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Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Photoshop Phriday, season 2 premiers with a brand-spanking-new challenge and a much-hipper homepage look.

The new page can be seen here, in all its triadic glory.

For those of you unfamiliar with Hatrack P.P. , it's a contest open to anyone - photoshop whiz or good-humored hack - who wants to submit an entry. Each week, a new challenge is announced and entries are due by midnight on Thursday. (which is techinically midnight on Friday. You know - the midnight that comes right after Thursday.) It's technically a contest with no prizes except a lot of glory, but all entries are displayed for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Last season's page can be seen here, with apologies for the broken links. (stuff still works toward the bottom)

This week's challenge, due at midnight on September 17, is:

Truth in Advertising

What this entails is any commerical image - ad, packaging, etc. with an honest description of the product (I was inspired by this Something Awful event) rather than the marketing jargon we're so used to swallowing.

All submissions should be emailed as jpg or gif attachments to blueroosterdesign AT gmail DOT com , and please reduce the file size to something reasonable.

Any questions - call my production manager.

[ September 28, 2004, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Annie ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Holy flip, those propaganda posters are brilliant. So, have you ever used this one?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
No, but you have my full approval to link to it whenever necessary.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
And, a bump to announce the hot-off-the-presses

New Photoshop homepage!

Check it out, and then get to work!
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
You spelled friday wrong.
Posted by Zevlag (Member # 1405) on :
*kicks kaioshin*
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I hope you both know that when you enter this thread, you are obligated to make a submission.

This applies to you, too, anonymous reader.

This week's is really easy in the technological department - you just have to manipulate text on an existing product.
Posted by Zevlag (Member # 1405) on :
Annie, the technological department is where I do best. It's the creative side that is hard [Wink] I will try.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I'm so excited this is happening again!
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
You can still wow us with your mad tech skillz, Josh. That can make up for a good part of creativity. [Smile]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
You're new page is most enthralling. [Cool]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Grassy Ass.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
What? What's wrong with the hula girl thank you? [Wink]

*subtle bump* - we need some submissions!
Posted by Nato (Member # 1448) on :
Grassy Ass
My band teacher (back in middle school) once got really mad and yelled at some kids making noise outside the door, "Your ass is grass!"

We, in our middle school innocence, were shocked.

That said, I submitted a quickie.

Edit: I hope it meets the criteria well enough.

[ September 15, 2004, 02:59 AM: Message edited by: Nato ]
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
I shall try to come up with an idea to make into a badly manipulated image by Friday. [Smile]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I really really thought about entering this go-round even though I'm a novice at PhotoShop. I was going to find a Kerry/Edwards poster, and...uh... "modify" it....

But two things stopped me.

1) there practically isn't a Kerry/Edwards poster to be found anywhere in Republican territory of Kansas.

2) I didn't want to start a fight...

Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
But see, starting fights is what Hatrack does best! I bet you could find a poster online. Try a Google image search or the democrats' homepage.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Aw shucks, Annie! I did the Google search and found that somebody already beat me to it!

Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
My entry is sent. Hope you received it OK. [Smile]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
I'm working on something a little different, but I hope you enjoy it.

I have to have it in by midnight tomorrow night? What time zone?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I just say midnight so I can put it together Friday morning.

And so far I've gotten entries from Nato, Moon Rabbit and AFR. Thanks, guys! Many more to come, I hope [Smile]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
thanks for the bump

Keep sending them in!
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :

The entries I've received so far are...


Carry on.
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
Sending mine in now. I've never participated in this before =)
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
OK, kids, it's the moment we've all been waiting for:

Happy Phriday!

This season's first Photoshop Phriday is up and running and (if I may say so myself) very high-quality. We've also got a

New challenge up already for next week.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Oh man, those were incredibly cool.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I LOVE those Annie! I'll have to admit that the Atlantis one was my favorite, but every single one made me laugh so much that all my fellow co-workers came over to see them over my shoulder...

Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
"This is what the mugger sees"
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Annie -- I guess I'm just not creative enough -- but I don't understand next week's challenge:

animals you'd like to see added to the animal kingdom
I mean, if they are animals, they are already in the animal kingdom. [Confused] I'm lost.

Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Whoo Hoo!


[ September 17, 2004, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: advice for robots ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
*gasp* Those are very, very, very clever! Well done, everyone!!
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
AFR -- [Grumble]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
You know, I have to keep going back to MPH's entry -- every time I look at it again I see something I didn't before! That was just brilliant -- must have taken you forever to change all of that.

