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Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Slash's RPG

We passed our one year anniversary in July-- only 9-10 game days have passed. [Big Grin]

It's a blast. It's got everything a good fantasy should have-- heroes, villains, leggy dames in armor. . .

Here's what you do-- follow the link above; click on the drop down box under 'View other months.' Choose the selection for 2003-7. Read. And read. And read some more.

You don't have to be an RPG geek to follow or enjoy this engrossing story.

You won't be disappointed.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Nine to ten? Didn't you just work it out to five?
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
5 to get to Mount Kessel; 4-5 getting out.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Oh. Duh.
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
I was really close to linking that game to a friend in an email as the most enjoyable fantasy I'd been reading lately. But I didn't want to look like quite that much of a geek. [Blushing]

You kids already know I am, so I'll just say: it's awsome and you should be reading it.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
You know, I sometimes go back and take a gander at the archives of this game, and every time I'm astonished by the quality of everyone's writing. Much of that, I think, we owe to Slash for doing such a fantastic job of mood-setting. [Smile]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Even when I wasn't reading Hatrack, I'd try and keep up with the game once in a while.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
We move at such a slow pace to help accomodate you, Tick [Wink]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I think my count on game days is wrong.

5 days to get to the mountain.

1 day inside the mountain.

1 day escaping the jungle

1 day getting out of the forest. . .

8 days.

Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
[Big Grin]

I named some of my characters in Temple of Elemental Evil after the ones Slash's game.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Ha ha! You have to tell us who died first [Wink]
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
I don't know how to say how honored I am that Slash let me join in this late in the game. I have really enjoyed following the game and to be allowed to play in it is the most fun I have had in a while.

Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Wait 'til Melani takes a arrow to the chest, and then Slash gets 'sick' for a week and a half, and can't write up the next turn.

Then you will know pain, grasshopper.
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Sorry arrow to the chest is the job of Sa'id and Farron. Also the ranger guy is dead.

She does expect to put a few arrrows into the chests of bad guys. She is fairly good with both bow and sling. She also has +17 on hide rolls, so sneak attacks will be her MO.

Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
None of you have died a permanent death. I have not yet stood toe to toe with the Balor, so death is close at hand. [Wink]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I wonder how Pelor feels about the dealing of massive amounts of explosive firey death? Hopefully He doesn't mind.
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Let Cadfael take out the undead. We can handle the rest.

Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Sa'id has an anger management problem.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
I'd say that the fact that Slash has added another PC to join is indicative of just how bad things are going to get for the party. You guys are going to need all the help you can get, but apparently all the help you can get is a cantankerous little halfling archer who has delusions of being able to hold off an entire army of soul stripped 18th level characters. Good luck guys! [Evil Laugh]
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Large groups of people standing together. Sounds like fireball food to me.

Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
No I think he might have felt sorry for me since Tom basically shut his game down. [Smile]

Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Tom shut his game down? Really? Fatherhood just taking too much of his time and energy or what?
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Well not officially but there has not been a turn in months. Slash was right as usual.

Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I think Tom's official excuse was that he's trying to get buff.

Can't fault him for that.
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
The hell I can't. I don't have to look at him. Right now Derek is in the middle of drowning and a demon just showed up to take out the seige golem. Slash is terrorizing some guards. One of our Paladins rode off into the sunset and the other had his horse killed.

He can get buff on his own time. [Evil]

Of course Christy might have her own opinion on this subject, but I don't have to sleep with him.


[ October 21, 2004, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: msquared ]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Ewww. . . so many BAD BAD BAD mental images to contend with. . .
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
Yeah well Kayla's been asleep for about two months.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yeah, I don't know if the Segrada campaign is still alive or not. I hope it is, because I was having fun playing a character that was so far removed from the characters I usually play, and it seems like an intriguing world. Hard to say really. God knows Matt's had enough going on lately, though; I don't fault him for not having the time to run a game.

So, Tom's really getting into shape? That's great news!
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
So, I took the advice at the beginning of this thread, and began reading. I'm through November 2003... it's very enjoyable, and flows so well that after my last break to check my e-mail I looked around for where I had set down the book... [Smile]

Anyway, thanks for sharing the link for those of us who weren't around when it started.

