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Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
Stop it, already! Cut the candidate dance!

Stupid title, good article.


Stop it, already! Cut the candidate dance!
Posted: October 25, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004

I'm a news junkie, reading everything, listening to radio news and talk, and even taking in some television, although much is a waste of time.

Elections are important – and this one, exceptionally so. There's a lot riding on the outcome. This country, indeed, the world, is on the verge of ... something. And I don't think it's good.

Remember the Chinese curse? "May you live in interesting times." If those are the terms, then we're cursed. What's transpiring on this planet has overtones of change, difficulties and tragedy.

It's not too dramatic to say our future is in the balance. Whichever way the presidential election turns out, our path will have been chosen. We may not like the result.

So how do I feel about the campaign?

OK, I'll say it.


I'M SICK OF THE CAMPAIGNING, and we still have a week to go. When was the last time you've heard anything new? You could send a tape of one speech across the country and never miss anything. Think of the money they could save!

And we wouldn't have to see those self-important reporters, who hope their sterling coverage of the campaign will lead them, someday, to the coveted anchor chair – that is, if Dan, Tom or Peter ever retire.

I'M SICK OF THE CANDIDATE DANCE – two men never challenging each other directly about critical issues. When have you heard any bold statements about what needs to be done, why and how? It's easier just to criticize.

The debates were a farce with unrelated non-answers to mostly insipid questions by reporters who clearly relished being part of "history." Too bad they put that before their duty to the country to elicit key information from the two men who want to lead us for the next four years at a time of war. We are at war.

Why not a "no holds barred" debate? Ask a key question and let 'em go! We might actually get some unrehearsed answers. It would force both men to get to the red meat of their goals for this country. Our future isat stake.

Quick – in one sentence: What's the core issue of either candidate? They're so busy sniping at each other and pandering to special-interest groups (hunters, elderly, unions, the poor, teachers, kids, women, sick people – take your pick) that there's no clarity of what either man considers most critical. George Bush comes closest. At least he states without equivocation that the war on terror is key and says what he'll do.

John Kerry's position seems to be only to criticize everything, as though there's nothing good about this country. He says he has plan after plan after plan to change everything President Bush has ever done. What are his plans? He can't take the time to tell us – saying, check his website or read his book.

John. Stop that!

I'M SICK OF THE MEDIA SPIN, with events manipulated to suit their biases. You get the liberal side and the conservative side. What happened to the thinking side? What happened to truth?

I'M SICK OF THE ASTONISHINGLY BIASED print media, treating Americans like a herd of cattle to be rounded up and led to ... to ... (dare I say it?) ... slaughter. Given the beheadings, that's a little more apropos than I like.

This isn't campaigning, it's a year-long "p---ing contest" between two rich, white guys trying to one-up one another, enabled by the media, which only criticize on cosmetic issues.

We're inundated with lies and figures. One side throws out a "fact," the other side staunchly denies it and counters with another. The media neither corrects nor refutes.

It's political kabuki. The candidates play to each other, to their handlers, and to the media. But we the people are left out. We're at the mercy of the spin by handlers and the media.

No one hides it. They have no shame.

We have the Kerry interpretation and the Bush interpretation. Which is right? No one cares.

Well, sorry gang. I care. And I'm not alone. Millions of Americans see our problems, and they're not stupid. They know they're being had by pols who control the game and the media who want to call the outcome.

They might succeed. We're told Democrats have thousands, (thousands?)of lawyers, ready to challenge precincts across the country.

Voting procedures have been jiggered so people are voting two weeks before Election Day. Not absentee voting – just walking in and voting. Why?

There's been a massive push for absentee voting. Yeah, I trust the Post Office with my ballot.

Motor-voter registration means anyone can register. Are you who you say you are? Gee, are you a resident of this state, county, town, precinct? Gosh, are you even a citizen? Hey, are you in this country legally?

No one knows and no one wants to. It's illegal to ask.

Thousands are registered in more than one state and can vote twice, or more.

Provisional ballots let you vote even if you aren't in the book at the precinct. Supposedly, after you're checked out, your vote will be counted. Uh-huh.

Two weeks before the election, we're inundated with instances of illegal registration.

The good guys trust the system and the bad guys have it rigged. And you thought our problem was terrorism.

