I hearaby pledge to not play Go or look at any related websites to it for an enormous amount of time consisting of 3 weeks.
There. I have it in writing. That way I can't break my little oath. Nifty, eh? ^^
Posted by Amanecer (Member # 4068) on :
Good plan Phanto! I'll follow your lead. I hereby pledge not to play Sims 2 for the next two weeks. :-D
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
Do you know what's sad?
Today my entire day was free. Because my addiction had become so fierce that I was spending entire days straight playing!
Wow. Sad, isn't it? Well, what can I say? Us desolate souls need to fill the long empty hours with something. It can be something productive...or something not so productive.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
I wanted to do the same thing with chess, but I failed misserably every time. Right now the World Championship and the Chess Olympiad are going on, no way I'll stop!!!
Edit: Oh, and good luck!
[ October 17, 2004, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Corwin ]
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
You play Go?
You should talk to my boyfiend, he's always looking for people to play with.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
Unfortunatly for him, I'm in withdrawel here . What rank is he, anyway?