...that nachos and mac and cheese are basically the same thing.
...that people who say "know what I mean?" a lot usually aren't very good at expressing what they mean.
...that 20% off seems like it's three or four times a better deal than 10% off.
...that people would rather add all sorts of hard to remember numbers to their e-mail address so it can be their first name or "hotboy" or whatever rather than use an interesting, unique, memorable combination of words.
What have you all noticed?
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
to the first one: no...
Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
starchy grain product + melted cheese = comfort food
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
one's a pasta, one's a chip.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
...that there's no way really to cram a whole 6" pastrami sub and onion rings into your stomach without feeling like a giant blimp afterwards?
There's just no feeling svelte with all that junk in the tummy.
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
...that you can't smell your own bad breath?
...that the driver in front of you is even more clueless if he's wearing a hat?
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
quote:...that the driver in front of you is even more clueless if he's wearing a hat?
I have noticed this.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
...that washing your vehicle summons the rain clouds to drop their loads shortly after.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
that men driving red corvettes are normally squicky middle-aged divorcees and think you should immediately fall for them because of the 'vette?
(Though other squickiness issues aside why you would ever want to get into a car that they treat like a child and be afraid you might damage it by farting in it is another question.)
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
...that a lot of Hummer drivers are really older women.
Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
RE: Hummer drivers.
Posted by Toretha (Member # 2233) on :
That when people ask how you are, if you say "I'm dead, thanks and how are you?" in a normal tone of voice, never notice the difference unless its pointed out to them.
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
...that sitting in a red 'vette gives you the sudden urge to pass gas?
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
...that Jetta drivers seem to think they're on the Autobahn?
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
That Cadillacs and Buicks are never driven above 55 MPH.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
that "walk" lights are always way too short when you're walking, and way too long when you're driving?
Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
<---Jetta driver
I haven't noticed that in the Bay Area though [and I don't drive like that]. Around here it's the BMW drivers who act like they're on the Autobahn.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
quote:...that 20% off seems like it's three or four times a better deal than 10% off.
No way! 10, 20 and 30% off are never as much as they sound like. I've made a rule for myself that I can't consider it "on sale" unless it's at least 50% off.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
...that orange juice is actually yellow and that the trucks that say "Yellow" are actually orange?
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
that music you don't like is always too loud, and music you like is never loud enough?
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
quote:...that you can't smell your own bad breath?
actually, if you can smell your own bad breath, imagine how other people must feel ...
quote:That Cadillacs and Buicks are never driven above 55 MPH.
My car is a Buick. I drive about 57 mph. My husband's car is a Ford. I drive that about 57 mph. In this case, at least, it's the driver, not the vehicle.
here's one that is specific to my work: ever notice how something goes wrong with the computer program when you are in the middle of something or when you aren't doing anything at all? (we have a program that shuts down at the drop of a hat ... or something. There is no commonality, no clue to what makes it do that.)
edited to add: unstable proprietory software is the phrase I was looking for.
[ October 15, 2004, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: CaySedai ]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
If people ask "How are you?", they don't notice if you respond with "Hello!"?
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
quote:...that nachos and mac and cheese are basically the same thing.
Um, no. One is made of tortilla chips topped with melted cheese and peppers, and the other is a casserole consisting of noodles cooked in a cheese sauce. The only thing they have in common is that they both contain cheese. But then, so do a lot of things.
quote:and that the trucks that say "Yellow" are actually orange?
Yes! That drives me crazy! Does anyone know the reason for that?
[ October 15, 2004, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: Verily the Younger ]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
a lot of goooooood things contain cheese.
...that anyone driving slower than you is a moron, and anybody driving faster than you is a maniac?
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
some of the more common ones, but true none the less
... That people will order super-sized burger, a super-sized fries, and then top it off with a large diet coke?
... That theres handicap parking at skating rinks?
... That if poly means many, and if ticks are blood sucking insects, what is politics?
... (Insert Oxymoron)
... That when you're searching for something, it's always in the last place you'll look?
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
let me guess. If it was in the first place you looked you would keep looking?
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
... There's a bit of a joke there... If you find it, then you won't search anymore, thus it's the last place you'll look for it. ^_^
[ October 15, 2004, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Vadon ]
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
You don't know me very well. eg I've searched for keys... ...while holding them in my hand.
[ October 15, 2004, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
sorry, but Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
Ah yes, I too admit to searching for my glasses while they were on my face. ^_^
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
I've done that too, but the problem was that the lenses had popped out......again. Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I've found my keys in the freezer.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
That eventually the fun threads die out sooner rather than later.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I think Porter once found a pizza in his sock drawer....
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
That is the best thing I've read tonight
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
It's true. I looked for that pizza for about half an hour, and finally found it in my underwear drawer.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote: That people will order super-sized burger, a super-sized fries, and then top it off with a large diet coke?
Actually, this one makes perfect sense.
Posted by DarkWizard (Member # 6186) on :
My dad works for Yellow the trucking company with orange Trucks. Although i never understood it either.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
I submit that Cheezits are actually the closest thing to Mac and cheese.
Say did you ever hear the joke about "not yo' cheese?"
So Porter, did you leave the pizza in the sock drawer or was it helped there by a youngster?
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
I think it was kidnapped (pizza-napped) by a band of hungry unwashed socks.
I never did trust those Argoyles.
[ October 18, 2004, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Dan_raven ]
Posted by Mike (Member # 55) on :
quote:...that Jetta drivers seem to think they're on the Autobahn?
We're not?
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
quote:... There's a bit of a joke there... If you find it, then you won't search anymore, thus it's the last place you'll look for it. ^_^
The day we figured that out in French class (back in high school) was a very fine day indeed.