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Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I'm 200 pages into this book and I'm finding it impossible to put it down.

Everyone shows up. Everyone.


Though I am disappointed with Flagg.

[ September 24, 2004, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Book ]
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I'm looking forward to it. Currently I am waiting for the library to prepare it for distribution. Seeing as how I'm number 4 on the waiting list, and they've ordered over 50 copies, I should have it sometime this week.

Now I'm just wondering if I should temporarily set aside Neal Stephenson's "The Confusion" in order to read "The Dark Tower" immediately.
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
If there are going to be spoilers, mark the title so we addicts who read every thread out of habit don't wander in totally unawares. [Big Grin]

I'm still on Wizard and Glass because I'm poor and too lazy to go to the library. Well, that and Barnes&Noble has really comfy chairs.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I'm very upset. I won't say why. I will say I'm about 600 pages in (read most of the day while at work yesterday LOL) and that my biggest prediction has just been shot in the gut.

but other than that I'm LOVING IT!!!!!!!

Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :

Ken, finish this book already, so I can read it!!

Posted by Psycho Triad (Member # 3331) on :
*on page 345, soon to be 346*

No sleep. No life.

Only the Tower.
Posted by FoolishTook (Member # 5358) on :
I bought my copy today. Yay! I need to finish the book I'm reading first before I start it, though. I can't wait.
Posted by Jess N (Member # 6744) on :
I started The Dark Tower right after reading The Stand and had to put it down for a while. I think I got a Flagg overload. Still, I think the two books are great and want to go back and finish DT.

The lit major in me wants to write a paper that links the two books. I think they both happen in the same world (post-virus America) with the DT series happening long after the end of The Stand. Of course, I could be overanalyzing. I think it's fascinating that King is focused on Flagg and the whole idea of "The Walking Man." As a student of gothic literature, I recognize that he is connecting with a larger, more deeply rooted character in Flagg--he is the wandering jew of medieval texts.

Anyway, now I'm wishing I didn't have so much to read for school!
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Posted by Psycho Triad (Member # 3331) on :
Page 596.

Damnit, I hate it when I get into a story so much that I verbally berate the book when the plot leads to outcomes I know were probably gonna happen, but i still thought they shouldn't.
little over two hundred pages to go, yet on treds the gunslinger.

Damn King knows how to make my mind want to explode.

Crazy as always,
Psycho Triad
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
See, you ought to just throw them across the room like i do.

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Just got it. Stupid cases I have to readd first...
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
think they both happen in the same world (post-virus America) with the DT series happening long after the end of The Stand.
Actually, the Stand is in a different world from Gilead and the baronies. The Dark Tower isn't in that world, either, though, it's in all the worlds. Roland's word exists after some sort of nuclear war to end all nuclear wars, which is saying something. The Stand couldn't be the destructive force that forms Roland's because in 1980 no one had invented Blaine, jump Doors, or robots, either.

I'm such a nerd. Dammit.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Damnit, I hate it when I get into a story so much that I verbally berate the book when the plot leads to outcomes I know were probably gonna happen, but i still thought they shouldn't.
little over two hundred pages to go, yet on treds the gunslinger.

So glad to know that I'm not the only one who yells at the book. And if you have about 200 to go, we're in about the same place. I haven't had a chance to read since my post the other night. How could he do that????????????????????

Posted by Psycho Triad (Member # 3331) on :
The Tower calls me, and I follow.

I got maybe 3 hours of sleep last night due to this book, and plan to have it finished before sleeping tonight.

*walks away, with nose in book*
Posted by the_Somalian (Member # 6688) on :
Finished it.

Apparently, the whole thing was a kid's dream, the kid oddly being a young Stephen King.

Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
I guarantee that if that is the true ending, Somalian,there's a whole army of people with bats here with your kneecaps' names on it coming for you, Tony Soprano style.

[ September 23, 2004, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: Taalcon ]
Posted by Jess N (Member # 6744) on :

Thanks for giving me that to work with. I'm still a relative newbie to DT so I was hoping some "nerd" would lead me in the right direction.