[ October 25, 2004, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: ElJay ]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
November 2003. . . ahh, I was so young and innocent then. The world was fresh and new. . .

Oh, wait, no. . . November was when we assaulted the Tower.

That was terrifying.

Go read it.

Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
I can't believe that was a year ago already.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yeah, it's really surprising, isn't it? If you'd asked me when that was I'd have guessed June or July or so.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I'm glad people are reading and enjoying it. Makes me feel like I've contributed to the creation of something cool [Smile]
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :

Oh, wait, no. . . November was when we assaulted the Tower.

That was terrifying.

Go read it.


Actually, I read through mid January or so before I managed to drag myself off to bed last night, way later than I should have.

I'm eagerly awaiting discovering if y'all ever manage to turn yourselves into a cohesive unit, or if you keep sniping at each other. [Wink] What fun!
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
I would have to say that they did very well in the last ambush. Now we have to see how well Melani will mesh with the group.

Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Slash rocks my world.


His write-up of Mission's death is perfect. He understood exactly what I meant when I coined, 'The Path is not straight, nor is it soft.'
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Hey, things have quieted down at work a bit and I'm going to have time going forward to write stuff again. [Smile] Would you guys be interested in resuming? I've been feeling highly guilty.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
You should.

Seriously, as if the living in Wisconsin thing weren't bad enough-- you had to go and drop a GAME!

Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
I am always interested.

I just hope I can remember what spells Derek has left for the day.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I've still got all the documentation and character sheets. [Smile] I'll send 'em back out.

The one thing I'm not completely sure about is the allotment of one load of treasure you guys stumbled across a while back. I know Slash wound up with the cloak, but there were a few other items that got sold and/or traded that I can't find my records on. So I may just conclude that they don't exist. *grin*
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Oh wait, I found it at the bottom of my D&D pile.
I still have 5 1st level, 3 2nd level and 1 3rd level for the day.

Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Tom, will you be continuing with your archives for those of us not actually in your game?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Sure. It doesn't take me any longer to put it up on the site than it does to write in the first place. [Smile]
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Where is Tom's game archived? I found a game archive at plastic castle, but it seemed pretty fragmentary.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
That's it.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
That's disappointing. What's there is good, but it just kind of picks up in the middle of things, and then trails off.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
There IS no complete archive, save a really big Outlook mail folder. [Smile]
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
I'm surprised there's even that.

I'm tempted to offer to go through that folder for you and bundle stuff for archiving, but I think that's a little too much for me right now.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
By the way, Tom, if you're willing to take any suggestions, I think that doing your archives as a journal instead of as forum posts would probably work better.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Some pretty good turns posted this week. . .
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Impatient for people to stop lollygagging at the Garrett farm, I went back and reread a fairly large chunk of the Overlook campaign, and I just have to say, not for the first time, "damn!". I can't tell you how happy I am to be contributing to this story now (or to begin contributing again as soon as the business at Garrett farm is concluded).
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
I quit reading after Cadfael and Mission left.

Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
You're missing some good stuff. Pensive is a great character, and I'm partial to Osred for some reason.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
I miss Cadfael, too... but I still read it. [Smile]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Cadfel was breathtakingly well played. If I were to have to choose between his still being in the game and my getting to play, I'd choose to have him continue without a second thought.

[ April 18, 2005, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Noemon ]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Ni: You should go read.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Just reread this post this morning.

Ty rocks.

High Noon; A Promise Is Revealed
Posted by no. 6 (Member # 7753) on :
No doubt!

I'd drifted off for a while. Glad to see that they finally got to the fireworks factory.

Well written, as usual.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Okay, seriously-- If you're not reading this game, you are a complete and utter dork.

Ty shows his writing chops in the last couple turns with a plot twist that fits so well into the story, is so right, I never saw it coming. But when I read it, I immediately thought, "Oh! Yes! That's fantastic!"

I think I'm still reeling.

If you were a fan of the game, but drifted off, come back. If you've never read it, start.

Overlook Campaign Archives

If you don't want to read everything, I suggest starting in November 2004, as the first chapter ends. There's a good review of the backstory in there, and a lot of the new characters (Melani, Pensive, the Falcons, Osred, etc.) are introduced then.

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