The link to Homestar, the "essay" titles, everything. That is great.

Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
The animal challenge means creating weird animals. Something like this, only probably not the same level of gruesomeness. (don't flip around to other pages if you like cats.)
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
It's a liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal.

[ September 17, 2004, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Ha... that's the seventh or eighth time I've looked at mph's page, and the first time I spotted the "sponsored links." [ROFL]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
It's bred for its skills and magic.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
MPH, oh my gosh, I didn't realize yours was a live webpage. Hats off. That was brilliant.

Annie, I am unworthy. MPH's entry was a labor of love. He should have won.
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
Bev and I had a fun time coming up with all the jokes to put on that page.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Those were all great, but My hat's off to you. You should email a link to it to the Cards.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I love that page. I've bookmarked a link to it - it's hilarious.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
You know, mph, I just today, without having seen your link to my page, changed my title to 'Eagle King of All I Survey'. So your link is right on the money. [Smile]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
I actually agonized on the descriptions of some of those forums. I had one that I thought was pretty funny, but I was afraid it might be offensive. [Dont Know]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
AFR, I definitely don't deserve to win -- this was a photoshop contest, after all. I actually was worried whether Annie would accept my entry at all. The only photoshop (actually gimp) work that I did was on the posing as people poster.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Five buck says that you toyed with using "Hatrack Spinoff" as a description of GreNME. I know *I* would have, but then maybe that's why I'm the evil one.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Well, hey, you got the People's Choice award anyway. [Smile]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
That was my thought too, Noemon. [Big Grin]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
[Big Grin]

Great minds...
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Yeah, I had a hard time picking a winner. Porter's is definitely the most painstakingly well done, but I also judge these at least 50% on technical photoshop skill.

So I'm all in favor of awarding Porter the Peoples' Choice. [Smile]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
All I can say is that layer blending modes are the bomb. [Smile]
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
gah! *squints eyes*

I can't see what's happening in the Hatrack Logo entry...what is Tailswapper doing?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
It was hard to make out, but I *think* that mack would approve.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
He's posting on Hatrack, from the looks of it.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Porter gets the "Alexei Nemov" award for wowwing us with something that wasn't quite what the judges were looking for. Though AFR's was awesome.

I have to say I have a lot less regard for your protestations of modesty over the glacial lake photo after reading your version of OSC reviewing pornzines [Razz] . Can't really say why, it's just funny.

Oh, and the "cheap" hair and makeup thing.... I caught a glimpse of "Ambush makeover" the other day, and they took a lady who looked like a good candidate to be a school principle or a state legistator and turned her into someone I would be afraid to hire to mow my lawn.

I really wanted to enter this week, but I've been so busy being dead in the mafia game and procrastinating packing for our trip to Phoenix. That really takes it out of you. Maybe I'll come up with something for next week.

Could anyone explain to a old-ish person such as myself how to grab an image off the internet? I know how to use photoshop sort of.

[ September 17, 2004, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: pooka ]
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
I just did a search for Alexei Nemov, and all I could figure out is that he's a gymnist that lots of women think is hot.

Could you explain it to me, pooka?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Porter gets the "Alexei Nemov" award for wowwing us with something that wasn't quite what the judges were looking for.
With that description, I would have called it the William Hung award.....

Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
Yet another person that I am unfamiliar with. What are you people saying about me? [Angst]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
William Hung, mph, was an Asian guy that tried out in the auditions of American Idol. He sang "She Bang" in his own rendition, with a heavy accent, and it was SO bad that watchers were rolling on the floor with laughter. The judges almost couldn't make it through..

This, of course, made William Hung a superstar. He was so bad that people loved him. He appeared on talk shows -- the mp3 of his performance was widespread across the internet, etc. Now he has his own album and everything -- quit a cult following.

Not unlike the popularity of Rocky Horror Picture Show after it's initial flop.


edit: This is not to say you are a flop!! oh dear! No -- it just wasn't exactly what the judges had in mind, but the people loved it...

[ September 17, 2004, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
<--used Paint Shop Pro 7.

<--Doesn't know squat about what he was doing.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
<--- Used Paint Shop Pro 6
<--- Knew less than squat.
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
<-- used The Gimp, IrfanView, and vi editor
Posted by AmkaProblemka (Member # 6495) on :
I had one! And I forgot to send it. Oh well. Maybe this week.
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
<-- it was my first piece for a photoshop phriday.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Same here!
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Alexei Nemov is a Russian gymnast who at the Athens games went third in the high bar event finals. The two guys before him had solid routines with the required number of release moves, like 2.

