I had fallen asleep on my couch about an hour ago. I woke up to hear shouting - someone right outside my apartment building was having a fight. There was a girl who at first I thought was my new roommate - she's not home yet - and a guy, yelling angrily at each other. She was cursing at him and saying he should be nice to her friends and something about leaving and going to Seattle. It died down after a while, and then I heard the guy's voice yell "I never did anything to you."
Shortly afterwards, I heard what I could swear were two gunshots. Not having been around many firearms in my life, I couldn't be sure, but it sounded a lot like gunshots. I thought about it and wondered if it could have been car doors slamming, but I couldn't picture the sounds matching up at the time. Right after that, I heard a car drive away.
After a few minutes of silence, I turned on my porchlight and looked outside - the sidewalk outside my house is very close and the whole street is visible - and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
I am now rather disturbed. Do I tell anyone what I heard? Are you supposed to report what you think might have been gunshots when you just woke up?
I don't think I can go back to sleep.
Posted by Danzig avoiding landmarks (Member # 6792) on :
It probably would not hurt.
Posted by Bekenn (Member # 6602) on :
Best-case scenario: you're wrong, and everything's fine.
Worst-case scenario: you're right, everything's not fine, and people need to know.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
It would be best if you reported, but I have to point out something...
Gunshot noise is not like the "gunshot noise" you hear at the movies, or something like that. It's way lower...
Well...anyway, report it away. It would be best, I guess.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I hope everything is okay.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
((((((((((((Annie)))))))))))) I hope you're doing OK babe.
Hobbes Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yeah, I'd report it. Funny that you and Hobbes have both been in "Should I do something about this or not" type situations recently.
Oh, and Eduardo?
quote:Gunshot noise is not like the "gunshot noise" you hear at the movies, or something like that. It's way lower...
Like you'd really know what gunshots sounded like. When have you ever been people shooting guns? What? Running through a favela as bullets whine past you? Oh yeah, that.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
So, I called the police to make a report. They said there were no other complaints, but they'd take note of my story.
Still a bit freaky.
Ed - when you say gunshots are "lower," do you mean quieter?
Posted by Bob (not Bob) (Member # 6286) on :
It really depends on the gun.
This sounds an awful lot like Hobbes' post a few days ago.
edit: Doh! I forgot to switch out of my alias!
[ October 09, 2004, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Bob (not Bob) ]
Posted by Bekenn (Member # 6602) on :
I think he means bass-ier. They most certainly are not quieter.
Posted by stacey (Member # 3661) on :
Maybe it was a car backfiring?
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Reminds me of the drunken domestic in my apartment complex. Oy.
As noted, it depends on the gun shot - 9mm rounds are a bit like firecrackers, towards the higher end if memory serves.