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Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Don't you hate when this happens? It happens to me a lot! I think I'm calling someone, and I call a different number, and then I feel like an idiot asking for someone who doesn't live there (especially since at the number that I do dial, they know me).

My mom just called my cellphone from the other room by mistake, thinking that she was calling my dad. It was really funny. But it's usually a lot more embarrassing than that.

I was just curious, any funny stories?
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
My own dad did it to me when I was a teenager. I lived in the same phone exchange as my aunt (my dad's sister). So the first three digits are the same. Then on the last four digits, hers was 1225, and mine was 1212 (fairly close). He was probably very used to dialing both number fairly regularly.

Anyway, one night I picked up the phone and said Hello, and he said, "uhmmm.... is Ida there?" I recognized the voice immediately as my dad, (but apparently he didn't recognizing me because he THOUGHT he had dialed her), and I said "Noo...." thinking he was trying to joke around. He got all flustered and said, "oh, I'm sorry, I must have dialed a wrong number..." and I said, "DADDY! It's ME!!" And started laughing. He finally figured it out.

I teased him about it for weeks -- that he didn't recognize me.

Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :

That's really funny. At least my mom recognized my voice when she called me!
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
My relatives call me all the time asking for my mom, my Aunt Fable, and my mother-in-law.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
Whenever I have to call large groups of friends I always forget who I call. So I end up saying hello, and then a long pause, usually until my friend's mom on the other end recognizes my voice and asks if I'd like to speak to her daughter. [Embarrassed]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Back in high school I had a big fight with my girlfriend that ended with both of us hanging up in a huff. Moments later I (the spineless man that I was [Wink] ) called her right back and launched into a lengthy and heartfelt apology which received a reply of, "Umm... I think you want to talk to my sister."

Oh yeah. That won me tons of brownie points.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
If I miss some of the numbers in my phone number, I end up phoning the emergency services! I've never done it, because I've heard stories of other people explaining everything was alright and it was a wrong number only to have the services call back to find out if everything is really alright!

[ September 02, 2004, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
[ROFL] @ Bob
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
our neighbor's across the street's number is one digit off of ours (9175 and 9174), once I was out of town, and was calling my dad but I dialed the wrong number, had a few minute conversation with the neighbor, thinking he was my dad till he said "sarah I don't have any daughter's" It was really funny but sad.
Posted by Matthew (Member # 54) on :
My number is very similar to the local sheet metal place. Every so often I get messages with people asking about their orders or needing to get some metal.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Yeah, my neighbor's (in Bloomington) number is similar to the Malibu Grill, and she keeps getting calls from people wanting to make reservations... she said that usually she picks up the phone, and answers as a worker at the Grill, and places the reservation and everything... the poor customers, I wonder if they ever figured out why their table wasn't reserved once they got to the restaurant!

This girl is just a little wacky. Ok, more than a little.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :

Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Anyone who calls our house thinks I'm my mother. It's awful when it's family, but fun when it's my sister. That way, I get to set her curfew. [Big Grin]
Posted by Happy Camper (Member # 5076) on :
Back when I was a freshman in college, the last four digits of my phone number just happened to be the same as the frequency of one of the local radio stations. And to dial around to other student numbers you just had to dial the last 5 digits. Suffice it to say, we got a lot of middle of the night calls requesting songs. Guess people didn't realize that the station wasn't a student number.
Posted by Danzig avoiding landmarks (Member # 6792) on :
I rarely dial the wrong number anymore, because I use my cell phone and select the appropriate name. I did witness my friend call our other friend's mom, rather than our friend, and leave a message. That was bad for them, but funny for me as I was not involved.

I do not understand why people "drunk dial". Do they not realize they will probably regret it the next morning?
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
The worst "dialing the wrong number" story I know happened to my father. He was in Washington, D.C. on a school trip with my little brother. My brother got hurt (he fell off the Einstein statue, I think), and I don't remember exactly what he did to himself, but he ended up in the emergency room. It wasn't at all life-threating--a sprain or break or something like that. My mother, however, is the champion worrier of the world, so my dad decided he would call her AFTER they figured out what Jeff's medical situation was. He needed to get the phone number for insurance purposes, though, so he got to the phone and MEANT to dial his office.

