Hello. My name is lem. I have been lurking over a year now. I like the variety of topics posted on this sight and hope to make contributions. I am a fiscal conservative/social liberal/agnostic. People I look up to the most in the real world are often libertarians. My favorite genre is fantasy. I am not too particularly gifted, but I enjoy learning new things and discussing ideas. I am a family man. I am learning computers.
I feel like I am using "I am" way to much and must apologize. I am what I am. OS Card seems cool. Speed seems funny. Dagonee seems sincere. Katharina and Farmgirl seem empathetic. Kasie H seems intense. TomDavidson seems sharp. Everyone seems gifted. I hope I fit it.
[disqualifier] I don't mean to degenerate anyone down to a one word discription; I am just expressing what names I recognize because of something they wrote that I have since forgotten which has stuck in my head [/disqualifier]
quote: because of something they wrote that I have since forgotten which has stuck in my head
[ October 08, 2004, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: lem ]
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Hello lem, and welcome! Glad you stopped lurking...
Posted by Sara Sasse (Member # 6804) on :
Hey, lem. Welcome to Hatrack! Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Hey dude, nice tan.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Posted by FoolishTook (Member # 5358) on :
Hey, it's another lurker! I would consider you a distant relative, since I don't lurk all the time, just MOST of the time.
Posted by CStroman (Member # 6872) on :
Welcome and bienvenido! Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote: I don't mean to degenerate anyone down to a one word discription
I hope you brought enough one-word descriptions to share with everybody.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Welcome aboard, lem.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
I have a computer question that involvesbooting multiple OS on my computer. Is that an appropriate topic for Hatrack, or can anyone direct me to a good tech sight? If it is appropriate, I will start a new thread on Multi-booting.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
quote:I am a fiscal conservative/social liberal/agnostic
Wow! You are my inverse! This means if you make a comment and I make a comment, we will have spoken the whole and complete truth!
Welcome to the light side!
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
No, if you both post on a topic, you'll just cancel each other out.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
quote:I have a computer question that involvesbooting multiple OS on my computer. Is that an appropriate topic for Hatrack, or can anyone direct me to a good tech sight? If it is appropriate, I will start a new thread on Multi-booting.
Go for it. We have several very talented tech-minded people on the board, and tech-question/troubleshooting threads tend to pop up on a fairly regular basis.
Welcome to Hatrack, by the way. Glad to hear you made the lurker->poster transition.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
quote: Wow! You are my inverse!
What is the inverse of agnostic?
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Welcome to Hatrack!
The inverse of agnostic is either -agnostic or 1/agnostic depending on whether you wanted the additive or multiplicative inverse.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I'd assume it would be someone who didn't believe and then does.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
And MPH - here's my mathematical reasoning:
1/Annie x Annie/1 = 1
1 has to be the complete and utter truth, neh?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Welcome lem! Glad you took the plunge.
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Hi Lem! You forgot this one - "Space Opera is fantastic."
space opera
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
AH...FANTASTIC! Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
i thought the inverse of an agnostic was someone who'd believe anything. and then i had a good laugh about that.
ps: how did you pick your name? like stanislaw?
[ October 06, 2004, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: celia60 ]
Posted by SoberTillNoon (Member # 6170) on :
I really should get out more. Though, for some reason, I never feel like there are any subjects that I would like to add to, nor is there anything in particular that I would like to say to start a new topic. So, I stay in the shadows, and graffiti every once and a while.
Posted by Xaposert (Member # 1612) on :
For some reason when I read the title of this thread, I couldn't get the theme of 2001 Space Odyssey out of my head....
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
*wonders if "multibooting" is similar to an Imelda Marcos passion for footwear*
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
That tickles me to no end!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Welcome to posting on Hatrack.
Hobbes Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Hi! Good to see you.
I'm dabbling my foot in lurker-dom. How is it today?
Posted by Coccinelle (Member # 5832) on :
Welcome to regular posting at Hatrack!
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
You know, you should be a bit more careful with your slashes. One might think you vote agnostic and worship Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Anyway, welcome!
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
so what your saying is I should keep my Ah-nuld shrine between me and God? Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
quote: 1 has to be the complete and utter truth, neh?
If 1 is the complete and utter truth, then what is 2? 3? PI?
Mmmmmm... PI... </homer>
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Pi is then spherical truth.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Is that lem as in Lemuel?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
quote: because of something they wrote that I have since forgotten which has stuck in my head
Well, it sounds like you will fit in fine...lol..
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
...or lem as in "Stanislaw"?
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
it's like my post doesn't exist....
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Is that Lem like Lemuel or like Stanislaw? I don't think anyone's asked that yet?
at Celia.
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
at tammy. Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Didn't see your post celia!
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Yeah, I was wondering when someone was going to mention Stanislaw. Good call Tammy! Celia60
I should rename this to the "Lurkers Caver," a quiet place for lurkers to grab a drink in the shadows.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm glad I was the first one to mention it.
Recognition is hard to come by around here. You have to claim *cough* steal *cough* it when you can.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Welcome Iem! Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Welcome. Posted by Kasie H (Member # 2120) on :
Hi lem!
You're very observant Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I hear that Stanislaw guy comes from a weird place in Russia.
[and I can't even spell the friggin name ]
[ October 07, 2004, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Kama ]
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
Welcome Lem Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
quote:I hear that Stanislaw guy comes from a weird place in Russia.
I heard that too Kama. I think he's from a city called Pollund or something.
[ October 07, 2004, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Noemon ]
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
who's stanislaw?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
You've probably never heard of him.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
He is the guy who invented colslaw.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Oh, not about Brood War?! Sorry...
Actually, welcome to Hatrack, lem! This is your future: behold...
And I just loooove Stanislaw Lem. I'm not sure which to like most: his novels or short stories!
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Didn't he lead the party that led Poland out of communism? Or was that someone else?
Hey, welcome lem. It's good to see you.
And I'm always delighted to meet someone who thinks I'm empathetic.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
To katharina: no, he's not. See my previous post for hints! Also this one, if you're able too... Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
*takes a sip of a Long Island Ice Tea*
Who is that sitting in the shadows?
*peeks closer*
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
*ahhhhh . . . Mirror Pond Pale Ale . . . . just right after a 12 hour work day, sick kitty, and tired child peacefully snoozing . . . *
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
*pulls up a chair and orders a glass of orange juice*
Hi, I'm Ali, and I'm a chronic lurker. I post sometimes, but I generally feel my opinions are expressed better by others, or I enjoy listening more. But I'm here.
Posted by esl (Member # 3143) on :
Me too!
*milk, mm.. that's the stuff*
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
psst...Corwin... she knows... Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Hi, lem! I'm primarily a lurker as well, though I've been posting more recently.
Welcome to the visible side of Hatrack!
*melts back into the shadows*
Posted by margarita (Member # 6856) on :
[hanging a black corduroy jacket on the back of her chair, and setting down a bouquet of yellow mimosas]
I'm trying to overcome my lurkerdom...has anyone seen Woland?