Then Alexei goes and does about 6 release moves and the crowd is going wild for him. The crowd is already pretty emotional because a Greek had just won a gold medal on the rings event. When his score comes up, he is like in third place. The crowd proceeds to jeer, whistle and boo the judges until some kind of big wig comes over and makes the judges reconsider a couple of their scores. It actually didn't change the rankings, so the racket started up again and didn't really stop all the way through the next routine, which was Paul Hamm who at least had 3 release moves. Unfortunately, he scored higher and the crowd did not like that.

This is different from the all-around competition that the Koreans kept protesting.
Posted by MoonRabbit (Member # 3652) on :
It's probably good that Annie didn't include my final entry.
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
I meant to do one for this week... I promise. Perhaps I'll have one for next week in time. >_>
Posted by miles_per_hour (Member # 6451) on :
I have to say that I like pooka's award more than Farmgirl's.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Understandably....... [Wink]

Yes, now that I know more about the one she referenced, I believe it is a better fit.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*wail* Annie, I can't see any of your babylonia pages! Whyfor not?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I don't know. I think the server is having issues - it's actually Hobbes's webspace so I'll ask him if he knows anything.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
I can't access them either [Confused] [Frown] [Cry]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
The page is back up and running now, at least for me.

Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Sorry about that, not sure what actually happened, I found I could access it through SCP protocals (and sftp), and through ssh actually, but for some reason html wasn't working. [Dont Know] Well it's back up, so good for that, but I'm afriad I have no clue as to why it wasn't always up.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Bumpity bump bump...

You've got the rest of today to work on an entry!
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :

OMG Mr_porteiro_head, your entry from last week is AMAZING!!!!!

Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Yes, yes, very nice... amazing.... but I need entries for this week!
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
OK, I've got all of today's entries but I have to go to school early so I won't be able to get them up until this afternoon.

So, anticipate all day.... [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Sorry about the wait, but now they're up!

This week's animal freaks can be seen here.

Thanks to everyone who participated!
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
The link doesn't work [Cry]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Oh, man! It worked earlier. I wonder if the server's down again.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
We're probably maxing out bandwidth when we all go running to see the entries. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Annie, I'm sitting with mucho unused bandwidth. Do you want some of it? I could set you up with a subdomain on
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I don't think it's bandwidth - Hobbes is the one with the web space we're using and he tells me it's virtually unlimited. I think the server's just down.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
It's working!!!

I *love* Amka's entry! [Big Grin]

*wishes for Photoshop* Maybe there's a lab somewhere on campus...

[ September 25, 2004, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: sarcasticmuppet ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
And we're back in action! [Smile]
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Good Lord, Annie. No wonder your site takes so long to load on my system. Your title image is 45kb! Seriously, thassa bad web design, Mario. Use a gif with a limited pallete and compress it a bit. Sheesh. [Razz]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
But then it doesn't look as cool. [Razz] Gifs are for people who design websites for banks.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Annie -- your entry is great -- technically speaking especially. I have limited experience with PhotoShop, but what you did was difficult -- the lighting is right, you continue the tack (probably from the original horse in the photo) on around the chicken, etc. Lots of detail there! I'm impressed!

You can't win your own contest?

Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
You obviously aren't very good with gifs then. At least compress the jpeg a little... or use some css... something other than that rediculously huge image.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I'm not going to spend hours on the Photoshop site - I threw it together and it's going to stay that way. Sorry.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Ah, I can see how my tone was harsh. Sorry, Annie. I was only teasing by being overly picky.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
Wow not many people entered. [Confused]
I wish I could have found a better un-pixelated picture for my entry.
[Dont Know] oh well.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Annie's entry reminded me of Chicken Boo.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Moon Rabbit's entry (Sumatran Satellite Cat) made everyone at my house immediately think of the character "Batty" in the animated movie Ferngully (if you remember that)

Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
I keep having issues with some of the images loading completely, but others stay blurry or only load partway (so the top of the image is clear, but the resolution diminishes as you go down the image). Anyone else having this problem?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Try right-clicking on the images and choosing "open image in new window"
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
So how does one post an photoshopped entry?
Here's a penguin-dolphin hybrid I did last week:

I also have a whole mess of critters at the b3ta zoo
(mine are Here )

I'm gonna like it here [Big Grin]

[ September 28, 2004, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Brian_Berlin ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Those are great Brian [Hail] kermit krab

So next week is cafeteria nightmares, eh?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
OK, folks - let's get a few more cafeteria nightmares submitted.... you've got all day!
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
*would love to participate, but doesn't have Photoshop, or the money to buy it* [Cry]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Brian, I love your Yertle and the Kermit Crab! [Big Grin]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
OK, I'm going to wait to put the pages up until this afternoon and so I can still take some last-minute submissions! The ones I have are great, but I'd like to have more than two artists represented. [Smile]

This means that YOU should do a really quick submission NOW.

blueroosterdesign [at] gmail [dot] com
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
>>Belle said>>Brian, I love your Yertle and the Kermit Crab!

