today. We took over the corner of the bar by the pool table and chilled and had a laugh.
6:15pm: leave for mosque.
6:45pm: arrive at mosque. Pray. Catch up with friends.
8:15pm: leave mosque. Call other teacher types to see if they're still out. Arrange to meet them.
9:00pm: Find my very drunk teacher friend. Walk from Russell Square to Covent Garden with said drunk friend to meet up with birthday-girl friend.
10:00pm: Finally arrive at cocktail bar. Drink (non-alcoholic cocktail), chat, sing happy birthday to friend, try to stop drunk teacher friend smoking.
11:15pm: decide it's time to make my way home. Phone boyfriend and tell him that I'm heading home. Speak to boyfriend while on the tube.
12:15pm: arrive home. Check Hatrack and emails.

That's been my day... pretty good really [Smile]

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