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Seems pretty one sided. Both sides have lawyers lined up. I might agree with this line: "The good guys trust the system and the bad guys have it rigged" except it seems to be only pointing at Kerrey with this regard.

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
The only thing that I'd disagree with in the entire article is the "May you live in interesting times" which directly contradicts the "boringness" argument of the campaigns.

But otherwise I agree.

Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
I seldom read anything that succinctly captures my emotions/thoughts on critical issues; however, this article articulated so much of my frustration.

Kudos for sharing. Kudos to the author.

I hope this sentiment builds enough to actually bring about change.
Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
Yeah, there is a bit of a bias.

But still.. I can relate to the frustration over the campaign in general.

Posted by CStroman (Member # 6872) on :
Can't we get the vote done tomorrow so this will all be over and done with?

I'm sick of all the rhetoric.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Wow. It's like the author manages to share all my feelings on the subject while completely missing the point. [Smile]
Posted by Miro (Member # 1178) on :
It doesn't seem one-sided to me, and I'm definitely not a Bush supporter. The thought of another four years of Bush scares me, viscerally.

Tom - What's the point he's missing?
Posted by Lost Ashes (Member # 6745) on :
I just realized that since I moved to this city, I haven't updated my driver's license.

Now, while I am regiestered to vote here and have before, I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that if I want to vote this time around, I better have my license up to date. Probably my birth certificate, too.

Might as well get an aerial photo of my house with me in the front yard looking up into the camera.
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Lost Ashes, this may be a problem. [Frown] I'd check it out ASAP.

From the League of Women Voters' FAQ for Voter Registration in Guilford County (updated September 19, 2004):


How do I know if I need to register?

You need to register or re-register if:
-You have never registered in Guilford County or
-You have had your Guilford County registration cancelled because you have moved out of Guilford County or
-You have ever been convicted of a felony.

You may check your registration online, see choices on the left hand side of the page.

How may I register to vote?

Complete a voter registration form. If mailed, the registration form must be postmarked by Friday, Oct. 8. If hand-delivered to the Elections Office, the registration form must be received no later than 5:00PM on Friday, Oct. 8.

Where do I get a registration form?

Call the Board of Elections (373-3836) or visit either office: 301 West Market Street, Room 113, Greensboro and 505 East Green Drive, Room 103, High Point. You may also register at the Department of Motor Vehicles when you apply for or renew your driver's license. Branches of the Greensboro Public Library, the High Point Public Library, and the Jamestown public library have mail-in forms. Public Assistance agencies, such as the Department of Social Services. Employment Securities Commission. Mental Health, Guilford County Health Department all have forms. Call any of the above for hours or use the web site if indicated.

Must I contact the Board of Elections if I want to change my registration information?

You must update your voter registration record if you:
-Have moved within Guilford County since you registered in the county (it is a violation of the law to return to your old precinct and vote after 30 days.)
-Wish to change your party affiliation
-Have changed your name

You may change your address, name or party by filling out the back of your voter information card and returning it to the Elections Office or filling out a mail-in registration form. This information must be received by registration deadlines for elections.
[Note: all italicization was added by me]

Also according to that FAQ, you can only absentee ballot if you were registered before the registration period ended on October 8. This varies from state to state; e.g., in Winconsin, you can register at the polling site itself on November 2 if you bring sufficient state ID and proof of residence.

Elsewhere, as in (it looks to be, unfortunately) North Carolina, you must register or have clarified any registration issues before a prior date.

Find out soon. Good luck!

[ October 25, 2004, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Sara Sasse ]
Posted by Lost Ashes (Member # 6745) on :
Ah, 'tis not a problem. I registered to vote here within a month of moving here. My worry is that they will require me to show my driver's license to prove my identity.

Then, when that doesn't match the voter registration card... out on the street I go.

And somehow, registered as unaffiliated may mean that none of the poll watchers would be terribly inclined to step to the plate on my behalf.

[ October 25, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Lost Ashes ]
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Yay for thinking ahead!

This site from the NC Democratic Party may help. It looks like whether you need to show ID and/or proof of residence at the polling site itself depends on what information was given when you registered.

I'd call your county clerk in th morning and find out, then see if you can update your driver's license anyway.

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