Awe... thanks! Yoda is always fun to photoshop!

I was going to post a link to all of my 'shopped images... but I don't want to do it before Annie concludes the current challenge.

But if any of you are savvy enough to figure out where my photos are hosted, the guest password is opensesame

I think they're PG13 at their worst. I post a lot of photoshopping at btw

Now everyone go out and photoshop a cafeteria nightmare!!!

[ October 01, 2004, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Brian_Berlin ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Yes, everyone meaning everyone. Now! What, like you were going to get your work done anyway?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
OK, fine, don't send in anymore. The ones we have are fabulous enough.

Here they are - your worst cafeteria nightmares come true!
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
no McFetus?
(just kidding - I wish I could wipe it from my mind too)
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
No McFetus. [Smile] I get to be the content dictator.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Heh Heh heh. I loved the hairnet. That drumstick was absolutely disgusting. I can't believe I forgot. Feel free to nag me. What's next week?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Next week is "celebrities undercover," which is basically any celebrity in any context you'd like to put him in. Sort of akin to last year's "secret life of rock stars."
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
oh my god. that rat is THE grossest thing I have ever seen!

Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I can;t believe I have never come into this thread! You guys are good!

(But just a tad on the sicko side) (joke)
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
[Frown] The link's not working for me.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
A'ight! My entries are in!

What's up with your server?
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
Yeah.. I can't get on either [Cry]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Sorry about this guys, I'm not sure what's going on right now. Normally about twice a year the server has major issues, I guess this is one of those times. It's my old high school's server, when I graduated I asked for my account to be left open, and it was, and has been. It was designed so that everyone at the high school could host their own, small website on it, but of course almost no one does, so I have a ton of space, as well as the school's connection, which is very fasst provided it's not durring school hours. The unfortunate side effect is that it's also a school computer, or in other words, old. [Frown] I'm afraid there's not a thing I can do about these down times.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Brian_Berlin (Member # 6900) on :
need a temporary host for this week? if so, compile the entries and I'll put it up this time on my server.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Sorry about the issues, guys - I haven't had time to get the pages together. I got a bit swamped with stuff today. I'll try to get them up and running tomorrow, and Brian - I'll get ahold of you if I need to find a hosting alternative.

Thanks for your patience!

And meanwhile, anyone who still wants to submit, feel free.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
(bump again)
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Yeah, I'm a little strapped for time, but I'll get it up as soon as I can.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
It's cool, just making sure people know that they can still turn in entries....

[ October 11, 2004, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: unicornwhisperer ]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :

I miss this. I know Annie has been too busy to do this anymore, but I really liked this weekly contest (as a spectator)

Posted by eslaine (Member # 5433) on :
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
(BUMP) I miss this a lot too. It would be an awesome Christmas present if Annie got this up and running again. [Smile]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Annie still has a lot of work, maybe after next week. Or maybe next week too, I'm not sure exactly how much she's facing.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I still have to write a 20-page paper in French, finish a design project and take an oral exam. Also, there is currently no existing webspace for the contest.

I'll get it back up when I can. [Smile]
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I miss this thread quite a bit, Annie.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I miss it too. My semester had me really swamped last fall, and now I'm living at home with nothing but a dialup connection, and I don't think I'll be able to coordinate it again any time soon.

If anyone else would like to take over, I'd be more than happy to send them the page designs and past entries.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I'm still looking for a job or I'd volunteer.
Posted by Judas (Member # 7355) on :
If you like Photoshop Phridays! You should check out the Poem Pot Phridays thread which will be having it's first go tomorrow!

(All bumps of the casual sort are appreciated until the day that is tomorrow, so it doesn't have a premature death)

Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
:pout: :pout:....murmur...whine

[Big Grin]
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
...wait a minute... I have an idea!!


[ May 02, 2005, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: unicornwhisperer ]

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