I guess what I've actually latched onto then is the commonality of Randall Flagg in all of his various forms. Perhaps King is addressing the evil that surpasses the boundaries of worlds and reality. hmmmm

Oh, and nerds are don't downplay your knowledge of story minutia. [Wink]
Posted by Psycho Triad (Member # 3331) on :
dear the_somalian:

Gosh i hope you're just joking. I don't know your post style, but if you truly did just ruin the ending of this magnificent series for me, I'm going to be quite... [Wall Bash] [Grumble] [Mad]
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Yep, that's what I thought when I read his post. If it's true and he didn't post a spoiler warning I'm not very happy at all.

space opera
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
Flagg... This isn't a sequel to "Eyes of the Dragon" by Steven King is it? [Confused]
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
If he did ruin the series, I think a banning might be in order. [Smile]
Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :

Every King book is connected in some way. Some more than others - the Flagg of Eyes of the Dragon is also in The Stand and the Dark Tower series.

However, Eyes of the Dragon does, I believe, take place in the same world as the Dark Tower.

[ September 23, 2004, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: Taalcon ]
Posted by JeffH (Member # 6880) on :
Slight spoiler!

The book is great. However, a lot of it, to me, seemed really sad. Fair warning.
Posted by the_Somalian (Member # 6688) on :
kidding, folks.
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
[Mad] I can't believe that Roland dies before reaching the tower. What complete BS.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :

You know, I've never cried while reading a book, but when Oy leaned over and said "Bye, Jake," me and the knot in my throat had to wrestle for a good while. Can't have that in an apartment full of guys.

Roland better sing all their names. He just better.

Not stoppin till this book is done, now.

[ September 24, 2004, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Book ]
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
So what do you guys think of the ending?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
What do I think of the ending?

Posted by Psycho Triad (Member # 3331) on :
Oh my...

It fits. It truly fits.
I almost expected it, in a way.

*wanders off to think more*
Must re-read the entire series now, i think.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I was encouraged to stop before the Coda but of course I couldn't LOL. I simply HAD to know what was at the top of the Tower. Now that I know, and looking back over the rest of the series, I do think it fits.

I couldn't possibly go back and re-read the whole series this soon, however, especially with what's revealed at the top.

Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I was pretty dissatisfied with it at first, but then I let it roll around in my head for two days and realized that the Roland I like is the questing, inhumanly stubborn Roland, so I feel better about it. I do wonder though: does that mean that the same things have happened repeatedly? Like, Jake and the Crimson King? Has he met/killed them repeatedly? Or does he do something different each time? I think it might be the latter, but the old ka-tet seemed so... fated. And did that ending seem to marginalize the struggle of the White and over the Rose and all of the good vs. evil thing?

Also, it seemed like none of the villains ever panned out. They all seemed pathetic. I especially wish that King had spent more time on the Crimson King, since he's been this meanacing figure on the outside of all of his works, and then he just seems... ridiculous.

I also wish that Mordred would have become something worthwhile. He, too, seemed to become pathetic after they left the birthing castle (I have no idea what the name was).
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Also, it seemed like none of the villains ever panned out. They all seemed pathetic. I especially wish that King had spent more time on the Crimson King, since he's been this meanacing figure on the outside of all of his works, and then he just seems... ridiculous.

Agreed. To be able to just erase him out of existence like that, after how much was made of him in SO many books.... that's just so wrong. I do have to admit I was quite happy to see Flagg get his. That whole Dandalo thing kind of upset me, too, I would have almost liked to have discovered that he was another of Flagg's personae and that somehow he'd survived Mordred... or that Mordred got someone else.

Another thing that upset me - all these characters that were strongly hinted at being a part of the core story and never showed up. Jack Sawyer, Speedy Parkus, Dennis and Thomas (from Eyes), the emphasis on talented children but no sign of Carrie or Charlie or Seth. And Patrick's part in the story seemed a gyp, too.

Ah well, tis as ka decreed.

Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
I just finished. I have been trying to draw It out a while because I am on bed rest but at the last quarter of it I had to just flat out go with it. I am both happy and sad about the whole thing. I was so crushed to see Eddie and Jake go down that I was pleased to see them find a happy ending, same for Suse, but I really wish Roland got a little more out of it. Don't get me wrong I think the end totally fits but I'd just like to see him get some joy that he is allowed to hold on to. And Oy is the greatest!

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