Instead, he dialed home, accidentally. My mother answered the phone, "Hello." My father replied, "Oh, sh*t." Of course, my mother recognized his voice, and said, "WHAT??!! WHAT'S WRONG??!!" At which point my father was forced to explain that they were in the hospital for Jeff, and ...well, you get the idea. My mother proceeded to freak out. Never have I seen a misdialed number with such drastic emotional consequences! (well, I can imagine worse, but that's the worst one I know personally.)
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I'd be more worried if anyone dialed the wrong number on purpose.

When I was a teenager, my parents gave me my own phone line. My number was just one number off from the local Harley Davidson shop, and I got a lot of people calling for them. It was quite annoying.

Sometimes I answer the phone in the Japanese way, saying "Moshi-moshi." I'll always wish that at least one of those times, it would have been someone calling for the Harley shop. I would have savored the delicious panic in their voice as they asked if it was the Harley shop. Then I would have given a lenghty explanation in a Japanese accent about how Harley Davidson went out of business and had to sell to Mitsubishi or something. Man, that would have been fun. Evil. But fun. [Evil]
Posted by Mabus (Member # 6320) on :
I don't call wrong numbers often, but I had a strange experience receiving a wrong-number call.

As night maintenance, I'm one of a tiny handful of people who can bring their cell phone with them on the job at Cracker Barrel. However, the only use I have for it would be in an emergency where I couldn't get to the store phone, so when I bring it I usually leave it lying around. One night I took a look at the missed calls menu and discovered someone had tried to call my phone at 1 AM or something like that. I was afraid that one of my family members (of whom several have new cell phones, and I don't know all the numbers) had tried to call me due to an emergency and couldn't reach me.

So I tried several times over the next day or so to reach whoever it was before finally catching the person at home. It was, of course, a wrong number. Who the heck was the guy calling at 1 AM?
Posted by Zamphyr (Member # 6213) on :
I don't think I've every misdialed.

As for receiving misdialed calls
Try living in a predominantly Spanish speaking neighborhood where the local information gives out your number as the county jail (mine was actually 1 number off: 773 not 733). ps- me no hablo espanol [Wink]

Every Friday night, at least 3 calls looking for relatives to bail out.

Caller : "You tell me how much Juan's bail?"
Me : "I'm sorry ma'am, this is not jail, it's my apt."
Caller : "Can you transfer me then ?"
Me : "No, its my apartment, a private residence."
Caller : "I no care if it not yo'r dept., where's Juan ? I need to get Juan!!"

One of the more intelligible Fridays....

but the rent was cheap [Evil]
Posted by Risuena (Member # 2924) on :
After sending out applications, I had to call a couple grad schools to make sure they got all of my application. One particular school I called, I let it ring until I got voice mail. The message was, "Hi. I'm not here right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you... Maybe."

Even though I got the same message after double-checking and calling back, I choose to believe I misdialed and got some kid's dorm room twice. And I started emailing the admissions office...
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
My little brother always has er, interesting voicemail messages. I'm always left wondering if I really had the right number even if it is in my speed dial phone book.

The one that had me the most confused was when there wasn't really a normal message, didn't say who you had reached or anything. He recorded, a bit from that movie with Tom Cruise as the lawyer prosecuting the Code Red where the guy died at Guantanamo (can't remember the stupid name at the moment) but the bit he had on the phone was a random bit Jack Nicholson saying "Cononel Nathan R. Jessup reporting for duty." and then there was the beep. I knew I'd heard the line before, but it was so out of context I was wondering if the phone could possibly be my brothers!

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
I used to get calls alot for "China Express" and we got tired of being honest. We just started taking orders and hanging up.

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