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Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Which is fantastic or puzzling to you, depending on your opinion or awareness of his work. Suffice it to say that I've met OSC, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and now Spider, and that's four out of my top five favorite writers.

And, like the other writers I like, he's willing to talk to fans for as long as time allows. Lots of fun, his wife is charming and funny, and a surprisingly good singer -- she accompanied him on the first three songs or so when he performed a concert Saturday night. They both hung around and talked and signed things and generally enjoyed the company of everyone they met.

While I suspect that his politics are diametically opposed to OSC's, and their writing styles and subjects rarely if ever overlap, both writers share traits I admire. They clearly love their fans, they clearly love their wives, and they clearly love their lives. That's a state of mind I want to achieve, and I have excellent role models to follow.

Let's see. I've got the perfect wife, the life is going good. Now I just need fans...

Here's a pic, more later after I sleep for a week or so.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Chris, that's fantastic! Spider Robinson is on my short list of people I admire whose aquaintance I'd like to make at some point or another.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
You know, it's funny--I just realized that all but one of the people on that short list are authors, and that the one who wasn't an author is dead.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
I am morbidly jealous. I am a huge Spider fan and would give up a lot to chat with him.
Lucky you, Chris! [Party]
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
I am insanely jealous, Chris! I am in the middle of a big Spider Robinson kick. Coool pic too.
What did he play?
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
[Roll Eyes] (from jealousy)

what luck Chris. [Wink] That's too cool that you've had the chance to meet up with favorite authors.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Spider is good people. I've never met him face to face, but even through photos, with some people you can just tell.

Grats to you. Wish I would have known in advance that he was going to be giving a concert in Central Florida.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Yeah. Would have made a cool clump get-together. [Grumble]
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Bah... I am sooo in the jealous camp. In fact, I am burning the marshmellows as I type. Spider is like my second favorite author. (Guess who's the first...) His wife isn't too bad of one herself, neh.

Lucky... lucky... lucky.

Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
You didn't know about Necronimicon? But everyone in Florida knows about Necro... OK, I screwed up. And I should have known better since I missed seeing OSC when he was at Necro in 2001 because no one told me.

Spider played "Georgia" as a tribute to Ray Charles while the sound guys were setting up around him. I can't give you a complete playlist of the rest -- he sang a lot of obscure stuff ("Here's a bunch of music from people you've never heard of") -- and I was somewhat dazed by this point. I'm sorry to say I don't remember the name of the Paul McCartney song they did, he said it was the last song Paul ever wrote for Linda. And they did an instrumental piece that was sort of a humming scat.
After Jeanne left, Spider did some songs by Spider John Koerner, "Cool Cat Blues" and "The Eros Hotel" by Georgie Fame, a parody of Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue" called "A Boy Named Spider," and three of the songs off the much-missed Callahan's Saloon PC game: "Belabouring the Obvious," "Oblivion," and "The Drunkard's Song."

More pics:
Spider and Jeanne

On stage

Spider in concert
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
Aghhhh- so very green.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Did you yell at him for killing of Doc?

I too am jealous.

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